7:58pm Apr 22 2010
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Duskpaw creeped a little bit closer, then pounced on the mouse. She had managed to scratch it, but it had been too quick and it ran away. She grumbled.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
8:11pm Apr 22 2010
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"Good try" Lionsoul rumbled, "Not many apprentices make it their first go round" Sniffing the air he scented a vole, "Try again"
10:38pm Apr 22 2010
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"What are you doing on PondClan territory?" Wolfpaw demanded. He was lashing his tail and unsheathing his claws, but some part inside him told him not to. He went closer to the dark brown rogue, but kept about two fox-tails away. The tip of Felan's tail flicked. "Just resting, I guess." He replied calmy, not finding the PondClan apprentice a threat. Spottedfire was crouched at the bank of the river, her eyes searching for a fish. She was about to give up when one swam by, slowly. When it was close to her she quickly scooped it out with her unsheathed paw and pouned on it before it could get back into the water. She smiled then grabbed the fish in her jaws, making sure it wouldn't slip out from her grip, then trotted to where she burried her mouse.
2:50am Apr 24 2010
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Rainheart was still at the entrance. She noticed Wolfpaw and Felan, but wasn't sure about anything yet. She called over to Silentheart, the only cat whom she speaks to, and says, "Please watch these two cats for me? I have to go to Fallenstar's den." Expecting a positive 'yes', she sped over to the den soundlessly. Rainheart's voice echoes into the den. "Fallenstar? May I have a word with you?"
12:10pm Apr 25 2010
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ooc; Bumperoni
6:53pm Apr 25 2010
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Silentheart flicked his ears as Rainheart spoke, a bit surprised that she would want him for something. Scrambling to his paws from where he was laying in the sun, he slunk over to his position to watch, his normal light-hearted attitude forgotten. This was serious, and needed caution in case it got messy. Fallenstar mentally sighed, knowing that his peaceful day would not last, it never did. Not that I expected it to. Getting to his paws he shook his fur while walking forward, a hard feat but it did not feel right addressing problems when he looked sleep ruffled. "Yes, is there a problem Rainheart?" He asked.
7:39pm Apr 27 2010
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8:32pm Apr 27 2010
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Jadewing couldn't get back to sleep in the cool den so she walked out, back into the camp, and lay on Basking Rocks, a nice set of hot stones, the perfect place for a nap.
4:53am Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 4:55am Apr 28 2010)
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Rainheart knew she had to crack it to Fallenstar. She said squarely, "Well, Wolfpaw is with a stranger near the PondClan border. We, however, have not any information on this cat. Silentheart is watching them now." she remembered her loyalty to the warrior code. "And, as a kit, my grandmother told me that Fireheart, a cat from this legendary ThunderClan, had an apprentice when he was deputy. According to rule seven of the Warrior Code, a cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice. Please, Fallenstar, I beg of you. Let me be loyal to you, the Clan, and the Warrior Code."
3:52pm Apr 28 2010
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Fallenstar blinked in appreciation down at the the deputy. "Thank you for the information on the intruder Rainheart, you did well." He padded past her and looked around the camp. "I'm going to lead a patrol over there, and I would like you, Jadewing and Owlheart to accompany me." He meowed. "Jadewing! Would you mind to fetch Owlheart?" He asked loudly so the warrior could hear. "Now, what is this about you being loyal? Every cat knows your one of the most loyal warriors in the clan, thus the reason I picked you as my deputy." He tipped his head to the side, amber eyes blazing.
9:10pm Apr 28 2010
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Jadewing nodded and padded into the warriors den to get the former rogue. "Owlheart. Fallenstar wants you for patrol" she called. Loping over to her leader Jadewing asked, "Whats happening?" her voice held a worried edge, "Another patrol?" Owlheart yawned and walked out of the den catching up to Jadewing and Fallenstar just in time to hear her ask him a question.
3:08am Apr 30 2010
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Rainheart leapt up. She personally loved going on patrol ; to find out if the latest quirks and gossip about tresp*censored*ers and such were true. She nodded agreeably, "Yes, Fallenstar. I will go." she knew; when her leader woke up, his peace was shattered. However, she could not take matters into her own hands. What if her decision was wrong? She spasmed; a body sign of showing her to bounce back to reality. The she-cat ran over to Silentheart, who was watching over Wolfpaw and the stranger for quite a long time. "Thanks, Silentheart." she licked his ear in gratefulness.
4:29pm Apr 30 2010
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Nodding with a small smile at Rainheart, Silentheart looked over his shoulder at Wolfpaw and the stranger once more. He did not feel right leaving him alone, even if the leader and deputy were there "It's no problem, i'm here when I needed. Do you think Fallenstar would mind if I tagged along?" He asked, sinking his claws into the ground. Fallenstar nodded in greeting to Owlheart, then started off into the forest, keeping a brisk pace up. When he spotted Rainheart and the other warrior, he changed courses. "Coming?" He asked, fur starting to fluff up in apprehension. Without waiting for a answer, he made his way towards the apprentice and rouge, stepping out of the bushes with his head held high. "What are you doing on Pondclan territory?" He asked.
5:26pm Apr 30 2010
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Owlheart looked at the rogue, he seemed familiar to her, she knew alot of rogues having been a rogue herself. Her wide unblinking amber eyes shone as she stared at the familiar tom. Jadewing kept up with the brisk pace and watchedthe apprentice and rogue. She was about to ask before she heard Fallenstar 'What are you doing on PondClan territory?' herginger tail flicked and her emerald eyes shone.
9:51pm Apr 30 2010
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Wolfpaw looked at Fallenstar then saw the other cats of his clan. He bounded over to them, glad that he wasn't alone with the rogue anymore, and waited for the tom to answer. He probably won't answer Fallenstar with 'just resting, I guess.' Felan got up on his paws, alarmed. His eyes wandered toward Fallenstar then he answered, "Wandering around. I'm no clan cat like you, so I don't really care if I'm in your territory." He searched the other cat then his attention lingered(is that a word?) over Owlheart. She seemed familiar, but he couldn't quiet put his paw on it. Spottedfire reached the spot where she had burried her mouse then looked around. Wolfpaw wasn't there, but she could pick up his scent. She quickly gathered the prey which they burried and dashed back to camp, wondering if he had gone back. But that's not Wolfpaw. She thought. When she reached camp she put the prey in the fresh-kill pile then followed Wolfpaw's scent.
1:45am May 1 2010
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Rainheart stood, excitement burning in herself. "Well... could we go now?" she asked.
8:24am May 1 2010
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Fallenstar scowled at the tom, but was inwardly impressed by his courage to speak so boldly towards so many cats together. "Then wonder off of Pondclan territory, before I have some of my warriors personally escort you out." He growled, taking a step forward and letting his fur fluff out slightly. "We don't want loners like you taking the prey that should be feeding our clan nor snooping around where you should not be. Be gone before the morning, or I will send a patrol after you." He stopped to think for a second. "The only stipulation would be if your willing to learn the ways of a warrior, not that a loner could learn them easily." He shrugged, indifferent.
11:14am May 1 2010
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Felan lashed his tail and his fur bristled slightly. "Fine," he growled. "I'll go, but before I do, might I ask what your name is?" He flicked his tail at Owlheart and turned his attention to the she-cat, glancing at the PondClan leader once in a while. Wolfpaw tilted his head slightly. Why did the rogue want to know the name of one of PondClawn's warriors? He shrugged the question away then waited to see if Owlheart would answer.
4:09pm May 1 2010
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ooc; Who did he ask the question? I'm confused. And yes lingered is a word :P
4:57pm May 1 2010
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((I think he asked the question to Owlheart, seeing as she was a rouge and he some-what recognizes her. At least thats what I got out of it.))