9:02pm Aug 9 2010
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Ghostfrost snarled at Timberpaw's trick, but her waiting had payed off. What Timberpaw hadn't realised was that she had sat on a trailing branch, causing it to bend. When her weight disappeared, the branch snapped back up, slashing Timberpaw across the muzzle. "Nevre underestimate a blind cat," she hissed in his ear.
9:03pm Aug 9 2010
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Stormcloud purred in amusement, "well, stalking for you will be different than it was for me, I blend in with the shadows, " he said, referring to his grey fur, "you are more of the color of dried gr*censored*, or maybe sand. So you can hide a little better in the open. But your speed could also be used to go after rabbits and bird, where stalking will only get you so far." he said with a shrug.
9:05pm Aug 9 2010
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"I suppose it's good that birds and rabbits prefer open spaces then," he said slowly, processing the information. "Then the river would be an ideal hunting spot for me. Too bad there's only a small part in our territory. It'd be easier to have darker fur." He sighed and nudged the dead mouse.
9:08pm Aug 9 2010
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Timberpaw yowled in pain as the branch whipped his muzzle, "I never underestimated you." he snarled, "in fact, I think I overestimated you." He panted. Timberpaw's voice was laced with venom, "I find you pathetic. I thought that if I finally came up with a way to get past your vibration trick, you might finally give me a good word, but no, you whip me in the face. I finally figured it out, and you still didnt even tell me 'good job Timberpaw,' or, 'Nice trick.' I'm done training for the day." he said, spinning around angrily and stalking away, shoving past Windrush and Bluepaw., tail lashing. ((XD hes just mad cuz she hurt his nose.))
9:10pm Aug 9 2010
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Ghostfrost stood and shook the sand from her fur. Timberpaw no doubt expected her to get angry at him, but quite the contrary. She let a small smile cross her muzzle as she padded past Bluepaw and Windrush. She had aroused Timberpaw's inner battle spirit, which would in the long term make him a better, stronger and more ferocious cat.
9:16pm Aug 9 2010
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Windrush flicked his ears, "well that was....intresting." he said with a small laugh. ____ Timberpaw padded into camp, claws unsheathed. He stalked over to the freshkill pile and grabbed a mouse, eating it in two swift gulps. ____ ((*cant remember where Snowbreeze is* XD)) ____ Stormcloud laughed, "well, Dark fur makes it hard to catch rabbits and birds, but it works for mice and voles I guess." he said with a smile, "now, I wasnt to see how fast you can run, lets see if we can find some rabbits."
9:26pm Aug 9 2010
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Moonpaw nodded gratefully. "We each have our own strengths." He purred and scented the air. "But where do we have rabbits in our territory?" -- Bluepaw watched Ghostfrost and stiffled a hiss when she saw the lazy smile catch the cold she-cat's face. "It sure was something..." she muttered, her back stiffening.
9:32pm Aug 9 2010
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Windrush chuckled, "well, we know that Timberpaw is crafty." he said with a shrug, "and to stay on his good side." ___ Stormcloud thought for a moment, "they are kind of everywhere, but you have to look moslty between pine trees, where there is dried up needles for the rabbits to eat." he said.
9:35pm Aug 9 2010
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Moonpaw nodded, tucking this tidbit of information away. "Which means the Whispering Pines, doesn't it?" He turned to the north, where a small copse of tall and slim-trunked pines had stood for generations. -- "Mmm....I suppose, but I think Ghostfrost tricked him," she meowed thoughtfully. She shrugged and licked one paw absently.
9:57am Aug 10 2010
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Windrush shrugged, "true. But that was to be expected, now its your turn to train." He said, "Hit me with your best shot!" he said, facing her, bracing himself for her attack. ____ Stormcloud nodded, "perfect. Lets go." he purred.((Hahahahahah fail))
10:30am Aug 10 2010
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Bluepaw sighed and stood, keeping her paws light as she studied her mentor. Go for his back, but aim for a rush past him. She gazed at him then let her eyes wander to the side, before snapping them back. She shuffled her paws then settled in the position that would make her run faster. Just to confuse him more. Then, she leaped. Normally, the technique she was using wouldn't let her jump very high, but Bluepaw was very long-legged. She sailed over Windrush's head and landed on his back.
12:29pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 673
Oceanbreeze let her fur lie flat. She grabbed the foxby the scruff and took it outside. Hawkfeather had bloodthirsty plans. He was going to lead badgers into the camp. No, maybe dogs? he thought. Yes, dogs. He jumped down from the trees and headed for twoleg place. Right where the pack lived.
12:55pm Aug 10 2010
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Windrush smiled for a second, she had used her long legs to her advantage, its was a clever trick, but now he would use his size to his advantage, He rolled to the left, breaking free of BLuepaw and getting to his feet gracefully a few fox lengths away, "good. Now attack me again, but remember, the same trick wont work twice for most cats, and remember to think fast." he said, "I will only give you a few moments."
1:30pm Aug 10 2010
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Bluepaw gave her mentor a firm nod, and watched his movements carefully. Windrush's leap had carried him onto a patch of moss. And it had rained the night before. She knew, that footing was treacherous when standing on soaking moss. She faked a charge at him, just to see what he would do.
1:34pm Aug 10 2010
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Windrush unsheathed his claws to get a grip on the moss he was standing on, the went through the moss and into the ground. He wasnt going to let Bluepaws charge knock him off balance. But if she was smart, she would realise quickly that he was defenseleff like this, and if she continued her attack, he would have to let go of the ground to defend himself.
1:37pm Aug 10 2010
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Bluepaw could see Windrush's plan clearly, and this time made a real attack, rushing at him with claws sheathed. At the last moment, she slipped to the left and pummeled her paws against his flanks. If this were a real fight, she knew that her attack would most likely have maimed the enemy, with her claws digging deep into her opponent's flesh.
1:41pm Aug 10 2010
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Windrush let go of the moss and use the slippery surface to his advantage. He slid to the ground, than used his back legs to kick Bluepaw's feet from underneath her. He grinned and scrambled to his feet, only to trip and land hard on his chin, "ow." he said, crossing his eyes to look at his nose.
1:43pm Aug 10 2010
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Bluepaw snorted and leaned against her mentor to try and get him back up. "You should watch your footing," she reprimanded, though she kept her eyes open for any sign of trickery. She knew that Windrush was excellent a creating on-the-spot plans during a crisis. It would be just like him to attack when she was helping him up.
1:47pm Aug 10 2010
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"Yeah I will remember that." he said, getting to his feet again, then shoving her down with his shoulder and pinning her beneath his large body, "when you remember to never let your guard down." he teased, stepping back to let her get up again.
1:52pm Aug 10 2010
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"Fine, you win this time," she meowed furiously, but the look in her eyes was mischievous. "But remember, never let your opponent go unless you're sure that they're beaten." She pushed herself up and butted her head on Windrush's flank, pushing him down the small slope.