6:51pm May 21 2012 (last edited on 6:52pm May 21 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(may I join?)
Name:Rina Age:17 Gender: Female Personality:rp out Species:human History:nothing important Crush:none Boyfriend:non Looks:  ta:image/jpeg;base64,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Name:Dayden (Indian for little girl) Age:Late teens Gender:Mare Personality:rp out Species:horse History:has been with Rina since she was a foal Crush:none Mate:none Looks:

7:33pm May 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
Name: Splotched Noon Age: Young AdultGender: StallionSpecies: Horse - Rocky Mountain HorsePersonality: Brash and easily angered, Noon makes for a great guardian of the herd, defending it from dangers such as cougars and other predators.Looks:
History: Escaped as a foal when one of the stablehands left his stall open.Crush: OpenMate/Boy friend/Girl friend: None Children/Foals: NoneOther: Not reallyHerd position: Sort of a defender/second in command male? :3
Name: Matthew RyderAge: 19Gender: Male Species: Human, duh. <3Personality: He's a sweetheart, really. He's a cuddly kind of guy, and he can be shy and quiet as well. He doesn't usually talk much, but if you get on a topic he likes, like horses or other animals, you just can't shut him up!Looks:
History: Nothing important really lol.Crush: OpenMate/Boy friend/Girl friend: None~ Children/Foals: Nope.Other: Not really. :3
10:10pm May 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
10:21pm May 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
(Lol,Fox,and I would have to agree. Accepted to you both.)
Shadow's head turned and her eyes went from the human,to her back and she shrugged as she looked back at Starlight. "I don't really know. Nor do I care.",she said as she galloped onwards,and the herd began to enter some trees. "Got to get to the front.",Shadow said and picked up speed.
Lily ducked closer to the horses back,but kept her head up as she looked behind her at the other horses and let a smile creep across her mouth.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
10:26pm May 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(hey I'm just speaking the truth ;P)
Rina sat in the field by her home soaking up the sun as Dayden galloped around enjoying the freshness. Dayden was walking around since this was a new home she would have to explore yes, so far she had lucked out and found that the property had an apple tree yummm she though remembering it and that there was a little stream a little ways away, she wondered what else was around the house like in the woods.
10:38pm May 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,211
Starlight was about to neigh in protest, but sighed and shook her head. Leader knows best. Don't argue with the leader. I wish she wasn't so careless at times, though. She flexed her leg muscles, allowing her to catch up with the herd. Antonia looked around and found a wild horse that hadn't had a chance to catch up. She smiled at it, then led it out of the stall by gently holding it's mane. She got onto the horse, though she wasn't too experienced in bareback riding. She made sure to linger a few feet behind the herd incase she looked like one of the other humans.
11:01pm May 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
Shadow shook her head and kept a steady gallop. She neighed for the herd to start heading towards their home feild. Lily stared at a horse that kept looking at her and it turned his head at the neigh and began to turn right.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:26pm May 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
Dayden hearing all of the noise galloped off to investigate the noise she saw many horses wondering what was going on she galloped closer and stood there wondering where they were all going. Rina watched Dayden gallop off "don't go to far" she shouted at her.
9:46am May 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,211
Starlight looked over behind the herd. She sped so that she was directly behind Shadow. "We're being followed by a human and a horse." She neighed, bowing her head to make sure she didn't topple over. Antonia glanced from behind her and the herd. The horse she was riding kept on cantering with the herd, so why bother restrict it? She quietly called to Lily. "Hey! You forgot one!" She smiled a little bit then got off the horse, letting it go on with the rest of the herd.
11:20am May 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
Shadow turned her head to look at Starlight and then at the back of the herd,"It appears that the human was just bringing a horse back to the herd." She then turned her head towards the edge of the trees and noticed another horse,but ignored it and,seeing the herd's home feild,galloped faster and waited til' she was in the middle of the feild to stop.
Lily watched as the African American brought back one of the horses and smiled as she turned her head and waited for the black mare to stop. As soon as the mare stopped she got off of it's back and looked around.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:37pm May 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
Noon nickered as he trotted to join the rest of the herd, strong muscles rippling underneath his spotted velvety pelt. He looked around, dark eyes scanning the area for any danger before he ducked his head to pluck a few strands of grass from the ground and chew on them. His ears swiveled forward when his lifted his head again, the Rocky Mountain Horse snorting after a moment and shaking his head before he walked over to where the lead mare stood, scanning the area once again for any signs of danger. "The humans are of no threat until they try to take one of the herd I assume?" he asked, his tail flicking once as he shifted his weight between his hooves. The humans being there put him on edge...
Matthew sighed softly as he leaned back against a tall tree, his pale blue eyes closed until the sounds of hoofbeats reached his ears, drawing his attention. He pushed off from the tree he had been leaning against and headed towards the sound, curiosity shining in his pale eyes. Eventually he did find where the hoofbeats had stopped, and he stopped right where he stood as he looked down at all of the horses. He tilted his head slightly, looking curious and intrigued. there were so many horses...and they were all so beautiful! He smiled slightly as he crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side as he watched the from afar.

6:23pm May 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
Dayden looked at the horses as they passes she had never seen this many at one time before she was intrigued and started to follow them wondering were they were headed. She galloped fast catching up to the herd and looked at all of the other horses.
Mika looked up expecting to see Dayden she usually came back after a little while. She called to her but got no reply. She stood up and started walking towards were she saw Dayden last she scanned the area but saw nothing she called for her again and again got no reply. So she kept walking wondering where she had wondered off to. She soon reached rocky terrain she must had turned the wrong way she thought about to turn around when she saw a boy about her age she walked up to him "hey have you seen a black horse-" she stopped seeing what he was looking at there were so many horses. She must be down there she thought scanning the herd.
8:18pm May 22 2012
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Posts: 4,873
Blue snorted, being his usual Blue self. He bobed his head as he kicked the fence, again ang again. He was the only horse that had not been returned to the herd. He let out a loud whinnie and rammed his side into the fence. His main bobed and flashed around as he trotted rund and about his padok. He impationly reard up and whinnied, he quickle rested back down and collapsed to the ground.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:06pm May 23 2012
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10:56pm May 23 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow nodded her head,'If they try to hurt or capture the herd,they are a threat,if not,they can be around the herd.",she said and began looking around to see if all the herd's horses were there. She noticed that one wasn't around and turned her head to look at Noon. "I'll be back,please,watch the herd.",she said and then took off towards the human's territory once more.
Lily watched the mare gallop off and then sat down and watched all the foals and adult horses trot,walk and gallop by her.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:20pm May 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Dayden stayed with the herd following them wondering what was going on when she saw one of the horses galloping off in another direction curious she followed her.
11:23pm May 23 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow made it back to the human territory and went into the fences,found Blue and began to crash down on the fence with her front hooves.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:39pm May 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Dayden walked up next to the mare wondering who she was "would you like any help" she asked watching her trying to open the gate she had always been good at opening gates ever since she was a foal
11:48pm May 23 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow nodded and broke one of the poles down.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:00am May 24 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Dayden walked in front of her by the lock and flipped it up with her lip and the door opened she stood back and looked back at the mare letting the other horse free.