8:10pm Jun 9 2010
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((Am I in this one? xD I can't find the other one....))
8:19pm Jun 9 2010
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Jadewing padded up to Fallenstar's den with him and smiled half heartedly as he asked that ionteresting question. 'Friends? Best friends?' it rang in her ears as she thought about it. She looked at him and her jade eyes burned into his amber as she stammered, "M-m-more?" her whisker's twitched and tail flicked nervously as she spokee again, "I thought I meant more. Do I?"
8:47pm Jun 9 2010
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Sighing and twitching his fluffy tail in self irritability Fallenstar glanced over his shoulder. "Do you?" He answered her question with his own. "You mean more the me then you'll ever know. But I only show you what you want to see." He mused. "So what do you want me to be? What ever it is I can be."
9:10pm Jun 9 2010
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"I wnt you..." Jadewing mweed thoughtfully, "I want you to be, m-my m-mate." she stammered, feeling rather like an apprentice. Shaking away the feeling of rejection rising in her stomach she rested her head against him andpurred.
9:18pm Jun 9 2010
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Blinking in shock and delight, Fallenstar purred as well and licked her cheek. "And I want you as mine." He whispered. The feeling of being complete swelled through him. ((Fail post...)0
10:05pm Jun 9 2010
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Jadewing purred and murmured, "Mmmmm" while she rest against Fallenstar, "I'm tired, I'm going to go have a nap" she mewed right before yawning. She flicked her tail happily and she contently headed towards the warrios den before tunring and mewing to her mate, "Goodbye"
11:23pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((someone can really put up a mate and crush section ;P )) ((<3 Mates <3 - <3 Jadewing => Fallenstar <3Crush <3 Rainheart => Silentheart )) Trying not to yowl in laughter at the pair, Rainheart turned away. "Rowanfall?" she asked. "Silentheart! Cmon', your not going back on the dare, are you?" she chuckled. Probably the elders would have a bit of entertainment .
11:55am Jun 10 2010
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Silentheart scoffed and trotted back, head held high. "Of course i'm not going to back out of a dare. Even if we're going to be shredded by the elders." He added to himself. "Come on, lets get going before someone tells the elders our oh so bold plan." He meowed lightly. Flicking Rainheart's shoulder with his tail, he started towards the den.
6:56pm Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 6:57pm Jun 10 2010)
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Jadewing padded into the warrios and lay down to sleep. Her dreams were neither relaxed nor disturbing. Sort of an in between weird feeling of calm yet still having the aniety creep around. She was in the triaing hollow, sitting,just watching, when suddenly a starry furred cat came to her, she was white with red eyes. It was Eaglestar former PondClan leader, she said nothing but gazed with her crmson eyes to another cat. Small blue and white with silver stripes, it was Wetpaw sitting, shoulders hunched head down and mumbling something she couldn't quite understand. Eaglestar looked at her, smiled and whispered, "Friends are the siblings StarClan has given you. Thank them you were actually given one"** She awoke awhile later, she could tell by the angle of the sun, rather confused. What? She quesioned herself, Wetpaw is my brother? It can't be. We look nothing like. She loped out of the Warrior den to go talk with Fallenstar then Morningwhisker about her dream. ooc; Friends are the siblings God never gave you is a Mencius quote
8:13pm Jun 10 2010
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Fallenstar glanced over to the warriors den as Jadewing padded out. He jumped from the high rock where he'd been thinking and noted the odd look about her. "Whats wrong?" He asked quietly, nosing her towards the medicine cats den. If anything was wrong then their medicine cat would know what to do.
8:30pm Jun 10 2010
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(( East you wanted me to join this one? ))
9:11pm Jun 10 2010
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ooc; If you want. I won't make you do anythging you don't want.
9:12pm Jun 10 2010
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"Uhhm.." Jadewing mewed, "I hap a weird dream. About Wetpaw. And Eaglestar" she creamy pelt bristled at the strangeness of it all, "I had no idea what it meant, I was coming to see you then to talk to Morningwhisker about it."
7:19am Jun 11 2010
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Grinning, Rainheart entered the Elders den. ((she gets nipped -__- we have no elders, so its kinda complicated.)) Rolling her eyes, she went off in search of Morningwhisker. How in the name of StarClan did she ever take this dare? "Morningwhisker! Do you have some cobwebs to spare?" she sighed.
11:48am Jun 11 2010
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Fallenstar nodded, mind working out which cats showed up and perhaps why. Eaglestar because she was former leader of course. The thought though of Eaglestar hurt, he wished she was still here to guide him often. But Wetpaw? He hardly remembered the apprentice. "Yeah, perhaps Morningwhisker will help with the answer." He mused thoughtfully. Upon seeing Rainheart he grinned helplessly. "Did you get into a scrap with the elders?" He asked, sitting down to wait for the medicine cat. Silentheart narrowly dodged a annoyed cuff and dropped his offering in front of one nose and bolted after Rainheart. "Well, that did not turn out as well as hoped." He chuckled.
4:51pm Jun 11 2010
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ooc; I'll make a few elkders wetpaw is alive btw ;P Otterbreeze - dusky brown she cat with blule eyes and a white belly. Riverfox - orange tom with blue eyes. Brihter to Otterbereeze Bluefang- blind she cat with blue fur and green eyes Creamfang- Creamy brown tom with gray eyes BiC;Morningwhisker glanced up at Rainheart and mewed, "Yes, of course." her mottled gryatail flicking bath and forth, 'What is it you need them for? What happened?"Coming back with the cobwebs she saw Fallenstar and Jadewing and mumbled, "What can I help you with Fallenstar, Jadewing?" Jadewing looked up at Fallenstar then to Morningwhisker, "We need to speak to ou privately." she mewed quietly, "No one can know, we need you to tll me what something means"
5:21pm Jun 11 2010
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Fallenstar let Jadewing speak, looking from the medicine cat the her. The whole thing was confusing, yet the words seemed so simple. "I hope you can help us Morningwhisker, but first you can finish with Rainheart." He tipped his head to the side and closed his eyes, trying not to sneeze at the strong scent of herbs.
7:56pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Jadewing looked from Fallenstar to Morningwhisker quickly, "Of course. We may takeup a chunk of your time, finish with Rainheart first" syhe finished with a smile Morningwhisker looked at the two in shock and padded over to Rainheart with cobwebs on her paw and marigold stalks in her mouth, "I'm going to put marigold pon this in case of infection okay?"
4:22am Jun 12 2010
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"Okay," she replied bravely. She shot Silentheart a look ; the elders were so... "snap"py. "And Otterbreeze sure is the worst!" she added. She wondered why medicine cat business was so sneaky. She shrugged off the question - the elders were making her skyheaded.
10:06am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Wolfpaw came out from the elders' den before Rainheart went in. He was a few mousetails away when he saw her get nipped then flicked his right ear, wondering why she had went in the first place. Shaking the thought from his head, he looked around and wondered what to do next. Rowanfall followed Rainheart but stayed behind her. He bent down to look inside the elders' den and saw her get nip. A little glad he didn't get prey to give to them, he followed Rainheart to the medicine cat's den and watched as the cat named Morningwhisker put cobwebs on her wound. "What do cobwebs do?" He asked.