7:58pm Apr 16 2010
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(xDDD Oh, I knwo another way the Swear jar will coem in handy. XD) "Uhhmmm. Well, I wanted to watch a Lycan movie with mommy, but she wouldn't let mer. She also wanted me to start calling you and daddy by first names, but I wouldn't do it..." She looked down sighing. "I don't think mommy likes daddy very much. Do they hate each other?
Isn't this fun?
8:02pm Apr 16 2010
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((Do they have servants or something?))
8:05pm Apr 16 2010
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((Yeah, Snaky.)) "Yes, they do. Now, no matter what she says, yo never call us by our first names, not until your older." Jack advised. "And We will see it, then. And hey, how about you start calling your mom "Roze'"
8:09pm Apr 16 2010
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"I don't want to start callign mommy Roze," She said. "Daddy said he doesn't want me to call anyone other than what I'm comfortable with," "I other words, don't start fights," Alexis grumbled. "I'm gettign chest pains, and that only hasppens when you and Roze talk," Alexis grumbled, sitting on the couch. "Hi, daddy," She said waving at Alexis, but he just looekd at her. Everythign was deep blue, and it looked liek a stick was beign waved in frotn of him. "Honey, you could be giving me the figner for all I know, please be verbal," He said crossing his legs, and letting his head roll back up the couch. "You guys decide what your goign to do?" Alexis questioned towards Jack.
Isn't this fun?
8:40pm Apr 16 2010
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Jack chuckled, adding money to the swear jar for Alexis. "Watch it," He added. "We're seeing Underworld."
8:51pm Apr 16 2010
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Jade poked her head outside her small room. She took a step outside and looked around. She hurried down the long hallway making sure no one noticed her. She heard someone whisper behind her and saw Aurora and Kitty standing there, "Wha- how did you get in here!?!" She hissed. Her eyes flicked from Aurora to Kitty. She put her hands on her hips and stared at Aurora. Aurora blinked, "Is this the 'welcome' we get?" She asked. She blinked again, her red eyes full of curiousity, "Kitty wanted to know if you have seen Aloe lately..." She said. Jade looked over at Kitty again, "Are you going to answer my question?" She asked sternly. Aurora shrugged, "It was easy. Even more easy then we thought because this place isn't really gaurded." She glared at Jade staring her into the eyes until Jade was forced to turn away. "No, I haven't seen Aloe." Jade said quietly, "And you really need to be leaving before one of us gets in trouble." "How would we get into trouble?" Kitty asked. "With Aurora's big mouth anyone is able to get into trouble." Jade laughed teasingly. Aurora narrowed her eyes, "Maybe I wouldn't have such a big mouth if-" "Now, now, don't loose your temper, Aurora." Jade said. Aurora growled as her temper snapped in half. She grabbed Jade by the neck and threw her against the wall, "Don't make me loose my temper." She snapped. ((Bleh, I hate it when I can't think of anything to post.>())

8:55pm Apr 16 2010
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((Lol, but Jack's not gonna like that comment about the place being un guarded. It's actually very high security... 3...2...1..)) Jack snarled, kicking the door open and grabbing the two girls by the neck. "Guards." He yelled, throwing the girls to his feet. "You won't eat for weeks," He seethed at the guards, kicking bot girls twice.
9:03pm Apr 16 2010
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((Lol. Not to Aurora.XD)) Aurora landed on the ground surprised. She looked up at the man who had thrown her to the ground and narrowed her eyes. She hadn't even known him for a second and already she didn't like him. Jade landed next to Aurora. She sat there making no attempt to get up. She started to draw the small image of a dog in the dirt, "Aurora, what did I say about watching your temper. I would think you would have learned from the last time you almost got killed." She whispered. Kitty looked down at them. She hid behind her black hair and looked up at the Joker. She looked back down at Aurora shocked.
9:07pm Apr 16 2010
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"And you," Jack said, pointing to the slave, ((One is a slave, right?)) "Will be severely reprimanded."
9:12pm Apr 16 2010
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"Stay, Nautica," Alexis advised, standign up and headign exactly to where Jack was. "Why did vampire's sneak into the Lycan mansion?" Alexis questioned, crossing his arms, lookign at the big blur he knew was Jack, then back at the blur on the ground. He coudl only see white, clearly, yes, but the even darker (If possible) blue was red. He didn't liek this.
Isn't this fun?
9:19pm Apr 16 2010
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"I told you this treaty wouldn't work!" Jack growled at him ((Fail))
9:21pm Apr 16 2010
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"I don't want it broken. Especially because we have the kid."
Isn't this fun?
9:23pm Apr 16 2010
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Jade sighed. She looked over at Aurora and hissed, "You came here knowing this would happen, didn't you?" She forced a small laugh. Aurora was to busy studying the person standing in frount of her to answer Jade. She turned her attention to Alexis and let out a heavy sigh, "To answer your question, whoever you are, I snuck in here to have a little chat with my sister." She said.
9:26pm Apr 16 2010
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"That's too bad, because now you'll have a conversation between cell bars," Jack growled, snapping his fingers. The guards picked up the intruders, including the slave, before walking down a mile long set of stairs to the dungeon. They were then thrown in separate cells, all ten feet away form each other. "I don't care,"
9:30pm Apr 16 2010
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"Let me have a word with them," Alexis sighed. "Jack, Nautica's scared, will you please talk to her? I beleive your the best with her..."
Isn't this fun?
9:36pm Apr 16 2010
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"Alright," Jack grumbled, picking Nautica up and leading her into his big room. He sat her on the large king-sized mattress, grinnig at her. "What do you want to do?"
2:08am Apr 17 2010
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"Is daddy going to interrogate or torture those people?" She thought, looking at the door. "How about we watch those movies? Now that mommy isn't here, I can watch something other than old black and white movies!" "Jack, make sure she takes her afternoon nap, after I'm done with talking to these idiots, I need to pick up my meds, and try to talk to Roze's cousin about her....The only vampire thus far I can actually tollerate. Can you handle for for the afternoon?"
Isn't this fun?
9:26am Apr 17 2010
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Aurora growled. She got up and dusted herself off. She then walked over to the bars and stuck her head halfway through, "Mother has died. We found her body next to a river a few days ago. We thought that Aloe might want to know and that is why we came here. A werewolf told us where you were but he had no idea where Aloe was. We thought you might know." Aurora told Jade. Jade frowned, "So you came all the way over here to find her?" "Well that, and we thought that if we didn't succeed that we would probably be killed...We didn't espect them to throw us in jail." She snorted. "Suicide? I didn't think you were that stupid but I guess you are annoying enough to nearlyhave everyone kill you." Jade giggled. Kitty sighed, "Do you still have the disgusting snake?" She asked. Jade narrowed her eyes, "Yes, why?" "Maybe it can reach thoughts keys over there." "Good idea." Jade said. She reached into her pocket and grabbed Fang, "See those keys?" She asked. Fang nodded like he understood her, "Can you get to them?" She asked setting the snake down. It slithered over to the keys and grabbed them in his mouth. Fang slithered back to her without making a single noise. He handed them to her and slithered up her leg trying to get to her head. Jade unlocked her cage and walked past Aurora and Kitty. "What about us?" Kitty asked. "You said you wanted to die!" Jade put Fang back in her pocket and silently walked past one of the sleeping guards.

12:12pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 12:20pm Apr 17 2010)
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"Not so fast, kiddie," It was Alexis, who quickly shoved them back in their cages and placed the keys in his pocket. "I admier your enthusiasm, but, You really do think we're stupid, don't you?" Alexis questioned, sitting on a chair, near the cell's that the guard was supposed to be at. "I swear, I'm killing those guards...." He thought to himself, then continued looking at them, and the snake. Of course, everything was in deep blue with the only thing he could actually see being white, and there not being anything white, he was starting to get a headache.
Isn't this fun?
12:24pm Apr 17 2010
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Jade narrowed her eyes, "I wouldn't say stupid...I am probably the one that is stupid for trying to escape, of course wanting to get out of her so bad I will probably do anything." She said. Aurora was on the ground again. She looked at Alexis, "What do you want?" She asked suspiciously. Kitty had backed to the farthest corner in her cage. Her black hair hung over her face hiding most of it.She looked over at Aurora then turned to Jade and finally to Alexis. She didn't like being around so many people that could probably kill her any second.