9:05pm Jul 19 2010
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(koga clickiedit^0^)
Anzu is-Online^^
9:05pm Jul 19 2010
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(( M'kay :) ))
9:06pm Jul 19 2010
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((when we start??))
9:07pm Jul 19 2010
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((yea cant wait))
9:09pm Jul 19 2010
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(( We can now :) Setting for Pets is the Dog Park :) And Strays are just hanging around there :D Who wants to start?))
9:10pm Jul 19 2010
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Anzu is-Online^^
9:10pm Jul 19 2010
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Hanari giggled as Shay ran around in circles,barking at her tail.
Anzu is-Online^^
9:10pm Jul 19 2010
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((good cause i dont want to!))
9:12pm Jul 19 2010
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((im a make a pampered pet real quick for jensen.))
9:12pm Jul 19 2010
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Dragonu sat obediently by his master who rubbed his head.Utsukusha sat on the bench with him.The other two were asleep soundly on a silky blanket.
9:14pm Jul 19 2010
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Shay ran over to Dragonu and licked him,wagging her tail wildly."Get back here Shay"Hanari said,walking over.
Anzu is-Online^^
9:16pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:19pm Jul 19 2010)
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Dragonu wagged his tail and licked her back.Kakarion chuckled.Love with dogs was something funny to see.It was amazing how they interacted.Kakarion looked at the girl coming over.He made a sigh and looked at dragonu who was having the time of his life.Dragonu was very happy at this point.Utsukusha smiled at the two they seemed to make the perfect couple.it was as if they were meant for each other.
9:16pm Jul 19 2010
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(( Can you add more detail to your post, Koga and Ata? ))
9:16pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:18pm Jul 19 2010)
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Name- Sage Gender- Male Age- Adult Looks- Coming Persona- Rp it out? History- (Optional) <-- Other- Fear teh broccoli zo... Name- Ash Gender- Female Looks-  Species- Belgian sheepdog Age- young Adult Stray Or Pet?- Stray History- Even I dont know... Persona- Rp it out? Crush?- Open Other- Not my pic. Name- Rage Gender- Male Looks- Coming Species- Pitbull Age- Adult Stray Or Pet?- Stray History- He grew up in dogfights. He use to be nice, but hardened after a few fights. He escaped later, but the effects from the years of fighting still last... Persona- Rp it out? Crush?- No Other-
9:17pm Jul 19 2010
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9:20pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:29pm Jul 19 2010)
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Name-Luke Gender-Male Looks- Species-Long haired mini dauchsand Age-6 Months Stray Or Pet?-Pet History-Doesn't know Persona-Rp it out. Crush?-None Other-Jensens puppy
9:22pm Jul 19 2010
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(( Thanks :) )) Alyx layed on the other side of the fence. She looked through it to see other dogs and humans having fun and playing with eachother. She turned the other way and panted. That spot was getting too hot for her. She stood up and padded under a small tree, it was a little cooler there. She layed her head over her paws and looked at the humans and dogs. She was slightly jealous at how much love they got. Alyx never got any love from anyone. She never knew her mother, she was born in a puppy mill. She was kicked out and left for dead. Calyx happily trotted around the fence, really wanting to jump over it and go have fun. She knew she coulden't, so she just padded around the park. She jumped over Alyx on her route around the fence over and over again. Frankly, Alyx wasen't really happy about her doing that.
9:22pm Jul 19 2010
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( Amh, Capitals please :) ))
9:23pm Jul 19 2010
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Sitting under the cool shade of a oak tree, Faythe tried not to sneer at all of the people walking around the park, showing off their pure breeds as if they were trophies of sorts. Reaching over, she rubbed the silky ears of her own dog, Falconwing, who wagged her fluffy tail in delight. "Thats a human folly." She whispered, a small smirk on her face. Glancing around, Faythe unhooked the leash that tied her dog to her, allowing the dog to interact with some of the other dogs. Trying not to laugh as Falconwing whimpered in confusion, the black and white dog finally padded over towards the small fountain in the park, the heat of the day making her uncomfortable. Looking into the water Falconwing sighed in annoyance at her shyness and awkwardness in dealing with other creatures. She blinked in sadness as other dogs seemed to be getting along perfectly fine, strays and house pets alike. The concept was odd, and she sat down to watch them interact. "Perhaps one day i'll have the courage to say something." She mused to herself, looking over to make sure her master was still sitting there. She could think of nothing worse then being stuck outside alone. No home to return to. The very thought made her shiver.

9:25pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:28pm Jul 19 2010)
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Luke jumped on Jensen. He yipped wanting her to take him to the park. His floppy ears hung in her face. He pawed her nose "Wake up!" He yipped. Once she started moving he got off of her bed and got his leash. Jensen woke up. She saw Luke with his leash. She laughed to herself and got dressed quickly. She braided her long pink hair and grabbed her puppy and his leash. She clicked it to his black collar once she had put her shoes on. She opened the door and yelled "I'm going to the park!" to her mom and shut the door behind her. When she got to the park there were other dogs there. She let Luke off the leash and he took off to see the other dogs. She smiled to herself and brushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. ((Sorry about not using caps. I fixed it!))