9:34pm May 10 2010
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He continued glaring, not seemign phased in the least by being grabbed, and simply grabbed Jack's arm, ripping it from his own next, takign a chunk of his own neck off, it regenerating within' seconds. "Whatever, then. I don't care what you do with the little w *censored*," He said.
Isn't this fun?
2:27pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack only laughed, his arm growing back in mere miliseconds. "He's not a wh.re, and you'll have a hundred mill on your doorstep." "Alexis!"
2:53pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Lol. Neither of them heard a barking wolf/dingo hybrid and a teenaged boy running after him? xD; -fails-))
2:57pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Dude, I didn't know they were that close XD -fail-))
3:03pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Wouldn't sound like that echo in a forest? XD And wolves and dingoes are wild dogs...and can be pretty loud. And poor Elren is being dragged along. xD))
3:12pm May 11 2010
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(( I have no stinkin' clue, I don't even remember the last time I was in a forest XD Kia needs to post >_<; I can't do anything D: Unless I somehow figure out how to bring Zelric in... I planned to make him just sleep all day XD))
3:24pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Well, Elren's master is still fuming...and Elren's still being dragged along by Jundo...xD))
4:15pm May 11 2010
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((Talk about Spam...))
4:31pm May 11 2010
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Alexis heard Joker calling him, and opened his mouth to respond. "Comming, Mr. Jo-GAH!" He was pounced on my a poodle! >8D
Isn't this fun?
4:35pm May 11 2010
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((Lol.)) Jack walked to him, tossing the dog aside. "Stop calling me that."
4:37pm May 11 2010
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(Animal abuser, aw lawd! D:) "Well, what do I call ya, then?" He questioned, standing up, brushing his clothes off.
Isn't this fun?
4:39pm May 11 2010
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"Call me Jack. Or some might prefer the Joker.. Or you can call me Master." Jack grinned.
4:40pm May 11 2010
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((So. What should I do with Elren and Jundo? Make Jundo drag Elren up and force him to be social? XD))
4:43pm May 11 2010
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((He can meet up with Arc I guess. I'm gonna end up being left behind anyways.)) Arc backed away slowly from Jack, unsure what to do now that his guide seemed to have forgotten about him. Not to mention, the other man looked scary. Deciding he rather face getting lost, Arc walked off through the trees hoping it was the way back to town. He sighed. Even the most simple days had a way of turning strange.
4:44pm May 11 2010
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(Sure. XD) "Oh, you didn't seriously...." He sighed. "Shoulda figured. He doesn't joke....This might be interesting, though....."
Isn't this fun?
4:46pm May 11 2010
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"Unless you want to stay with Michael..." Jack offered, not the least bit offended.
4:48pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm May 11 2010)
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"Jundo! Slow down!" Elren cried, right before he and the white wolf/dingo hybrid rushed out of the trees, Jundo nearly making him slam into another boy. The teen immediately fell back, panting lightly as he sent a half-hearted look in the canine's direction before blinking up at the boy he'd almost run into. "Sorry about that.... Jundo is...very friendly. To an extreme extent." As if to prove this, Jundo jumped onto Elren, who let out a yelp as he was pinned to the ground and covered with doggy kisses. "J-Jundo! Off!" he whined, pushing against the canine to try and get away. Ugh. Now he was even more sore than earlier. ((-pets Elren- And the boy is Arc. .U.))
4:56pm May 11 2010
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Arc yelped in surprise and jumped back as something seemed to come out of nowhere and almost crashed into him. His back and head hit a tree and he staggered for a second before crumpling to his knees, moaning softly as he rubbed his injured head. He looked over to the source of all the commotion and gasped. Whatever he had been expecting it had not been a crazy canine and his master. He groaned, and rubbed his head again, deciding if he just ignored them, they might go away.
5:01pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Alexis unconciously shivered a little "Thanks, but I'd rather not...." He said, crossing his arms. Alexis looked over at the dog. "....Which remidns me..." A German Shepard bouned back to his master, sitting next to Alexis, wagging his tail madly.
Isn't this fun?
5:04pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
With quite a bit of effort, Elren finally managed to push the big, loving canine off of him, wiping off his face. He looked back up and grew concerned, attempting to stand up, pausing for a half-second as he winced, starting to lightly rub his back before moving to his arms, where very faint scars overlapped in some places. In the less-lit area he was standing in, it made it difficult to see the fresh bruises he carried, but despite that he moved over to the boy he'd almost slammed into. "I'm sorry.....are you okay?" he asked, kneeling down in front of him, genuine worry for the other shimmering in his eyes as Jundo plodded over, tail wagging. Elren sent the dog another look, huffing softly. "Wait until Master Etowari hears what you almost did, Jundo," he muttered. ((Jundo is Etowari's canine. xD Elren has no pets. But he walks Jundo for an excuse to go outside and get away from the man. P:))