Three Years of Winter | Wolf rp

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9:04pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 9:04pm Jun 21 2011)

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Winter came, and it got cold.  So cold, they say, that the rabbits would hide underground for months at a time, and that birds fell from the sky as their wings froze in mid-flight.  It got so cold that the air crystalized in front of the wolves as they hunted. Each breath made them feel as though their lungs would freeze, and even their thick undercoats did not protect them.  Wolves are made for winter, but this was a winter beyond all wolves.  It was said that it was the winter to end the world. That it would last three full years and that it was sent to punish those who ignored the will of Lupus, who was believed to be the god of wolves. The two packs tried desperatley to get used to the cold, and survive, but it was hard enough finding prey already, and the cold made it even harder. 



even gender ratio. if you make a male, make a female, and visa versa.

No unnaturally colored wolves.

No superpowers, and no special characters with odd marks of some prophecy.

No perfect characters.

No swearing.

These are the animals in the rp besides wolves (and no, you can not rp as them.): deer, moose, elk, rabbits, ravens, snowy owls, eagles, foxes, coyotes, mountain lions which are rarely seen, and bears.

to join, say 'that's freaking cold' in your bios.

One important rank per person.

No insta-mates

you may not join as a pup or elder.  the youngest age you may join as is        a teenage-ish aged wolf and the oldest age is an adult.

Be realistic. your character can't go without food or water and never get hurt.

No fighting ooc.

use these () [] {} when posting ooc.

Don't make me add more.

















9:04pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 12:41pm Jun 24 2011)

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Posts: 3,371


Stone Creek Pack

the pack used to live next to a fast-flowing creek, but it has frozen solid, along with their main food supply- fish. they live in a pine forest, so in their territory, the only trees are pine trees.

Alpha Male: Ketu (Tld)

Alpha Female:closed

Beta Male: Kaos (Me)

Beta Female:

Pack Members:

Ailyn (Tld)

Khalik (Nom)




Omega:Tadrino (Demon)


Swift Raven Pack

the pack lives in a pine forest, and in the center of their terrioty is a tall hill with a huge cave in the side which is the pack's den.  Ravens live everywhere in the pack's territory, giving the pack its name.  The wolves from this pack are usually especially fast.

Alpha Male:Ephilam (Nom)
Alpha Female:closed

Beta Male: Skoll (Tld)

Beta Female:closed

Pack Members:

Ylera (Me)

Neveah (Demon)

Leto (Tld)






9:05pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 3:23pm Jun 23 2011)

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Posts: 3,371

My Characters


Age:Young Adult

Pack:Swift Raven


Rank: Pack Member


 Personality: Very calm and tranquil, she tries to avoid conflict the best she can. But if she's angry, she'll yell at you and insult you, but she never really gets into physical fights, because she wouldn't be a good enough fighter.





Name: Kaos


Pack:Stone Creek

Rank:Beta Male


Personality:he talks alot and communicates towards other's whom's in his pack, he can be a prick at times and get's annoyed alot from young pups.Kaos has a side of him being timid and fearful, but he always hides it so other wolves don't think he's weak.

History:Normal, became beta, blah blah blah

Crush: Forbidden Romance? :D



will finish my bios later.



9:22pm Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((That's freaking cold))


Age:Yound Adult

Pack: Swift Raven


Rank:Pack member

Looks: Renn is a normal sized Female with a slender build. She has sleek black fur that curls a bit on her ches, elbows, and knees. She had hazel eyes that have flecks of dark brown in them. Her ears are a pail pink on the insde but you can hardly see the pink becauae of the fur that blocks any snow from entering.

Personality: Renn likes to watch thing unfold instead of budding intosituations that she doesn't belong in. Thats not to say she wont stand up fro herself. If you annoy her she will talk back. She usually wont start fights but loves to end them. She is made for fighting. She is quick and slender and witty.

History: Renn hasn't had a interseting past. She had lived in this pack since she was born and her parents died not to long ago due to the winter along with many other pack members

Crush:no one




Age: Young adult

Pack:Stone Creek


Rank:Pack member

Looks: Zack has light brown hiney looking fur on his forehead, ears, back, legs, and top of his tail. The rest of his body blends into a light tawny color. His eyes look like burning ambers in a fire and seem to flicker when the little bit of sun reflects off them. He is a normal sized wolf and is not more muscular than any other wolf in the pack.

Personality: Zack likes to joke anround and lif the others spirits. He hates to see people in pain or sad. He will do anything in his power to make you happy again. He is random and crazy and can get a bit annoying sometimes but it's hard to stay mad at him for too long.

History:Same as Renn's

Crush:no one





10:44pm Jun 21 2011

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10:52pm Jun 21 2011

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5:11pm Jun 22 2011

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7:27pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016
(( Hai Kupa, long time no... see? lol... I might join later. ))

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10:03am Jun 23 2011

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Posts: 496

((That's freaking cold. :) ))

Name: Ephliam

Age: Five Years

Pack: Swift Raven Pack

Gender: Male

Rank: Alpha



Ephliam is an all too curious wolf with a kind, yet just nature. He's unlikely to take sides, and will be fair, or so he thinks. He used to be a solitary wolf, and he still retains that lonesomenature. Sometimes, he is better just left alone. He rarely gets angry, although when  he does, his rage's are said to be legendary. Whether or not this is true, well, that remains to be see. Ephliam is a generaly quite wolf, and he uses is actions to express his words.


Ephliam was raised in a sanctuary known as the "Wolf & Coyote Reserve". He never met his parents, or if he did, he can't remember them. He was raised by human volunteers, and wasn't taught very much about surviving in the wild. When he reached his yearling mark, he was released into the reserve with a group of yearlings his age. There he learned how to hunt and scent, and be a wolf. When he next saw his human handlers, he snapped and attacked them. He was viewed as too dangerous to remain in captivity, so he was released deep into the wilderness where he has no hope of return. He has been there ever since.


Open to Opinion's







Three Years


Stone Creek Pack




Pack Member




Khalik is a kind and generous Fae. She loves pups and hopes to become a future Mother soon. It is in her nature to be kind and fun-loving. She loves to talk, and often finds that she talks too much. She can be just a tad silly and immature, but she's lovable for it.


Not much of interest. She was born into an average wolf family, grew up, learned how to be a wolf, and left. 


Open to Opinion





Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

10:51am Jun 23 2011

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Posts: 3,371


11:04am Jun 23 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Um, I don't want to nitpick, but aren't Nom's characters Sues? There really isn't any flaw I can see, especially with Khalik :/ ]]
Name: Ketu
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Rank: Alpha Male
Pack: Stone Creek 
Credits to SterlingRuinsFall337 @ Deviantart 
Personality: Ketu is a loyal and trustworthy wolf, extremely noble and dedicated to his Pack. Perhaps too dedicated? Ketu has a snooty personality, and even though he adores his pack, he can't exactly show it well. He's confident and thinks whatever he does will better the pack, so he doesn't like it when a wolf objects. Ketu is stiff and somewhat cold, and sticks rigidly to the rules. He has little respect for other Packs, and will always work to prove that his is the best.
 Crush: None
Other: Chain + Pendant not included
Name: Ailyn [ae-lin]
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Hunter
Pack: Stone Creek 
Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart  
Ailyn's kind of a lazy girl. She likes to laze around, and never likes to show wolves her 'smart side'. She can hardly be considered an adult, as she is one of the youngest adults so far. Ailyn does love to have her voice heard, however, and likes to talk from her favorite sunning spot. She's fascinated by nature and legends, and has quite the creative mind.
 Crush: None
Name: Skoll
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Rank: Beta (?) c:
Pack: Swift Raven 
Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart  
Skoll has always aspired to become the Alpha of the pack. He strives to prove his dominance, and is actually quite strong. He's deathly calm and always observes, being a rather level-headed and cool wolf. Skoll does get snappy on occassions, such as times where his importance isn't noticed, or he's just flat-out ignored. Skoll also cannot always maintain the same level of concentration often having moodswings and 'happy days'. 
 Crush: None
Other: ...
Name: Leto
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Hunter
Pack: Swift Raven 
Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart 
Leto has a tongue as sharp as her claws. She's got a quick wit and somewhat of a quirky attitude, but she's always aiming to become the best. She's competitive and easily distracted, but is always true to her pack. Leto's also incredibly dense, and likes to follow her own version of justice. She's fiery and protective of her loved ones and own choices, and won't be afraid to snap at the Alpha if he made a decision she didn't like. 
 Crush: ...
Other: None 
[[ Did you by any chance read 'Promise of the Wolf', Kupa? o3o ]] 


11:38am Jun 23 2011

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Posts: 496
((Tld: Ephliam has his rages of anger and his solitary existance, while Khalik is silly and immature, which can be annoying. Just saying.))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

12:00pm Jun 23 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(yeah, I did, Tld, the plot is based off the first paragraph of the book. I just changed it a little *guilty* And you're accepted, Tld. DEMON JOIN XD.)


2:06pm Jun 23 2011 (last edited on 2:07pm Jun 23 2011)

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Posts: 5,998

[[ His rages are extremely rare, and he's the kind of character that strikes me as 'he's really nice but watch out when he's angry', making it kind of vague. Like what stuff makes him mad? And I would like to quote that Khalik is 'lovable for it', meaning even if she has flaws, every wolf will love her because of it.

lololol, even if it's out of my usual 'age-appropriate' reading, Promise of the Wolf is one of my favorite books, Kupa xD ]]


3:21pm Jun 23 2011 (last edited on 3:22pm Jun 23 2011)

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(That sounds like my dad's personality. 'he's nice but watch out when he's mad' XDDD I just read it it only took me like 6 hours to read. I didn't like the humans in the book, though, I liked it better when it was just the wolves toward the beginning.  I loved Yllin. XD)


5:19pm Jun 23 2011

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Posts: 1,016
(( Mkay, joining ^.^ fixing bios... ))

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6:52pm Jun 23 2011 (last edited on 6:54pm Jun 23 2011)

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(That's freakin cold! I wish where I live its already up in the 90's...)


Name: Neveah

Age: young adult

Pack: swift raven

Gender: female

Rank: member



NO stealing. I made this on a wolf maker. If you steal, I shall eat you.

Personality: Quite a troublemaker and loves aggrivating others. She is never afraid to speak her mind, and she loves a good fight. Won't let anything get in her way and very independent. She loves being herself. Wants to find the perfect mate and hopfully have pups.

History: As a younger wolf, she was very self-centered and snotty. That was until her parents and brother were killed in a car accident in the city, searching for food while Neveah pretended to be sick. After that, She hasn't been as selfish and snotty since then, because she has learned that you have to appreciate what you have.

Crush: Open



Name: Tadrino

Age: adult

Pack: stone creek

Gender: male

Rank: omega




Personality: Thoughtful and cares about everyone around him, no matter who they are or where they're from. He is always careful to think before he speaks, and, as omega, think before he acts. He likes to be away from wolves, knowing that some can  be abusive towards the omega of the pack.

History: Normal, born in his back.

Crush: Open




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11:45am Jun 24 2011

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Posts: 496

((@Tld, well he's also kind of solitary and his rages can really be brought on by anything. Also, I didn't say that Khalik was loved by everyone. I just said that she could be. Heck, one of your characters could hate her if they really wished. Ok?

@Kupala, I've caught the flu and I may be iffy for the next few days. Sorry if I don't come on and post if I'm needed. I think my brain and body need time to recover. Sorry! ))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

12:11pm Jun 24 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(Accepted, Demon, and Nom, I hope you get better.  About your characters: I do agree with Tld.  I am going to let it slide and give you a chance, but if they start acting perfect in the rp I will ask you to change them.)


12:36pm Jun 24 2011

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Posts: 496
((Sure. I am psyched. One minute, Ephliam will be all nice, then the next, he'll be shouting his head off! Lol.))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
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