11:16am Jun 8 2010
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Silentheart laughed as well, looking over at the newest warrior with humor. "It would probably not be a good thing for him to walk into the elders den thinking it was something else. He might not make it out alive." He mused, grinning at the image.
6:32pm Jun 8 2010
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ooc; I don't know if I stated this already but there may not be a prophecy. Jadewing purred at Fallenstar before he began the ceremony and affter padded back over to him, "Let's hope that Owlheart can judge just as well as I can." her orange tipped tail flicking, "Want to go hnting again? The freshkill pile is getting low."
7:18pm Jun 8 2010
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Fallenstar smiled towards his friend and got to his large paws, eyes scanning the clearing until he looked at the newest warrior. "She seems like a smart cat, loyal." His eyes twinkled at he looked at her. "Reminds me of another cat." He teased, then started towards the camp entrance. "Of course, i'm always up for a good hunt." He looked at the fresh-kill pile and huffed lightly. It was getting low.
7:44pm Jun 8 2010
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"She is. Loyal and trustworthy I mean." Jadewing spoke about Owlheart, "She's a great warrior and a good friend, I just hope Rowanfall is as well, he seems to like the idea of a clan." Sme smiled at Fallenstar enjoying his company, "And who is this friend?" she asked jokingly.
7:59pm Jun 8 2010
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Fallenstar glanced over his shoulder at her to reply when the scrabble of paws on a oak root interrupted him. Slinking forward, he stalked up to the squirrel as he'd been taught as a apprentice and pounced, killing it swiftly. Padding over to Jadewing and dropping the kill at his paws, he grinned. "Only the prettiest she-cat in our clan of course." He mused, then padded a few fox lengths away to bury his kill. He was suddenly glad he was not that shy of a cat, rather blunt and straight to the point instead.
8:01pm Jun 8 2010
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Jadewing felt light on her paws as she heard that and she was blushing from ear to tail tip. "Really?" she asked, "You think that?" Wihtout waiting for an answer she followed the scent of a vole to the stream. and pounced on it before it had the chance to scrabble to its den.
8:13pm Jun 8 2010
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Fallenstar followed silently, staying back a bit until she made her kill. The vole would be a good meal to some cat and scaring it off would not be smart. "Why else would I say it? To hear myself talk?" He mused calmly, padding forward after the pounced. He sat down and looked into the stream, curling his tail around his paws. "You are beautiful Jadewing, and a great friend to every cat in the clan including myself." He shrugged nonchalantly.
8:49pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Looking at the two lovebirds from the center of the clearing, Rainheart chuckled to herself. "Looks like those two have hunting covered now," she laughed. "Okay, Rowanfall, you heard Silentheart. He's also the most straightforward cat. So don't take it to heart," she looked at Silentheart with a glare. "Oh, let's try it out- to not get out of the elders' den alive." she put on her daredevil voice and chuckled once again.
9:04pm Jun 8 2010
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Key: Struck off: Inactive Leader: Fallenstar - Stray
Deputy: Rainheart - Twintkitty
Medicine cat: Morningwhisker- Me
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Lilypaw- lola Prophecy cats , Wetpaw - Me
Lilypaw - lola
Wolfpaw - garcia
Warriors:Spottedfire - Garcia Owlheart, Lionsoul Cougarstealth, Jadewing - Me Gingerfrost, Silentheart - Stray
Apprentices:Shadowpaw and Ghostpaw - Detty
Queens: Elders: Cats Outside Clans: Owl - Me
Felan - garcia in clan already
Look what happened to them D; and i remember a kit named TinyKit. gone, too. Ahem. Currently the Clan is: Pondclan Leader: Fallenstar - Stray
Deputy: Rainheart - Twintkitty
Medicine cat: Morningwhisker- Me
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Lilypaw- lola
Prophecy cats , Wetpaw - Me
Lilypaw - lola
Wolfpaw - garcia Warriors:Spottedfire - Garcia Owlheart, Lionsoul Cougarstealth, Jadewing - east Gingerfrost, Silentheart - Stray
Apprentices:Shadowpaw and Ghostpaw - Detty Rowanfall - garcia(right ? ._.)
Queens: Elders: Cats Outside Clans: Owl - Me
Felan - garcia
9:52pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Haha. oops. Owl is Owlheart. Jadewing purred as she padded lightly over to Fallenstar. She set the vole down and mewed happily, a smile in her voice, "Thank you" her dark green eyes shone with light as shee touched her nose to his muzzle.
11:26pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Silentheart grinned wickedly, and looked towards the elders den. "Sounds like a plan. One of us can go first and if they don't come back out we know we failed." He teased. "Just watch out. Just because their older does not mean they don't know how to claw some ears off." He told Rowanfall and nudged the newest apprentice with his paw. Glancing over to where Fallenstar and Jadewing padded out of the den, he sighed. "Seeing older cats like that in love, even though they do not admit it yet," He muttered the last part under his breath. "give me hope for the future." He mused, almost sarcastically. Smiling gently and licking Jadewing's ear Fallenstar sniffed the air for more prey. "Hm, I only speak the truth and nothing other." He stalked into some brush and quickly killed a mouse that had been nibbling on a acorn.
11:32pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Nice catch!" Jadewing meewed a bit loudly then stated, more quietly, "Well, I think I just scred them all off." Nearly roaring with laughter she walked back to the camp mouth full of prey with her pelt brushing Fallenstar's the entire way.
11:41pm Jun 8 2010
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Padding quickly back over to where he placed his squirrel, he grabbed it before padding back over to Jadewing. Letting himself enjoy her company, he dropped off the kill at the pile and licked his lips. "Your right, might as well tell Rainheart not to *censored*ign any hunting patrol for a day." He teased, then glanced around to spot the deputy and her new apprentices talking to Silentheart. "Lets hope Rowanfall can deal with Rainheart's snappish attitude. I personally think i'v only seen Silentheart actually have a normal conversation with her." He muttered to Jadewing. At least she a great deputy." He lay down outside his den so he could look over his clan. Something about the way he'd acted the past few moons made him feel more like a mooning apprentice then a leader.
11:43pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Grinning Jadewing mewe, "She is great. Iwonder what wil happen with those two." she felt something fluttering in her stomach. Happiness. "I think he will deal with her additude. Lets go tell her, no hunting patrol till later." Her orange paws felt light on the ground as she walked with him to the deputy.
12:15am Jun 9 2010
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"Okay," Rainheart agreed. She'd heard the two discussing. "No hunting patrol." she let out a little sigh - why couldn't they pick another day to announce this? Just when she wanted some bonding time with Silentheart. Can rowanfall please enter ._.? "Seems like we will have more Romeo and Juliet acts in the Clan!" she purred, looking at Fallenstar and Jadewing, hoping they would 'go back to action'.
3:22am Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Rowanfall flicked his ear. "So, are you going to show me around camp first, Rainheart?" He asked the she-cat. "Or are we going to this elders' den?" Wolfpaw watched Rowanfall for a while then padded over to the fresh-kill pile. He took a mouse from the pile then began eating, finishing it in a few gulps. The apprentice stood up then looked at the elders' den. He would have to take some fresh-kill to them now, so he picked up a fresh vole then trotted toward the elders' den.
3:47am Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Looking at Silentheart with a mischeivous look on her face, Rainheart grinned. "the elders' den." she replied, turning back to Rowanfall, "we are not getting out alive. Let's get fresh-kill for them, though," she turned and took a crow , quite stale now, and left.
4:22pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallenstar twitched his whiskers in embarr*censored*ment as Rainheart teased him and Jadewing. "We're not the only one's eh?" He called as she padded off, fur still hot in a flush. He smiled apologetically to Jadewing. "I say we leave them alone for a bit." He mused. Silentheart muttered in annoyance as the patrol was canceled, looking forward to it. "I'll leave you to your training then." He told Rainheart. "Let the two of you bond as mentor and apprentice. Perhaps we can hunt together tomorrow."
7:11pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Sure." Jadewing mewed, "We can spend some time alone too" Smiled and her eyes sparkled. ooc; FAIL! Cougarstealth awoke in the warriors den and watched the new warrior walk aaway with Rainheart. Lionsoul smiled at Duskpaw and mewed, "Want to go hunting?" ooc; trying to involve other charries ;P
7:43pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Grinning over his shoulder at her, Fallenstar padded to his den and sat down in front of it. He flicked his tail for Jadewing to join him if she wished. "True." He pinned his ears back in worry at what he wanted to say. "I want to know where we stand. Not really sure why, maybe because I want to do what best for all my clan mates." He sighed. "What are we? Friends? Best friends?" More, he added to himself, unable to look at her. His eyes fell on Lionsoul and Duskpaw and suddenly he felt older then normal. "Err, never mind. Forget I said anything." He meowed quickly, and got to his paws.