1:22pm Jun 5 2011 (last edited on 1:37pm Jun 5 2011)
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((Introduction)) Several large dragons hovered above the sky. They were covered in silver armor. They seemed at ease, yet tense. Something was about to happen. However, these dragons weren’t exactly normal. They were shifters. Dragon shifters to be exact. When they hovered slowly, they tilted downwards and spiraled towards the ground at a break-neck pace. When they were about ten feet from the ground, they leveled out, soaring towards another group of dragons. They were at war. One large dragon dug his massive claws into the shoulders of another, completely crushing the armor on the dragon. The dragon that was clawed reached up and blew a puff of fire into the face of the attacker. They both broke apart and landed on the ground, snarling at each other. A small silver dragon in the sky came spiraling down, landing between the battling dragons. The little thing seemed to be only a baby. When it came into contact with the ground, it was knocked out, but not killed. This was the prophesized silver dragon, the dragon that would bring peace. The dragons with the silver armor grabbed the silver dragon and flew off. Another small dragon came spiraling down. However, this one was gold. This dragon was the other half to the silver one. They would bring peace together. The dragons that were battling the silver-armored dragons grabbed the gold dragon and flew off in the opposite direction. They were to be raised, away from each other until they were fourteen. Then, when they reached the age of fourteen, they would be introduced. ((Plot)) Okay, so there are the two dragon-shifter kinds that are battling each other. One side wears silver armor, they took the silver dragon, and the other dragons wear gold armor, they took the gold dragon. These dragons have been fighting each other for decades. There was always a prophecy foretold of two dragons, one gold and one silver, one boy and one girl, would bring peace to the dragon-shifters together. Both of the prophesized dragons are shifters. They normally walk around with humans, but when duty calls, they fly off in dragon form. However, the silver and gold dragons are supposed to fall in love to completely stop the war. That would show the ultimate affection between the two sides and stop the madness. ((Rules)) *Ask to join. *This is a 1x1. First come, first serve. *No gay/bi/lesbian characters. *Keep everything PG-13. *I will be playing the silver dragon-shifter. *Ask to be the gold-dragon shifter. *This is mainly a romance, action rp. *The gold dragon shifter must be a boy. ((Character Bio Skelly)) Name: Age: (Must be fourteen, due to the plotline.) Gender: Looks: Dragon Looks: Personality: History: Power: (Only one.) Other: ((My Character)) Name: Airika Simmons Age: 14 Gender: Female Looks:
 ((Except with blue eyes. All credit for this picture goes to the original artist.)) Dragon Looks: A slender female dragon with silver scales that reflect light. Her wingspan is fifty feet from wing tip to wing tip. Her eyes are a stunning blue. Her claws are very sharp, and so are her teeth. Her muscles are long and lean, so that she relies more on speed than power in battle. Personality: Airika is a well-guarded person. She guards her emotions well, and tries not to let what others say about her affect her. She is tough, due to growing up around all of the silver dragon shifter boys. However, if you break through her tough shell, she is very easy to get along with, and a bit ditzy. History: Fell from the sky in dragon form, and was raised by the leader of the silver dragon shifters, Conner. She was picked on a lot due to her white hair and pale features, but she learned to guard her emotions. She played soccer with the dragon shifter boys, and was trained in swordfighting. Power: She is telekinetic. In other words, she can move things with her mind. Other: Nope.
Love is all we need~
3:15pm Jun 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,721
((I may be willing to join ^_^ Love the plot, just a bit confused (As usual) Are they in two seperate areas? Ah, asking these little questions is gonna take up a bunch of time. Can you just give an easy summary of this, please? Thanks in advance ;D))
I\'m back.
3:33pm Jun 5 2011
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((The silver dragon shifters live in one area. The gold dragon shifters live in another. The two prophecized dragon shifters will meet in a ceremony that was organized together by the two types of shifters. When the ceremony is over, they will shift, and fly off to go save the world from the shifters' quarreling.))
Love is all we need~
6:49pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Aww. I missed this... Any chance it could be a 1x2? This sounds totally cool. I'm alright with being normal dragon shifters rather than the prophecized ones. *Puppy eyes* XD))
6:56pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Emmie: You can join as the lead. Kate kinda poofed. And this is a first come first serve. In other words, whoever has their bio up and gets my approval is the gold dragon shifter. Plus, you're my rp buddy.))
Love is all we need~
7:02pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Well, I don't want Kate mad at me but... Ok. Give me a second.))
7:02pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Lol, emmie.))
Love is all we need~
7:26pm Jun 5 2011 (last edited on 7:28pm Jun 5 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
Name: Jake Katanna Age: 14 Gender: Male Looks:  ((His eyes are deeper than the picture. Credit to both pictures belong to their artists.)) tle="Dragon">Dragon Looks: He is a large, four legged dragon. Broad muscles are protected by thick golden scales. His wingspan is somewhere about 62 feet, thin but very strong. His winges are more feather-like on the outside but still a golden color. The underside of the wing taking on a bat-like appearance with a lighter bronze color. Jake's eyes are an entrancing purple that seem to swirl down into a cat-like pupil.
Personality: Jake is rather quiet, observant but reckless. He is quick to jump into situations even if they have nothing to do with him. He is a bit of a free spirit, hard to control and very indecisive. He follows his own heart and makes decisions based on his observations, not the oppinions of others. He will has no problem showing others how he feels or telling all what he thinks. He wants to be heard and will stop at nothing until what he has to get out is put across. History: Nobody really knows where Jake came from, but he was found on the mountain side at dawn, the golden rays rapping him in warmth. He was raised as a warrior but preferred to spend his time with books and music than swords and weapons. Even though he didn't take part in the training, he learned all his fighting skills just from watching the others and is pretty tough to beat in a fight. Power: He can create a powerful energy sheild that prevents damge from projectiles. It is somewhat effective when it comes to charging opponents but not at all when attacked from multiple directions head on.
Other: I don't believe that there is anything else that I am missing.
7:33pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Yay. I'll start.)) Airika was walking through the thick forests. The ceremony was to take place at sunset, so she had headed away from the spot where she had been sitting on a rock, her feet dangling in the cool water of the stream. She walked up to her father, Conner. He wasn't necessarily her dad, but she called him that. Connor looked at his daughter with sad eyes. He didn't want to let her go on her own with some boy that he had only seen once when he was an infant, in dragon form. He ruffled Airika's white hair and said, "Take care of yourself, now. You hear?" Airika rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. She nodded and leaned her head on her father's shoulder. It was almost sunset.
Love is all we need~
8:05pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((So we are starting with them leaving to meet each other?)) Jake placed the marker into the book, saving his spot for when he later chose to read it again. The fading light had alerted him to the time, if not for that then he never would have realized that it was time to go. He stashed the leather bound item under the tree he had been leaning against. He stood up, looking at the golden orb that was slowly sinking towards the horizon. He made his way down the hill towards his home, a shadowed form standing just before it. Without seeing the person, Jake still knew who was waiting for him. Jade, the girl who had been 5 years older when he had been found, acted as more of a big sister to him. Her father had found him but when Jake was young, the man died leaving only his 9 year-old daughter. She learned quickly how to care for the both of them and helped take care of Jake until now. Even now she still took care of him against his wishes to be by himself. "You are heading out?" She asked, a small package concealed in her pocket. Jake nodded, not wanting the girl to get all emotional on him. "Yeah, I'll be fine. It's just a girl." He said, more to make himself feel better. He didn't want to let anyone else know he was nervous about seeing a girl, no matter how willing he was to share his feelings. Jade sighed and placed the small box in his hand before moving on and walking away. Jake was confused but he knew he had to hurry on. ((Sorry it took so long for a little post. I was really distracted.))
8:12pm Jun 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,721
((Oh, darn, what a bother. Better luck next time, I suppose ^_^))
I\'m back.
8:13pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Aaaw man. Kate came back. O.o Akward. XP I'm sorry Kate. Wanna do a RP with me. XD))
8:18pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Oh, no, that's quite alright ;D I have to memorize this whole dang skit anywho DX Not Taking theatre again next year, oof! Too much of a headache. Well, I'd better not spam the board. You two have fun ^_^))
I\'m back.
10:21pm Jun 5 2011
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((Thanks for being a good sport, Kate.)) Airika soon found her mind straying to her father's car. It was in the same clearing that they were in. It was a holy place, and it was to be the place of the ceremony, which was to happen in a few minutes. Before she knew it, the car was levitating. She gasped, and the car came tumbling down. She looked at her father, who wasn't too happy. "Sorry..."
Love is all we need~
4:38pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 4,258
As Jake walked, he stared at the box his 'sister' had given him with a wonderous look in his eyes. Finaly he opened the box and smiled. Conceled within the pacage was a gold cross that hung from a silver chain. He slipped it over his head. "Thanks Jade." He murmered out loud. "I thought you would like it." Came a voice from behind him, making Jake jump slightly. He whipped around to see Jade standing there, following him to this ceremony thing he was headed to. "I thought I told you I wanted to do this by myself." He sighed, turning around and picking the pace up even though he knew it was no good. Jade continued to follow. "I had already decided that I was to accompany you long before you told me not to come. So I came anyway." She smiled and walked beside the young boy. The two walked a while in silence before either of them spoke again. "You can't be mad at me for too much longer you know." Jade said, breaking the silence between them. He responded in a cooler voice than was needed. "And what makes you think that?" He turned to her to await her reply. But all she did was point beside her to the break in the trees. They had arrived.
5:27pm Jun 6 2011
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Airika heard footsteps approaching, so she turned her head to the edge of the clearing. Sure enough, the gold dragon was coming towards them. Conner and Airika moved toward them, stopping about five feet away from Jade. Conner sighed and said, "I take it that Jade is the leader of the gold dragon shifters, now?" He had a friendly face on, although he didn't like the gold dragon shifters very much. Before Airika knew it, she was being pushed forward by her father. "This is Airika, the silver dragon." Airika's face turned a deep shade of red. She was embarassed of her father's actions. She could've introduced herself, but her father just had to jump in, didn't he?
Love is all we need~
5:38pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 4,258
Jade smiled curtiously with a nod of her head. "Aye, that would be true. My father was the man who had found the golden dragon. Unfortuneatly, he pas.sed a few years back thereby leaving the gold dragon and the rest of our people in my care." Her smile remained, but you could tell that she was slightly nervous. If a fight broke out, it would be dragon vs. dragon and Large man vs. Small girl. Even with the fighting skills Jade possesed, it was apparent that the man would most likelly win. Jake could feel her tension but his attention was on the girl who had been with the leader of the silver dragon shifters. He bowed at the waist, giving him a more regal look than he knew anyone else to have around these parts. His eyes flickered up to see how the other two reacted to his greeting, his eyes reading them like the books he hid under the old oak. He stood straight, opening his mouth to introduce himself. Beside him Jade coughed, obviously wnating to be the one to introduce him. He rolled his eyes but shook his head no. "I am the Gold dragon. My name is Jake and it is very nice to meet you." He stated, though it sounded a bit rehearsed. That was because it was in a way. He had spent a whole month trying to think up of how to introduce himself.
6:00pm Jun 6 2011
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Airika's bit back the ditzy giggle that she wanted to let out when Jake had bowed. She cleared her throat and nodded instead. She thought that the gold dragon was attractive enough, but she wouldn't let him see her emotions unless he broke her shell. She looked to her father and said, "You two may shift and fly away now." Airika blushed once again. When the dragons shifted, their clothes ripped off, due to their body and muscles growing. She would either have to strip before she shifted, or she would have to let her clothes rip off, and she would raid her clothes stash in Branson, Missouri. Of course, her father had planned ahead and packed some clothes for the boy to wear. They might be a bit large, though... Conner leaned down to Airika's ear and whispered, "Go save the world, sweetie." Airika rolled her eyes and shifted. Her skin made way to silvery scales, and her clothes tattered and ripped off. Her hair smoothed down to her neck, making way to more scales. Wings sprouted from her shoulder blades, and her muscles grew. A tail formed, and last but not least, her horns.
Love is all we need~
7:42pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Sight bump.))
Love is all we need~
8:38pm Jun 7 2011
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((Sorry.)) Jake smiled, his muscles aching for the change they knew was coming. His body grew, his clothes tearing away from him as he grew. His skin turned a brilliant gold, his neck and arms and legs elongating to ten time's their normal size. He grimaced as his wings sprouted out of his back in a rather painful manner. Jake shut his eyes, the spikes growing along his neck and the side of his face and finally one on the tip of his snout. His eyes shot open to reveal striking golden eyes that seem to stare into your soul. He threw back his head and roared, more to relieve the pain and stress his body had endured. ((So short, so lame.... AARRRG Fail))