1:13am Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 3,557
A group of eliete a$sas$in's have been moved into two categories. The master's, and the trophies. The master's are usually stronger than the trophies, and are more respected. The trophies, on the other hand get the least respect, and are normally weaker than the masters, and end up doing the work that the masters get credit for. Master's and trophies however, are in a partner team, and rarely can one work without the other. Even if the master's are treated with respect for doing the trophies work, they do deserve it, because they are top-of-the-line as sas sins. So are trophies, just not as big. Master's can have more than one trophy, usually buying them and their relationship can go from partners, to the equivilant of slaves. ______________ Peeps with my power: RikaTheFallen Chancia~ Paigcam Ssather TheYellowFlash Maybell LadtTsunade More Will Be Added when they join. ^^ ______________ Ruels: They are all mighty as$as$ins, yes, but they are only humans. No powers It gets censored, swear as much as you like. No godmodding No power playing. You can be a trophy or a master, and other charecter's can be your trophy or master. You can have as many charecter's as you like, but please keep them active. To prove you have read this, take a guess at the dude on my siggy, you don't have to get it right, just please take a look. xD These ruels are subject to change. _________________ Bios: Name (Required): Age (Required. If youy are a master, you muyst be over 25, if your a trophy any age is fine.) : Gender (Required): Looks (Required, can be a pic or a deion): Quick personality (Required): Brief history (Optional, but would be apriciated): Trophy or Master (Required, if neither, say so): S/O (Required): Crush(Optional.): Occupant (If you aren't a trophy or a master, you should put your job. Master's get a lot of money, but some trophies need the dough. ;D): Who is your master (Leave blank if you are a master, or delete): Who is your Trophy (Leave blank if you are a trophy, or delete): Pet or pets(Optional, but if you do have a pet, don't make it something like dragons or giant tigers...Unless your Tsunade. XD): _______________________ Another quick note, I start the RP! ________________________ Name: Alexis Brimmings (Real name John Brimmer, but he changed it. There are only two people that know the name John Brimmer...) Age: 17 Gender: Male Looks: He is almost unnaturally skinny, and very tall. He has jet-black short hair, and signature emerald eyes. He normally wears black jeans, black boots, black tee shirt, and a black leather jacket. He has a tattoo of a dragonfly on his lower back, a wolf's head on the back of his neck, a red orborous on his right shoulder on the back. He is always very pale, and looks sick, but that's just his complexion. Quick personality: He's Alexis. You'll know what it is.... Brief history: Anyone whose ever been in an RP with Alexis knows this already. Trophy or Master: He's the trophy of his god-awful abusing step-father. S/O: Very very few people know this, but he's gay. Crush: None. Occupation: Even though he's his father's trophy, he get's hired frequently to other master's due to his genious skills. Who is your master: Michael Brimmer __________ Name: Michael Brimmer Age: 36 Gender: Male Looks: His step-son looks like an almost replica. Micheal has jet black hair, and is unusually tall, almsot alarming, and very slender. He has blue eyes, though. Quick personality: Actually,. this is the firsdt tiem I've ever brought Alexis' father in an RP....Alive, so before he get's killed by someone, I got noithin' really. Brief history: His wife dies when Alexis was five, then he started abusing Alexis in the worst way from drunken beatings, molestation to rape. Nuthin' much else. Trophy or Master: Master S/O (Required): Crush(Optional.): Who is your trophy: Alexis Brimmings
Isn't this fun?
9:09am Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Might join later...after school.)
2:30pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Name: *Sigh* Must we do this? Jack Napier, yet only one has the authority to call him this, and that's Alexis Age: Old enough Gender: Male Looks: Later... Quick personality: No! Brief history: Didn't want to tell me, and I didn't want to press the issue Trophy or Master: Master S/O: Aisexual Crush: None Occupant: Master Who is your Trophy: I dun care what you say, it's Alexis and he will soon be killing the Step-Daddeh!
7:20pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Ur not allowed no here, it's only for us kewl folk! >:U)
Isn't this fun?
7:32pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 3,557
His hands were shaking so violently, he could hardly type the letters into the keybord. They were in a giant freezer, and Alexis had been in there for two hours already, his body wantign to shut down, and let hypothermia set in. His father, and master had been waitign outside, gonig from leavign to do god only knows what to just yellign on the other side of the door, making Alexis attempt to rush faster, and just get more disoriented. "Okay, last pas sword...." He muttered. He knew that afterwards, he had already stopped twice for about five minutes of jumpign jacks and running in place just to try and build body heat, but that was useless, and his father banging on the outside door didn't exactly help.
"S-s-sor-r-r-ry, it's t-t-tah-tah-taking l-l-longer th-than I th-th-thought-t-t...." He managed to call out, not sure if he was even loud enough for the other to hear.
"Yes!" He breathed, finally setting in the last pas sword, and removing the disk from the computer. "Th-th-this is the la-ast t-t-time I hack t-t-th-the c-c-c-c-comput-t-ters-s of a-a-a ic-ice-themed ma-ma-0mast-ter-er-er..." He muttered,
As expected, his father didn't seem impressed at all, as a mater of fact, scolding him for takign so long, and smackign him in the side of the head almsot knockign Alexis over. He jsut ignored it. He needed to get warm. He was shakign so badly, it wasn't even worht the palm tree jokes. He didn't knwo what happeend, all he knew was he pas sed out in the labratory enterance, and wopke up in the tiny cabin he called his room outside and behind his father's house.
"...Damn, he's gonig to kill me when he finds me awake..." He mumbled. He was still freezing, barely able to keep his teeth from chattering. "I'm 17 damnit, I shouldn't be treated like this...." He muttered, going into a small dilopidating dresser drawr and pullign out a black turtleneck shirt, barely aware that his shirt fromn before had already been taken off mysteriously. He walkedo ver to the door to the small cabin and tried to open it, but it was locked.
"Damn!" He muttered, then looked around. A window was barred shut. It was always barred shut to keep Alexis from escaping. Like it worked. All Alexis had to do was open the window and slip through the bars when he was younger. But he's older now. But one thign he did know, if the old cabin was as fallign apart as his dresser, he could yank it open, which he did easily. He looked carefully before attempting to climb out of the window. His father was very carefuly at keepign Alexis from escaping. He saw a suspicious bed of leaves he knew he should have paid more attention to before stepping on. The leaves had merely been hiding a small bear trap, causing Alexis to bite his lip to keep himself from cryign out.
"Damn it all to hell!" He growled climbign the rest of the way out of the window and going into the attempt of prying the bear trap open. "C'mon...."
Isn't this fun?
8:29pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((I don't even wanna guess who your siggy is. Super Hamster. Wee. -3- ANyway, bio in a second. :])
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:53pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
6:54pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(One..Two..Thrre CLEAR!)
Isn't this fun?
8:22pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Bios soon.))
8:36pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 1:43pm May 1 2010)
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Posts: 3,291
Name (Required): Kindra/Karon(Ca-Ron) Age (Required. If youy are a master, you muyst be over 25, if your a trophy any age is fine.) : 21/21 Gender (Required): Female/Male Looks (Required, can be a pic or a deion): Kindra:
 Karon: (Coming) Quick personality (Required): She is pretty mean and cold hearted. She thinks she has power, meaning Karon often has to put her back in her place./ He is quiet, and smarty. He listens carefully to the situation, and plans out the easiest, most effective moves. Brief history (Optional, but would be apriciated): None Trophy or Master (Required, if neither, say so): Trophies S/O (Required): Straight/ Straight Crush(Optional.): Opens Occupant (If you aren't a trophy or a master, you should put your job. Master's get a lot of money, but some trophies need the dough. ;D): Archer teacher, Horse trainer/ Horse shoer, Sword maker Who is your master (Leave blank if you are a master, or delete): Open/ Open Pet or pets(Optional, but if you do have a pet, don't make it something like dragons or giant tigers...Unless your Tsunade. XD): Coming Name (Required): Justine/ Justin Age (Required. If youy are a master, you muyst be over 25, if your a trophy any age is fine.) : 26/ 26 Gender (Required):Female/Male Looks (Required, can be a pic or a deion): (Except without the wrap on Justin`s head) 
Quick personality (Required): Justin is very protective, and happy. He loves to mess around with his sister and treats her more like a baby, than a twin. Justine is also sweet and happy, and gets very randomly hyper. She gets very gigglely and kind of immature. Trophy or Master (Required, if neither, say so): Masters S/O (Required): Straight/ Shraight Crush(Optional.): Opens Occupant (If you aren't a trophy or a master, you should put your job. Master's get a lot of money, but some trophies need the dough. ;D): They help train and break horses on their spare time Who is your Trophy (Leave blank if you are a trophy, or delete): Open/ Open Pet or pets(Optional, but if you do have a pet, don't make it something like dragons or giant tigers...Unless your Tsunade. XD):Coming (Working on it)

10:09am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(You can start anytime!)
Isn't this fun?
3:23pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Not starting!))
3:43pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I started you boob!)
Isn't this fun?
3:46pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Hey hey,)) Jack laughed quietly, walking up on the boy. "And to think I taught you better, Alexis." He tksed, squatting next to him. "May I?"
3:49pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((It's Onion Head! :D *Works on bio*))
3:55pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((It is Onion Head...))
4:19pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"..Jack Napier...." Alexis tilted his head. "Oh, right, your the guy that hires me occasionally..." He muttered. "How'd I forget this guy? He was probably the most fun to work with..." "I've gotten out of these things before....It's just hell, but if you don't midn helping, I'd appreciate it," He said, attempting to pry the trap open again. "Why's The Joker here in a placel ike this?"
Isn't this fun?
4:29pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Name: Arc Kaizu Age: 15 Gender: Male Looks:  Quick personality: Kind of shy, he's not one to go after the spotlight or take large risks. Well suited to be a Trophy. Brief history: Sorry, can't think of one -_-;; Trophy or Master: Trophy S/O: Gay Crush: Open. Occupation: Currently unemployed. Who is your master: Zelric Renzai Pet or pets: None ((Posting Zelric's profile tomorrow, gotta go!))
7:37pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Can Alexis have a crush on Arc, Zombie? O_O')
Isn't this fun?
8:56am May 1 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"I'm here to buy you from that @sshole you call a step-father." Jack chuckled. He prodded the bear trap, finally turning one spring. The bear trap sprung open, releasing Alexis' leg from it's hold. "Anyway, where is he?"