The night had crept up on Kay
she could have sworn just minuets ago it was still light, but she guessed that was one of the side effects of playing minecraft.
It didn't bother her too much, her parents were out for the night at some party. Kay assumed it was probably some, tight tie, stuck up, sipping champaign from gold encrusted diamond glasses affair.
She loved her parents dearly but my god they they were a bit posh and stuck up, however none of that snobbishness really mattered when you could eat pasta-tuna-sweetcorn and dance in your under-were to your favourite songs.
Which is exactly what Kay decided to do.
Right as the chores of her favourite song was coming up she heard her phone beeping some were near by.
Kay dropped her imaginary guitar, turned down the volume and went on a wild phone hunt
" ugh why cant I leave things in one place?"
She asked her self hopelessly scrambling towards the noise.
Finally she found it behind the toaster, she shook her head in amazement and confusion as she wiped a few crumbs of of it.
The little message icon was flashing at her, Kay opened it and saw it was Rena wanting to go for a late night swim.
With out even thinking she replied
"Pft meet out side yours in 10mis? :D"
Smiling like a maniac who'd just won a life times supply of rope and shovels, Kay powered up the stairs to get ready for a night of fun.