Ugh...The Pampered Life ~{Dog Rp}~ Is Sometime Boring.....

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10:07pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( Bai :( ))


10:08pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( Just great...I gtg too >:(  I'll be back tommorrow :) Don't go far without me!))


10:10pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((i can't no one will talk to me..... but okay bai!))


10:47pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 10:48pm Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 554

For Human!

Name- Violet Hartz

Gender- Female

Age- 17


Persona- RP it out

History- She doesn't like to talk about it.

Other- She has a bad habit of rescuing strays.Or trying to.

For Dogs! :D

Name- Russia

Gender- Female


Species- Siberian Husky

Age- 12 months

Stray Or Pet?- Stray

History- Unknown

Persona- RP it out

Crush?- none.

Other- none.



Gender- Male



Age- 13 months

Stray Or Pet?- Pet

History- Lived with owner since 2 months old.

Persona- RP it out

Crush?- open

Other- none.

Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.

7:35am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai giggled and put more patties down.She also had sadnesss in her heart.She hated to see dogs treated so badly, that you could see their ribs.She gave a sad sigh watching the husky eat the patties.It really broke her heart to see these animals this way.She smiled at Alyx hoping this dog would turn out ok.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

11:34am Jul 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

(( Accepted :) ))

Alyx furiously gobbled down all the patties in less than five seconds. She took another step to Itanamai, leaving her back left paw off the ground. She never was nice to humans, NEVER. But this human was nice to her, and cared for her.


11:43am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai patted her nicely and gave her another patty.She smiled at the husky.It was finnaly starting to trust her.She looked at the sky it looked like it was about to rain she looked back at the husky"you see im not gonna hurt you i promise"

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

11:50am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Alyx again devoured the meat patties. "Mmmmm......" She purred. She plopped down on the ground and layed down on her back. She wagged her tail and let her tongue flop out happily.



11:55am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai rubbed her belly and giggled.This dog was funny t her and sweet once she knows you.She smiled at her and sighed happily.Now she really wanted a dog.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

12:06pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Alyx started to growl, she diddent fully trust the human, but didden't. She enjoyed when the human petted her. She felt a drop of water on her nose, and sighed. She got up and swished her tail at Itanamai, soon enought it started to rain. She looked up at Itanamai, and walked one step away, then looking back at her. She wasen't sure she wanted to leave the human. She was now soaked in rain. She just standed there, unable to choose what to do.

Calyx saw that it was raining, and looked at all the other dogs and humans going to there homes. She pawed the air at Falconwing, "I had fun talkin' to yah!" She yipped. "Hope to see you next time!" She ran around her a few times before darting over the fence and dissapearing around the corner. She snuggled under a trash can and nibbled on some left overs from humans. Atleast she had shelter from the rain.


12:09pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai looked at the sky.She didnt want to leave the dog in the rain but knew it wouldnt come with her.She hadd a sad ex
pression"be safe"she said to her with tears in her eyes as she brought out her umbrella and waitied for her brother to come out so they could go home.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

12:16pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364
Alyx whimpered and took a step toward Itanamai, then back again. She was completly lost. She nuzzled the humans hand. For the first time, she wanted to go with a human. She shrugged to herself, ~It dosen't hurt to try.~ She told her self. She looked at herself, her fur was matted and dirty, her ribs shown and she had an injured paw. Was this girl nuts?! Letting a Stray go with her? Alyx shook her head, she knew the human woulden't let her come....Her tail and ears dropped.


12:20pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai looked at her and dropped to her kness in front of the dog"i cant let you stay here"she said as tears rushed down her cheeks"would you like to come home with me?"she gave a reasurring smile.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

12:38pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364
Alyx perked her ears up. She wagged her tail at what the human said. She smiled and jumped up. ~Free food! Free Shelter! No Bath-room limits! TELEVISION!~ She jumped in circles. ~ I've always wantd to watch Television! All th eother Stray dogs told me about it!~ She added. She barked happily at the human, saying yes.


12:41pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai smiled at the dog and rubbed her head"come on we will meet my brother when we get home"She smiled.She let the dog follow her to her car and opened the door for her to jump in.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

12:42pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
((the red one is hers and the silver one is her brothers))

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

12:43pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364
Alyx eyes widened and she started barking. She backed away from the car, her ears flat against her head. She shook her head an backed away further from the car. "No no no no!" She whimpered. She heard of these monsters, they carried stray dogs away t doggie hell! To the pound! She shook her head again, telling her she wouldent get in the car.


12:45pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai sighed"Dont worry itwont bite were going home nowhere else"she gave a re*censored*uring smile.She saw the dogs fear."trust me"She said putting her bag in the car.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

12:54pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Alyx hissed. She put her nose in the air. ~No!~ She looked in horror as a white van came into sight. It was the dog catcher. She quickly jumped into thr car and peeked at the van. ~That was a close one...~ She thought to herself. ~Wait....What's that?!~ She looked at a white form padding across the road. Calyx! She howled in warning to her sister, hoping she wouldent get caught......To her relief, the van dissapeared around the corner. Calyx happily padded across the road, not paying attention to the truck speeding  toward her.....She could tell the driver was drunk and was going to hit her. She was about to jump out of the car to get her, but it was too late.....Calyx was hit.

(( Dun duunnn....)


12:56pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai shreiked with tears"no!"she screamed she ran to the dog lying there in the street.Her heart pounded heavily and was filled with fear.She saw the driver keep going"animal"she growled.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos
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