5:37pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Lol, Make it like he's pacing in a room or something xD))
5:38pm Apr 17 2010
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Jack growled, snapping his fingers. Above them, light started spilling into the cage they were in, an evil smirk on Jack's face. "Hit me. I. Dare. You."
5:47pm Apr 17 2010
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Aurora looked up at the light. She closed her eyes and set her head down on her knees wrapping up into a tight ball. A tear ran down her face and landed in the dirt making a loud splash noise. She smiled and started to laugh randomly. Jade looked at Aurora like she was crazy, "Something is seriously wrong with you." She said. She held out a hand and watched the light hit it. Her skin felt like it was on fire but she didn't care, she had delt with much worse pain before. Kitty watched her dark corner light up. Her mouth dropped open as she backed up, pressing her skin against the wall until it hurt. ((Time for Ash to save the day.>D)) Ash woke up. It was very bright in here and it took him a minute for him to catch what was happening, "What the hell! This is against the rules." He said looking at the three vampires in the cage. He turned over to Jack. His jaw dropped as he saw the evil smirk the lycan king held on his face.
6:29pm Apr 17 2010
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"You think I care?" Jack laughed. "It's not going to reach the corners they're in, if you're wondering. They need to learn to watch their tongues in the presence of Royals."
6:36pm Apr 17 2010
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Ash looked at Jack, "Okay." He said watching. Aurora watched the light get closer and closer to her. She was almost hipnotized by it. It was so bright, and she had never been so close to it before. Kitty leaped from her corner and started to scream at Aurora, "Get out of the way!" Aurora snapped out of it. She jumped out of the way just as the light hit the spot she had been standing on. Jade watched the light dance over her finger tips as she took a step back towards the corner of her cage. She looked over to see that Kitty and Aurora had both moved the farthest the could get away from the light.
8:01pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Dammit to hell, what going on?!)
Isn't this fun?
8:08pm Apr 17 2010
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Jack laughed, looking to Alexis. "This is what I think of your treaty,"
8:11pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Um...Well Aurora, Kitty, and Jade were put in cages(You already know this) and then Aurora got angry and lost her temper with Jack, and then she got Kitty and Jade in trouble and they almost got killed by light, Ash woke up and freaked out about the treaty, and Jack told him it wouldn't reach them in the cages...And that is pretty much it.))
8:14pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Oh, thanks.) "Headaches and chest-pains. That's all I ever friggin' get when I'm talkign to you over this thing...Whatever!" He said, then went upstairs, and went for the room Nautica was in.
Isn't this fun?
8:26pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack smirked at him as he left, looking over to the prisoners. "You guys are lucky, you know that right? You're lucky I have business to attend to with me granddaughter, so I'm not gonna kill you yet." He said, snapping his fingers again. The lgith flashed brightly over the vampires, before completely disappearing. "Couldn't help it," He giggled, before grabbing a human slave. He took his arm and sliced it with his fang, before shoving him into the cage. "Hope you aren't some of those retard vampires who drink animal blood..." He called from the stairs, bolting up them and heading for Toby. Don't let him take her, He told Tboy, as he looked for the room.
8:29pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
As soon as the words were said Toby was pushed out the window by an unknown force and Nautica didn't even get the chance to finish her sentance, saying "Uncle To-" Before she disapeared from the room, a white note left on the bed.
Isn't this fun?
8:34pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Kia, can you post on our Jack rp?? The Joker one, not Ripper. I don't want it to.. pa.ss away.)) Toby snarled, holding on to the side of the window. He easily pulled himself, grabbing the note. "Dad's gonna kill me," He muttered, looking frantic. ((Wtf is this?!?!?))
8:36pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Um....What did I miss?o.O)) Aurora looked at the human. She hadn't noticed how hungry she was until now. She gentle grabbed the weak human and held it in a tight grip. She sunck her fangs into its neck and began to drink until she was so full she felt like she was going to pop if someone poked her. Kitty walked from the corner she had been in. She looked at the human and grinned. She cracked her fingers before going to kill the poor human. Jade sighed. She wasn't that hungry and decided to save the human for later.
8:58pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Sorry about that! Will post. ^^) The doors unlocked on all of their cells, allowing the three to get out. (Oh, Nautrica can do all sorts of neat tricks! xD) ______ "I don't particuarly care if you decide to give one big eff you *Provided you place another ten in the jar* to the treaty, but *I* draw the line when you attempt to do something with *MY* daughter. Yes. I friggin' HATE Roze, but I am not oging to let you or Rook decide what's goign to happen with her. She's both your bloodline, and theirs, and frankly, I'm sick of both. Even Nautica is getting edgy around the both of you, afraid of what to say. I don't want my daughter to be afraid around her grandparents. I need to go and give her time to think, and clear my head as well. In about a year or so, I'll have to give full costody to you, however, because my vision is failing worse than before. I'm not committing mutiny, and you thinkign I did hurt me a lot. P.S, If you do break the treaty, I didn't kill Roze...Saved that for you."
Isn't this fun?
9:07pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 9:32pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((Ignore this post...I will post again when I think of something.))
9:11pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Hokay. What is happening? -BrainFry-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:21pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((The doors to their cages didn't open...)) Jack snarled, dropping to his knees. You retard!! He thought to his son. I was taking her to the movies, which is why I told Tboy not to let you have her yet! And In a year, f*ck you. I don't want custody, or anything to do with either of you. You hurt both me and your brother. a.sshole. He added, getting up. He walked to his throne, laughing bitterly as the sun set. "Tonight, the treaty is over!" He yelled at his kingdom, smirkign at the appraisal he got. "Hunt, my children!"
9:24pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Yes they did...Or maybe I read it wrong or something.))
9:29pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Nope, never opened re-read every post.))
9:31pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 9:32pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((It says the doors unlocked allowing the three to get out...Oh well, back to the cages for you three*Stuffs Aurora, Kitty, and Jade back in their cages* I will go edit my last post.))