5:06pm May 11 2010
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The German Shepard pounced on the other dog in a playful mood, becaue 'Tilda is bored. >_>
Isn't this fun?
5:08pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((The other dog being Jundo, who almost made Elren ram into Arc? XD))
5:08pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
5:12pm May 11 2010
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"I'm...I'm fine." Arc said quietly, not looking at him. He tried to stand up but the forest seemed as though it was spinning so he slumped back against the tree and to the ground. Groaning again, he clutched his head and forced himself not to be sick. He tried not to think about what Zelric would do to him once he found out about everything that had happened. So far Arc knew he had practically disobeyed every one of Zelric's rules possible.
5:15pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Jundo turned with a bark, tail wagging as he returned Tsume's pounce, tongue lolling out of his mouth. Elren reached out to place a hand on the other male's shoulder, the appendage pas-sing thorugh a ray of light that lit up his pale skin, making his scars and bruises a lot more evident. Not that he cared. He'd gotten used to it over the years. Not that it didn't still hurt.
5:18pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Alright, go get your stuff." Jack said, eying the German Shepard.
5:24pm May 11 2010
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Arc flinched away as he felt the other male's touch, fearing that he was moving to hurt him. He looked at Elren, his mouth set in a defiant frown even though his eyes were slightly wider than usual. "Who are--" Arc began, more than a little suspicious, but he stopped talking when he noticed all the scars and bruises on the other's arm. Some of the bruises looked fresh. "You're hurt," he said quietly, unsure of what else to say.
5:25pm May 11 2010
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((Nyaaa...Gotta go for now. There's a waiting list. DX))
6:01pm May 11 2010
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Elren blinked, then looked down at his arm, pulling it away quickly when he noticed his injuries had been seen. "I'm fine. Etowari just has a very quick temper," he stated, referring to his Master. He smiled a bit. "I'm used to it though. He's been my Master for as long as I can remember," he added, then thought a moment. "Then again, I can't remember anything from before I was sixteen..." he said, tilting his head slightly, blinking curiously. "Anyways, my name's Elren. Elren Haide," he stated with another smile.
6:12pm May 11 2010
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Arc staggered slightly when Elren pulled away, realizing he had been leaning against his hand for support. He corrected his posture and leaned back against the tree to support himself. He blinked as Elren mentioned a Master. That meant he was a Trophy. Somehow, that didn't make Arc feel any safer. Still he gave him a small smile. "I'm Arc Kaizu," Arc said. "I'm a Trophy also."
6:17pm May 11 2010
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Elren sat down all the way after a moment, looking back at Jundo and smiling a little. "Etowari's not all bad, though. He just has a quick temper," he said before looking back at Arc. "And it's nice to meet you, however strange the way was," he added. "And I'm sorry again for almost running into you. Jundo's really strong..." He sighed softly, glancing up at the sky before returning his attention to Arc. "He usually doesn't drag me along for the ride, though. It must've been because of the German Shepherd over there that he got so excited," he chuckled, stretching himself out with a light wince. "I wish I owned a dog like him, though," he said rather fondly. ((c: Elren likes ot talk. xD))
6:18pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Gotta go home now. D:))
7:11pm May 11 2010
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Arc listened quietly, unsure of what to say. He had noticed Elren wince. To Arc "quick temper" didn't seem to be an accurate deion of Etowari. Starting to feel a little better, Arc stretched out beside Elren, making a content noise as he stretched his slightly sore back. He looked up at the sky. How long had it been since he simply relaxed? He couldn't remember. No doubt he'd be in for all of Hell when he finally returned to Zelric's house, but at least for now he could push those worries out of his head.
10:09pm May 11 2010
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Alexis smirked. "Eh, don't really have anything over there," He laughed.
Isn't this fun?
3:04pm May 13 2010
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Elren looked over at the other boy and blinked, tilting his head slightly. "What's your name...?" he asked after a moment. He'd given his, but the other boy had yet to do the same. IF he was going to talk to him he may as well know what to call him, right? A moment later he lay flat on his back, arms spread out, to stare up through the trees. He smiled a little bit. "Etowari has a good heart, just not a good temper," he murmured after a while, closing his eyes. "He means well, he just doesn't know how to show it most times." ((Elren has such faith in his Master. ;u;))
3:19pm May 13 2010
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Arc listened to Elren quietly. He could understand where he was coming from, but Arc still found it hard to believe. After all, Zelric had a nasty temper as well, but he had never once hit Arc. Arc couldn't picture him ever doing so. He rolled over onto his side to face Elren, curling up slightly. "My name is Arc. Arc Kaizu." He said shyly. (( lol ))
3:27pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Elren grinned. "It's nice to meet you, Arc," he said, sitting up after a moment to look over at him, surprisingly cheery for someone who'd lived with a man like Etowari as long as he could remember. He yawned a few moments later, probably talking too much to get enough oxygen to his brain. ((xD))
3:40pm May 13 2010
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Arc yawned also then laughed. It was true what they said about yawns being contagious. He sat up and pulled his legs to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. He brushed a bit of hair away from his eyes. After a few moments, he spoke up. "You wouldn't happen to be able to show me the way to town, would you? I'm kinda lost." He blushed and gave a nervous laugh.
3:47pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Elren smiled and stood up, nodding. "I'd be happy to!" he told him before looking over at Jundo. He seemed to be having fun witht he German Shepherd and he hated to pull him away but.... ((.U.))
10:53am May 14 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Alright, so then let's go. You bringing the dog?" Jack asked, growling softly.