This Isn't Your Normal Pokeomn Rp c:

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5:20pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 616
((Mega I was trying to to your character last post...))

The blonde girl walked past Allora like she didn't even exist.

"Okay..." said Allora, and she turned to follow this trainer that she had such a prophetic feeling about. Flicker and Glitter followed close behind as she sprinted after her.

"Wait up!" she called. She followed until they ended up in a little clearing in the forest.

"Okay Midnight, let's get your ready!" she said to the little fox pokemon. Allora pulled out her pokedex, and discovered that the pokemon was a rare dark pokemon called zorua.

Standing behind them, Allora watched as the Zorua bounced out in front of its trainer into the grass dotted with glacida flowers. Before the two could begin to train, Allora interrupted them:

"I saw you leaving the contest hall... did you enter tonight's event?" she asked. Glitter leaped into her arms as she waited for a response.


6:03pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( Oh, sorry about that ))

Oh yeah, I did. Sorry I didn't notice you before. That's an Eevee, right?

Jade pulled out her pokedex, and Midnight patiently waited. After she was done, Midnight smiled and jumped out of Jade's arms. Midnight did a little flip and turned into a human girl. the girl smiled and shook hands with the new person, then turned back into Midnight and jumped into Jade's arms.

Jade sighed and scratched Midnight behind the ears. The Zorua purred and rolled onto her back in pure delight.

Please excuse Midnight. She's quite the little joker. My name is Jade. Would you like to see some of our moves?

Jade gave the girl a smile. She held out her hand while trying to balance Midnight in her arms. The pokemon growled in discontent and perched herself on Jade's arms. Jade just sighed and ignored her.


8:07pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 895
[[Wil there be any romance?]]

Name: Vega Nightingale

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: Vega has black hair, with red streaks in it. He wears a jacket and  dark blue jeans. 

Personality: Vega is pretty shy. He prefers not to talk to strangers, and only sometimes speaks to them. He's very protective of his friends and pokemon, though. 

Starter Pokemon, Gender, Moves, Whether it is Shiny or not, and Nickname (if there is one): Feebas, Female, Hypnosis, Mirror Coat,Scald and Blizzard, Shiny and will have a Nickname when she evolves.Feebas doesn't know how to use many of these moves, so she isn't very powerful. 

Your Occupation: Writer

History: N/A


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8:15pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( Yes, there will likely be romance. ))


10:19pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 616
Still a little stunned by the transformation of the zorua (Midnight) into a little girl, Allora could only bl
ink at the question. A nudge from Flicker brought her back to reality.

She shook her head quickly to unclutter her thoughts. She shook Jade's hand and smiled. "I'd love to see what your zorua can do! My name's Allora, by the way. I'm a pokemon stylist, and a model." At this moment, Allora was glad she had dressed well. Her pink sparkly flats went perfectly with her black and pink polka-dotted shirt and black min skirt. The silver and pink Louis Vuitton bag tied it all together. She stood taller as she mentioned the modeling career, her vanity showing through.

It was never shocking to Allora that she was attractive. She had always had a great form, and an amazing sense of fashion. Showing off what she had was just part of her personality, even if it was her body. She was vain about her looks, and initially always seemed to come off as self-centered. But, she had the kindest most selfless heart, once you knew her.

The girl standing in front of her had a natural beauty that was impossible to ignore to Allora's aesthetically sensitive eyes. She immediately could see several outfits that would look absolutely gorgeous on her, and matching ones for her zorua. The little pokemon's black glossy fur would go well with anything! With a little makeup, why, this girl would be the star of the show. The fashion princess smiled inwardly.

Glitter strained in Allora's arms to sniff Midnight. Suppressing a smile, Allora held Glitter up to the black fox pokemon and the two sniffed noses. Both girls laughed.

"This is Glitter, and this one on the ground," she said gesturing to her new vulpix, "is Flicker. Now, when you say you want to show me some moves, are you talking battle?" Allora grinned mischievously. Glitter bounced out of her arms onto the grass, looking at Jade expectantly.

The sunlight was receding rapidly, and it would be dark soon. The glacida flowers were beginning to take on a slight glow, but neither girl seemed to notice.


8:45am Nov 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 721
((You girls write too much...Anyways I cant continue without gab so I'll try and get a hold of him))


12:46pm Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( It's just the way we rp. I don't really care how lit people are, so I hold rps for people with varying degrees of literacy. That's why it's okay if we write paragraphs, and you write sentences. ))

Jade looked at Allora, then at Glitter, then at Midnight. No matter what the little pokemon said, Jade could tell she was tired. A full blown battle wouldn't be good. Maybe she could find a wild pokemon to battle...

Just then, something crawled in the bushes. Midnight growled, and Jade turned to see a wild shaymin. It was obvious it was looking for the glacida flowers that were in this field. This would be the perfect opportunity to get another pokemon for her contest.

Jade had always wanted a shaymin when she was little, and she knew they responded better to kind, gentle words than battle. She knew just what to do to get the shaymin to come with her without harming it.

She whispered to midnight to pick all the glacida flowers before the little pokemon could get to them, and then bring them back. The zorua obeyed without question, and soon every glacida flower within one hundred yards was in Jade's possession.

Shaymin, come here.

She wafted the glacida flowers, and the shaymin saw them. It crawled over to Jade, and she put the flowers behind her back. The shaymin sniffed at her and tried to crawl around her, but Jade picked her up and set her in her lap. The shaymin seemed a little confused, but completely unworried.


Jade ran her hand through the shaymins fur.

There there, don't worry. Would you like to travel with me?

The shaymin gave her a confused look and tried to scramble for the flowers. Its stubby little legs kept it from moving on Jade's skirt.

I won't hurt you, I promise. You can have all the glacida flowers you would like if you travel with me.

This seemed to excite the shaymin. It looked at her and nodded. Jade pulled out a pokeball and opened it. The shaymin closed its eyes and let the pokeball take it in. Jade watched intently as it clicked in her hand. One, Two, Three, Click!

Welcome to my party Lilly. Come on out!

The shaymin popped out of its pokeball, and Jade put some glacida flowers in front of it. It nudged them, and a wonderful transformation occurred. Lilly transformed into her sky form, and flew up to Jade's face, smiling. She landed on Jade's head and looked down at her. Jade picked her up off her head and returned her to her pokeball.

Sorry about that Allora, I always wanted a shaymin. When I said moves, I was more talking about contest moves, Midnight is a little too tired for a battle. I'll battle you tomorrow though!

(( Lilly's moves are as follows: Normal form~Magical Leaf, Energy Ball, Seed Flare, and Synthesis.
Sky form~Air Slash, Leaf Storm, Quick Attack, and Energy Ball ))


1:38pm Nov 18 2012 (last edited on 1:38pm Nov 18 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 616
Allora watched in awe as Jade simply convinced the wandering legendary pokemon to join her party. Without a battle or anything!

That's amazing, she thought, and watched as the shaymin changed to sky form with the help of the glacida flowers. She befriends pokemon so quickly...

"Sorry about that Allora, I always wanted a shaymin. When I said
moves, I was more talking about contest moves, Midnight is a little too
tired for a battle. I'll battle you tomorrow though!" Jade picked up Midnight and passed Allora, headed back to town. Allora turned and walked beside her, Flicker and Glitter at her heels.

"This might seem pretty sudden..." she began, "but I'm a new designer in this region. I'm pretty well known in Kanto, but my name is hardly out there in Sinnoh. In order for me to get well known... I have to sponsor someone who participates in contests. Hopefully someone who wins." Allora looked down at her hands, embarassed.

Glitter nudged her face with her nose and whimpered. After a few more moments of silence, Allora got up the courage to continue.

"So... if you don't mind... could I sponsor you?" she asked, hopeful. "There are many benefits to being sponsored by a designer... and the only thing you have to do is mention my name in interviews, and let my put my signature on any photo's you get taken involving my outfits and move designs." Now she was rambling desperately. "It wouldn't be any cost to you at all. Oh please!"


1:49pm Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 4,754
Jade thought for a minute and looked at her. She smiled and laughed.

You could have just asked. I don't need some lengthy reason, you seem nice enough. And, don't worry about the winning thing. Midnight and I have that covered, don't we girl?

The Zorua nudged Jade in the face, and Jade stroked her fur. Lilly got jealous of all the attention Midnight was getting, so she hopped onto Jade's chest and stared at her, pushing Midnight out of Jade's arms. Midnight scrambled from where she had fallen and jumped back onto Jade. Jade toppled over from the weight of the squabbling pokemon and just sat on the ground rubbing her head, laughing at the two pokemon fighting over her.

Oh come on guys, be mature! There is plenty of me to go around.

The two realized what they were doing and sheepishly looked at the ground. Jade scooped them up off the ground and carried them both, the extra weight of the shaymin making her load extremely heavy.

Come on, I need to get these to settled in. Are you checked into the pokemon center already or do you still need to? I'm spending the night in a huge room, and you could stay with me if you'd like. It would save you some money.


2:04pm Nov 18 2012 (last edited on 2:05pm Nov 18 2012)

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Posts: 616
Allora had completely forgotten to get a room for the night at the pokemon center, so she was relieved when Jade offered to let her stay the night.

She laughed as her two pokemon fought over her attention as they walked. They made their way back to town, chatting about nothing and learning more about each other. Maybe we can even be friends and not just buisness partners, Allora thought and smiled. The two made their way back to the pokemon center, and they healed their pokemon.

"So another question," Allora said as they made their way upstairs, "I'm actually headed to Snowpoint for a modeling job... hopefully to get my license for Sinnoh. Would you mind coming with? After you finish the contest in Eterna and all."

Jade opened the door to the room and they both went in, Allora still waiting on a response. The room was very spacious, with a pull out couch and a bed, a refrigerator, and a giant window with a balcony. It was gorgeous. Allora headed straight over to the couch to set up her bed.


2:17pm Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 4,754
Snowpoint? You're in luck, the next contest is there.

Jade grabbed Midnight off of her and set her down in her bed. She was about to do the same with Lilly until she realized that Lilly was new and she didn't have a bed.

Excuse me for one second, I have to go buy something.

Jade pocketed a few gold coins from her handbag and started downstairs with Lilly. The effect of the flowers were starting to wear off, and Lilly was turning back into her normal form. When Lilly was fully normal, Jade picked her up so she wouldn't trip over the stairs and hurt herself.

Jade opened a door at the end of the stairway to a large, red and white room. She walked up to the counter where nurse Joy was reading a book. The nurse snapped her book closed, flustered.

"How may I help you today?"

I was looking for a bed for my friend Lilly.

The shaymin jumped down and snuffled at Nurse Joy. The nurse smiled and picked her up.

"I'll take you to where we keep our beds."

The nurse led her into a room in the back. All sorts of beds were there. Fluffy, hard, rocky, cloud-like, you name it, they had it. Lilly squirmed in Joy's arms and forced the nurse to let go of her. The little pokemon trotted to what looked like an extremely comfortable leafy bed, which was dotted with what looked like fake flowers.

Do you want that one, Lilly? How much is it Miss Joy?

"Three pokedollars."

Jade fished out three gold coins and handed them to the nurse. She smiled and scooped up the bed with Lilly in it, then walked back upstairs to her room. She set Lilly's bed right next to Midnight's.

Well, I'm beat. I'll be getting to bed now. Night Allora.


2:54pm Nov 18 2012 (last edited on 2:54pm Nov 18 2012)

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Posts: 616
Allora settled into bed with Flicker and Glitter cuddled together by her chest under the blanket. Flicker was especially warm, and it was very easy to fall asleep after saying goodnight to Jade.

It was around two in the morning when a strange feeling overtook her. She just couldn't sleep. Partially because it was just too hot, but also because she had a weird feeling. Something was pulling at the edge of her brain.

She eased out of bed, careful not to wake her two pokemon, and she made her way to the window. The glass fogged up from her breath, and she shivered in her pajamas. She had gone from being sweaty hot, to freezing cold. But even still, something made her strain to go outside. Her hand moved to slide open the glass, and a rush of cold air assaulted her skin as she eased onto the balcony.

It was colder than Snowpoint outside, which was very odd, it was only just beginning to be fall in Sinnoh. It was warmer earlier today, she even wore a mini skirt! Allora looked around, her arms crossed over her chest, holding in warmth.

Suddenly, the wind gusted and whipped her hair all around her face. She stumbled forward and grabbed onto the railing to hold herself steady and the wind swirled all around her. She heard the cry of a pokemon that chilled her to her bones, and a blue form appeared in the sky.

A blue bird pokemon was soaring directly above the pokemon center, headed north. It had shining silvery blue wings, and a long flowing tail that glistened in the moonlight. Its cry resonated deep within Allora, however it sounded terrified. It soared off into the night, taking the chill with it.

Allora stared after the blue pokemon long after it had dissapeared, until she began to feel uneasy. A deep, ominous laugh echoed over the landscape, and blackness covered everything all at once. The moon was blacked out, along with the stars, and any artificial lights that shone on the street flickered into nothingness.

Out of nowhere, a black shape appeared before her on the balcony. It was the size of a human, and it stared into Allora's soul with a single blue eye. She gasped for air, for it was suddenly as if there was not enough oxygen left. The black cloudy pokemon just stood there, with a spiked collar around its neck the color of blood. It floated just above the ground, and began to move closer to Allora. She found that she couldn't move, and she couldn't cry out for Glitter or Jade.

The dark pokemon laughed inside of her head once more. It was nearly upon her, and she was about ready to faint from lack of air. Sleep, said a voice that consumed her heart and soul. And the pokemon moved until its dark shadowy form consumed her body.

Allora awoke from the nightmare gasping for air and shivering. The sun was just beginning to shine between the curtains. Glitter was pawing at her face and mewing, concerned. She was in bed, just where she had been that night.

Just a nightmare, she thought. But in her mind she couldn't believe it. That dark pokemon... she got chills just from thinking about it. She laid in bed petting Glitter, sleepless, until Jade awoke.

((Glitter knows return, sand attack, hidden power, and attract
Flicker knows confuse ray, ember, tail whip, and scratch))


4:28pm Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 4,754
Jade stretched her arms above her head and let out a huge yawn. She had slept extremely well last night. She had had the most wonderful dream of winning that ribbon today.

Lilly and Midnight had jumped onto Jade's bed and were looking at her expectantly. She smiled and scooped them up into her arms.

Good morning guys. How did you sleep?

Midnight yipped happily in her arms, but Lilly shuddered and looked at her with fear in her eyes.

Did someone have a nightmare? Don't worry, dreams are just dreams. Nothing more.

The little pokemon nodded its head and curled up in her arms. She was stroking her when she happened to glance at her watch and realize what time it was.

Jade jumped, causing the two pokemon on her lap to scatter she whispered an apology and looked at Allora.

Come on, I need to go get ready for the contest. That battle will have to wait until it's over, I'm almost late!


7:53pm Nov 18 2012 (last edited on 7:53pm Nov 18 2012)

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Posts: 616
Jade scrambled to get ready for her contest. Allora yawned again before getting out of bed. She stretched as she made her way to the desk across the room where her purse was. "Jade?" she called.

Jade paid no attention. She flitted around the room, putting makeup on and packing her bag back up. Allora really wanted to win her over. She opened her purse up and searched through her bag of move designed. "Jade?" she called again. "I want to show you something."

Move designs were Allora's specialty. Her parents had invented them, and she had perfected them. They were what she had become known for in Kanto and Hoenn, and she was hoping they would be a hit in Sinnoh. They were small pills, taken just before contests, that allowed for certain types of moves to appear differently. They did nothing for enhancing their power, just simply making them look aesthetically pleasing.

Flamethrower became more deep red, with a slight sparkle, and when it was used, it took on a spiral effect. The leaves in razor leaf were no longer simply green, they were autumn leaves of all shades of green, red, orange, and yellow. Dark pulse changed all sorts of colors, and each wave of the attack glowed and waved like the ocean, with sparkles of dark energy leaping into the air and bursting like fireworks.

Allora hoped Jade would debut her product during the battle portion of today's contest. She pulled out the pill pack for dark type moves: "Beautiful Night."


8:29pm Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 4,754
Jade fixed her blue and black mini skirt and finished braiding her hair with a bright blue bow intertwined. She looked at Allora, rather impatiently.

Yes? I really need to get going, I'll be late if I wait too much longer.

Jade picked up Midnight and started the process of grooming her and fixing her fur. The Zorua rolled on her back and purred, and Jade growled at the pokemon impatiently. Midnight looked confused and sat still.

Sorry sweetheart. I'm just a little nervous.

Midnight nodded her head understandingly and stood still. Jade threaded a sparkly blue ribbon through Midnight's hair to where you couldn't see it, but you could still see the sparkle. Midnight jumped down from the bed and looked in the mirror. She obviously couldn't tell that it was her, as she batted at the mirror.

Lilly ran over to Jade and looked at her intently. She obviously wanted a makeover too.

Once you enter a contest, I'll dress you up Lilly.

The shaymin looked extremely disappointed, but didn't press the subject further. Jade looked at Allora and listened intently to what she had to say.


12:34am Nov 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 895
[[Where you guys atm?]]

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7:24am Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( Allora and I are in Eterna, and the other two are in Snowpoint. Allora and I are planing on going to Snowpoint after this contest that I am in. ))


3:23pm Nov 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 721
((I would write something but I have lots of homework right now -_-))


4:02pm Nov 19 2012 (last edited on 4:02pm Nov 19 2012)

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Posts: 616
"These are called "Move Designs," Allora began. "They make your pokemon's moves more... aesthetically pleasing during the battle portion of the contest. They can hopefully help you win over the audience and judges during the battle portion, but they also help to shut your opponent down." She smiled broadly and toyed with the Move Pack in her palm. "When your pokemon looks elegant and graceful during the battle, and makes theirs look like a bumbling buffoon, it can actually turn the tides of battle!

Not to mention, these work especially well during the non-battle portions of contests as well. I was just hoping that you might debut these Designes at today's battle?" Allora looked at Jade hopefully. "These are the dark type Designs if you want them. Just have Midnight take a pill based on if the moves she has are physical, special, or self-benefiting. She can take more than one if her move types are varied as well."

Oh pleasepleaseplease, thought Allora as she waited for a response.


5:02pm Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( That's okay Senses, take all the time you need ^^ ))

Can I see those Allora? By the way, if I do end up using them, I would need dark, fire, fighting, and normal for Midnight's Dark Pulse, Incinerate, Sucker Punch, and Substitute. I like my pokemon to have moves that differ so nobody expects what is coming next.

Jade thought they were a good idea, but "move enhancing" might equal cheating. she would look at the ingredients on the packet. Whether she would be allowed to use them depended on what they were made of. Basically, if she couldn't read the ingredients and understand them, she couldn't use the pills.

Midnight walked up to Allora's hand and sniffed the pills. She started drooling instantly. That either meant the ingredients were things that could be found in normal pokemon food, or something like a pokemon steroid. Jade sincerely hoped the answer was the former, not the latter.

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