9:20pm Apr 19 2010
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Spottedfire signaled Wolfpaw to stop with her tail. She got down into a hunter's crouch then stalked forward at a average sized mouse not to far away. The mouse was nibbling on something, and Spottedfire froze when it lifted its head. She began moving forward toward it again when it went on nibbling, then pounced. The mouse was trapped in her front paws. She killed it with a quick bite to the neck then brought it back to were Wolfpaw was waiting. "My turn now," Wolfpaw meowed as Spottedfire covered it up with earth. The she-cat nodded then went off to search for more prey, and Wolfpaw did the same in the other direction. At first he got no scent of prey, but then the scent of a mouse came to his nostrils. He looked in the direction of the mouse scent then saw a plump mouse, near a mouse hole. Wolfpaw got into a hunter's crouch then crept forward, setting his paws down as lightly as he could, then pounced forward with his claws unsheathed. He caught the mouse in his paws then used his claw to kill it. He had to nip it at the neck a little, though.
10:32pm Apr 19 2010
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Smiling Jadewing sighed, kind of wistfully, "i hope Duskpaw fits in well. She seemed so... nervous, and desperate to fit in." Her blazing paws flexed and her claws slid in and out. "Come rest with me?" she asked him as she padded into the sun.
4:32am Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 5:25am Apr 20 2010)
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Rainheart smiled at Silentheart. She was, however, unsure.' We'll all listen?' she thinks, loyally thinking of Fallenstar. Rainheart hated being bossy- but was unsure of how to deal with cats who did not listen. She seemed to be the clan loner- friendless- or at least- not even a cat who spoke to her in a friendly way often. She sighed- it seemed unhappy to think. Rainheart wanted to make sure she was doing her job as Deputy- and not just a useless old cat hanging around. Her yellow eyes glowed and she announced, "Does anyone want to go on patrol?" she gleams, and asked, "Do Duskpaw and Silentheart want to go? They seem the purrfect cats for the job. Duskpaw, although she needs more training, seems fine to go now." she smiles at Duskpaw, who was beaming with enthusiasm.
4:47am Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 5:29am Apr 20 2010)
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Rainheart was worried. The Clan leader, Fallenstar, along with Jadewing, have been out a long time. Did they get in trouble? Were they dead? Rainheart wanted to go do a check. She said to Wolfpaw, "Do you want to go check on Fallenstar and Jadewing to see if they are still fine? I'd appreciate that." Rainheart lived by the warrior code, and strongly believes they should be followed. However, she had to raise point seven of it; A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
10:18am Apr 20 2010
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((Aren't Fallenstar and Jadewing already in camp?))
5:47pm Apr 20 2010
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ooc; Twint. Jadewing and Fallenstar are back in camp.
8:03pm Apr 20 2010
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Silentheart nodded in conformation, glad to be getting out of camp and padding on his restless paws. "Of course i'll go." He meowed brightly, glancing down at Duskpaw to see if she was ready. He was pretty sure that Rainheart felt uncomfortable ordering around the other cats, just by the way she addressed them with a sort of uncertainty. "I'v never been in any position of power, probably never will, so i'm not sure how it feels. But your doing a excellent job at being deputy, don't let other cats unfriendliness get to you." He meowed softly, so no other cat would hear. "Some cats will stick up for you if bolder warriors or apprentices try to ignore your orders. I for one know I will, and so probably will Fallenstar or else he would not have picked you." A paw suddenly cuffed him painfully over the ears, forcing a hiss from his mouth. Rubbing his sore ears, he glared at Gingerfrost. The calico she-cat only grinned evilly back then dipped her head to Rainheart. "Any words that come from his mouth cannot be taken literally unless it's a sort of compliment. He's worse then a kit." She chuckled slightly at the indignant look the other warrior threw him. "I heard you were giving out patrols, and was wondering if I could be in one?" Gingerfrost continued. Fallenstar flicked Jadewing's shoulder in comfort. "She'll do fine, particularly if Lionsoul's mentoring her. She got spunk and courage which will both help her." He meowed gently. Looking around camp, he noted that everything seemed to be looking well. The fresh-kill pile was well stocked, patrols were being sent out, and no fights had started. Deciding he could spare a moment or two to rest with Jadewing, he padded over and lay next to her, letting out a small sigh of content. Lets hope this peace lasts.

8:15pm Apr 20 2010
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Laying in the warm sun and purring contently Jadewing started to doze. Her emerald eyes fluttered shut and her cream fur soaked up the heat of the rock, the sun and Fallenstar's pelt and body. Laying with her back against him she felt safe and protected from everything.
8:22pm Apr 20 2010
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Looking down in surprise as Jadewing's pelt brushed his, his amber eyes softened at her content face, realizing for the first time how striking her fur was in the bright sun. Shaking his head to clear such thoughts, he wondered why something that...odd would come into his head about his best friend. Snorting at himself, he lay his head onto her shoulder and let himself doze a bit, keeping his eyes slitted to watch the clan, and the she-cat beside him.
10:05pm Apr 20 2010
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Feeling the slight pressure of his head on her shoulders she let out a calm sigh. Everything is great. She thought to herself, The clan is at peace, we have apprentices, adn I have amazing friends. Pulling her shoulder out from underneath Fallenstars head, trying not to wake him, Jadewing lickedhis ear and padded into the warriors den for some solid slepp after a long day of hunting.
5:23am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((whoops sorry, didnt notice it)) Rainheart sighs again. "Thanks Silentheart. Glad to know at least someone can listen." Rainheart walks away embarr*censored*ed. How could she not notice Fallenstar already in camp? How could she make a fool of herself in front of Wolfpaw? She advanced towards the camp entrance, goes slightly out of it, and thought in silence.
10:15am Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Wolfpaw carried his kill back to the spot Spottedfire covered her mouse then covered his with earth not too far. He tasted the air then picked up the scent of a squirrel.. and another cat? He followed the scent of the squirrel, it was in the same direction the other cat scent was in. After a while of following the scents, he spotted a squirrel at the roots of a tree. He slowly got into a hunter's crouch then crept forward, his ears pricked up and his tail slightly above the ground. Then, he pounced. He thought he had the squirrel, but just before he was about to grab the brown animal in his unsheathed paws it quickly ran up the tree and hid on a brach covered with trees. "Mouse-dung!" He cursed then looked up the tree where the squirrel had ran up. Felan watched as a young black cat failed to catch a squirrel. He was sitting under a shady spot, not too far from the PondClan border, and was flicking his tail out of boredom. He twitched his whiskers in amusment as the black cat curse. He has heard a few forest cats say that once in a while, and it amused him.
3:22pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,094
((What about Duskpaw? She's still waiting for her mentor to tell her if she's doing it right, and what to do next.))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
5:54pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Sorry... :P Looking closesly at his aprentices form he nodded, "Just remeber. Keep your tail down but not against the ground."
6:54pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Duskpaw nodded and brought her tail up off the ground, but not too high. "Now what?" she asked her mentor curiously.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
9:42pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Step lioghtly towards it" Lionsoul mewed, "The mouse will feel your vibrations before it sees or even scents you. Put your paws down lightly, distribute your weight evenly adnd try not t break a twig." There was a smile in his voice as he taught her.
10:23pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Wolfpaw was about to go hunt somewhere else when he remembered the other cat scent. He tasted the air then looked in the direction it came from. There was a dark brown tom sitting down not too far away from the PondClan border, and by the looks of it he was a rogue. He wanted to run up to the rogue, but if they were to get into a fight there was a chance he would lose. He's bigger than me, that's for sure. He thought. Felan watched the black cat. He looked as if he wanted to come to it, but was not all that sure. "What's the matter?" He called. "Are you afraid to say hello to some one you don't know?"
3:11am Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 1,576
No,Wolfpaw! thought Rainheart. She just picked up the scent of... byp*censored*ers- just along the PondClan border. Will it attack the Clan? Rainheart kept on guard from her point at the camp entrance.
3:00pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 1,094
"And after, I pounce?" she asked, while creeping slowly towards the mouse.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
7:56pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Correct" his sandy fur and golden gaze shone. One in the sunlight the other with pride at her learning so quickly, "Go ahead"