3:00pm Jul 20 2010
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Alyx hopped in the car with Itanamai. Calyx chewed at the rope leash and hissed. -fail-
3:02pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm Jul 20 2010)
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Itanamai took the leash off Calyx"You coming or not.".
3:04pm Jul 20 2010
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Calyx looked at the human, and limped away. She dissapeared around the corner and yawned. She walked to her trash can to see a cat had took it. She growled and limped away to another trash can. She ended up looking at a pup and another dog.
3:06pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Russia sighed, and looked at Ghost."That's why us real strays find our own food.To show we can survive without humans."She growled partially to herself. Flora ate the chicken and looke around.She saw how high she was off the ground automatically let out a small whine, not feeling very safe this high up.Sure, she was being held but accidents do happen. Violet continued walking with Harley who was pulling her down the street like a wagon going down a hill."Harley!!Slow down!"She yelled to her dog, who merely barked and then slowed down after a moment."Not my fault you don't like to go fast."He barked to himself, and looked at his owner."Geez, Harley you always do this when it's raining."She told him with a sigh.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
3:08pm Jul 20 2010
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He looked at her"Dont worry i have a great grip."He said as they were close to his house.
3:08pm Jul 20 2010
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Ghost nodded. He walked around Russia, " I'm going to look for something to eat." He told her. -fail-
3:12pm Jul 20 2010
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Itanamai started the car and they drove to her house.There house was actually a manchion since their parents worked for big companies.
3:13pm Jul 20 2010
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3:15pm Jul 20 2010
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((lol zozo*tackles*))
3:16pm Jul 20 2010
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(( *waits* ))
3:19pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Russia looked at Ghost as he walked around her."Alright then.Good luck with finding food."She barked to him before laying down. Flora was now calmer but wondered if she was going to somewhere safe."This person seems really nice..."She told herself remembering the other pup."I wonder why he hates humans."She barked to herself once more.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
3:22pm Jul 20 2010
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They arrived at the manchion and he walked in putting her down on the soft blue carpet.As he got in the house,Itanamai pulled up in the drive way.
3:25pm Jul 20 2010
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Ghost stopped and swished his tail. "Would you like to come?: He asked, without turning around to look at her. "I'm not really good at it." He admitted. "My parents mostly brung me food."
3:28pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Russia tilted her before patting up next to him."Sure I'll help.Find food can be tough." Flora looked at her surroundings for a moment before whimpering and backing up, therefore bumping into him.She wasn't used to this place obviously, and was slightly frightened.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
3:30pm Jul 20 2010
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He moved down to her level and gave a re*censored*uring smile"Dont worry no one will ever hurt you and you can have friends to play with and well food to eat"he chuckled.
3:31pm Jul 20 2010
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Ghost wagged his tail slightly, but quickly stopped. "Fine." He said, looking her from the corner of his eye. "Lets go." He said calmly, padding away. "Oh, what's your name?" He asked her. " I believe my parents called me......Ghost."
3:33pm Jul 20 2010
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Alyx looked around and smiled. She ran around in circles in the huge house. Then she stopped, she started shaking. She sat down and rocked side to side. "I gotta gooooo!!" She cried, as she ran to one side of the house. She put her leg up and pee'd on the walls and carpet. (xDD))
3:34pm Jul 20 2010
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Itanamai shook her head"goodness"She pointed to the pationwhich had alot of gr*censored* outside like a ranch almost.
3:38pm Jul 20 2010
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"Ooohh..." She stretched. "I feel much better...." She said. She ignored Itanamai, she wasne't used to people telling her what to do. She just trotted to Itanamai's room and plopped right down onto her bed, getting her fur all over the bed spread.
3:38pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Flora looked at the surroudings once more before going to look around.It was quite fun for her to look around the house.It wasn't long though before she got herself stuck in a room as the door managed to close behind her.She then automatically looked around for an exit."I'm stuck."She mumbled before whimpering.She sat at the door and whined."I hope they find me."She barked, while waiting. Russia nodded, and followed."I'm Russia."She told him as she looked around in case there was food nearby. (( Yes dogs in a new environment can be a pain.xD ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.