5:13pm Dec 11 2010
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(( Sorry if i'm intruding~ Thought I might take a look at my old forum again <3 I miss it, but I only to rp's over IM now~ Hi MOO~ I miss you <3 You need to e-mail me more often! Bye guys, have fun with your roleplays!! <333 ))

I just posted. Deal with it.
11:40pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 993
OoC; D| Ahhh sorryyy. Any info I use, by the way, is from previous posts. [not powerplaying] BiC; Balancing the coconuts ontop of one another, Reece scratched his cheek as the girl, who's name he had forgotten to inquire, spoke. Her hair was in loose ringlets, color looking faded from what he supposed would be a vibrant blonde. Along with that she had intense green eyes, which, wandered off of him, then back to him as she asked if he knew where water was. "What? Oh, no, I uh, I'm really lost right now. I've just been wandering. But I'm sure there's some water somewhere, I mean the forrest is really... thick." Inside, he beat himself up for being so awful at helping, but he remained uneasy on the outside, seeing that he was utterly confused. "Um, do you want me to help you look for them? I mean, I've got food too if you're hungry..." Reece tried not to look dissapointed in himself. Years of school should have made him at least a bit better at talking to others, shouldn't it have? --- A bit surprised by Adon's sudden moving forward caused Stella to jump forwards, twigs snapping under her feet as she hastened to catch up. "No, I mean, I know that, but how would we get it?" Stella asked cautiously, slowing her pace as she reached the boy's side, looking at him as they continued through the trees. "I don't have an axe or anything, not my first list on what to pack on an airplane, sorry." Sarcasm rang in her voice, hopefully he would percieve it jokingly, but Stella was tired, and tended to sound mean when that did happen. Often her mother would get mad at her for 'sas.sing' her when she had only been teasing, tone not mattering much to parents, as she found. Walking next to taller people always frustrated Stella, as she had to adjust and take much larger steps because of it. This always made her feel ridiculous, which brought upon the slight frustration. Flocks of birds in every color flew overhead, and she tried not to look like a complete idiot when she stopped to stare at them. She imagined that if this was a movie, some pretty soft indie or irish music would be playing in a montage, the weary traveller seeing the beauty of the lone island raw. In awe, she stood, watching the colors rush by, small animals leaping through the trees that were dressed in a rainbow of flowers. A quiet noise licked at the corner of her brain, the girl holding her breath to focus. "Is that... Is that a waterfall?"
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:04am Dec 12 2010 (last edited on 7:05am Dec 12 2010)
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OoC: =) Name Aspen Age 15 Gender Female Personality Aspen is independent, strong willed, and occasionally rebellious. She fights for what she believes in, and would be ready to give anything up for the people who she loves, even her own life. She is not very open minded, but likes to try out new things if she feels like it. She is loyal, but would do what she thinks is right. Appearance Aspen has wavy dark auburn hair with black streaks, with a long forelock falling over her face. Her eyes are bright azure, accentuated by her not-so-light complexion. She stands about 6", and is almost always dressed in clothes of sombre shades. History She was an orphan for as long as she could remember. Aspen had named herself, because she didn't know what her real name was. She lived a lot on the streets, kind of like Huckleberry Finn, and other times in an orphanage she hated. Crush/BF/GF She thinks she'll never fall in love. So far. We'll see ;) Other Nah.
8:09am Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 222
Adon couldn't help but grin at Stella's s*censored*. "Well, I was thinking there'd be some dead trees somewhere around here, that we wouldn't need to cut down." He glanced down at her, as they walked, suppressing a laugh at how fast she had to walk to keep up. He slowed the pace down a little, though. "And I have a pocketknife with me," he added. Adon wasn't exactly sure how a pocketknife would help him cut down a tree, but he figured it was worth mentioning. Seeing Stella stop, Adon came to a halt, also. He followed Stella's gaze to the animals and flowers. Upon hearing her question, he became silent, listening intently for the sound Stella was hearing. After a moment, without an answer, he pushed through the bushes, getting closer to the sound. And then finally, there it was. Adon let out a gasp of surprise at the beauty of it. Clear blue water tumbled off the rocks into a medium-sized pool. "Change of plans," Adon said, with a grin, as he pulled his shirt off and threw it next to a tree. "We're going for a swim!" He laughed, as he did a cannonball into the pool, splashing Stella with water.
12:59pm Dec 12 2010
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<<Wolf~ I like your Charries name>> Aza was slightly confussed by the boy nice-ness. She looked at the boy and giggled slightly then, she said sarcasticly "You know I would think people would be brutal and think of them selves before others," She looked back at the destracting coconuts balencing one on the other before she continued. "Since we have been on this island for 27 days" Any trace of a smile on her face was now gone as Aza took a moment to think about what he said. She finnaly nodded and said. "Sure." She looked at him once more and got up from the rock and steeped closer to him. "Im Aza by the way" She lifted her hand to form a shake but stopped short knowing how stupid it was. Instead she brought her hand to her head and sorta scrunched her hair. She let her hand drop.
4:03pm Dec 12 2010 (last edited on 5:12pm Dec 12 2010)
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{ Minty... <3 } { Sorry iheart. D: I was watching my grampa and then I had to babysit for the night. } "So," Jason said, kicking a small stone in his path. "Where are you from? I was originally born in Canada, but after my parents died I..." A lump swelled in his throat, making him unable to go on. Thinking of his Aunt and Uncle's untimely deaths always paralyzed him. Sarah, it seemed, had not yet grasped the concept of death, but it ever lurked in the edges of Jason's mind. --------------- Sarah, sun warm against her back, let her moody gray eyes wander to the tree tops, where a tropical bird of some sort called out loudly. She wrinkled up her nose, tunning to look back at the boy she'd befriended. "I thought parrots were supposed to be pretty." She chimed, pointing at the multi-colored, feathered creature. "That's the ugliest one I've ever seen!"
wuss poppin jimbo
6:23pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Lindsay sensed how tense he suddenly got, so she decided to just continue the conversation. "Canada. That's cool. Well, I grew up near Los Angeles, but we moved to Sacramento last year. We were coming on vacation when the plane crashed..." Tears were on the verge of welling up in her eyes, but she held strong for Jason's sake, seeing how he didn't seem too happy, either. She tightened her grasp around her locket, and tried to provide him with a shaky smile. "The crash... it happened so fast," she said, unable to look him in the eyes. "You don't really understand how much you love someone until they're gone..." There was no point trying to hold back her grief anymore. A tear strolled lazily down her cheek. "I have heard of this happening to other people... I just never thought..." She was able to retain her smile, though her eyes were melancholy. ------------------------ "Aw, he can't help it..." Matthew felt sympathy for the bird, exotic and misunderstood. The parrot coincedentally c.ocked it's head at Matthew, and he smiled back at it. "He's not that bad, actually. It's the first time I've ever seen a parrot before. He's... regal..." His voiced trailed. "I wonder if there are any more on the island. I've never seen so many colors on an animal before." He smiled, marveling at it's vivid plumage.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:10pm Dec 12 2010
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"...It would happen to you." Jason finished for her, not really paying attention to where he was walking. His hands were shaking slightly, a sign that he was stressed out. "Yeah. It makes you wonder if there really is a God." He squinted his eyes against the sun's painful rays, staring at the sky for a moment, as if he expected the creator to show his face. "After all, what kind of God would kill innocent people and strand a bunch of teenagers and children on an island?" ------------------------ "It looks like my Grandma Marge's sweater threw up on it," Sarah giggled, short attention span bringing her to catch a glimpse of something moving in the shadows not far from the pair. "Hey," she said abruptly, jabbing Matthew in the ribs with her elbow. "Did you see that? Something moved in the bushes over there." Not waiting for him to catch up, the tiny blonde started to inch closer, blood pounding in her ears. Something told her that whatever was hiding from them was dangerous, but her ten-year-old mind was overrun with curiosity. "Get a stick," she told him in a stage whisper. "That way you can poke it or something if it comes out."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:29pm Dec 12 2010
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"A kind of God that uses misfortune for the better. Not all bad can come out of this. I made some friends already. I met Matthew, and Adon, and you. Plus, once we get out, this will be a great story for our friends." She felt a smile start to form at the corners of her mouth, but then realized how religious she sounded. "Sorry. It's just that I am a really big Christian-type..." She apologized for her c.ocky answer. She should have complained too, but she couldn't risk her beliefs. "Actually, this reminds me of a story my mom..." She bit her lip when she said 'mom', but was able to continue. "My mom told me when I was a kid. This book in the Bible, Job. It's about this rich guy who loses everything. His wealth, his friends... his family... But he still remains faithful to God. And everything turns out for the better." She blushed, wondering why she brought ure into everything. ------------------------------ "I can poke it...!?" He asked aloud, trepidation in his voice. But she was obviously in charge, so he dug in the bushes until he withdrew a large stick. "Will this work...?" He whispered to her cautiously, his heart pounding. He bit his lip, and withdrew blood, but didn't notice.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:34pm Dec 12 2010
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((Durp. lD Anyone open for interaction?))
11:35pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 993
OoC; mindfailll I forgot she was wearing a white dress. I think I mentioned that. Or at least I drew her that way. Well... xD You can find Reece fizz, he's with Aza lost in the jungle. And my brain is dead, I'm sorry. D| I'll post Reece's response tomorrow, but most of this was already typed so yeah. Night~ Branches rustled and birds squaked as the two tromped through the brush in the forrest, a grin spreading ear to ear on Stella's face when she saw the waterfall. Adon quickly dove in, also smiling as if a helicopter had come to rescue them as he started to swim. A sudden blush fell over Stella's face as she realized her predicament, that she was in a white sundress. It occured to her that whether she took it off or not, her undergarments would be exposed. Crossing her arms tight across her chest, Stella waded in, trying to go in as quickly as possible, and proceeded to dive in. Her dress Branches rustled and birds squaked as the two tromped through the brush in the forrest, a grin spreading ear to ear on Stella's face when she saw the waterfall. Adon quickly dove in, also smiling as if a helicopter had come to rescue them as he started to swim. A sudden blush fell over Stella's face as she realized her predicament, that she was in a white sundress. It occured to her that whether she took it off or not, her undergarments would be exposed. Crossing her arms tight across her chest, Stella waded in, trying to go in as quickly as possible, and proceeded to dive in. Her dress filled with air, billowing up all around her, the water quickly consuming it as she pushed it down. Relief covered her skin in the form of water, a new, fresh stream pouring in from the waterfall. A mischevious look came over her eyes, and she swam next to Adon, pushing the water towards him, a wave to soak any bystander.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:56am Dec 13 2010
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OoC: Thank you Leo. Is she accepted? :)
2:52pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 222
((I totally typed a reply for this, and then the site went down for some reason. o.O Guess I will retype it. ;D And if someone wants to jump in (Ha. Not literally. Or I guess, if you want to.), they can find Stella and Adon at the pond/waterfall... And Winter-- Whoops! Hahaha. ;D And you accidently typed part of your reply twice, but no worries. ;D)) Adon was surprised to see Stella come in the water. She had striked him as someone who was afraid to get dirty and have a little fun. This had mostly come from the look of distaste he saw when they were going in the forest. This just proved the theory not to judge a book by it's cover. After all, he probably didn't appear to be a criminal, but he had snuck on to the plane to the United States, and that was the whole reason he was here now. It was probably better that no one knew this. That'd just give them a reason to eat him first. Adon grimaced, before he was bombarded with Stella's wave. After coughing up water, he raised an eyebrow, "Nice try, but did you really think I'd let you get away with that?" He grinned, and aimed a larger splash of water at her.
4:36pm Dec 13 2010
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((*lurks and debates begging to be a late joiner*))
9:18pm Dec 13 2010
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Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:37pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 1,329
<<No prob Winter!>> Aza waited for a responce. Inspite of her uncontrolable mind, she started looked off into the distance and started to daydream. "Im sorry to say that the plane will be expiriancing so slight turbulance." The caption said over the staticy overcom. "So if you will stay seated and buckled, we will be out of here in no time." There was a click at the end of the line as the plane started to shake. I was scared. I buckled and tightend my seat belt. This could of happened to anyone. Anyone at all but it happened to me. Aza got more and more caught up in her daydream causing her to tune everything out. "Just perfect" I whispered to myself as the plane shook violently. I looked out the window. A beautiful island was yet ahead. Or so I thought, until I got stuck at this horrid island for what 27days? Aza let out a sigh, not knowing it. "please dont freak out but I am sorry to say-" The plane shook more and more as it started to fall, The last words I heard from the captin where yet whispers "Im sorry...Im sorry forgive me... I love you... Sorry for leaving you alone..." I cant even remeber who I sat next to on the plane but I was sure he or she was as terrified as I was. And the last thing I remembered was the smell of honey before the oceans brought her to the beach shore.
7:44pm Dec 14 2010
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8:43pm Dec 14 2010
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Kiri grumbled and growled. She felt a primal rage inside her, burning up like newspaper and a flame. Standing up with a guttural kind of "harrrghh", her iris's darted with venom around the area. She was covered in dust and sand. Bumbling and noisy, but ready to attack anything that came her way, she stalked with rage through a bush. She was in a violent mood, and she heard a slight noise up ahead. She considered attacking whatever it was all out, but decided instead to wait and see. She peeked through some leaves, waiting, tense. ((Hint hint. xD Winter/Leo.))
9:46pm Dec 14 2010
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<<Haha ok,>> Aza jumped as she heard some rustlng noised but shrugged it as her daydream fled. "What did you say?" She said not knowing if the boy said something or didnt. She was still in lolly land but she was looking at the boy she just relized she didnt know the name of. "Oh hey?" She looked like she just walked up to him. Like she was in another world and just came back to reality. "What did you say your name was?" her face brightened so she didnt look like a spaz. "Sorry if I seem a little spacey..." She said quietly as she looked at her feet the curls falling around her face.
6:02pm Dec 15 2010
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<<Bump!!! AHH Dont Die XP! lol>>