9:28pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:31pm Jul 19 2010)
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Name-itanamai Gender-female Age-16 Looks-coming.jpg) Persona-rp i out History- (Optional)rp it out Other-kakarions ister Itanamai walked along seeing her brother and two strays by the fence.She and her vrother had a thing for strays.They always wanted to take them in.Since she had no pet of her own she wante one for so long.She saw the little strays and walked to them but being careful.She knew some strays werent really into humans and would bite them.She looked at the female eyes glittering with happiness in her heart"hey girl"she said easing a hand towards the dog so it could get a better look at her with her scent.She smiled happily.she didnt normally just walk up to them but she had a good feeling about this stray.It made her feel calm.
9:31pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:35pm Jul 19 2010)
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Alyx hissed in annoyance at Calyx. She coulden't hold it any longer, "Would you quit it!" She barked at her. Calyx whimpered in confusion. She backed up and ran to the other side of the fence. She put her muzzle through the hole in the fence. She spotted another dog near the fence at the water fountain. She barked in a playful way and jumped up and down at the other dog. She put her paws over the top of the fence looking at the other dog. "Hello!" She smiled excitedly. "Hello!" She repeated, her tail wagging up a tornado. Alyx rolled her eyes and turned the other way, too notice a human tying to pet her. She let out a small warning growl at the girl that she would bite if neccissary.
9:32pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Who is Itanamai talking too?))
9:33pm Jul 19 2010
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((Psst itanemai greeted Alyx))
9:34pm Jul 19 2010
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(( M'kay *Runs to edit* ))
9:37pm Jul 19 2010
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Luke ran over to some other dogs. "Hi guys!" He yipped. He was the smallest there. But he didn't mind. He actually liked being small. He could be carried and lots of other things that the bigger dogs couldn't. Jensen sat down on a bench and watched her puppy go over to a group of other dogs. She smiled to herself again. She loved to see luke play and hang out with other dogs.
9:39pm Jul 19 2010
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Itanamai moved her hand away and made a sad smile"Poor thing"She said.She got up and dusted herself off.She felt sorry for the strays.She Would never hurt one.She sighed and walked to the dog park with still her sad smile.She watched the dogs play and her brother.How she wished she had doq.She imagined herself running with her dog in the dog park.Feeeling the breeze on her face and the happiness in her heart.Her dog punced on her and she felt its siliva drip down her cheek.She closed her eyes and opened them back to reality.
9:40pm Jul 19 2010
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Falconwing jumped in surprise as someone spoke not far from her, whirling around to spot another dog opposite her of a fence. She smiled slightly, tail wagging and got to her tiny paws swiftly. "Hi!" She barked happily, padding over and looking up at the other one. "I have not seen you around before." She mused, grinning. A slight coughing bark of laughter from the shadows of a nearby bush caused Falconwing to bristling. Her eyes widened at the dog that padded out of the darkness, dark grey with crazed looking eyes and red scars decorating his face. "You all have to much energy for your own good." Alcarié growled, yellow eyes going from one dog to the other in quick succession. Huffing slightly he sat down and scratched at a small mat in his fur before padding over to the fountain to drink. Falconwing flinched under his stare and inched closer to the fence. "Are you a house pet?" She asked, wondering how many strange dog's she'd seen if she was a stray.
9:44pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:46pm Jul 19 2010)
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(nvm i found out. i didn't say anything)
9:46pm Jul 19 2010
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Calyx tail wagged faster and faster. "Hi!" She giggled. "I'm new." She admitted, trying her best to climb over the fence. She didden't do too good, (xD) She was half way over the fence, her back legs trying to grab a hold to the fence and climb over, but she was stuck. All the humans and dogs were now laughing at her. She tryed more urgently to climb over, but only made them laugh more. Her ears dropped and all she could hear were the mocking of everyone around her.
9:47pm Jul 19 2010
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Alyx usualy didden't care for others, but she saw how she hurt the humans feelings. She grunted to herself. ~It was her own dang fault.~ She snapped to herself. After a few seconds, she sighed and got up. "This human better have some food on 'er." She hissed. She padded to the human and put her head under her hand.
9:49pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:50pm Jul 19 2010)
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Itanamai went over to Calyx she was laughing and neither was her brother.She wanted to help it if she would let her"want some help"She said.She wanted to make sure before it tried to bite her and that wouldnt feel to nice.She smiled at the dog giving it a re*censored*uring nod that she wasnt going to hurt it she only wanted to help.She was a nice person she only wanted what was best for the animal.Itanamai then looked over to Alyx she gave her some bacon and smiled.
9:50pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 9:50pm Jul 19 2010)
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9:53pm Jul 19 2010
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((can someone tell me when someone talks to luke??))
9:54pm Jul 19 2010
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Alyx quickly devoured the bacon, her tail wagging slightly. She nudged the human again, wanting more food. ~Mmmm I haven;t have bacon in like....Forever! ~ She thought to herself. "This humans not too bad." She added, looking up at the human. Calyx flinched and started to panic. She waved her legs around, trying despratly to get over. She flattened her ears down flat against her head, she never liked humans, she was terrified of them.
9:57pm Jul 19 2010
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Itanamai looked at calyx"dont be afraid im gonna help you"She quickly lifted the dog and put her over the fence.She gave a re*censored*uring smile then looked down at alyx who finished the bacon"lucky for you i carry cooked meat patties for strays like you"she smiled and sat one down gently infront of her.
10:03pm Jul 19 2010
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(( Please use correct grammar and punctuation, Ata :) )) Calyx yipped and as soon as her paws hit the ground, she bolted behind tree, her tail between her legs. Humans were always mean to her, she never got used to one touching, orr being nice to her before. She slowly came out from behind the tree, and looked up at Falconwing and the humans.
10:05pm Jul 19 2010
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10:06pm Jul 19 2010
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10:06pm Jul 19 2010
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Alyx quickly gobbled down meat as soon at the human put it down. She looked up big-eyed at Itanamai for more. She never noticed how hungry she was, she looked at her ribs showing from her matted dirty coat. ~Oh my....I'm a wreck.....~