8:56pm Jun 12 2010
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Looking up at Rowanfall, Morningwhisker mewed, "They stop the bleeding. And marigold cuts back the risk on infection."
11:03pm Jun 12 2010
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"I may be able to manage this myself, " Rainheart said to morningwhisker. "I think Fallenstar and Jadewing want to talk to you." taking the marigold and cobwebs, Rainheart moved to her den and got herself tangled in the items. "I wonder what is happening... a prophecy?" she shook off the thought. "No - Jadewing is a warrior. Maybe not." deep in thought, she put down the things and sat still.
11:49pm Jun 12 2010
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Silentheart tried not to laugh at Rainheart predicament and padded over. "Need some help with that?" He asked, flicking one paw towards the herb and cobwebs. "I'v seen it used many times." He meowed, smiling slightly. He wondered what Fallenstar and Jadewing wanted to speak with Morningwhisker about. Hopefully not trouble, that was not something they needed.
11:59pm Jun 12 2010
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Turning her head, Rainheart smiled. "Um.. i guess.." she muttered. "Do you think it's about a kit , maybe? Maybe Jadewing's got a kit?" she thought aloud. "Jadewing looked serious." she recalled Jadewing's tone . "She doesn't look excited..?" Flicking her tail to the marigold and cobwebs, she asked, "So... you think you could help?"
10:06pm Jun 14 2010
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Morningwhisker nodded at Rainheart, "If you two are off to do it yourself please go to another den as we would like to speak privately." her tone soft as to not hurt their feelings. It became a bit more urgent as she turned to her leader and clanmate, "So," she quesitoned, "What is it?" Jadewing looked at Fallenstar then to Morningwhisker, "I've had a weird reaam." she sighe, "I know what you probably think, oh a warrior with a weird dream just another tough peice of fresh kill right? But not this time, it was weird, Wetpaw wa sthere and Eaglestar she said soething about a brother."
10:07pm Jun 14 2010 (last edited on 10:07pm Jun 14 2010)
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ooc;Don't Mind This Post ;P
5:57pm Jun 15 2010
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ooc; BUMP!
10:53pm Jun 15 2010
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Snowpine padded over to Rowanfall and nodded. "Congradulations RowanFall. It will be an honour having you to fight beside in battle. And not against."
12:39am Jun 16 2010
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((we're in the deputy's den :P)) Looking at the fresh kill pile, Rainheart looked at her injuries. "Not too bad. Hunting?" she turned to Silentheart. "The pile's getting empty- and I think the Clan could use a rabbit or two."
8:55pm Jun 16 2010
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ooc; El Bumpo
2:19am Jun 17 2010
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10:21pm Jun 18 2010
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ooc; El Bumpetta
3:09am Jun 19 2010
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Le Bumpo.
3:50pm Jun 19 2010
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Silentheart twitched his whiskers to dislodge a cobweb that had decided to get stuck, lifting a paw to swipe it away. "Dratted thing." He muttered. "Oh...err hunting. Sure, the prey should be coming out now. "You have fun chasing down rabbits, some of us are not made to bolt around like that." He teased, then licked his lips at the thought of a vole. "I'll catch something mor of my speed. Ready to go?" Fallenstar tipped his head to the side as he listened to her words again, unable to make any sense out of the words yet. "Brother? Wetpaw? Perhaps she meant that Wetpaw was your brother?" He muttered to himself, the scowled. "No, that can't be right." Forget I said anything. What do you think it means Morningwhisker?"
6:59am Jun 20 2010
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"Sure," Rainheart nodded, grinning. "And I'll race you!" she added, dashing out of the camp. A white rabbit scurries by. "Hey, that looks good." she thought. Dropping into the hunter's crouch, she eyed the rabbit stealthily, pounced on it and it was dead. "Great!" she mewed. This was getting familiar. The days she was a warrior- going on patrols and hunting with all the others. Now she felt indifferent- like she always wanted to.
11:22am Jun 20 2010
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Racing after her, he was surprised at how good it felt to be running through the trees with a friend, it was like freedom. Stopping in time to watch her hunt, he sniffed the air and quickly found a squirrel gnawing on a beech nut. Slinking silently over, he jumped at the smaller animal just as is scurried up the tree. Grabbing it's tail, he threw it to the ground and bit its smaller neck. "Successful hunt so far." He meowed behind the prey. Burying it, he sniffed around for more.
9:43pm Jun 20 2010
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Morningwhisker sighed deeply, "I think you may be right Fallenstar." the mottled she cat mewed, "You both wre rogues right?" she asked Jadewing. Jadewing shifed from paw to paw and mewed, "Well. Yes. I guess, but how do we know, actually, I guess, that does make a lot of sense." She looked from medicine cat to mate dark green eyes wide with confusion, "But how do we know this is what it actually means?" Morningwhisker sighed and looked at Jadewing with sympathy, "We don't. But that's what we have to deal with. i go to the Moonstone soon, so I can talk to Eaglestar then"
9:51pm Jun 20 2010 (last edited on 1:23am Jun 26 2010)
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Fallenstar nodded, wondering for a second if he should go with her. He'd not been to the moonstone since his naming ceremony. Looking over at Jadewing he decided against it, he'd rather stay with her at the moment when she seemed to uncertain. "Go when you think is a good time Morningwhisker, if any cat can find something it will be you." He meowed, looking at the medicine cat with faith.
9:55pm Jun 20 2010
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ooc; I don't know if you klnew this but Wetpaw is in this clan. You post confuzzles me. D;
12:48pm Jun 21 2010
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((I am sooo lost... Would anyone mind catching me up? o-O ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.