3:34pm Aug 9 2010
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{~ No one? D8 -sighs- I can't take both posts... ~}
3:38pm Aug 9 2010
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Name: Emeraldheart Age: 19 moons Gender: Female Deion: Coming.... Personality: RP it out Rank: Med cat History: None of your bisness Family: No one Crush/Mate: Open Other: Nope
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:40pm Aug 9 2010
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{~ Thankies, accepted ~}
3:42pm Aug 9 2010
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((No problem.))
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:43pm Aug 9 2010
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{~ We can start now. Who wants to go first. -grumbles under breath that she'll be pressured into doing it anyways- ~}
3:48pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((I will!)) Snokiss was in her den. Her kit wasn't going to be born yet so she didn't really have to worry. Untill she knew she was having her kit. She was able to go to the nursery. "Emeraldheart! The kit's about to be born!"She said. She layed down. "Take deap breaths, Snowkiss."Emeraldheart said. Snowkiss nodded. Soon the new kit came. Snakekit. Smowkiss liked Snowkit. "Snakekit."She purred.
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:51pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~ Can you try for a little more detail? And it seems a bit...odd sounding to me. Sorry about my pickiness, but I'm sort of a perfectionist. ~}
3:53pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Can I be the med. cat apprentice? I didn't see one on the rank list but I didn't read all the bios either.)) Name:Cloudpaw Age: 7 moons Gender:female Deion: Cloudpaw is a dark gray cat with white paws and dark blue eyes. She has a few white spots on her back that look like clouds and she has a spot on her face that goes from the tip of her ear down her her snout. Personality:Rping it out. Rank:Med. Cat Apprentice? History:*Hisses* Family:Her sister Ladypaw and her brother Gras.spaw.(I am not going to play them.) Crush/Mate:None and kind of forbidden. Other:Nope
3:55pm Aug 9 2010
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{~ Sure Ssather ♥ ~}
3:55pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 4:06pm Aug 9 2010)
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((Okay, time for my intro.>D)) Cloudpaw yawned opening her eyes. She was woken up by Snowkiss as the she-cat called Emeraldheart. She opened her eyes and shook the moss and dirt off her short fur. Huh? What is going on? She thought getting up and trying to figured out what was happening. Suddenly she heard the small cry of a new born kit. She sat down and wrapped her tail around her paws as she waited for her mentor to come back out.
5:05pm Aug 9 2010
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Timberpaw padded out into the cool air of leafbare, his brath visible in front of him. His silver eyes scanned camp. He sat down and wrapped his tail around his paws for warmth. He flicked his ears as his brother, Stormcloud, joined him. "Snowkiss had her kit." Stormcloud said with a yawn. Timberpaw just flicked his ears. Sometimes Stormcloud windered if he had forgotten how to speak in his sleep. But then again, he wasnt much for talking himself. It was a trait they had gotten from their father, Cedarbranch. He had been quiet too. Their mother, Bluesky, had been rather shy as well, but she talked to her friends. Stormcloud padded over to the freshkill pile, grabbing a rabbit and taking back over to his brother to share. The two borthers shared breakfast in silence. ((*prods det* you didnt pick mentors for the apprentices XD)) Snowbreeze padded into camp, back from a early morning hunt. As usual, she was successful. She set down a skinny Snowshoe Hare and a few tiny mice. Her silvery fur blended in well with the snow. The silver tips of her fur looked like the suns reflection, so it was easy for her to creep up on a rabbit without it noticing. Her pelt was build for Leafbare. However, it was a pain in the neck during greenleaf, she stuck out like a sore thumb, unlike her brother, Windrush. He was suited for the shadows. ___ Windrush padded out of the warriors den and stretched his cramped muscles with a mighty yawn. ((hehe Windrush=FAIL for now anyway XD))

5:16pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 5:17pm Aug 9 2010)
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Ghostfrost padded out of the den grumpily, pausing to flick some moss off her flank with one sharp claw. "Timberfur," she called, turning her blind eyes on her apprentice with an annoyed look on her muzzle. "We're learning battle skills today." She padded over to him and gave Stormcloud a sharp nod in hello. -- Moonpaw padded over to his mentor quietly, moving slowly and with great deliberance. He sighed and though about what he had to say to his mentor, and his pelt flushed with shame. I'm not fit to be a warrior...he thought despondently. -- Bluepaw padded over to her mentor with a small thrush in her jaws. "I though you might be hungry when you woke up," she explained after she had dropped the piece of fresh-kill in front of him. -- Leafpaw yawned and crept out of the Apprentice's den with a tired look in her eyes. She shook her head, trying to clear the fog of sleep from her mind as she mewed a distracted hello to her denmates. -- Scree padded along the pebbled s*censored* of the large river, glancing into the forest every now and then for sign or scent of another cat. She sighed and pushed a stone grumpily with one paw, giving a small purr as it fell into the river with a satisfying 'plop'.

5:21pm Aug 9 2010
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Timberpaw flexed his claws, "okay." he said, standing upand flicking his tail fairwell to his brother. ____ Stormcloud dipped his head to Moonpaw, "good morning." he said, "I was thinkin we should do so hunting today, you are going to need to work hard to catch prey in the snow. And the clan could use some more food." he said, looking at the small freshkill pile. ___ Windrush smiled, "thanks." he said, "did you eat yet?" he asked.((XD i told you he will fail lol))
5:24pm Aug 9 2010
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Moonpaw sighed, "Stormcloud..." he began quietly, curling his creamy tail around his frail-looking paws. "I really don't think I'm cut out to be a warrior. I'm to frail and scrawny to even beat a kit in battle!" -- Bluepaw nodded, "Yes. The prey is running well for the beginning of leaf-bare." She settled down into the ground and wrapped her tail around her paws, waiting for Windrush to finish eating. -- Ghostfrost sighed and led the way out of camp, heading down a small hill into the sandy dip that was the training hollow. "I want you to learn some claw action," she meowed quietly as she flexed her claws.
5:31pm Aug 9 2010
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Runningbrook was watching her only kit tumble around. Her other two kits died of whitecough in the previous leaf-bare. She protected Crowkit with her life. She was glad she wasn't alone though, she had Snowkiss to keep her company. She was excited for Crowkit to become an apprentice but that was still a moon or so away. She started to get bored of watching Crowkit so she decided to groom herself. Crowkit was fiddling with her moss ball but she felt very tired and dehydrated. She mewled as she started to try and lick the air for water. Her throat started to feel very dry. She coughed and exited the nursery to go ask a warrior for help. Oceanbreeze was sleeping when something prodded her flank. "Crowkit." she murmured. "What do you need?" still dazed by her dream she sat up and started to listen. "Sure Crowkit, I'll get you some water." she grabbed some moss to go down to the river. Hawkfeather was hunting peacefully as he was stalking a rabbit, almost the size of him when something rumbled through the bushes. The rabbit ran off as Hawkfeather growled at Oceanbreeze. "I almost had it." he hissed. "Well sorry, a kit is more important than a rabbit." she meowed. Hawkfrost better lose some of arrogance if he wanted to get anywhere. Oceanbreeze thought.
5:31pm Aug 9 2010
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Stormcloud shrugged, "well. You may not be very big, but you are fast. Have you ever looked at Snowbreeze? She is a tiny she-cat, but she fights better than most. You need to use your speed to your advantage, and strike before they can see you." he said with a shrug, "your speed can be as useful as strenght. Just be smart with it." he said. ____ Windrush ate the thrush as quickly as possible, "well, then we should do some battle training today, no need to scrounge around for mice, since I bet thats what some of the other mentors are doing today." he said, "but if you hear a mouse or see a rabbit along the way, don't let the opportunity pess to catch it. Now lets go." he said, rising to his paws and padding toward the camp entrance. ____ "what do you mean by that?" Timberpaw asked, flexing his claws again and tilting his head to the side.
5:36pm Aug 9 2010
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Hawkfeather grumbled and went back to the camp. "I wish I had an apprentice." he meowed loudly. He hoped someone would hear him. He wished his siblings were never born. He wishes this because Oceanbreeze became deputy instead of him. "Hmph!" he snorted as he grabbed a squirrell for the fresh kill pile and started to munch.
5:40pm Aug 9 2010
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Moonpaw's eyes glittered with hope. "You mean I can actually be a warrior?" he squeaked. He purred with joy, his tail flicking. "Thanks Stormcloud. I'll be the best apprentice ever, and the best warrior too!" -- Bluepaw followed him through the tunnel exit, and breathed in the mossy scents of the forest. She gave a small rumble of laughter as she padded behind her mentor, eyes shining with excitement. -- Ghostfrost sighed impatiently, but curbed her tongue. "I mean, how to use your claws effectively. It isn't just about lashing out this way and that with your paws, you need precision and skill to win a battle." -- Leafpaw backed into the her den, sitting in its shelter as she waited for her mentor -Hawkfeather- to come.
5:45pm Aug 9 2010
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Stormpaw laughed, "never had a doubt." he said, flicking Moonpaw's ear with his tail, "now lets go do some hunting." he said, padding out of camp. ___ Windrush looked back at his apprentice and laughed, "enjoying yourself?" he asked, twitching his whiskers in amusement. ___ Timberfall thought for a moment, then struck out with his paw, claws sheathed, catching Ghostfrost right below the chin. He hit her with force, but no claws. He grinned, "like that?" he asked, grinning mischieviously.
5:48pm Aug 9 2010
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Moonpaw bouned after his mentor, his paws filled with energy as he felt a tiny glimmer of hope within him. I can be warrior! I'm not useless at all! he though exuberantly. -- "What?" asked Bluepaw, though her pelt felt warm with embaras.sment, "I love going into the forest. It's so different each time." -- Ghostfrost reared back with the force of the blow, though she used it to her advantage. "No, like this," she taunted as she brought her left paw down on the side of his muzzle, though she kept her claws sheathed. She knew the blow would cause the cat's head to snap to the side, allowing her to dart past them.