1:12pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 779
Name: Snowpine Position: Warrior Gender : Tom Apprentice? none Looks: Orange with a black stripe that looks like a pie tree and has a white tail. Also has amber eyes. Personality: Kind to his clan but treat a she cat with disrespect and that cats asking for trouble. Mate? none Crush: none History: Was found by a queen. Born: unknown Parents: unknown Kin: Unknown. Other: Unknown
9:04pm May 31 2010
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Felan glanced at Owlheart then looked back at Fallenstar. He liked his name, but the thought of having a warrior named sounded intresting. Then, after thinking, nodded. "Yes," he replied. "I'm willing to give up my rogue name, so I accept."
9:19pm May 31 2010
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Owlheart padded over to Fallenstar and whispered, "What shall his name be?" smiling at a oke she said, "jadewing isn't the only one bringing innew cats today" Jadewing watched Fallenstar, Owlheart and Felan from a distance, hearing whwht the snowy she cat said she dashed ocer and cuffed her lightly on the head, "Hey! That's not fair." in a joking tone, "We wer both rogues, there's no criticizing about new cats from us." She turned at looked at Fallenstar, she seemed to be caught in a trance(lol) or at least she was until she heard a loud screech. It was a while before she just realized it was a loud crow or raven.
2:50am Jun 1 2010
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(The RP started already... isnt it too late to register ? :/ And Stray, isn't it the apprentices' name first? :P ) "Fresh kill - yes? The pile seems empty. Anyone up for a hunting patrol?" Rainheart purred. She dropped into the hunter's crouch, eyed a large silver mink rat, and pounced. Dead. Happily she dropped this on the new warrior's feet. "Welcome to the Clan!" she yowled.
8:15am Jun 1 2010
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ooc; Twint Electro can join, she's mah best budd. And for the apprentice thing because Felan already knows how to hunt/fight cause he's a rogue he doesnt need and apprentices name
3:42pm Jun 1 2010
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((Do you have a certain name you'd like for Felan, or do you want me to give him one?)) Fallenstar purred in delight as Felan accepted, having been lost in thought as the rouge contemplated what he'd been offered. "Excellent! You will be a welcome warrior." He meowed, and flicked his tail for the others to follow. He stopped beside Jadewing and butted her shoulder teasingly. "Now lets see if he can turn from a rouge into a warrior as well as you have." He mused, and started towards the camp and leap onto the Highledge. "Let all cat old enough to catch their own prey join below Highledge!" He yowled.
10:25pm Jun 1 2010
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((You give Felan one. I can't think of a warrior name for him.)) Spottedfire was able to catch Felan saying that he will join the clan and began trotting back to camp. Fallenstar would most likely announce it back at camp so she could learn more there. She reached the camp a few heartbeats after Fallenstar then sat down under a shady spot where she could see Highledge. Felan padded after the other PondClan cats and looked around the territory as he did. He never went this deep into their territory, and when he reached the camp he was surprised by how many cats there were. Wolfpaw was following Felan from behind, wondering why a rogue like him would want to live his life as a warrior. PondClan has warriors who were rogues, he reminded himself then sat down not too far away from Highledge. ((What is the prophecy?))
10:29pm Jun 1 2010 (last edited on 10:37pm Jun 1 2010)
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((sorreh, east & electro :/ was confused an was all WOT O_O and ohrly? Dont warriors have better and more distinct hunting/fighting techniques than rogues? but okay... i admit defeat x_X dont want any wars in this rp because of ma silliness. and stray, whose that supposed to be directed at? O3O?The highstones, is that where we are now? )) Rainheart sprinted to the highstonesledge. Seeing Felan and Wolfpaw,she purred, "Hey, guys, we're early." looking at the other cats padding there, she took the advantage to clean herself. Mud was all over her paws- she wasn't a foolish little kit now. "oh boy, Fallenstar is going to announce a new warrior." she shuddered; seems she wasnt going to get an apprentice anytime soon; she wasn't going to raise this point up to make Fallenstar angry.
10:05am Jun 2 2010
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((Don't feel back Twintkitty, I was wondering weather or not to make him a apprentice. But I think i'm going to make a cat be a mentor of sorts, just to watch over him and teach him better moves that are more like the clan cats. The Highledge is in the center of camp and is a pile of rocks where the leader stands so they can look over the clan.)) Fallenstar looked down upon his clan and flicked his tail to summon Felan. "A rouge has come up to me today and asked to become part of this clan. I have agreed, and will give him a warrior's name as he has told me he is willing to lose his birth one." He nodded kindly to Felan and padded forward. I, Fallenstar, leader of Pondclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this rouge. He's is willing to leave his old life behind and gain the ti tle of a warrior and a new name, and I commend him to a warrior in his turn." He stopped to look over his clan, wondering how many had horrified looks on their faces. "Felan, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan with your life?" He asked, voice loud and strong.

10:11am Jun 2 2010
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Felan listened to what Fallenstar said to the clan then flicked his tail when the leader asked if he would uphold the warrior code and defend the clan. "I do," he answered, nearly stammering the words. I guess.. He was a little nervous about this, but tried forcing the thought away.
3:48pm Jun 2 2010
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Fallenstar nodded, glad Felan did not seem to be freaking out because of all this. "Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warriors name. Felan, from this moment on you will be known as Rowanfall. Starclan honors your courage to face the unknown and loyalty I can see in you and welcome you as a full warrior of Pondclan." He finished, but flicked his tail before anyone could say anything. "I do have one condition for you though. Seeing as you do not know the warrior code, nor our hunting and fighting techniques, i'd like to give you a mentors of sorts that will help you on this path. Rainheart! There are no apprentices at this moment and I believe you are the best cat for this task." He blinked at her sympathetically. Not because she was helping a rouge gone warrior, but because she would not be getting a true apprentice just yet. ((Is Rowanfall alright?))
6:20am Jun 3 2010
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"Rowanfall! Rowanfall!" Rainheart yowled. Padding over to Fallenstar, Rainheart purred happily, "Thanks , Fallenstar. I really appreciate getting an ''apprentice''." Hoping Rowanfall will be happy here, she sprinted to him, meowing, "Welcome to the Clan!"
11:03am Jun 3 2010
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((Yeah, Rowanfall's fine. I like it.)) Rowanfall glanced to his left and right within a few heartbeats, wondering where Rainheart was, then saw a she-cat sprint over to him. "Um, thanks?" He replied, tilting his head very slightly to the left. "So, what do I do first? Or, what do we do first?"
5:23am Jun 4 2010
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"Well, you choose. Maybe you would want to find out more about the Clan members first?" Rainheart asked the warrior. "It's your choice." Rainheart sighed. She somehow wished Silentheart was here beside her. ((can the members please come back? :/ wasn't Felan or Rowanfall's rp-er also had Wolfpaw? What happened to silentheart?))
10:25am Jun 4 2010
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Fallenstar glanced down at Rowanfall and Rainheart, glad they seemed to get along alright. Jumping from his perch, he padded to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a small mouse to eat, deciding to hunt alone for a bit afterwards. Silentheart sat at the edge of the cats as Fallenstar named the new warrior. After the cats dispersed, he padded up to Rainheart and Rowanfall, dipping his head in respect. "Congratulations Rowanfall." He meowed. "You'll make a great mentor." He told Rainheart, sitting down to wrap his tail around his paws.
4:37pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowpine padded into camp after hunting. He had caught very little but enough to help the clan. He headed to put his freshkill in the pile.
9:38pm Jun 4 2010
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Rainheart whipped around to see Silentheart behind her. "Silentheart! Long time no see! And thanks." she mewed.
9:35pm Jun 7 2010
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bump >C
11:40pm Jun 7 2010
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Chuckling softly, Silentheart twitched his tail as he stood up and looked over the new warrior. He seemed strong and perhaps decent at hunting. But how was he loyalty wise? He could not tell as of yet. But he'd definitely watch. He turned his attention back to Rainheart. "It has been a while, to long." He mused, and flicked her shoulder in a friendly gesture with his tail. "Perhaps when your not training your new apprentice we could hunt?" He asked.
12:54am Jun 8 2010
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Rainheart's eyes flickered to her apprentice, and back to Silentheart. "Okay. But it seems that we still have loads to tell him." she yowled with laughter. When was the last time she hunted with Silentheart? "Probably after I show him around the camp?" she looked at Rowanfall for a sign of interest.