6:31pm Sep 15 2010
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Akila sighed. "Stop it. We all lost our families. We need to figure out how to survive."
 (Banner made by Kina)
6:31pm Sep 15 2010
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((Inna it could be decmber if you want!))
6:34pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Sep 15 2010)
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The sad-looking Yonh felt his jaw twitch when Fiona was hit, soon moving to hold his staff-blade against the other's neck with a loud growl of "If you ecer touch her again, I'll kill you!" as he did so, pale blue lit up with rage.
6:35pm Sep 15 2010
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((rainbow, are grim and ren both after the survivors? If so do they know each other?)) Grim stalked atop the rooftops... careful to remain silent. His eyes were on the girl called Seri who stood, seeming to be furious, on the front porch steps of an abandon warehouse building. There were to many witnesses. The two males were simply in the house, and he noticed a girl in the room as well.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
6:36pm Sep 15 2010
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Jotto didnt feel Fiona breathing "finona? fiona!" he screamed and shook her to see if she was awake. he wanted to check on Ellia, but he was to worried about Fiona. Jotto clutched his fist grabbed his gun from his back pocket and ran after Ren.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
6:37pm Sep 15 2010
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((They can know eachother! Now this is my RP... I'm confused where Funneh's characters are!! I'm not saying they have to move! Just saying where the heck are they? and can you make them join in the drama in the train station?))
6:39pm Sep 15 2010
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((oh i thought you guys were in the abandon town? I'm with tri's charry right now so I'm going to wait for her to get back on... perhaps seri could wander off?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
6:40pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Sep 15 2010)
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Ren had jumped intot he train tracks and hid under the train. He was putting more bullets into his gun. Ellia was fine. She was a little scared but took a deep breath and sat near Fiona. Her shirt was turning red with blood. Her skin was cold, and he heart was motionless. She was dead! "Jotto! Wait! You don't fight fire with fire of you'll end up dead as well! She is dead and there is nothing you can do about it! Find another girl! I'm sure some will like you just as much as Fiona did!" Tears streamed fromher eyes. ((We are in the town! But we got off the train! SO that area is considered the train station... Correct?))
6:42pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 6:42pm Sep 15 2010)
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((Now, where are we? Edit~ Late post. x3))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
6:44pm Sep 15 2010
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((We are in same place as before! Post before we move!))
6:44pm Sep 15 2010
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Jotto stopped with tears strolling down his eyes "i dont care if i die i want to be with Fiona she's the one i love and the one i always did love and he'll pay for what he did to her or i'll die trying to get my revenge." he yelled at Ellia. it was true what he said he loved Fiona with all his heart.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
6:47pm Sep 15 2010
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"Well I loved her too!" Ellia cried. "Focus on trying to save any of her while you still can! Maybe a kiss of true love!! Jotto I'm her identical twin! I could p*censored* as Fiona if I dyed my hair purple! You can love me! But do not kill yourself!" Tears pured out her eyes as Fiona red body layed there.
6:50pm Sep 15 2010
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When Ace was flipped she simply used it as an trampoline and lept into the air. Twisting with a refined balance and landing on the balls of her feet."Oh wait, i forgot to mention, i'm acctually and Ex-M.O.S.S(Member of the secret society.)" she smirked an dissapeared around the darkest corner she coudl find.
6:50pm Sep 15 2010
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Hearing the words 'She is dead' made Yonh begin to shake, his grip tightening on his staff as he marched over to the train, swiping under it with his cross-shaped staff-blade, hot tears streaking down his cheeks. "You killed her!" he shouted as he swiped beneath it again. A cold feeling swept over the blue-eyed boy, making him fall to his knees and sob into his hands. It was now obvious that he had cared about Fiona very deeply, and now that she was gone he was heartbroken.
6:52pm Sep 15 2010
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Ren crawled from out of the train. He pointed his shot gun at Jotto and shot! ((If you think there is too much violence you can tell me))
6:52pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm Sep 15 2010)
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he looked at Ellia "its just not the same, Your proably identical but not exactly the same!" he yelled still cryed and kneeled beside Fiona "i...love you Fiona i wish you didnt have to die this way." he whisperd crying jotto got shot in the arm and fell with his arm bleeding he grabbed his gun and started shooting at ren.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
6:54pm Sep 15 2010
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((x3 Great. Lolfail. D;)) Rue padded silently in the light snowfall, trailing small footprints behind her. "The train station," she said to herself, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm here." The very train station where her younger sister got bombed in a terrorist attack two years ago. How it was still running was still a mystery, as it was a site for countless murders. Rue hadn't set foot in the place since 'The Day'. She inhaled, counted to ten, and recapped her history. My name is Rue Jay. I'm fifteen, I have no sister, no father, and mother has abandoned me. And I'm being hunted right now. She sucked in a wobbly breath and proceeded forward, sweeping her mind of all thoughts, leaving a blank ex pression she put on so often. ((>_> Uh. No one recapped for me, so yeah. This post might be a little distorted. xDDDDD))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
6:56pm Sep 15 2010
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Ren got shot in the leg. HE was sort of immune to shots but the location made him fall in pain. "You!" he cried. He threw sparks at Jotto. Ellia looked at Rue.
7:00pm Sep 15 2010
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((Leaving I'll see you tommorrow after school!))
7:01pm Sep 15 2010
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Jotto stood up with the gun in his hand and walked over to ren and pointed it at his head "you'll pay for killing my love." he put his finger on the trigger "see you in hell." he said ((sorry about the cuss word))
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in