9:40pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"No not like that you sick bas.tard." Jack growled. "I'd like it if you get away from him, too. I was going to buy him as a Trophy. Name your price, and you got it."
12:37am May 6 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Thank you for crashing my computer with all the squishies. -_-' What were they for, anyway?) "I know exactly what you meant. But he's still a minor, and what I said still stands. You can buy him as your trophy, or whatever when he's 17," He explained, gripping him a lightle tighter. "And I don't see where you get off tellin' me what I can do with my son on my own property," He said, then glared at Alexis.
Isn't this fun?
3:05pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Arc had to bite his tongue to keep himself from telling the man off. He figured it was best just to do what he said. After all, Arc didn't really know these people and it wouldn't be worth getting into a fight with one of them, especially since the one he really wanted to pick a fight with looked like he could wring his neck. Shrugging, Arc turned around and took a step only to stop. He looked around again and scowled. He was still lost and he couldn't "get goin'" even if he wanted to.
4:37pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hurrr~ May I join as a Trophy and a Master? ouo))
8:25pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack growled at Michael, trying not to shift. "I said, Name. Your. Price. Money is no ob ject of mine. Do you want me to start? I'll give you ten million dollars for Alex."
9:02pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I'd gladly take that money. :D And dood. Iron Man 2 was AWESOME. -just got back from the movies- SO. MANY. EXPLOSIONS. -love-))
1:38pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(You can't ask, just join! :3) "I said no. He's a minor. Seven months. Then you can." He said, now getting annoyed with Joker. "You can hire him, like youve been doing, but that's it," He said, lettign go of Alexis, who walked over to Arc. "Lost?" He questioned.
Isn't this fun?
2:17pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Arc looked at Alexis with a bored ex pression, hoping it would hide his growing embarras-sment. "Yeah, kind of. I was so into what I was reading, I'm not even sure how I ended up here." he admitted, looking down at the ground and scuffling his feet. He felt even more stupid for admitting it.
4:01pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name (Required):Elren Haide Age (Required. If youy are a master, you muyst be over 25, if your a trophy any age is fine.) : 17 :D Gender (Required): Male Looks (Required, can be a pic or a deion):
(Without the dragon. XD) Quick personality (Required): He's calm and slow to get mad, and generally cares for those around him. Brief history (Optional, but would be apriciated): He doesn't remember much o his past before he was sixteen, when he ended up getting a nasty concussion, which came with a severe case of amnesia. Trophy or Master (Required, if neither, say so): Trophy S/O (Required): Bisexual :D Crush(Optional.):Open~ Occupant (If you aren't a trophy or a master, you should put your job. Master's get a lot of money, but some trophies need the dough. ;D): Unemplyed ATM. Who is your master (Leave blank if you are a master, or delete): Etowari Masofuji Pet or pets(Optional, but if you do have a pet, don't make it something like dragons or giant tigers...Unless your Tsunade. XD): None. .3. Name (Required): Etowari Masofuji Age (Required. If youy are a master, you muyst be over 25, if your a trophy any age is fine.) : 26.6 Gender (Required): MAle Looks (Required, can be a pic or a deion):
 Quick personality (Required): He's blunt and is quick to anger, sometimes lashing out as his trophy for saying just one little thing that pissed him off. Brief history (Optional, but would be apriciated): Unknown. .n. Trophy or Master (Required, if neither, say so): Master S/O (Required): Bisexual. P: Crush(Optional.): Open ouo Occupant (If you aren't a trophy or a master, you should put your job. Master's get a lot of money, but some trophies need the dough. ;D): Unemployed. Who is your Trophy (Leave blank if you are a trophy, or delete): Elren Haide Pet or pets(Optional, but if you do have a pet, don't make it something like dragons or giant tigers...Unless your Tsunade. XD): He owns a tamed white wolf/dingo hybrid that was bred especially for him. His name is Jundo, which means Purity in Japanese.:D

1:48pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Well, while Dad's talking with Joker, I'm suyre no one would notic-I, uh, mean care that we're gone," He smirked. "I can lead us back to the main road that will lead us to town. I knwo this whole place like the back of....Never mind, let's go," He said, and started walking.
Isn't this fun?
7:06pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Jaaaade. I'm happyyyyyyy. ;u; And I think I'll make Elren be walking Jundo along the main road, after Etowari ended up getting pissed at him. .U.))
7:11pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Why are you happy? :3 And I know why I'm happy. >__>')
Isn't this fun?
7:18pm May 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((D00d. I got to eat a steak at Ruby Tuesday for FREE and I got Pokemon SoulSilver with a POKEWALKER. <3333))
7:36pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Well, Judo, it looks like it's just us now..." murmured a tall silver-haired teen, who was walking a white wolf/dingo mix. It was wolf-like in size, but built like a dingo. He looked back at the teen with pretty blue eyes and barked, tail wagging lightly before he stopped, ears perked and head raised as he sniffed the air. After a moment, he darted off, pulling poor Elren behind him. "Jundoooo! Slow downn!" whined Elren, who was still sore and bruised from his Master lashing out at him again. The canine responded by barking. ((Lol. Jundo is running towards Alexis and Arc. xDDD Very friendly. xDDDD))
9:59pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Yay. XD My brother has one and he keeps putting it in my backpack or fanny-pack, so he doesn't have to walk it. XD)
Isn't this fun?
3:26pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Arc blinked in confusion. He had heard Alexis correcting himself and seen his smirk but couldn't figure out what they had meant. Arc was immediately suspicious, but his fear of what Zelric would do to him if he found out he got lost outweighed his fear of being lured into a trap. Besides, Alexis seemed nice enough. Realizing that Alexis would leave him if he lingered any longer, Arc took off after him until he caught up and matched Alexis's paces. "Thanks for this." Arc said quietly.
4:01pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 4:02pm May 10 2010)
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Posts: 15,067
Jack growled, stepping closer to the man. "I'll make it a hundred million." ((I am so annoyed right now...))
4:27pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"No problem. I'd do anything to get away from that man," He mumbled, with a sigh. "So, where do you come from?" He questioned, looking over to him momentarily. "Man, do I tower over everyone?" He thought to himself. ________ He glared at him, arms crossed. He really wasn't in the mood to argue the point. "Get off my property now, Mr. Joker. You've overstayed your welcome. I'm not selling him as a trophy to anyone until he's legal. Seven month's, wait 'till then!"
Isn't this fun?
4:48pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
"He's that bad, ne?" Arc muttered quietly, feeling bad for Alexis. He looked up at him, and smiled slightly at his question. "I live with a man named Zelric Renzai, he's my Master. He lives a little ways out of town, but I don't think he'd appreciate me telling a stranger exactly where." He let out a nervous laugh. "He wouldn't want me following a stranger anywhere either." He added quietly to himself.
4:52pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack snarled, grabbing Michael by the neck. "You need to understand, Mr. Brimmer, that I do not care for such boundaries, and me asking for him was a courtesy. I can and will take him from you."