5:53pm Aug 9 2010
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Windrush laughed, "Uh huh. I see." he said, still slightly amused, "care to explain that?" he asked. It always seemed like the same forest to him every day, sure, then scents and sounds were coming form differnet places, but it was still the same. ____ Timberpaw let out a hiss of frustration as his head was forced to the side. But he rolled to the side with the impact, so he ended up on his feet facing Ghostfrost. He darted forward, the shifted to the right slightly, copying the same move that she had dont on him and hitting her right across the side of her muzzle forcefully. ____ Stormcloud scented the air, then glanced at Moonpaw, "there are a few mice running around here, near those rocks over there." he said, painting wiht his tail, "go see if you can catch one." he purred.
5:58pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 6:00pm Aug 9 2010)
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Posts: 673
Oceanbreeze pas.sed the apprentices and warriors training as she was coming back with wads of moss in he mouth. She walked into the camp when she saw Hawkfeather look at her with all hatred in his eyes. I already have one crisis on my hands but do I need another? she muttered under breath. She dropped the moss in the nursery. "Here you go." she murmured. "M-make sure you share." she stammered.
5:59pm Aug 9 2010
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Bluepaw sighed, slightly frustrated. "The experiences," she meowed. "Everytime I enter this forest, I learn something new, or something exciting happens. Really, it's never the same whenever I go out to hunt or train. I mean, sure, the physical aspect won't change, but the mental..." -- Ghostfrost grunted, hating the fact that she almost lost track of her appretnice due to her blindness. But it gave her an advantage he didn't have. When her head snapped back she let herself roll over, the vibrations of his pawsteps giving her his exact location. She leaped back onto her paws and crouched low, waiting, and listening. -- Moonpaw nodded and placed one paw in front of the other carefully, keeping his pale body close to the ground. He singled out a large, plump mouse, and crept forwards until he could have reached out and touched it. The mouse scrabbled by the base of the rocks, its shadow hiding Moonpaw's. He leaped with a large push from his hindlegs, but he cursed when the mouse dodged at the last moment. He scrambled in the leaves and slid forwards swiftly, this time catching the mouse with one paw.

6:02pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 673
Oceanbreeze needed to report this to Wolfstar. She walked to his den. "Wolfstar?"
6:04pm Aug 9 2010
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Wolfstar padded to the entrance of his den and purred when he saw Oceanbreeze. "Yes, Oceanbreeze?" he mewed as he slid out of his den. The cool air made Wolfstar sigh as he realized that Leaf-bare was setting in.
6:05pm Aug 9 2010
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"May we speak about this private?" she meowed.
6:06pm Aug 9 2010
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Wolfstar nodded, troubled with the tone of Oceanbreeze's voice. "What is wrong?" he asked gently as he led her into his den. He settled on the sandy floor and waited for her to speak.
6:09pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 673
"Well, it's Hawkfeather. He's been giving me hostile looks ever since I became deputy. He's mean to everyone; the kits, apprentices, even the warriors! He leaves at night everyday. I'm suspisious." she finished.
6:11pm Aug 9 2010
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Wolfstar sighed. "If there isn't any evidence against Hawkfeather, don't do anything. But if you should learn something vital, tell me immediately. As for the hostile looks, it's no secret that he wanted to become deputy as well. Try not to worry."
6:15pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 673
"I will. Thanks Wolfstar."
6:17pm Aug 9 2010
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{~ Try to make more substantial posts Tiger ~}
6:19pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm Aug 9 2010)
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Cloudpaw took in a deep breath of air. A small purr came from her throat and slowly stopped as she looked over at Hawkfeather. He seemed even grumpier then usual...Of course everyone seemed a little bit worried because of leafbare. She padded over towards the freshkill pile and took a plump mouse. She took a large bite of it and heard her stomach grumble at the smell. She swallowed her food and looked over at Hawkfeather again. "Is everything okay?" She asked walking towards him. She was a little hesitant because Hawkfeather was always grouchy and mean.
6:28pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 673
(I can, it's just I wanted to end it like that.) Hawkfeather ran out of camp he sniffed fox abd he followed it. There it was. He got it's attention and chased it dangerously near to the Brookclan camp. He jumped up and hid as he saw the fox enter the camp. He darted out of the tree and scrambled for the thunderpath. He crossed the Thunderpath safely as he saw and empty fox den. *Sniff* Stale. He meowed in happiness as this is where he was going to live.
6:35pm Aug 9 2010
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((Whoa...Hawkfeather is a psycho!!!>D)) Cloudpaw watched Hawkfeather run out of the camp and into the forest. She let out a loud hiss noise before picking up the mouse and heading back toward the entrance of her den. She sat down again and wrapped her tail around her feet and began to eat the mouse. About a second later a small orange dog looking thing came crashing through the tunnel and into the camp. Cloudpaw jumped up unseathing her claws and let out a loud hiss as her fur began to rise.
6:37pm Aug 9 2010
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Leafpaw whirled around when she heard the dog, snarling. She leaped at it and managed to latch onto its back, inflicting a few shallow wounds before it shook her off. She braced her paws, her chest heving as she thought about what to do.
6:41pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 673
((It's Fox.)) Oceanbreeze jumped from the rock she was sunning on and jumped face-to-face with the fox. She hissed loudly letting him know that this was NOT his territory.
8:46pm Aug 9 2010
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Timberpaw lashed his tail, waiting for her to move first. He knew she would be listening, aince she couldnt see, "your move." he said, watching her carefully. ___ Windrush nodded, "I see." he saw Timberpaw and Ghostfrost training up ahead, and sat down to watch, and beckoned for Bluepaw to do the same. Maybe she would learn a thing or two. After all, Timberpaw was a little older and farther along in hsi training, and he figured that Ghostfrost would be a strict teacher, but a good one. ___ Stormcloud twitched his whiskers, "Not how I would have gone about it, but nice save." he purred, "Way to catch it anyway." He praised.
8:50pm Aug 9 2010
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Ghostfrost didn't move a muscle, but her tail twitched. She gazed at her apprentice calmly, asking him, daring him to make a move against her. She could feel his paws on the ground, the lack of vibration meaning he wasn't moving. -- Bluepaw settled down beside Windrush and watched the two train, stiffling a mrowr of laughter when Timberpaw managed to strike Ghostfrost, though she recovered well. -- Moonpaw purred. "You said I was fast and I wanted to test it. But I suppose this also means I need to work on my stalking skills," he meowed mischievously.
8:54pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 673
Oceanbreeze flung herself onto the fox. She aimed with the death blow. She finished off with a snap of the neck.
9:00pm Aug 9 2010
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Windrush watched intently as niether cat moved, except for Ghostfrost's tail. What are they planing? He wondered, he saw by the wat that Timberpaw's eyes were darting back and forth that he was planning something. ___ Timberpaw grinned as a plan crept into his mind. He smacked a bunch of pebbled from the ground in front of him so that they would scatter on the ground in front of Ghostfrost, making the ground vibrate all around her, so she couldnt feel him coming. In the same instant that he scattered the strones, he slipped beside her so that he was at her right shoulder, "Boo." he hissed in her ear, swiping her paws from under her and shoving her over, making her fall down.