2:07am Jul 19 2010
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[[Nomnomnom. Don't go too far! XD I'm waiting for an approval, y'know :d -lurks for the time being- ]]
4:45am Jul 19 2010
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OoC: Rawr, sorry I haven't posted a reply yet x3 Cheh. Tld, accepted you me lovely~ :3 I shall wait for you to post your intro and then post myself since I'm a bit lazy right now o 3o I think once we have everyone's charecters on the ship we'll set sail >:3
4:52am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 4:58am Jul 19 2010)
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[[Yosh, I am pretty lovely :d Hoho, I shall post my intro, then. I'm a bit... um. Rusty, if you may say. I guess I haven't been writing super literate for some time. Though I as-sure you I wnt tlk lke dis, kay?]] Aryia was bouncing up and down, excited as usual, and acting like a ten year-old. "Oooh, I wonder what will happen when we go on board?" She asked nobody in particular. Aryia's eyes immediately lit up when she set them on the boat. "Wow, it's so big!" The girl gushed, her hands clapping together in amazement. "I hope we get to see lots of animals!" She smiled and laughed, looking forward to the journey. Aryia climbed up onto the boat. "Oh, I guess we may be one of the last people, Akira!" Aryia turned her head around, searching for her slow and laid-back cousin. He was still trudging along the planks that lead to the ship. "Come on, Akira!" Aryia yelled, waving her arms impatiently. "Let's go, let's go!" --- Akira looked up at the ship, to see the familiar straight hair of his cousin surrounding her face. "Come on, let's go let's go!" Akira sighed, wondering when his energetic cousin was going to run out of fuel. "Yes, yes, coming." He said, sounding almost obedient. Akira slowly climbed up the ladder to jump onto the deck. "Wow, quite a nice view." He mumbled, still trying to ignore the loud 'wow's and 'oooh's coming from Aryia. "I wonder if they have a big kitchen." Akira thought, rubbing his hands together mschieviously and licking his lips. "Are you thinking about food again?" Akira stopped what he was doing. "Aw, it's like you've read my mind, cousin." The boy grinned, and Aryia rolled her eyes, smiling in amusement. Then, Akira saw a black, worm-like form slither out of his cousin's pocket. "Aryia!" He almost shouted. Akira then strided up to his cousin. "You brought Amirith?!" Akira's voice was a whisper, but it carried the same amount of disbelief as a shout. As he expected, Aryia just grinned. "Of course I did!" Came the reply. "He's my official protector, you know, since he has... poison... that can kill..." Her voice trailed off, but Aryia's eyes still looked happy. Akira slapped his forehead with his right hand. "Argh, I really hope you trained him, Aryia." He mumbled, wondering if this ship came with anything that could stop a black mamba's venom. The black snake simply looked at Akira with beady black eyes and flicked his tongue out, taunting the boy. Akira rolled his eyes and stroked Amirith with a nervous hand. "Gooood boy." Akira tried what his cousin always did, cooing to the animal.

2:10pm Jul 19 2010
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((Loki: Thats probably because I couldn't add the accent things.)) Kaethe raised an eyebrow when the boy answered back in her tongue along with the other guy who had an authentic accent as if he lived there. She had not been expecting that. She nodded curtly, then sighed. She turned towarnds one of the the guys when he said something 'Dragons Greed'. She miight have been mistaken, but she was sure that was the notorious pirate crew. But she turned her eyes away, it wasn't her buisness, she shouldn't eavesdrop on the conversation. ((Well, that was a fail, I;m a bit brain dead.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:21pm Jul 19 2010
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((Lol, it happens.)) "I guess it's time to board.." Damon sighed, pushing himself off his seat on the rail, starting towards the boat. He stopped mid stride, turning back to the girls. "You, I didn't catch your name..." He said, pointing to the Greek girl.
3:08pm Jul 19 2010
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"I guess it's time to board. . ." Kaethe heard. She turned to see the boy who had spoken to her earlier slide off the rail, he was sitting on. He was right, it seemed about time to leave. She couldn't wait, she wondered what type of adventure was awaiting her. Maybe she find a new type of tree, or animal or a cool civilization. "You, I didn't catch your name..." His voice said once more. It snapped her back into reality. "Oh, uhh, It's Kaethe." She said as turned her amber eyes in his direction. "I don't think I caught your's either."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:13pm Jul 19 2010
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A smirk slid onto Damon face, as he looked at her, bookbag on one shoulder. "Damon. Damon Salvatore."
4:01pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 4:02pm Jul 19 2010)
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"Well Its a pleasure to meet you Mr. Salvatore." Kethe said nodded. She turned her head sideway, now that wasn't a greek name, sounded italian or something, and to think of it, he didn't really look greek either. "Mr. Salvator, if you don't mind me asking? How is it that you know greek? You sound as if it is your native tongue."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:17pm Jul 19 2010
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"I speak in many tongues, Kaethe." Damon chuckled. "I have an ear for the art of languages, I've been aorund long enough."
4:20pm Jul 19 2010
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"I speak in many tongues, Kaethe." The guy chuckled. "I have an ear for the art of languages, I've been aorund long enough."
Kaethe's eyebrow raised, when she heard this. The art of languages? Been around long enough? "Okay, then. But you looked the same age I do, and I still haven't exactly mastered english." she said. He was a strange one, she decided. I'm going to have to watch out for him.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:32pm Jul 19 2010
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"I have a lot of spare time." Damon grinned. "But, you all think the same of me, someone who needs to be watched. But, that's fine." He added, before turning around starting towards the boat.
4:50pm Jul 19 2010
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Kaethe shook her head. This guy was something else. First it sounds as if he speaks greek fluently, and maybe a few other languages. And now he's a mind reader? Who is he? She sighed, and decided not to question it any further, but he as certainly interesting. She followed him onto the ship, eagerness bubbling inside of her as she thought about what awaited them on the adventure.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:53pm Jul 19 2010
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"It's amazing." Damon muttered to himself, leaning over the edge and staring at the crystalline waters. He looked up at the sun, not bothering to squint and he smirked. He thought of jmping over, just to swim before coming back.
5:11pm Jul 19 2010
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OoC: eh now I need to catch up o-o
5:39pm Jul 19 2010
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Naria reached up to touch her neck. She suddenly felt as if it was empty and missing something... perhapse she did need a necklace. She shook her head and ignored the thought, there was no time to be off finding a neckl*censored* now. "Shanoa." Naria chimed. "Everyone's boarding." "Ri-ight!" Shanoa called back at her friend, a smile on her face. She looked at the small group that had gathered. Looked like everyone was here right on time too, the sun had just reached its highpoint. It now sat directly in the center of the sky, the town's clock tower then began to chime. A large bell sounded, once... twice. The bell's sound blurred into the background. "Hey Mica." Shanoa tugged at the sleeve of his shirt. "C'mon the ship will be leaving, me and Naria are boarding now so you should too." Shanoa smiled at him before hessitantly leaving his side to board the ship. Naria was already on deck when Shanoa reached the top of the ladder. Naria watched as Shanoa's hand appeared on the rail. She rolled her eyes. Shanoa was pretty short and couldn't reach up to pull herself aboard. "Tch." Naria muttered, walking over to take hold of Shanoa's hand. She looked down to Shanoa grinning at her, Naria said nothing, her face remained expressionless as she pulled Shanoa aboard. Shanoa smiled, dusting herself off. There were more people on board here. Great, Shanoa thought to herself. There was a pretty decent crew here, she was sure everyone would all get along too. shanoa looked around to see one girl looking very excited about the whole thing, she decided she'd talk to her. Shanoa was guessing that this girl and herself would be pretty similar. Shanoa skipped accross the deck twoards the girl. Naria moved over to the other side of the deck, leaning on the rail, she looked into the crystal blue waters below. The sun glistened on the surface making the water look like a glittering pool of saphires. Naria un-folded her arms, dnagling them over the side of the ship. She felt a sudden need, a strange urge to touch the water now. Her eyes closed slightly, having the sea air blowing in, cooling her, while the heat of the sun kept her warm was something rather relaxing.

3:17am Jul 20 2010
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[[I just noticed. Aryia and Shanoa have similar personalities. They could be good friends on the trip XD]]
6:37pm Jul 20 2010
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OoC: Cheheh, indeed they could XD
7:52pm Jul 20 2010
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Aryia was wandering around the ship, trying to familiarize herself with the ship. "Hmm... Not a lot of people on this trip." She mumbled to nobody in particular. A few guys, a few girls, not enough to be considered a large group. Aryia turned around to look for her cousin, but Akira was gone. "Argh, where did that lazy idiot go?" Aryia groaned, wondering if she should be spending this time talking with the crew members or searching for Akira. --- Akira had made his way to the kitchen, after poking his head into a few rooms. "Ah, not bad." He said, shuffling into the room. "Still, could be nicer." He noted, after checking out a few pots and pans. "I suppose we could get new ingredients in whatever place we're going to." Akira was fiddling with the ingredients, when he thought his cousin was awfully silent. "Aryia, what are you planning?" He asked, looking around the room. Aryia was nowhere to be seen. "Ah, geez. Where did she go off to now?" Akira moaned, slapping his forehead again. Quickly, he left the kitchen. [[Bleh. Braindead. I don't know all the rooms of a ship o-o]]

5:33am Jul 21 2010
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OoC: I say I'm also a bit brain dead o-e "Hello!" Shanoa burst out, throwing her arms into the air. She had made her way accross the deck now and was just behind Aryia. "My name's Shanoa." Shanoa smiled at Aryia, offering the girl her hand. "You are?" She asked still smiling. Naria remained leaning over the ship's rail, mesmirised by the water. She sighed for a moment, then remined silent for a while. Her eyes were half closed as she looked out beyond the horizon. What if the earth was square like some had decided. What would happen then? They'd just fall off the edge, everyone on this ship, the crew and it's explorers would all be dead. It was worth the risk though. Naria stood up straight and stretched, she guessed it was time to look around the ship. Naria made her way below deck, p*censored*ing through a corridor which was filled with joining rooms. She opened the door to one of them, inside was a simple bed. Obviously all these rooms were where they would sleep. Naria slwoly, carefully made her way around the ship. She p*censored*ed the kitched. Naria tuned around to have a quick look in, while walking backwards. Naria then suddenly bumped into someone. She spun round quickly and looked who she had bumped into. She stared blankly for a while wondering if she should say anything, she guessed she should at least apologise. "Terribly sorry about that." She muttered.

9:11am Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 5:46am Jul 22 2010)
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[[Did Naria bump into Akira? o-o]] Aryia turned around to see a black-haired girl offer her a hand to shake. Aryia grinned. "My name is Aryia! It's a pleasure to meet you, Shanoa!" She grabbed Shanoa's hand and shook it. Aryia felt rather excited to get to talk to other people. Things like this tend to get Aryia hyped up. "It's nice to see someone who's friendly on this ship." Aryia looked around the ship. "Did you, by any chance, see a guy with black, spiky-ish hair walk around here?" Aryia asked, hoping to find any clues leading to where Akira and the kitchen was. --- Akira felt someone bump into him. "Oops!" He yelped. "Sorry." Akira scratched his head, attempting to look innocent. He looked down, and realized it was a black-haired girl he bumped into. "Umm... yeah, sorry." He said, feeling slightly awkward.