Ugh...The Pampered Life ~{Dog Rp}~ Is Sometime Boring.....

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1:02pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Alyx ran over to Calyx also. "You stupid pup..." She said, trying to hold back tears. Alyx put a paw on her sisters body. She could feel her heart! She was alive! Calyx tried to move her head, but failed. Everything hurt. Her white coat was now red with her blood. Alyx scratched Itanamai'spocket and a phone popped out. She whimpered. "Call the Popo! The Hospital! Anyone!" She said.

Nyght sighed at the rain. He got up and walked over to a nice looking red car. "Ooohh..." She looked in it, its keys were still inside it. He looked around and saw a girl with her dog looking at something. "Those people must be the owner of the car..." He told himself as he walked over to them. He veered over them and looked at to near death Calyx. He sat down and stroked his hand over her bloody fur.


1:05pm Jul 20 2010

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Itanamai looked at Nyght"i have to get her to the vet".She ran to her car and put her jacket over Calyx.She called for Alyx"come and confort her"she said sweatly.She looked at nyght"want to come"

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:11pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364

"Yes please." Nyght answered, without taking is eyes off the injured dog. Nyght carefully picked up Calyx, Alyx whimpering loudly. Nyght opened the car door and set Calyx in the back seat. Alyx hopped in the front seat by Itanamai. Nyght sat in the back with Calyx.


1:16pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai sped off toward the vet.This was good because now she could get Alyx injured leg checked out and among other things.They arrived at the hospital and itanamai got out the car.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:19pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364
Nyght opened the door and picked up Calyx carefully. He stepped out of the car and ran inside. Almost imedietly, they took Calyx and went into another room. Nyght sat down and waited. Alyx jumped onto one of the chairs and waited also.


1:20pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai looked at Alyx"come on so we can get you checked out too"she smiled.The doctor looked at the dog and gave a re*censored*uring smile.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:23pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Alyx snarled at the doctor and pulled her injured leg close. "Come over here hell-doctor and I will tear you to peices." She barked. She bared her teeth and layed her head over Itanamai's lap.

(( Alyx ish ebil! xD))


1:29pm Jul 20 2010

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Itanamai looked at her"dont worry i will be right there with you this isnt the pound its the vet hospital".The doctor sighed.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:32pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364
Alyx ignored Itanamai. She bit the air and snarled again at the doctor. Nyght groaned "Might I suggest a muzzle?" He asked, looking at Alyx. Alyx bared her teeth at him too.


1:34pm Jul 20 2010

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Itanamai looked at him"No this dog has been through so much already"She looked at the dog"Now calm down and ill give you more patties just let them help you and youll get all the patties you could ever eat"

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:38pm Jul 20 2010

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Alyx snarled at everyone. "No." She said flatly. "I WILL bite them if neccisary." She went to bite a doctor, but missedon purpose to show that she wasen't playing, she would bite if needed too.


1:42pm Jul 20 2010

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The doctor gave a tranquelizer that would keep her asleep until they got her home."now we can start".Itanamai sighed and nodded.

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1:48pm Jul 20 2010

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Many times Animal control had tranquilized her before. She was used to it.....She could fight it....Right when one of the doctors came over to her, she lunged and clamped her powerful jaws around his hand. Since she was used to the tranquilizer, it would take her longer for it to take full effect on her. She jumped up drowsily and tackled one of the doctors, then running out the door. She hid under a trash can and began to fall asleep......~The human betrayed me.......~


1:51pm Jul 20 2010

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Itanamai had tears and went out to her"they need to help your leg"she said picking the dog up and letting them operate on her.When they were done.Itanamai took her and put her in the car.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:56pm Jul 20 2010

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Alyx was terrified. She had lost almost all trust between her and the human. ~What did they do to me?!~ She asked herself, traumatized.


1:57pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Her leg felt better and was fixed and neede to heal.Itanamai looked at her"your leg is all better now thats all i wanted was to see you better"she told Alyx.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

2:00pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Alyx hissed and turned the other way.

(( Writers block :())


2:01pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Itanamai sighed and got in the car.She knew the dog didnt really trust her anymore.

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

2:04pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 2:04pm Jul 20 2010)

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Posts: 554

 (( Making one more stray. ))


Name- Flora

Gender- Female


Species- German Sheperd

Age- 3 months

Stray Or Pet?- Stray

History- Unknown

Persona- RP it out

Crush?- none.

Other- none.


Violet stood where she was with Harley next to her.She was waiting for the walk signal so they could hurry and run home in the rain."Why is it mucky the day we choose to go?"She muttered.Harley as if responding just barked and shook his head whilst pulling his owner(or trying to) across the street.

Russia had watched the stray husky get in the car with a human."Lucky..."She growled to herself, and stood.She looked around for dropped food before rain could ruin what may have been dropped.She spotted a half eaten hotdog and grabbed it before darting back to her corner and gobbling it down.To her as long as she could eat it she was more than happy.

Flora padded across a street, her fur matted, and her figure thin and frail.She barked when she saw people occasionally hoping one would stop to pick her up or give her foodWhen she saw a car heading slwoly in her direction she automatically whined, and ran to hide behind a person her tail between her legs.

(( I guess the person can be anyone. ))

Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.

2:05pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( Awwww :D Sooo cutteeee xD))

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