12:15am May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
1. Romance and violence needed.
2.You must join as a horse and a human.
3. Please keep genders as even as possible.
(The rest is below.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:31am May 20 2012 (last edited on 2:34pm May 20 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
You run across an open feild without a care in the world and all of the sudden the herd quits running and freezes at the sound of a loud bang and many birds fly away from the trees. Weird two legged creatures emerge from the trees on horses with wips,guns and many other weapons. As soon as the herd begins to run again the creatures on the horses began to lead the herd in a different direction by wipping them and then barking creatures begin nipping at the back of the herd's horse's ankles. You are soon lead to a large fenced in area and many more humans and barking creatures begin forcing the herd into the fenced in area.
We will be playing as these horses and a few humans,but they do not have to be the humans who captured the horses,though. This will take place in western times.
Mate/Boy friend/Girl friend:
Herd position:
My bio
Name: Shadow
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Horse/Unknown...
Personality: She is a horse that is the hardest for the humans to try a ride. She never lets a human have a chance to ride her and is feared by the newer horse catchers. She perfers to be alone,but can be loving and kind if she wants to be. Rp rest out...
Looks: Silver eyes and her mane goes over her left eye.
History: Unknown...
Crush: ...
Mate: ...
Foals: ...
Other: She is very beautiful.
Herd position: Lead Female
Name: Lily Taylor
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Personality: She thinks it's wrong to take a horse from the wild and try to tame it. She will free a horse when she gets the chance and isn't really social and likes to be alone,but can also be loving and kind when she wants to be. Rp rest out...
Looks: She has greenish blue eyes and black hair that goes to her mid back,across her left eye and has a bloodred highlight in it. She wears a black bra,black short shorts,an ankle long black cloak,and no shoes. Her skin is tan and she is Cherokee.
History: Unknown...
Crush: ...
Boy friend: ...
Children: ...
Other: She is very beautiful.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:06am May 20 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
(Anyone wanna join?)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:17am May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Name: Starlight Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Species: Shire Personality: Very kind and loving, and never... Ever snaps. Looks:  History: Used to live in terrible human care but finally found courage to jump the fence. Crush: ... Mate: ... Children/Foals: ... Other: ... Herd position: Member Name: Antonia DePirro Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Human Personality: Mostly nice, but really hates it when people get in her way. Looks: Dark skin with a white shirt and skirt with a leather belt. Her bangs are curled and her hair is braided with a plaid handkerchief. Did I mention shes black? ;) History: ... Crush: ... Boy friend: ... Children: Don't you think shes a bit young for that? Other: ...
1:51pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Accepted and we need some males...)(I guess I'll start in my next post.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:57pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
2:47pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(My bio was changed,a bit,for Lily.)
Shadow neighed and shook her mane wildly as she kicked at the fence of the place she was put in to seperate her from the others. A man came up to her and put tack on her while many others held her legs still and her neck. Shadow bucked as the men let go of her and the one put the tack on told the other men to leave and start opening the gate. Shadow looked forward as the men opened the gate that lead to a larger fenced area were the men tried to ride her everyday and failed. One of the men cracked the air with a wip and Shadow galloped into the large area,bucking wildly. The man on her back held tightly to the reins as Shadow tried to get him off. Shadow crashed into the gate and reared up. The man still held tightly to the reins. Shadow let herself fall onto her side and crush one of the man's legs and the man let go of the reins as he let out a stream of curse words. Shadow neighed as a few men jumped into the fence to get her off of his leg and she got back to her hooves and galloped around the inside of the fence before neighing a warning and jumping,clear,over the fence. She began galloping towards the gates that lead to freedom and,when she was almost there,she felt a pain in her side and one of her back legs and skided to a stop. She neighed as men put ropes around her and lead her beck to her caged in area.
Lily,who was walking on the outside of the horse trappers territory,watched the events all the way up to when the black mare was shot with a gun,twice. She sighed and began plotting her way to free this mare and sat down.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
3:06pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Starlight felt like ramming into that gate. She hated when Shadow was tortured. She bellowed as men lead her out of her cage with a thick rope. She tried to gnaw her way out, but of course, she wasn't very strong after days of this. She was fairly easy to ride, but getting on was the hard part. She bit the people's hands, bucking at their faces. Her eyes even seemed to flash a brilliant red in the sunlight. As a Shire horse, she should have been one of the strongest of the bunch. And she was. She reared, her fetlocks waving in the wind. Finally, a human got onto her back. She softened a little bit, but not enough. The whip smacked at her, and she tried to withstand the burning. When she couldn't take it anymore, she tossed her head forward and back, trying to get the human to release the reigns. She reared, the human sliding off like butter. She galloped at full speed trying to get over the fence as Shadow did, but she missed the chance. A human ran straight infront of her. Antonia gasped as she saw these horses being tortured. She couldn't stand such cruelty. She jumped the guard rails and leaped infront of the larger horse, spreading her brown arms.

3:31pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow kicked the fence and broke one of the poles off. She kicked again and made another fall. "Yes.",she neighed and jumped over the last two poles before galloping towards the gate again. The men on tame horses got infront of her. Shadow neighed out a,"Sorry.",and kicked one of the horses in it's front legs,then another horse in it's chest. The horses fell and left an open space for her to get out through. She took the chance and jumped over the two horses and towards the way out. "Close the gate!",yelled a man. Two men ran to the gate and got it closed. That didn't stop this mare. She jumped the gates and ran into the open feild. She reared onto her back feet and kicked the air with her front feet as a group of men started chasing her on horses. "I'll come back for you all.",she muttered and began running off.
Lily saw the mare escape and jumped up before running towards her and trying to catch up. She saw the mare begin to turn and she took the chance to take a short cut and ran up to the mare before placing a hand on her snout. She looked into the mare's eyes before saying,"Trust me.",and jumping onto her back. The mare took off once more and picked up speed.
(Shadow has no tack on anymore.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
3:50pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Starlight reared towards the human infront of her. The human got a hold of her reigns, holding them tight. The human jumped ontop of her, trying to steer her back to her pen. Starlight bit and nearly choked on the bit, her lips curling backward. She bellowed, rearing. The human insisted it's grip, but trying to be as gentle as possible. Starlight turned a circle, leaning over, trying to get the human to slip off. Well, it only hung by it's hands by then and was having a hard time figuring out how to get on or off. A human shot at her, making her knees buckle a bit. She neighed and jumped the fence back into the pen, the human holding onto the saddle still trying to live. Antonia gripped the saddle, then finally got off when the horse screeched to a stop. She tried to calm the horse, slowly slipping the tack off of the large mare. Men tried to get her out before she was injured, but she drove them away by shooting at their feet.
4:16pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow neighed as the men got closer and the horses began to get tired,two horses fell to the ground and two more. Now only four horses,with men on their backs,were chasing her. She turned back towards the territory of the humans and the last four horse's legs gave out. She jumped the fence and went straight towards the one with the herd in it and kicked out the poles. The horses began galloping towards freedom as Shadow headed for Starlight.
Lily got off of the black mare and watched as she began to bang her side against the wall. She saw another human in the fence with the other horse and said,"Get out of there."
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:37pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Starlight looked at Shadow with pleading eyes. She shook her mane, trying to get as far away from humans as she could. The farther away she got, more came after her. She was a bit too large to make it over the fence or atleast out of the pen. She just had to wait for the humans to let her out. She galloped around the humans, making them crash into eachother and the horses confuse one another. Antonia looked at Lily straight in the eye. She motioned for Lily to follow her. She walked over to the gate. She crouched behind a pole. "See the Shire over there? I was trying to get it out of here. And also, I kinda work here... I'm not really allowed to leave." She had a bit of an african accent, but it was thin enough to understand.
4:47pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow,finally,crashed through the poles and neighed at Starlight,"Lets get outta here!",and ran at a few of the humans. She then ran after the herd and stopped at the exit gate.
Lily shook her head and said,"I must leave.",before running after Shadow.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:03pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Starlight nodded and trailed after the herd, galloping as fast as she could. She had a rope dangling from around her snout, and she was still trying to shake it off. The humans must have thought that because she was a bit larger, she would be a bit slower, because they were still shooting at her. Antonia ran behind the last few horses, whistling at them, making sure they didn't get caught. She took out her pistol and shot at the other humans' legs, so they couldn't walk.
6:14pm May 20 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((I'll join as a stallion and a guy when I get outta the shower. <3;))
9:39pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,873
Name:Blue Age: Young Adult Gender: Male Species: Horse Personality: Very agresseve and unself confident. Looks:
 History: Nothing too special Crush: none Mate/Boy friend/Girl friend: none Children/Foals: none Other: none Herd position: Hinder-- Horse that staie's behind to make sure none of the foal's or other's stray or get lost from the herd.
Name: Amy Age: 18 Gender: female Species: Humen Personality: RP out Looks: Coming History: nothing too special Crush: none Mate/Boy friend/Girl friend: none Children: No Other: No
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
10:30pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Ok,Rika. Accepted and welcome back to Res,Spirit.)
Shadow galloped at the end of the herd and waited for the herd to get out of the gate before taking off in the direction of a group of humans that were getting on horses. Lily jumped onto her back and gripped her mane. Shadow kicked at a man's horse and then at one of the men and galoped towards the herde once more. Lily held tightly to the horse's mane. 'My tribe has been killed,so I might as well stay with these horses.',Lily thought as the mare galloped onward.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:01pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Starlight stopped for a moment, staring at Shadow. "What are you doing?" Antonia got onto a race horse, and shot a few men in the back, not something she was proud of.
11:12pm May 20 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow looked at the humans and watched them retreat. "That.",she neighed as she nodded towards the retreating humans. Lily stayed on the mare's back.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:43am May 21 2012
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Posts: 4,211
Starlight glared at the human on Shadow's back. "No, I meant that thing on top of you." She neighed, rearing. Antonia watched the horses run away, until her horse finally flung her off. She sat on the ground, puffing a curled hair out of her eye. "Not much exciting things happen in my life. No one even takes a bother to even look at me when I try to help them. Cause I'm a black, isn't it?"