Three Years of Winter | Wolf rp

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12:59pm Jun 24 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((Soooo sorry I wasn't on yesterday I went to a baseballgame with my cousin(she just sorta poped in))


1:00pm Jun 24 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(It's okay, Dart,)


1:11pm Jun 24 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((Has anything interseting happened besides new people joining?))


1:28pm Jun 24 2011

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1:29pm Jun 24 2011

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((OK so I guess we should wait for the others to get on to start rping))


10:27pm Jun 24 2011

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Posts: 3,371

(I'm just going to start this)

Ylera got up and stretched out, shivering and walking out of Swift Raven Pack's den. She let out a sigh, able to see her breath in the cold air. She jumped up onto a boulder with a good veiw of part of the territory and, seeing it was late enough that everyone should be awake, threw back her head and howled loudly, hopefully waking up anyone who was still asleep. She then sat down on the cold boulder, curious as to if anyone would come out of the cave, angry at her.

Kaos let out a low growl, hearing the howl of a Swift Raven wolf.  He stood up, recognizing the voice of a silver-pelted member of the Swift Raven Pack. But he didn't know what the wolf's name was, since he had only seen her a few times.  Kaos shook the snow from his black pelt and howled back- an angry howl which basically told her to shut up.  There was no reply. Satisfied, he sat back down in the snow,  examining the territory of his pack. 


11:28pm Jun 24 2011

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Renn was allready awake and was laying on the side of the cold boulder. She looked up to see Ylera as she howled on the top of the boulder. She stood up shaking the thin la
yer of snow off her coat as she jumped up ontop of the boulder. "Looks like some one's awake." She said sitting down placing her fluffy tail ontop of her cold paws. It wasn't snowing to hard at the moment but Renn thought that it might get harder later on. She looked around as she heard the angrey growl of a member  of the neighboring pack.

Zack was asleep before he heard the distant howl of the pack that lived close by. His ears perked up and his head raised imediatly. Then he heard the growl of Kaos. He didn't sound to happy. He doesn't like it when others aren't happy. He got up and padded up to him, "Hey." He said his voice up beat and cheery. "Why so angrey?" He asked. He knew why but he figured by asking maybe he would become less angrey... or it could totaly backfire but there was a slim posability that it would work.


11:48am Jun 25 2011

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Neveah opened her eyes to the sound of the howl. She was already awake, just not getting up. She crawled out of the den and shook off the snow on her thick pelt. She slumped back down next to the den entrence, to tired to get up.


Tadrino woke up, moody. He has heard the howl before, and hates hearing it almost every morning. He heard Kaos, another pack memeber, growl angrily. He rolled his eyes. Kaos was always like that. He crawled back closer to the wall of the den, and covered his snout with his tail to keep warm.

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6:03am Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 496

The cold, early morning air made it's way briskly into Ephliam's warm den. He shivered and flicked his tail over his cold paws. The breeze was relentless, and evetualy Ephliam staggered wearly to his feet. Ephliam made his way outside, stretching and breathing furiously as it was still way too early to be up in his books. Ephliam couldn't shake of the wearisome fact, but he ignored it and let his maw rise to the skies, a great howl erupting that echoed all throughout the great pine forest. It was the howl of the Swift Raven Pack arising to a new day.


Khalik litterally pranced around the Base camp. Very few members were already up, but she still continued to say "hi" and "good-morning" to each and everyone of them in her annoying high=pitched voice. She bounced her way up to Tadrino, an Omega in the pack, but Khalik could hardly tell the difference. "Hellowww Tadrino! What do you think is going to happen today?" Khalik says in her oddly sing-song like voice.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

4:04pm Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 3,371

Ylera smiled a little as Ephilam howled along. She howled again, trying to sound louder than the alpha. Just for fun. She then lowered her head and looked over a Ephliam, smiling. 

Kaos snarled as he noticed Tadrino rolling his eyes at him. Then he heard more howls coming from Swift Raven Pack. "Stupid Swift Raven wolves." He growled. "Of all the places we could've chose to live, we had to come right here. There's a river. But hey, it's frozen.Gone. Along with any prey that might've lived near it. So, we can slip and fall on our frozen river and die of hunger and thirst and injuries from slipping and falling." (lol...he's so stupid)


7:04pm Jun 26 2011

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"OK then." Renn said to herself jumping down from the rock. She felt a tad ignored but she shruged it off and layed down in a small crater she had made on the edge of their clearing. She placed her head in the snow between her paws as her thick black tail flicked back and forth behind her absentmindedly. She stared off into space her eyes aimed at the tree across the clearing as she hummed to herself. She was kind of bored at the moment but thats just how mornings were for her.

"Hi." He said to Khalik when she came by to him to say good-morning to him as she did to everyone each morning. It was allways nice to see someone else happy about that time of day then he didn't feel as weird as he allways did. His tail thumped on the ground happily as he watched the few clouds scattered in the sky make their way across the vast endless blue. I wonder what clouds feel like? He said to himself. I bet they feel very soft and comfy. He concluded as he began to look at the trees around them.


10:09pm Jun 26 2011

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[[ er... Recap? ]]


10:41pm Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((Nothing much happed everyone's just waking up so far))


10:51pm Jun 26 2011

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Skoll had joined along in the howl, only to be interrupted by a bumbling red ball of fur. He growled, being semi-knocked aside. 

"Hey, Skoll!" Leto yapped in a friendly manner. "Wish you woke me up before the howl. You know how much I love it." Before waiting for her Beta's answer, Leto joined in, letting out a loud and long howl. Skoll sighed, rolling his eyes and rejoining the pack.

After the pack howl, Skoll silently slipped away from Leto, who was announcing to every wolf that she was going to hunt. He sat by the Alpha, Ephliam.

"Maybe it's time to send wolves out to renew the borders and hunt, Ephliam." Skoll suggested, green eyes temporarily flickering towards the Alpha.


Ketu rolled his eyes as he observed Kaos and heard his stinging comments about the Swift Raven wolves. He padded back towards the center of their territory, the heart of the Stone Creek camp. Wolves were up and seemed energetic, only the pack's Omega seemed as moody as usual.

"Ailyn!" Ketu called sharply. The young she-wolf was dozing off on a rock again, much to his disappointment. Ketu wondered why she was so lazy at such a young age.

"Go out hunting. Bring another wolf along with you if you want." He said curtly. Ailyn's eyes told him that she wanted to whine and protest, but thankfully, the silver she-wolf kept her mouth shut and nodded. Ailyn slid off the rock, sighing inwardly. 


9:48am Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 1,016

(( Sorry I was gone for a while... )

Tadrino immediatley slumped into a submissive stance in respect for Khalik. "Hello. I hope not alot." He said. He slowly looked over at Kaos, noticing his snarl. Then when he realized that was toward him, he went depper into the snow in shame of his disobedience.


Neveah couldn't fall back asleep, because some more wolves had joined the howl. She got out and went to where the wolves were howling. She looked around with an awkward paw that fell asleep because of the way she was laying on it.

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12:34pm Jun 27 2011

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Maybe Icould go see if there's any honey today? Probably not because it's to cold here for bee's but it's worth a shot. Zack said to himself as he planed out possible things to keep him busy for the day. He thought of other possabilities of things to do if he couldn't find any honey near by. Hunting was allways needed so maybe that, or possably he could go mark the borders. He wasn't quite sure but he would figure something out.

Her packs howl got louder as more wolves joined in and she couldn't restrain herself. She lifted her body off the ground so that she could holw to her fullest. She raised her muzzle to the sky and let out a load long howl a long with the rest of those who were howling.


3:30pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 3:31pm Jun 27 2011)

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Posts: 496

Ephliam lazily sunned himself as his Beta, Skoll sat himself beside his Alpha. "Yes, I really should get up. I'll get right to work, although I want you to renew the pack boundaries. Take along that Tadrino, and some others if you feel like it, just make sure that it's done properly!" Ephliam ended up shouting at the Beta. He flicked his tail angrily as he stalked off towards his Pack. Ephliam wandered first over to Leto, and excited she-wolf, who was announcing that she was going off to hunt. "Since you seem so eager to hunt, then you shall. But you must take someone along with you. The Pack must learn how to do something other than be lazy and sit around." Ephliam says, then stalking off again, cleary agitated, for a yet, unknown reason.


"Really? Well, I hope that something interesting does happen, because nothing ever does. I'm always stuck around camp here. It is veeeerrry booooring!" Khalik says, lying down next to Tadrino. She elongates her words to magnatize her feelings towards the subject. This is just her. Being annoying....

(Can't think of much to post, but oh well. Is Ephliam mad enough for you? Khalik one of the most annoying charries that you have ever met?)

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

3:45pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Zack got up and shook the snow from his belly. He padded up to his alpha, "I'm going to go get some honey because you seem in a bad mood and so do some of the others and that allways seems to cheer you guys up. Or at least thats what I remember anyway. I can't quite remember all the details but yeah thats what i'm going to do so bye." He smiled and padded off into the forest. He sniffed as he walked past trees trying to pick up the scent of some honey that might be near by.

Renn ended her howl as she ran out of breath. She breathed deeply taking in the brisk and cold air. She was going to go hunting. Yes. That was what she was going to do. No one else seemed ready to hunt and she was bored so she was going to hunt. She headed out of the clearing sniffing the air in search of what pray might be left in this fridged weather.


6:16pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 496

((Dart, when I read your post for Zack, I was first, dumbfounded, second, I yelled out, "OMG, that sounds exactly like me in real life." LOL))

Ephliam's eyes widen, and his jaw literally bounces on the ground. 'I think, that that wolf, Zack, just dumbfounded me.' Ephliam thought, still not believing it. "O-Ok, then" Ephliam stutters over the words, the anger seemingly erased from his memory. Zack wandered of into the forest, and Ephliam turned back to the camp, still looking mildly confused.

(This reflects how most people react to me in real life..... So Yeah! :P <3 )

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:25pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((Ha i'm kind of like that but not as extreme..well some times because it's fun to see people reactions XD I'm glad I can make you happy))

Zack pounced at the ground landing with his noes in the snow. He lifted his head sneezing untill all the snow was gone. He sniffed the air again. He could smell the faint scent of honey. Yay! There's still some left! He rushes after the honey following the scent untill he finds an occupied hive on a low branch. He put his front paws on the tree trunck and sticks his noes into the entance of the hive sniffing to see if there is enough honey to bother knocking the hive down. He comes out with a snicky noes. He licks the honey off his noes and smiles. He bats at the hive with one of his paws untill it falls down. He grabs it in his jaws being carefull not to crush it and heads back to the clearing to show the others his prize. His tail it high and a smile is on his muzzle. He drops the hive infront of Ephliam, "You want the first of it." He ask's lowering his tail to a reasonable hight so his alpha doesn't take him as a threat. He sits down his tail thumping waiting to see if he will take any.

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