6:43pm Apr 25 2010
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((WOW. No idea what to post. I should put in Aloe just so I can think of something to post. Lol.))
6:46pm Apr 25 2010
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"Oh, hey uncle Toby," She said, turnign around and smilign brightly. She had long blond hair with green streaks and wore blue contacts. She was tall and nearly unaturally skinny liek her father, and looked pale as well. "You okay'd the Halloween bash I'm gonig to," She giggled, rubbing the back of her hair. It trailed down her back, and it was straight and shiny.
Isn't this fun?
6:56pm Apr 25 2010
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"Alright, but I wanna come!" Toby laughed, sitting down next to her.
7:00pm Apr 25 2010
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Name:Aloe Hawk Age:Stuck at 14, Gender:Female Species:Vampire Looks:Coming... Personality: She is very loyal to most of her family except Aurora. She has never killed anyone in her life and hates hurting people. It is very hard for her to loose her temper and she easily trusts people. She is kind of a girly girl and hates to get dirty. Family:Aurora, Kitty, and Jade Hawk. Special possesion:None. Brief history: Her father killed himself and her mother ran away leaving Jade in control. Her sisters got in a fight but she didn't really know what had happened. She just knew that her sister left home and nearly killed Aurora. She chased after Jade trying to find her sister and has lived alone after she gave up. She just heard about how her mother had died and has gone back to searching for her sisters. S/O:Straight
7:21pm Apr 25 2010
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'Aswome! I knwo this really cute teacher. And her son is the guy that's takign me to the party at his house," She smiled. _______ A voice was in Jack's head, momentarily, but it didn't belogn to Alexis. It was a woman's voice. "Down in the dumps?" The voice said. (Jack doesn't know this person!)
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7:23pm Apr 25 2010
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(('Kay.)) Jack growled, looking around. "Who the f*** are you and why are you in my head?" He asked, deciding to put up with it. "Alright, What kind of party is it?" Toby asked, laying down on the bed.
7:27pm Apr 25 2010
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'Well, it has mostly people around my age, 16, to 19, so there's probably going to be a lap-dance or two someplace in the house, and I heard someone's bringing a keg of beer. But we already went over that," She said/ ______ "Ho hum. So, did you know it's actually pretty easy to get someone to do something for you once their eyeballs are popped? He went missing last month, so not even I know what happened, or where he went. He should still be in mint condition, though, and he doesn't seem to be able to die...Al least nto easily, anyways, so there shouldn't be too nbig a problem."
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7:31pm Apr 25 2010
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"No, not like that." Toby laughed. "I meant, can I go without my shirt?" He asked, knowing she knew how he hated shirts. He didn't like the feel of cloth on his skin.
7:35pm Apr 25 2010
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'Oh, sure. I doubt anyone would mind," She giggled. (They will run into soemoen at the party. >3)
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7:38pm Apr 25 2010
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((Alright.)) "Good. When do we go? Should I take the Lambo, or the Camaro?" Toby asked. ((The Camaro looks like Bumble Bee))
7:42pm Apr 25 2010
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'Doesn't matter, anything works," She chuckled. "But it's at eight, so we have another haklf hour," She smiled.
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7:46pm Apr 25 2010
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"Alright, Camaro it is." Toby said, sitting up. "How about we go early?"
7:51pm Apr 25 2010
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'Okay!" She said exitedly.
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7:52pm Apr 25 2010
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toby chuckled, grabbing her hand. "C'mon," He replied, leading the way unto the car.
8:06pm Apr 25 2010
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Once there, there was somethign odd abotu the house, It was wquiet. Of course the party haden't started yet, but there was somethign odd about it. "I...I smell blood!" She said, running into the house. "Obviously we weren't the only early party guests..." She mumbled, lookign at the corpses on the ground. "Who are you?" Questioned a quiet, yet muffled voice. Nautica turned to a stairwell to see an unatturally slender body in a red bikers outfit. (The same color as Alexis' dress,m only a bikers outfit) His head was wrapped in bandages, not even his eyes were uncovered. "Who...Who are you?" She asked, tiltign her head a little confused. "It doesn;t matter....."
Isn't this fun?
8:06pm Apr 25 2010
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((Okay so 10 years later...I am going to have to like make a intro for them or something.)) A long finger nail tapped against the hard wooden arm of a chair. Dark black hair dangle down towards the floor ending a inch before touching it. Jade tapped her foot impatiently as she waited, "Aloe! Are you almost done?" She asked opening one eye. Her jaw dropped as she saw her reflection. Aloe was giving her a 'makeover' and had her face covered with makeup. She stopped tapping her long nail and her foot was froken in mid air. Her straight hair now had a few curls in it and half of it was tied up, "What did you do!?!" She asked pulling down her hair and smearing the makeup all over her face as she tried to get it off. Aloe giggled, "I only put on a little! I mean it isn't like I colored that ulgy colored hair or anything!" She snorted putting jade's hair back up. "I hate you." Jade said simply, "I understand putting makeup on me but making my hair feel bad!" She laughed. Aloe snorted, "You are now one tousand years old and you still haven't wore makeup! I have no idea what is wrong with my family." She added the last sentende to herself. Jade rollled her eyes, "Vampires are naturally beautiful. I don't need makeup!" She said. Aurora felt claws dig trough her back. She screamed kicking the lycan that had attacked her. The lycan flew into a tree and fell to its knees unconcious. Aurora dusted herself off and gave a annoyed 'hmph'. She felt the wounds on her back slowely heal. She grinned turning around, "Why didn't you help me?" She asked the gray headed boy leaning against a tree. Ash shrugged, "You had it under control." He said yawning. He grinned, "Plus I know how stupid you can be...I wouldn't be surprised if everyone, except me, wanted to kill you!" Aurora rolled her eyes, "Kitty doesn't want to kill me...I don't know about the rest of the world but I know that she doesn't. Speaking of Kitty, where is she? She went to hunt a few hours ago and she isn't back! She is usually a lot faster." She said.

3:22pm Apr 30 2010
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Toby growled, barking at the thing. "Well, who are you?"
4:22pm Apr 30 2010
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"No one." He repeated. "I don't rmemeber anymore, rather," He sighed, then walked over to Nautica, who already took a self-sefence knife out of her pocket ready to swing. "...Farmiliar.....Who are you?" "Nautica Napier! My brother and father can kick your a ss with both hands behidn their backs, so back off!" She threatened. "Is that so?" He asked, tilting his head, and witohut even moving Nautica was lifted into the air and thrown into Toby. "WHOOAAA!"
Isn't this fun?
8:53am May 1 2010
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Toby snarled, holding his ground as he easily caught her. "Naut, let's go."
12:51pm May 1 2010
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"Fun....Cowward." The man smirked. "Why do I have the impression I really hate your guts for osme reason? Do we knwo each other?" ____ A black malnourished lookign crow was peckign at Joker's window. (XD) "C'mon, cmon, what do I have to say, 'Polly wanna be let the frig in?" The crow whinned.
Isn't this fun?