4:50pm Sep 15 2010
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Jotto kissed Fiona back, he starred at her for a minute and then smiled and grabbed her hand and continued walking into the abandoned town and looked aroung "we need somewhere to sleep i believe everyone is tired." he said as he looked at Fiona and Ellia.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
4:51pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 6:20pm Sep 15 2010)
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((So, I make this other boy that wants to murder Fiona named Ren! So, I am lazy so no bio! Just call him Ren!))
4:52pm Sep 15 2010
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((x3 It's Iris, Rika. The god of rainbows is Iris. Isis is a different Greek mythological figure, I just can't place my finger on it.... I'm such a Greek Mythology Geek. ;c Anyways, I got a picture. o3o))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
5:05pm Sep 15 2010
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((Ohyeah, and since there's no age thing, Rue's also fifteen. D; -dies- And I have to know before my intro, what month is it? -crosses fingers and hopes for December-))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
5:33pm Sep 15 2010
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sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
5:35pm Sep 15 2010
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Grim stood motionless atop an abandon building... his gaze fixated on the one who got away... the girl the two males called 'seri'...escaping with nearly a wound to the side. His eyes narrowed as he clutched the top of a gun concealed in his garments. but he stopped. To easy. He disappeared into the shadows... Jason carried Seri as the three went to find shelter for the night.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:40pm Sep 15 2010
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Akila was in the middle of nowhere. She looked around. "Hello!?"She asked around, hearing noises everywhere. She was a bit scared. She went to an abandoned shelter. She sighed and sat down in a dark corner, for the night.
 (Banner made by Kina)
5:53pm Sep 15 2010
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((hey my charrys will find akila :D)) Seri blinked and awoke in Jason's arms... she squirmed once and landed gracefully on her feet on the earth. She looked up, "Where are we?" she asked, looking around. Wiatt shrugged, "Dont know... we're trying to find shelter. How's your cut?" he asked. Seri looked down at her side, the small bandage was dyed a deep crimson. She looked around... "there." she replied, leading the way into a small shelter where she realized they were not alone. With a quick and agile motion she pulled a short weapon that was concealed in her garments and pointed it at the stranger... Her gaze was fixated on the girl and ready to kill. Wiatt followed inside, quickly followed by Jason. "At ease, Seri... its another survivor." Wiatt reported motioning for her to lower her weapon. Seri hesitantly listened, lowering her small weapon. Jason approached the girl, "akila, is that you?"
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:56pm Sep 15 2010
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Akila looked up. "J-Jason?"She asked. She got up and saw him clearly. ((Fail)
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6:02pm Sep 15 2010
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Jason gave a sigh of relief. "Oh god, I'm so glad to see we're not the only survivors... did you arrive with any more?" he asked, his brow creased with worry. -fail-
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
6:11pm Sep 15 2010
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"No. Shane died. I was the only surviver in my family."she said.
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6:19pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 6:33pm Sep 15 2010)
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Ren was walking around the abandoned town when he saw a beautiful girl held by a boy. His vampish looks made him scary looking. He thought Jotto was hurting Fiona so he marched over. And raised his fist. "Get away from her!" he cried. Then he puched but Fiona got in his way and got punched. Her lip was bleeding. "HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed. Ren was looking so sorry. Fiona's eyes was black around it and she had a cut on her left eye. She fainted into Jotto's arms. Ellia rushed over and felt her heart beat. It was low. ((this is Ren~ 
6:20pm Sep 15 2010
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((Rainbow. Question. D;))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
6:24pm Sep 15 2010
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((Yeah Awesome inna? I know call me IRIS))
6:24pm Sep 15 2010
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Jotto caught Fiona then set her down slowly and gently and punched ren in the face a sent him flying a foot 2 inches above the ground "whats your problem thats my girlfriend you just punched you idiot." he said in a mad tone
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
6:25pm Sep 15 2010
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(Rika's a girl btw. And she was taking a much-needed nap. Marching, then walking home tends to tire a person out.
And I was playing Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. P:)
6:25pm Sep 15 2010
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((Rainbow: thats my pic for Jason o.O))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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6:27pm Sep 15 2010
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((-copy and paste- And I have to know before my intro, what month is it? -crosses fingers and hopes for December- ...Quoting myself. xD))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
6:29pm Sep 15 2010
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Jason nodded sympathetically, "Im so sorry." he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Seri rolled her eyes and stormed out to the porch. Wiatt looked down at Akila, "What ever, Jason. We lost our families too. No point in being sympathetic for yet another sob story." he growled, releasing his fury on Jason and Akila for his own losses. Jason glared at Wiatt..."Shut your mouth before I shut it for you." he growled. Wiatt took a dangerous step foward, "Is that a challenge you jerk?" he growled, his fists clenched dangerously.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
6:30pm Sep 15 2010
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((Well........ I dunno what to say! I shall change Funneh! Sorry Rika!!!!)) "Yeah!" ellia cried. She threw her shoes off and kicked Ren who grabbed her leg and flew her across the space. Ellia recovered and Puncher him in the head and ducked when her punched back. "I want Fiona!" Ren cried. "And I'll get her!" He raced over to Fiona. He raised his fist and slammed it into her face more gently then I make it sound. Then he ran off on the other side of the train and out of sight. Fiona was not breathing.