7:39pm Jul 14 2010
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"Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman." Damon smirked, looking around for any other signs of people. "I have no problem leaving people behind." He added, shrugging himself against the boardwalk's fence behind him. He removed his shades, staring at the deep, simmering water in front of him. though it was so beautiful, Damon held no emotion towards it. A cold person like him, only emtion he usually shows was anger.
8:07pm Jul 14 2010
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Shanoa burst out with a strange and short snort like laugh, she nudged Naria with her elbow before looking at her grinning like an idiot. She then turned away from Naria to watch for any others who might come. Naria ignored her friend. She simply rolled her eyes at Damon's comment. The way he smirked after he had said it and the way he spoke made Naria uncomfortable. Damon made her feel, on edge, she would have to be cautious of this man. She's have to look out for Shanoa too, Shanoa is too easily trusting of people. Naria wasn't going to let her friend trust Damon so completely like she did everyone else. She watched Damon's movements with suspision and gave his back a cold look as he looked to the water. He didn't look dangerous, but Naria could feel that he was... somehow. "Do you think it's just us three?" Shanoa questioned, rather impatiently. "No." Naria replied simply. "Didn't you listen? There's six of us that have been hired as explorers,"
8:08pm Jul 14 2010
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Walking along the boardwalk, Mica took a moment to pause and look up at the sky, taking a break from looking for his ship. The sun was beginning to reach for its high point, but he'd still have plenty of time to make it to his boat. He smiled contently as a cool sea breeze gusted softly past him. Nothing like being back near the sea after a month in the city. The wait had been maddening, but it would be worth it. After a few more minutes of walking, he spotted his ship and his smile turned into a grin. Looks like a few of the others had already shown up. He shifted the pack on his shoulder to a more comfortable position. "Ahoy there!" he shouted, cupping his hands over his mouth to make his voice loud enough to catch their attention. He walked over and smiled at the small group. "Are you lot part of the explorer's crew?" he asked.
8:38pm Jul 14 2010
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Naria took no notice of the other crew member's approach, or his question. She was too busy observing Damon. She was going to be consumed in sussing him out for most of this 'trip'. Naria nodded her head twoards this new member as a greeting, not looking at him, staying focused on Damon. Shanoa was much more welcomeing. "Hey there!" She exclaimed happily. "We sure are. I'm guessing you are too?" Shanoa smiled at the newcomer, offering him her hand. "Name's Shanoa, you are?" Shanoa continued to smile at him waiting for him to take her hand.
9:29pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 9:41pm Jul 14 2010)
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Join? Name: Alyxander Splyit Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Oh, man, I'm terrible with personality, but I don't think he'll be quite all there. History: Born and raised in a rather large city by the name of Kismet, and was orphaned at a young age, being placed in a boy's home at the age of eight. He escaped, as the owners of the boy's home abused all the occupants, but phisically and verbally. He's just roaming around, and hired on the ship to get as far away from the boy's home as possible. Looks:  Click? I can't decide between that one and this one. -Growls- Help? Other: He's to be known as Split, and he won't tell you his first name at all, unless he mutters it in his sleep, or something.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:14am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 5:15am Jul 15 2010)
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OoC: Accepted Ferro :3 I say go for the second, the first link doesn't work for me so I can't see xD
4:26am Jul 15 2010
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Mica nodded enthusiastically, giving Shanoa a smile. He was glad at least one of them didn't seem so cold. "Nice to meed you, Shanoa. I'm called Mica." He shifted his pack again and fingered absentmindedly at one of the buttons on his shirt. He buttoned it most of the way up to hide his tell-tail tattoo from the others but he wasn't used to it yet. "So, Shanoa, have you ever been on a boat before?" he asked, trying to make conversation.
5:14am Jul 15 2010
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Shanoa watched carefully as Mica buttoned his shirt, he did so in a nervous way, his fingers were trambling. He was hiding something that was for sure. Shanoa wasn't going to question it though, if he didn't want anyone to see that was none of her buisness. She smiled at Mica again, glad that he was making conversation. "To tell the truth, no I haven't" Her smile widened into a grin. "It's going to be a whole new experience it's... it's just so exciting." Shanoa once more curled her hands into fists and brought her arms close to her chest, and excited look crossed her face. Naria rolled her eyes at Shanoa and sighed. She didn't understand where all this enthusiasm came from, nor why she could be so happy all of the time. It annoyed her sometimes, how Shanoa could act like a child. But Naria envied Shanoa's childishness, she just seemed so naieve and oblivious to so many things. Shanoa was... innocent in a way. It was her innocence and positive view of the world that Naria envied.
10:21am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 6:01pm Jul 15 2010)
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Split looked up at the sky, squinting into the sun. It was almost time to board the boat, and time to get away from Marci and Dan, the terrible owners of the Kismetian Boy's Home. He snarled slightly as he walked towards the large docks at the end of town, his long necklace clinking with every long step he took. His blonde hair stirred in the breeze, and his brown and blue eyes looked past the crowds of people in front of him, to a large ship with four or so people milling around in front of it, and he sighed deeply, a sneer on his face. One of the girls seemed absurdly happy, a wide smile acros her foolish-looking face. Stepping onto the boardwalk, his barefeet slid over the smooth cobblestones making up the street. The boy in front of him also seemed cheerfull, with a bandana tied aroind his head, and a large grin on his face. When Split moved to the front of the boy, a large tattoo of a red dragon spiraled across the boy's chest, a sign he recognized. That boy was a dirty pirate, for chis'sake. He frowned slightly, then fixed an indifferent slight smile on his face. "Hello." He said smoothly, looking with half-lidded eyelids at the others on the boardwalk, flicking his messy blonde hair out of his eyes. He looked up at the ship ahead, smiling slightly at the hanging lines. He had always loved climbing, and a ship seemed the perfect place to do it. ((Whoops.....I fixed it, tho!))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:50pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Damon quirked his head, swinging his eyes and meeting Naria's gaze. He didn't say anything yet, only let him calculating eyes take all of her in. His eyes trailed from her's down to her neckline, then back up to her eyes. "You need a necklace." He commented, sincerity in his voice. He briefly flicked his eyes to the newcomers, offering a curt nod before his gaze meet Naria's once again.
5:16pm Jul 15 2010
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OoC: I think you are slightly confused Ferro, none of the charecters have actually boarded the ship yet XD We're all on the boardwalk, waiting to board the ship :3 Neh it's pretty late over here. I'll post tomorrow~
10:37pm Jul 15 2010
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((I am so sorry I have not posted. I truly am, been busy lately and haven't been on res. And I still need to named my character. Kaethe, Delphina or Penelope~
Oh and I will try to post tomorrow when I get onto my computer. Or I will type a post up tonight.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:01am Jul 16 2010
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OoC: Serenity, it's okay x3 I won't post again untill you get a chance to catch up on things. Also I said I liked the name Kaethe if that helps you at all :3
12:30pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 8:21pm Jul 18 2010)
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((Alrighty then, I'll go with Kaethe)) Kaethe's shoes thudded on the cobble stones as she ran. Her old back pack was thumping her back and her purple black hair was blowing around. She stopped for a moment to look around at the signs. "Docks, docks docks. Where are the docks?" She huffed to herself as she looked around the market place. She rubbed the back of her neck, it was a little hard to read to english signs. She turned to amber eyes towards the nearest person and quickly asked them the directions. the man pointed her in the other diresction. She sighed and looked up at the big clock tower. She was already late as is, and now she had to run the other way. She turned and started running the other way. Sure, enough, the man had given her to right directions, because she saw the docks, and the m*censored*ive ships in its harbor. She ran around desperately hoping her ship hadn't left, this was an adventure of a lifetime and she didn't want to miss out. She noticed a big group of people a ship and she ran up. "Oi eseís kápoies apó tis exerevnités?" she rattled of in Greek. She realized the must of sounded like a complete nut. "I'm sorry." She huffed. She was a bit out of breath. "Are you guys the explorers?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:25pm Jul 18 2010
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((Bump...Did I just kill this?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:59pm Jul 18 2010
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[[Nope. But your Greek killed my google xD]] Mica's eyes widened slightly when he noticed the look the new male had given him and quickly hid the mark by buttoning up his shirt completely, crossing his arms over his chest for good measure. He was used to the disgusted looks he got from others thanks to his tattoo, but he wished the look hadn't come from one of his new teammates. "So do you have a--" He jolted slightly when he heard Greek behind him and turned around to face the speaker, a girl. Being a pirate had advantages. You met a lot of people from across the world and you pick up bits of different languages. He smiled and nodded to her. "Nai." he answered.
11:54pm Jul 18 2010
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Split snorted as the pirate boy covered his tattoo, nodding curtly at the girl who had come up next to him, and asked the pirate, "Dragon's Greed?" looking at the place the tattoo resided. That ship had come into port next to the boy's home, and none of the sailors or pirates had shown any charity to the boy's begging next to the warf, him included. "That ship used to come to port where I used to live." His eyes shot daggers at the dirty, rotton, stinking- whatever. Split shook his head, looking at the girl behind Mica, leaning against a wooden railing behind him, playing with his long necklace. There were five bars of various metals, from steel to a bar of lead in the middle.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:40am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:54am Jul 19 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[[Numm... May I join? I'll add a male and female :d]] Name: Aryia Winsmire Age:18 Gender: Female Personality: Aryia can easily be described as the child of the group. Whimsical, wild and carefree, also humorous and cheerful, she would always try to bring optimism. Because if this, she tends to be over-confident and also extremely gullible. Aryia also loves animals, and even if they don't love her in return, this girl would try hard to understand them. Sometimes, she could be extremely dense and not understand 'deep' emotions, such as 'romantic love', but that's just Aryia. History: N/A Looks: 
Species: Human Other: Brought along pet snake? o.o --- Name: Akira Winsmire Age: 19 Gender: Male Personality: Akira just loveloves food, though he is extremely picky. Surprisingly, he is a good cook, and also runs quite fast. Akira isn't the strong type, and he doesn't exactly intend to be. Sometimes this boy lacks willpower, and be described as lazy. But Akira is quick-thinking when he needs to be, and also a loyal person. History: N/A. I can just say that he and Aryia are cousins. Nah, the truth is, I'm too lazy to write a history... Heehee. Looks: 
Species: Human Other: None [[Note: None of these pictures are mine, though I do wish I could draw that well --;]]

12:40am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Damon looked up at the girl, a smile curling on his lips. "Είμαι ένας από τους εξερευνητές" He replied in an authentic Greek tongue.
1:54am Jul 19 2010
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[[Tld! *glomps* <3]] Mica returned the glare just as hard, dropping his hands to his sides and sliding them into his pockets. Obviously this guy wasn't going to keep his mouth shut so it was no use feeling self-conscious. "Correct." Mica answered icily. "On board for over five years, her last five." A bit of curiosity flickered behind his glare. He was trying to figure out if he had ever seen this male. It was quite possible. The Dragon's Greed had traveled over most of the known world, spending a lot of time around the European area. "Which port?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. Already this exploration was getting off to a rocky start. Most of the reason he had been hired was because he'd been a pirate, but right now it didn't seem to be helping him get along with his teammates too well.