4:59pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 222
((It's fine, I'm going to change it to my boy charrie. ;D He's more fun to play))
5:06pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<haha... Moo- I might have to drop the boy but I will try my best not to... its hard for me to play a boy, expecially a young one. >>
5:08pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
{ That's fine, Leo. c: }
wuss poppin jimbo
5:12pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Sorry that I haven't been on... I was editing my profile. c:))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:13pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 222
((I edited my boy charrie into my original post, with the girl. ;D))
5:17pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 5:17pm Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 9,944
{ Love your Profile, Iheart. <3 I want to edit mine a bit later, if I have time. >_> } { I'll add him to the list. x3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
5:25pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 993
Name; Reece Everett Bukowski Age; Eighteen years old Gender; Male [hence blue] Personality; Reece is rather aloof, he doesn't much care for anyone but himself. He's used to being a loner, and doesn't care what others think. He can be mean at times, but he likes to flirt, finding that some people like the 'mystery' of his general bad-boy type. Reece is stubborn and headstrong, but doesn't like letting people get hurt, so sometimes he'll interfere. He keeps to himself, mostly because he was hurt badly in his last relationship and doesn't want to go through pain again. History; Reece grew up in an abusive family, his father, at least. His father would cuss and beat both him and his mother, but more his mother, since Reece began fighting back. This is what inspired him to be how he is, since his mother was sweet and kind, and his father took advantage of that. He planned on going to the M*censored*achusetts Institute of Technology to become a mechanic. He always protected his younger brother and sister, making sure that his father didn't hurt them. Crush/BF/GF; None so far. Other; Reece is 6'1", having a taller family, and he has shaggy light brown hair. He's tan, and has very dark brown eyes, he has a muscular build from workling out to protect himself against his father [see history]. He's very simple in everything he does, not really caring one way or another, but he has an alluring charm about him.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
5:32pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:38pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((By the way, can we start? o3o I have the strange earning to call you Moodle. xD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:40pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
{ Somebody can start, but I might disappear for half an hour soon. (Dinner's almost ready!) Uh, remember that they've been there for 27 days now, and have a small fort-like thing built. c: } { Moodle. Cute. x3 You can call me that if you want. }
wuss poppin jimbo
5:45pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((I'll start. And kay, Moodle. x3))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:03pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Lindsay sat on the shore of the uncharted island she was stranded on, futilely scrutinizing the submerged plane in the distance for signs of life. A brisk April zephyr collided with her, pushing a wisp of her auburn hair in her face, which was streaked with mascara. She took out her waterlogged phone, hopelessly checking if it had magically repaired itself, and if her boyfriend arose from the dead to send her a text. No such luck. She cast her Blackberry into the murky water, and bowed her head in a gesture of defeat. Young Matthew walked up, caressing his only posession, a Ping-Pong paddle, in his left hand. He sat next to Lindsay, who he had looked to as his leader since the crash. All was silent on the beach. Matthew forced a pitiful smile on his lips, and comforted her, saying, "It'll be alright," but he knew it would never be alright. Both of them had lost everyone they had ever truly cared about.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:34pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 7:02pm Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
27 days. Aza thought sitting on dry sand.27 days and no one has come looking for us. Her limp blond life less hair fell in her face as she wrote her name in the sand over and over with her index finger. She tryed to remember a time when she wasnt flushed, when she was happy instead of being life less like her limp hair. Not even her bright green eyes shone life. "This is how its going to be. This is how Im going to die, along with people I dont even know." She was so sure of this. Her voice was coinfident that this was going to happen. Ever since she had been here she didnt talk. All she did was do what people told her and sit out alone in the sand waiting for a boat to arrive. Maybe I should talk to some one. I dont want to die quiet. She thought standing up looking around for some one to talk to. She was to shy, and to week to pep talk herself. Aza slowly sank back down to the gold sand. My hair use to be this color She smiled to herself and picked up a hand full of sand lifting it up so it was eye level and then spreading her fingers apart letting the sand slip through her fingers. Once the sand was gone she spoted a ring on her finger. A flood of memories over came her. "This will be my promise to you." A boy with short brown hair and supernovia eyes looked at her as he sliped it on her finger. "Aza, I promise to find you." The girls eyes filled with water. "I promis I will find you when the time is right." Aza was speechless as she searched for the right words. "But,-"Aza started but the boy put a finger to her lips shushing her. "I promise." He said kissing her cheek and turning around leaving her. She slowly back away from the boys ship. Now, tears streamed down her face as the boat honked its horn and left. The girl fell to her knees and put her hands over her face and cryed. "Travis!" She sobbed not looking up. Aza looked at the ring as tears started to swim in her eyes. She wipped them away quickly. The silver ring that twined with gold. "One is you and one is me" She mumbled bringing her hands to her face again like she had done in her memory. She lowered her head and sobbed quietly knowing she would never see him again. Once again her limp hair fell around her pale face. As she stopped sobbing she tried to think of some way to cheer herself up but it was useless. The life she had and her life now...Well, there was nothing to live for any more. <<Sorry the last half was rushed>>
6:51pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 993
Pitiful. That's what she was. Stella was laying in the warm sand, squinting at the sun on the alienated island, salty waves lapping at her toes. At least, she could be thankful she was on that flight alone, that her parents weren't some of the hundreds of dead bodies that had dissapeared. How were her parents coping? Or Livia and Josh? Or all of Troy High School, for that matter? She panicked about her college acceptance, would she make it back in time to add this to her application essay? Millions of questions buzzed around her head, and she turned, getting sand in her face. It had almost been a month, she knew, and she was wondering how long she and the other few could survive without water, only juices from things they found. The island they had landed on was far too large to explore by foot, and blanketed in thick jungle. Stella tuned to her belly and propped herself up, staring into the depths of the foliage. A small fort, just large enough for those stranded, was in site, and birds flew above the tree. If only she was a bird, she could fly away from this dreary island and go home to her comfortable life, surrounded by material things and people who loved her. As she contemplated the chances of her being able to fly home, her mouth grew dry, and she couldn't think of anything but a bottle of fresh water. How she wished that she could drink gallons of water that was from some majestic looking mountain spring. Stella stood, wobbling towards the forest, trying to make sure no one noticed her, as wandering off into uncharted jungle usually isn't the smartest decision. Sounds of chittering animals and birds flying through the trees filled her ears, and she soon spotted a small furry creature clutching a pear-shaped. A perfect target, Stella decided, and picked up a handful of small rocks, casting them towards the animal. One hit, making the furry thing squeal and drop the fruit, which landed in a sandy spot on the floor of the forest. Greedily, Stella picked it up and ran out into the open, sun glaring down at her, and she took a bite of the fruit. Juice ran down her chin, fufilling her thirst, and sweetness filled her mouth as she chewed hastily and swallowed. She wiped her face with her arm and took another bite, then wrapping it in a cloth she had found to save it for later. Guilt was printed on her face, clear as daylight, but she tried to pretend like she didn't care, like she deserved to hoard the food. Being a person of kindness, she settled that if anyone wanted some, she would allowe them to eat, as much as they wanted, but as long as she kept it hidden, nothing would steal it. Stella sighed, looking at the clear horizon. No one was coming to save them. --- Reece held the trunk of the tree as close to him as possible, a sharp stone in one hand violently slashing at the base of the coconut. He swore through gritted teeth as he missed and tried to jiggle the rock out of the tree, striking the plant again and again. At last, only a few fibers connected the fruit to the tree, and Reece held the rock in his mouth, pulling on the coconut. It broke loose, throwing off Reece's balance, making him drop the coconut and hug the tree to stay on. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing that nothing seemed interested in it, then proceeded to work on the next one. Gathering food and some sort of thing to drink was his main priority, since if the group of survivors couldn't find that, they would have no chance of living. When the second fell into his palm, he dropped it, letting it land near the other, and began descending the tree. A chip in the trunk caught his foot, and Reece lost his grip on the smooth bark, flailing his arms as he flew towards the ground, landing on his back with a hardy thump. He shouted a cuss, then grumbled as he rolled himself over, standing and grabbing the two coconuts he had harvested. "Great deal of work for just two of them..." He muttered to himself, wiping his forehead and leaving a streak of dirt. Later, Reece said to himself, he'd get clean, but right now all he needed to do was find the fort.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:53pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 7:01pm Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 222
Adon sighed, from where he was leaning against a palm tree, on the beach. Though he was saddened by the deaths of everyone on the plane, nothing was much different for him. He had started out on the plane with nothing, and was off the plane with nothing. Except maybe some new scars and bruises to show, Adon had lost nothing and no one would miss him. It was simply as if he'd never lived. This was one thing that set him apart from the majority of the group. While most were upset and sad, he was fine and felt a little guilty for not feeling the sadness they felt. A soft breeze rustled Adon's hair, as the thoughts skimmed his head. He wouldn't say these out loud to anyone, of course. Adonis tended to keep his feelings to himself. Adon turned around and made his way back to their make-shift shelter, the few survivors shared. "Anyone want to come explore the island a bit with me?" he asked, aloud, hoping someone would answer. He hated being alone, and it was probably safer to look around the island with someone with him.
6:54pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 6:56pm Dec 5 2010)
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Sarah sighed, pale grey eyes steadily focused on the horizon as she tucked her journal away. Her brother, Jason, had swam out to the remains of the plane to see if there was anything left there that they could salvage. She chewed her lip gently, trying not to let her imagination take hold. Nothing bad would happen to her while he was gone; she just had to relax and find someone to talk to. She stood up, brushing the sand off of her clothes. She was wearing a shirt and a button-up blouse that was too big for her; it turns out there weren't many girls in her size of clothes on the plane. They needed the clothes, though, so she kept quiet and hiked up the skirt, walking up to the first person she saw, which was Matthew. She said nothing, and only stood there, messy blonde hair ruffled by the light breeze.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:26pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 1,329
The Island was quiet, so quiet that it spooked her. Aza got up the sand falling off her dark jeans. She brushed off the rest of the sand that stuck her lose grey T-shirt that had Black letter that said 'Dreams'. Aza stomach growled and for the first time she giggled, patting her stomach. She spotted a little girl that went by Sarah who was standing by a boy named Matthew. She looks nice enough Aza thought as she approched the two. She looked at Sarah and said. "Hi, Sarah right?" Aza had been here 27 days and hadnt spoken a word to anyone. "Well, anyways" She gestured to the forest where a fruit tree was. "Want to help me get some of the fruit?" She had never atempted to get fruit form a tree yet. She mainly at berries or if some one gave her some fruit that hung from a tree she would graciously accept it. She looked back at the girl who was about 10 or 11 and felt bad that she had to go through this.
7:28pm Dec 5 2010
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Matthew turned to the girl who stood by him. "Hello," he murmured, and looked intently at Sarah. Her clothes were several sizes too big. He was about the same size that she was, being small for his age. He had an extra shirt. Maybe... But he just turned his head back towards the waves. He couldn't be kind right now. It was survival of the fittest. He couldn't... He found himself asking her if she needed clothes. "Hey, um, do you need some clothes? I have a pair... and those don't look like they fit... He said with the innocence of a child. "They aren't really boyish or anything. Just a red shirt." ---------------- Lindsay looked at Matthew, surprised by his kindness. He had told her how poor he was before. She never really thought that he would be so generous, just a kid.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:40pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 9:43pm Dec 5 2010)
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Sarah smiled, showing that she was missing one of her front teeth. "Really?" she said. "Wow, thanks. Jason couldn't find anything that fit me." She stared at him for a minute, unsure of what else to say. "This island sure is scary sometimes." Then she turned to the girl, frowning as she shook her head. "I can't," she said with her cute, childhood lisp. "Jason said I'm not supposed to go off the beach with strangers." ~ Jason frowned at Sarah's journal and bag, laying in the sand unattended. Where was she? He let his eyes scan the beach, locating his little sister with two others. He considered going over to fetch her, but decided against it due to his current shape (shirtless with one arm in a sling). Picking up the bag and journal, he brought them to the make-shift hut they were staying in so she wouldn't loose them. "At least she's making friends," he grumbled quietly to himself as he took a seat in the shade.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:55pm Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza nodded not saying a word as her faced flushed red and she left quickly. "So much for that" She mumbled heading off to the tree where the fruit hung. She looked up then to the side. It wasnt far off the beach because she could still see the people on the beach. She looked around for a rock. Aza found a coupple and started throw them at the fruit, being carful not to harm it. "Uhg!" She grunted as she threw the first rock missing the tree. She looked around making sure nobody saw what happened before she turned and threw the second rock and missed again. She sighed and threw the last rock. She hit the tree just not where she wanted. She sighed and looked around for more rocks.