7:12pm Feb 8 2011
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"The silver and gold dragons shall leave at sunset. Step forward, prophetic ones," Conner said. Felle hesitated, but stepped forward. She looked down, not wanting to know how many people were staring at her. That's what people had done all of her life; they stared and whispered to eachother. She felt insecure. But she was going to get through this. She already had a reputation for being tough. She wasn't going to break that reputation now.
Love is all we need~
11:00pm Feb 9 2011
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((just wondering but where are they exactly?))
9:41am Feb 10 2011
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((Currently, they are in the backwoods of Minnesota.))
Love is all we need~
8:05pm Feb 10 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Age: (Must be fourteen, due to the plotline.) Gender: Looks: <center><img src="http://dreamself.me/profile/b2BA.png" /> <br /> <b> www.dreamself.me </b></center> Dragon Looks: Personality: History: Power: (Only one for now. You may develop more throughout the rp.) Other: Name: Age: (Must be fourteen, due to the plotline.) Gender: Looks:
 Dragon Looks: Personality: History: Power: (Only one for now. You may develop more throughout the rp.) Other: ((Will finish later. My turn's up and I'm getting yelled at to get in the shower. ;c))
3:01pm Feb 13 2011
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Natsu stood a few feet from the gathered crowd. They were waiting for him. He looked up at the front of the crowd where a girl was standing. That must be the silver dragon. I so don't want to go up there. Natsu felt Tawny's hands on his back. "Hey what are you do-." Natsu was shoved forward into the view of everyone. "Tawny!" Natsu squeked. He looked back at Tawny and saw her coming over to him. "Sorry." She whispered. Mikael spotted Sorin and Tawny over at the edge of the crowd. He went over to them and snatched Sorin's arm. "Where has he been?" He muttered to Tawny as he headed to the front of the crowd. "Reading by a river a mile away. In a tree." She replied. Mikael frowned then looked at Sorin. "Sorin." He growled. Natsu looked at him. "Sorry." He muttered. Mikael sighed as they got to the front of the crowd. "I'm just glad you made it." He shoved Natsu. Natsu looked at the girl and freed his arm from Mikael's grip. Natsu walked over to girl but stood about five feet from her. He looked at the people gathered in front of them and saw somestaring at the girl like they stared at him. I geuss she was treated the same as me.Natsu looked at the girl and smiled. It was a small smile and kind of pathetic but he was trying his best.

3:10pm Feb 13 2011
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Felle looked up and nodded towards Sorin. "You must be the gold dragon," she whispered. Conner resumed his speech. He walked up to the two of them. "Fly away to lands afar. Stop the war in its tracks," Conner said. He ruffled Felle's snow white hair and whispered in her ear. "Be careful." Felle nodded and began transforming into her dragon form. Her clothes ripped and shredded and fell to the ground. She didn't care. She had clothes stored up in a hiding spot of hers. Of course, those clothes were miles away, so she would have to fly a while to get them. She was fully transformed now. Her scales sparkled a magnificent silver and her eyes were the deepest of blues. She looked at Sorin and waited for him to transform. She had done her transformation rather quickly.
Love is all we need~
3:26pm Feb 13 2011
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Natus didn't particularly like to transform in front of others. He groaned and quickly transformed. Clothing ripped away as he grew. His scales covered most of his body except where the plates grew. His horns sprouted from his head and the spikes along his neck, back and tail grew. He groaned once again when he was done. He looked at the crwod in front of him. Tawny was dissapearing into the woods. He knew she was also changing. Tawny told him that she was going to follow them. She wanted to help him as much as she could. Looking around he spotted Mikael and his mate looking at him smiling. He looked away and peered at the silver dragon. "Shall we go?" He asked her. Tawny had gone off to transform. Except she had removed her clothing first. She really like the outfit she was wearing and didn't want to damage it. She quickly changed and snatched her back-pack full of clothes into her mouth. She hurried to a spot where she could take off once she spotted Natsu. She sat there and started to concentrate on her power. It was very tricky to turn an ob ject she was holding invisable as well as herself.

3:29pm Feb 13 2011
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Felle nodded and jumped into the sky. She flapped her wings, the dim sunlight reflecting off of them. She hovered in air and waited for Sorin to follow her. They would have introductions to do. She didn't even know his name. ((Oh gosh. Failness.))
Love is all we need~
3:41pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Natus leaped into the air and flapped his large wings and took off after the silver dragon. It's probably best that I introduce myself but.... I'm not so good at this kind of stuff. He groaned. He looked over and saw Tawny flying after them. She was invisable but he learned how to spot her when she was. There's always a slight distortion around her so for him she was easy to spot. Tawny had taken off and noticed that Natsu had already seen her. He didn't try to stop her so she thought it was okay to be following. She looked over at the silver dragon. She's fairly pretty but I doubt just that would attract Natsu. It seems this prophecy will take a long time to come true if it meens Natsu must fall nito true love. Natsu is extremely shy and hard to be around. Well except me. I don't have any problems with being around him. Tawny silently sighed and continued to follow them.
3:47pm Feb 13 2011
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Felle picked up on Sorin's thoughts, and Tawny's. "It seems that we have a follower," she said, looking straight forward. "By the way, my name is Felle." She turned around, trying to find the follower. But she didn't see anything. "Hm? I guess not." I could've sworn that I heard someone else's thoughts...
Love is all we need~
3:57pm Feb 13 2011
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Natsu looked at Felle. "Um nice to meet you. I-I'm Sorin Natsu. Please call me Natsu." He noticed that she was looking around the area where Tawny was flying. "Wait you can see her?" He said astonished. Can she Tawny? She looks confused. Maybe she can't see her? Tawny was worried. The silver draogn was looking almost right at her. Can she see me? No I don't think so. But it doesn't matter seeing how Natsu just gave me away. Still invisable she flew over to the side of Natsu. "Thanks!" She yelled at her brother. "You had to give me away." She groaned. "Well then I geuss I should leave." She said mad. Natsu looked at Tawny with a sad ex pression on his face. Tawny goaned and said, "Fine I'll stay."
4:02pm Feb 13 2011
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"Nice to meet you, Natsu." Felle looked forward, not looking at either one of them. She was listening in on their thoughts. She immediately felt guilty. "You might want to guard your mind. It would be a wise thing to do." She looked at Tawny out of the corner of her eye. "So you must be Tawny, huh? And by your thoughts, you apparently have a telepathic bond. Those are rare."
Love is all we need~
4:07pm Feb 13 2011
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"Telepathic bond?" Both of them said at the same time. They looked at each other. Natsu said, "What's that?" Tawny looked around and saw that they were far enough away to show herself. Letting her power go she appeared. "That feels better. Being invisable always gives me a headache. Especially if I'm turning something with me invisable." She sighed and looked at Felle. She said, "Yeah what is a telepathic bond?"
4:11pm Feb 13 2011
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"A telepathic bond is when you can hear someone else's thoughts. You speak to eachother through your mind. However, I am a mind reader. I have no telepathic bonds, but I can hear everything that you're thinking." Felle looked at Tawny and Natsu. "So you can turn things invisible? Impressive."
Love is all we need~
4:17pm Feb 13 2011
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Tawny gave a toothy grin and said, "Yeah but I'm still working on it thoguh." Natsu grumbled, "Well at least you have one." Tawny flew over to Felle's side and said, "Ignore him. He's still mad that he hasn't discovered his power yet." Tawny looked around and said, "Where are we going exactly?" ((Fail))
4:27pm Feb 13 2011
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"We're going to go to Branson, Missouri. I have a clothes stash not too far from there. And, so does my dad. So Natsu will have clothes too." Felle flapped her wings and looked back at Natsu. "So he hasn't figured out what his is, yet, huh? Don't worry. It'll come to you in time." She smiled. "At the rate that we are flying, we should be near my clothes stash in about an hour." She looked down at the trees below them. "Never mind. We should be there in about thirty to fourty five minutes."
Love is all we need~
4:36pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Natsu grunted. Tawny said, "So it's ok to be with you two? Because the prophecy or whatever said you two had to be alone." Tawny was fairly worried about this but she didn't want to leave Natsu. She looked at Natsu who wasn't really paying attention to her or Felle. Then agian the prophecy may never come true because of his stuburness. Tawny sighed and said, "It's going to take you forever to make him like you in slightest." She looked at Felle and smiled. I don't have to worry about him liking me because he already does. Well as an obnoxious younger sibling who isn't even related to him. It's probably a good thing I remembered to put a barrier around my mind like Felle said. Well I think I did.
4:41pm Feb 13 2011
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"I'm sure that you'll be fine coming with us. Maybe it'll help. And as for the problem of getting him to like me, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," Felle said, not the least bit worried. "The prophecy will come true. If we fell from the sky, then it has to come true." She looked at her wing. "Here we are," she said, slanting downwards towards the forest below them. She landed near a tree and looked into the stump of it. There was a plastic bin filled with clothes. She picked it up in her mouth and opened it. "Here are the clothes." She grabbed some clothes from the bin and went behind the tree. She changed back into her human form and slipped the clothes on. She came out from behind the tree and ran a hand through her long white hair.
Love is all we need~
4:52pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Natsu landed and went over to the bag. He grabbed some clothes and went behind a tree and changed into his human form. He quickly put some clothes on. He came out from behind the tree clothed and went over to Tawny who was already done. Tawny smiled as she put on her favorite pair of cat ear handband. They were black and white. "Do you like them?" She asked Natsu. He replied, "Yes." Tawny grinned as she pulled a book out of her backpack. Natsu smiled and took the book. "Thanks." Tawny turned and looked at Felle and said, "If you ever want to make him happy get him a book."
4:55pm Feb 13 2011
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"Thanks for the advice, Tawny." Felle looked at the sky. It was dark now. "Just south of here is Branson. If we walk a mile through the woods, we should be there in no more than fifteen minutes." She looked at Tawny and Natsu. "Well, at least the clothes fit everyone fine. C'mon." She began walking through the woods, occasionally using a tree to steady herself.
Love is all we need~