4:49pm Jul 20 2010
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Ghost whimpered. He paced around in the cage. His eyes had a terrified look to him and he was shaking like a leaf. (( She's in a trash can :) She got ran over by a truck, and people took her to the vet ^^ So she has lots of bruises and her back leg is broken and wrapped up ))
4:55pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Violet stopped when she saw a dog laying in a trash can and she quietly walked over."Hey girl.You poor thing...I wonder what happened."She said sticking her hand out gently to show she was friendly."Oh.Hold on."She said before taking a half of a sandwich out of a plastic bag from her purse.She gently placed it in front of Calyx."It's okay, it's good." Russia paced before realizing how cage opened.It was a slider lock door."I'm going to get you out."She told him before using her teeth to push the slider lock so it opened.The door carefully squeaked open."Alright.Now to get out of the van..."
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
5:01pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 5:02pm Jul 20 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Ghost was stiff. He waddled out of the cage, his heart was thumping so fast he thought it would pop out. "T-Thank...You..." He said, trying to get his voice back. Calyx opened her eyes. She moved her head so that Violet's hand was ontop of it. She made a weak noise and layed her head back down over her paws.
5:08pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Russia nodded."No problem at all."She told him."Now to get out of here." Violet looked at Calyx and frowned."I'd feel bad if I left you here..."She said before gently lifting Calyx with both arms."It's going to be alright."She told her before starting to walk in the direction of her house.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
5:11pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx tilted her head when she noticed the human had picked her up. She tried to resist, but stopped. She hid her face in her arms and tried to go to sleep. ~What is this human doing?~ She asked herself. ~Am I being adopted? Is this what it feels like to be loved?~
5:17pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Violet reached her house and walked inside calmly."Let's see here..."She looked around, and then set her down on the couch."Hold on.I'll make a comfy bed for you."She told her before walking to the closet and pulling out three pillows and a blanket.She layed the pillows down and puts the blanket over them so it'd be comfortable before Calyx onto the makeshift bed."I'll bet you're really tired..." Harley looked at the new arrival in his home before walking off to the bedroom calmly."Not my problem if the human brings in a new dog."He barked to himself before laying down.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
5:23pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx looked around drowsily. She was very tired indeed, she struggled to keep her eyes open. ~So many smells.....~ She said to herself. ~Am I in a human nest......?~ She asked. She turned to Harley. ~Another dog....?~ Her eyes felt like a ton of bricks. She stopped resisting, and fell asleep.
5:43pm Jul 20 2010
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5:46pm Jul 20 2010
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((yes i found it! xD)) Name- Seri Robbon Gender- female Age- 16 Looks- comign Persona- rp it out History- (Optional) Other- nope For Dogs! :D Name- Zre/Moug/Rui/myst Gender- female/male/male/female Looks- brown: zre, silver: rui, black: moug myst
Species- all husky Age- all adult Stray Or Pet?- pet/all stray History- rp it out Persona- rp it out Crush?- open Other- there all siblings :D
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:48pm Jul 20 2010
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(( Accepted :) now...how can you pop in.....? Oh I know :D! Everyone who owns a dog go to teh dog park :D xD))
5:56pm Jul 20 2010
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((ok)) Seri pulled a long leash down from the hook on the kitchen door. "Zre!" she called, the tan husky padded over, licking her hands affectionatly. Seri smiled and hooked the lead onto the leather collar and opened the door. She tugged her companion out the door. The two jogged to their favorite park. Once they arrived, Seri unhooked the leash and pulled a rubber ball from her bag. She threw the ball, Zre gave chase immediatly.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:57pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 6,590
((i gtg, see you all later!))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:58pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Hai again zo. *Glances at siggy* homg im lying. Im so not offline. xD *rushes off to change*))
7:12pm Jul 20 2010
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((xD)) Nyght walked over to the park. There was nothing else for him to do......He shrugged and sat on a bench in the dog park. Alyx found a leash and took it off its hanger. She then threw it at her human.
7:27pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Jul 20 2010)
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((My brain has left. :c It wont be back for _____ days.XD))
7:29pm Jul 20 2010
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((Lolz just go to teh dog park xD))
11:26pm Jul 20 2010
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((Okay, ill post soon))
7:04am Jul 21 2010
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Itanamai smiled at her and took the leash putting on her colar"Im gonna name you...Alyx i think it fits."She smiled at her and put on the leash.
11:35am Jul 21 2010
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Alyx scratched at the collar. She started to bite it until it slowly started to tear. She made funny growling noises as she did. Her tail wagged slightly, to show she wasen't serious about trying to get the collar off. She trusted her human.
11:40am Jul 21 2010
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Itanamai giggled"Almost forgot you need to have a bath."She smiled at Alyx.She went to get the dog shampoo and flea treatment from her brother's room.