True to My Clan *Warrior Cats RP*

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5:35pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Soulkit yowled in triumph as she pounced on the tip of her furry tail. She rolled over onto her side, purring. Her ears pricked up as she heard Silverbolt's yowl, and she scrambled to her feet. She began to creep towards the Storm Rocks, hoping that she wouldn't be noticed by the other clanmates, seeing as she was only four moons old. Soulkit's tail begain to trash in excitement as she wondered what Echostar would be announcing to the clan.
((Sorry if that wasn't very good, I haven't done a Warriors RP in a couple years.)) 

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:36pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

((Mercy, Rosepaw will be an apprentice, if that's fine.  She can be friends with Maplepaw))

((Someone else want to post?  We could use a lot more Aqua and Earth Clan Cats...))


5:48pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

[[Mercy: Sure! Maplepaw loves friends XD]]

"Cats of StormClan!" yowled Echostar.

"I have gathered up our clan to announce some grim news."

Echostar paused for a moment, gazing up hopefully at StarClan for strength.

"As most you may already know, the Clans have suffered some very unfortunate deaths. The clans have been very hostile lately, so it wouldn't be mousebrained to suggest that they were murders."

The clan gasped in fear, hangin on to Echostar's words.

"However, this does not mean that StormClan should sit about and worry- we need to look as a strong as a ever at the Gathering, so we do not send quivering signals. We must not make them think we are weak- for we are most certantly not.

 Blacktail, may StarClan be ggod to him, was murdered. By whom, you ask? I have my own suspicions [sp?]. I believe that Brightstar has taken the life of our brave deputy."

The cats' eyes widened in hostility, and they howled in fury and grief.

"This is not 1OO% positive, so we must keep this quiet."

Echostar's eyes gleamed with irratation, but she said no more on the subject.

 "On a happier note, Whiteflower has birthed three new beautiful kits. They're names are

Sunnykit, Icekit, and Soulkit. We welcome them cordially into our clan.

The meeting is now over."

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

5:52pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 5:58pm Mar 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Soulkit crouched as low as she could, her blue eyes widening in shock. "Brightstar killed Blacktail? Why would he be mousebrained enough to do that? Why doesn't Echostar just go to EarthClan's territory and flay him?" she hissed in horror. The fur along her spine prickled with anger and fear. "What if he comes here next?" Her voice squeaked loudly with fear, and she hurriedly clamped a paw over her mouth, afraid that someone would hear her.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:55pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

Name: Robinwing

Clan: Storm

Position: Warrior

Apprentice: Not yet... ;D


Personality: Funny, Energetic, Spunky, Gentle, and Kind

 Skills: Hunting, fighting, running

Weaknesses: A little clumsy :D

Mate/Crush: She's got her eye on somone.... XD


This cat is a default!

Want her? Let me or Myth know!

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

5:56pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

[[Nice Weba XD Oh, BTW, Brightstar is kinda male :) You might wanna change that unless you want him to eat you XD]]

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

5:58pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 6:00pm Mar 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

Silverbolt hopped down from the rock, pushing through the crowd to touch noses affectionately with her friend Whiteflower.

"Congratulations, Whiteflower!  I'm sure they will all become promising warriors."  Whiteflower smiled and dipped her head.

"I can only hope that they will become as great as you, Silverbolt.  Actually, I think that Soulkit might make an excellent medicine cat.  Perhaps Maplepaw could apprentice her when she becomes medicine cat....." Whiteflower trailed off, gazing over at Yewtail, who was dozing on a rock nearby.

Silverbolt rubbed against Whiteflower's flank as a goodbye before she jumped up onto a rock to survey the clan for a hunting party.  Silverbolt decided to ask Lionpelt, Robinwing, and Maplepaw to come with her.

((Mercy & Thalia, is that okay?))


5:59pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((Lol, sorry, didn't realize. xD))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:59pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

((lol, it's okay weba :)))


6:17pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

ta:image/jpg;base64,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" alt="" width="256" height="197" />

Yewtail sat up from his fern nest and stretched.

Maplepaw hesitantly padded into the medicine cat cave.

"You wanted to see me, Yewtail?" She asked curiously.

"Yes," replied the old tom.

"It's time we discuss you becoming a full time medicine cat." He said quietly.

Maplepaw's eyes lit up like stars in Silverpelt.

"Really Yewtail? You mean it?" She asked excitedly.

Yewtail nodded.

"I am getting old, and you are the perfect replacement for me. On the next medicine cta meeting, I will make you a medicine cat in front of StarClan."

Maplepaw burst with happiness.

"Oh thank you Yewtail! I won't let you down!"

Yewtail rolled his eyes and dismissed his hyper apprentice.

He curled up in his nest once agian, and was reading himself for sleep when an unexpected scent rolled over him.

"Yewtail, I have come to you from StarClan with a very important message." whispered a soft voice in Yewtail's ear.

The old brown cat looked up to see a musculey black and white cat crouching near his nest.

"Blacktail! What have you come to tell me? Why is it so urgent?"

Blacktail's eyes darkened in his knowledge.

"StarClan has seen it that you are planning to retire. Maplepaw is an excellent choice, however her

future has been seen to darken with threats of a broken warrior code."

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

6:18pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 6:18pm Mar 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

hehe oopsies, double post XD

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

6:31pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Soulkit glanced around, relaxing once she saw that no one had noticed her. She got to her paws, feeling pround of herself. She pounced on a nearby leaf, growling playfully. "I am Soulkit! No EarthClan warrior can withstand my might!"
((Sorry about the fail-post, I wasn't exactly sure what she should do.)) 

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:49pm Mar 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((Lol Thalia, you hatched Soulkit. XD))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


7:11pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 7:13pm Mar 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,120

Silverbolt walked through the Dark Woods, ears pricked to hear even the slightest of movement around her.  Suddenly, the smell of rabbit filled the air.  Silverbolt dropped into a crouch, scanning the area aroung her for the critter.  She caught sight of it a few fox lengths away, nibbling on a blade of gras.s.  The rabbit was a large and plump one, young.  Instantly, Silverbolt pounced on the rabbit, sinking her razor-sharp claws into its fleshy back and her teeth into its tender neck. 

The creature squealed, the sound clipped short as it fell limp in Silverbolt's jaws.  She meowed triumphantly, but silenced herself when she heard a rustling of leaves.  Quietly, she dropped her prey, inching towards the sound.  The silver she-cat sniffed.  It was a kit!  Her observation was confirmed by its mewing and the rustling of the leaves.  Just to be safe, Silverbolt unsheathed her claws as she pushed through the brush towards the sound.

"I am Soulkit!  No EarthClan warrior can withstand my might!" The kit pounced on a leaf playfully, growling as if the leaf itself was one of Brightstar's greatest warriors.  Silverbolt chuckled quietly and sheathed her claws before stepping out in front of the kit.

"I am Brightstar!  Prepare to meet Starclan!" Silverbolt howled in a playful deep tone, mimicking Brightstar's perfectly.  She jumped on the kit, rolling around with her in the gras.s playfully.  Soulkit giggled, gasping for air as she tussled with the enormous Deputy. 

((Hope you don't mind, weba :3)) 


7:34pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 7:35pm Mar 2 2011)

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Posts: 1,120

Darkness filled the camp.  It was moonhigh, the night crisp and cool.  The moon was bright overhead the Storm Clan camp, all of the cats asleep in its white light.  The apprentices snored gently in their den, the warriors in theirs, Echostar in her den, and Yewtail in his den.  A cat crept up to the camp.  The cool breeze whispered; murder, murder, murder. 

None of the cats stirred.

The cat stood in front of the den, silhouetted against the moon.  The cat crouched at the opening of the den.  In a flash, it pounced on a sleeping feline and enclosed its jaws around the feline's neck.  The sleeping cat jolted awake and attempted to howl in pain and to warn the others.  Nothing came out but a low rasping noise.

The dying cat struggled in a beam of the light, squirming and kicking and clawing at the intruder.  A few moments later, the cat fell limp and the last breath of life left its cold dead body.  A dark cloud crossed the night sky and settled itself in front of the moon, blocking its light.  The camp was as silent as ever when the killer stalked out of the camp.


8:35pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 9:03pm Mar 2 2011)

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Posts: 1,966

Name:  Froststar

Gender:  Male

Clan:  AquaClan

Position:  Leader


Personality:  Froststar can be mysterious and cold to cats he don't know, but pair him with his clanmates and fellow Clan acquanatances, and he can be an enormous socialite, a peace-keeper, if you will, between Clans. He looks fondly on kits and apprentices, even more so than he does other cats.

Skills:  An experience swimming and gains extreme adrenaline when fighting ine the rain. He's good at catching underwater fish and rocks at living in the cold. (He was born in Leaf-bare, an unsual time for a kit to be born, yet he's strong, seeing as he was the only kit in his litter who survived the cold leaf bare.)

Weaknesses:  After swimming or such, he's horrible at regaining his balance on land. When he fights, he often feels pressured by lack of water, and fights almost without using his brain, so he acts thoughtless and on impulse in these situations. He's used to the cold and water more than he is to heat and drought, so he feels more affected by these conditions than any other cat.

Mate/Crush?:  None, and he plans to keep it that way. But you never know....


Name:  Raindance

Gender:  Female

Clan:  AquaClan

Position:  Warrior


Personality:  Raindance is an outspoken cat - she likes her opinion heard, and although she doesn't always have the best ideas, she can be easy to get along with. Her pride and determintion are only rivalled by her attitude and her stubborness, two of her worst triats, traits that, when she was an apprentice, got her punished frequently.

Skills:  She's a skilled tracker and hunter, mostly due to her speed and lightness on her feet. She has realy good balance.

Weaknesses:  Even though she was born as a cat from AquaClan, she sometimes finds more familiarity with land than she does with water. Her skils definitely do NOT reside in swimming or anything that involves water, save for catching fish. Her attitude can some times get her in rough situations, and her stubbornes and determination have gotten her in troubling situations in the past, definitely.

Mate/Crush?:  Open, she's secretly looking for a good romance.


Name:  Blueeye

Gender:  Female

Clan:  AquaClan

Position:  Elder


Personality:  (Can be RP'd out, but deion preferred)

Skills:  Annoying kits, and getting her way.

Weaknesses:  Uh... running, walking, getting up off her lazy haunches... she's an elder, she has a lot of weaknesses.

Mate/Crush?:  He's dead, and she doesn't want another. 


Adopted from Archaeus.


9:35pm Mar 2 2011

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Posts: 3,371
Swiftstar stretched out and padded outside her den. She knew that WindClan was small. All the clans were small. except StormClan. She was glad that they weren't having any problems with that clan. She needed to send out a hunting patrol soon.


4:33pm Mar 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,120



4:39pm Mar 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

Is feeling bumpy XD

I wanna make more defaults.... *gets idea*

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

4:48pm Mar 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

Name: Nightflower

Clan: Earth

 Position: Queen, hasnt given birth yet


Personality: Nice and sweet, just like a mother should be. However, she is fiercly protective of her kits, so watch out. She's strong and active, and after she found out she was pregnant, she mellowed down and matured. Currently this is her 2nd litter of kits.

Stregnths: Protecting kits, fighting, hunting

Weaknesses: She'll lay her life down for her kjits, and (depending on who she's fighting) thats bad.

Mate/Crush: Not telling XD

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King
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