10:18pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 392
Gwendolyn smiled "hi Siren, I'm Gwendolyn, Gewn for short, I'm pretty good concidering the rain and I have no idea what's going on!" Gwen said happily. She walked closer to the group both hands in her pockets now "this is quite the collection of people" she remarked. Fay kept the flame up in her palm and got closer to the others as well. "Stupid rain" she muttered. "Yeah, what is going on?" she asked. "Really I figured no one uninjured would be here" that remark was made mostly to herself but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
12:20am Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Nice to meet cha!" She said sticking her hand out and shakign Gwen's hand vigerously. Shade had been looking at the crown a little over-whelmed. This was....Interesting to him. He didn't see any indou, nor did he see any human. So far there were two vampires, a shapeshifter...Uh...Too many for him to count. He found himself looking at Siren, the friendliest one of the group. "...Shade..." He mumbled, before getting to the back of the group, a little creeped out still from the contact he recieved that almost gave him a heart-attack
Isn't this fun?
10:16am Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 10:22am Feb 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
((Ugh. It keeps on messing up my post and putting in a / where ever there is an apostrophe... Dx)) Squall stared out at the group of creatures as.sembling together. He was high up in a tree, trying to keep himself hidden. A certain creature caught his eye. He could not tell if they were a girl or boy... It was either a girl, or a very pretty boy. He caught the creature's name: Shade. So they were a boy. Shaking his head, he listened closely at the conversation. He wanted to intervene and just capture the human girl and cause the group to break up, but he figured that they would end up fighting with each other anyways. Groups like this never lasted long. Squall then heard another noise. The sound of paws walking on the forest floor, dragging a bit, and panting. Squall saw it before it made it into the ruins of the village: a bigger wolf than normal, with a reddish brown pelt with white streaks in it. It had a couple of scratches on it, but nothing major. Probably a werewolf Squall thought to himself. He watched it pause, sniff the air, and then transform back into a human; a guy with black hair and tattered clothes. He walked into the ruins and stood next to Dravius and Aero. -x- Aero flinched as Siren laid her hand on her shoulder, and jerked away. She was aware of another person, a human (maybe) standing next to her and Dravius. Finally, the gathering of all the creatures grew too much for her. I should not linger here she thought. This will catch the Idou's attention soon enough. This was something she had learned over the years. Wandering alone, running, and hiding was the best way to survive on this earth. "Sorry to break the gathering up," she said, "but I am going." She hoped desperately that nobody would try to follow her, kill her, capture her, or feed on her. A rough hand grabbed her wrist. She looked up. It was the person who had recently walked here. The human... Or something. He growled and showed teeth that were sharp and long, for tearing meat. A werewolf. Great. Now the vampires willjoin in the fight too.
11:54am Feb 23 2010
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((Bump~ I think the cookie grabber messed up the forums. o.e))
10:58am Feb 25 2010
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((Bump~ Darn cookie grabber...))
12:00pm Mar 1 2010
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((-performes CPR on thread- ))
12:26pm Mar 3 2010
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((o.e ))
1:20pm Mar 3 2010
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OOC: This actually looks incredibly interesting... I'm thinking about joining, but my impulses to join as a gryphon and a werewolf and just overhwelming. (; I'll let you know once I've got suitable characters thought up - but that depends, of course, if you'll accept moi.
7:34am Mar 4 2010
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((Of course I will ^^ Go ahead and join, and join as whatever. ))
9:55am Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 11:54am Mar 4 2010)
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OOC: OK, thanks Dream! ;D I'll post one in a bit~ Name: Quentin Makobo Gender: Male Species: European Werewolf Personality: (optional) I think I'll leave it in the story posts. Appearance: Eh... fill later. I don't know whether to draw something or write up a deion. History: Makobo was born and raised in the more barren parts of Northern Europe by his British-originating dam and sire, and some other close family relatives. He lived his first few years as every other werewolf child - he hunted with the pack, didn't stray too far out of the territory, and knew his place in the group. They lived close to Transylvania, not too far from the coast, and rarely made contact with the more alien races on earth. They were rogue. One day, his uncle offered to take him away to a well-known - albeit mysterious - organization that educates and trains young werewolves for their following lives. Its exact location was, and is, completely unknown by all except for the true werewolves of European heritage, and from his first day onwards, Makobo trained to become a fierce, but wise, hunter. He joined a new tribe of warrior-werewolves, a pack of vampire-hating fighters, but soon left after their beliefs began to question his own personal judgement. Since then, he spent his days loning and travelling. Despite the odd letter sent to his birth-family, he has not seen them in years. Other: He is not one of the traditional werewolves (and not Twilight, thank goodness). Instead of being human by day, and transforming every full moon, Makobo is constantly in the anthrophomorphotized wolf form - a permanent cross between man and wolf, without any true transformation processs. However, every full moon, he increases in size and savagery for the sigle night, retaining the ability to reason, but becoming considerably more feral than usual. He also has not had any direct contact with any Idou, although has watched them wreak havoc from afar and was raised to loathe them. Every now and then, he encounters a different race, but barely ever makes violent itroductions with them, prefrring to exchange news, resources, and then parting permanently.

11:35am Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Shade jumped, as the snake had forced it's way around what it had believed to be a threat. A-Alexis!" Shade said, lookign at it. ___ "My mother was a vampire, and my father was human," She said, looking at Shade. "You seem kinda juimpy 'bout your snake.."
Isn't this fun?
12:13pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I'll make a post in a seperate... post~ x3 The rain was still falling in this particular section of the forest. The half-concealed muzzle that stuck out of the damp, dark hood arose slightly as the head of the creature raised his head slightly to glance upwards. The criss-crossing twigs and leaves of the sapling he was crouched under was the first thing he saw, the rounded green shapes twitching and bobbing every now and then as an excess raindrop happened to land on their broad little faces. Next, the pattern of the canopy of the trees high above, making earthly blotches on the grey-white sky, even higher yet. Makobo was not truly freezing - the cloak he was wearing covered another fold of fabricated clothing, and then, under that, a thick pelt of silvery fur. He sniffed once, twice - the smell of burning was slowly receeding. Standing up, Makobo couldn't reach his full impressive size - the tangle of foliage he was taking shelter under was preventing him from standing fully. And not only that, but he wanted to remain hidden. His long, sodden cloak trailed in the dead leaves from last autumn and scuffled them from their original places. Eventually he'd escaped the claustrophobic press of the surrounding greenery, and was standing in a now-muddy clearing, the fire he'd once had alighted earlier put out by the rainfall. Above the wet, ashy mess of soaked branches and scalded pebbles was a spit - or the remains of one. The rabbits he'd carefully set to cook had disappeared, the stick he'd used to hold them on lying on the ground a meter or so away. "Damn foxes," Quentin Makobo cursed quietly. "Getting at my meat." He bent down, and began to tidy up the failed attempt at preparing decent food. Scattering the blackened stones used to contain the fire, hurling the branches back into the forest all around him, covering up the messy, damp ash with leaves. The remains of the spit went the same way as the tinder, and Makobo began his departure, cold, wet, and still very hungry. He preferred to eat cooked food if possible, but raw meat was an option. Not one he always enjoyed to take, but when in the wilderness, sacrifices were often necessary to stay alive.

1:13pm Mar 4 2010
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((Yoshi's right, Wolf. You always manage a huge post xD))
1:46pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 4:26pm Mar 5 2010)
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((Eep. I had to re-read a lot of the posts ^^)) Ignoring the vampire and Shade, the werewolf smiled as Aero tried to free herself from his grip; yeah right. "There's nearly a full moon," he said. "My power grows as it waxes. Humans are always weak." His voice was strangely smooth. Aero somehow excpected him to have a deep voice, almost like a growl. At least, that was what most werwolves she had met sounded like. Aero used her free arm and grabbed her dagger that she always had with her and put it up to the werewolf's neck; he seemed surprised and loosened his grip, but not by much. Aero pressed the dagger closer to his skin. "I won't hesitate to kill." It was true. Aero had killed other species before; vampires who were after her blood, werewolves, shapeshifters, faeries... Even a fellow human, who was about to betray her to the Idou. She felt guilty, sometimes. Sometimes she had nightmares of her hands stained in blood, blood that wouldn't wash out, no matter how hard she tried to remove the stains. But it is either kill or be killed, if you are found. This was something she had learned the hard way. The werewolf finally dropped her arm. Aero pressed the dagger even closer to the werewolf's throat for a second, so that a thin line of crimson was just visible. Then she took the dagger away, and put it back. She began to walk away. Aero then happened to look up in the trees... And spotted Squall. She recognized his eyes instantly; especially the golden one. The golden eye all the Idou had. She froze immidietly, and her face contorted into one of fear, and anger. Him. What had he said his name was, again? Squall. She turned to warn everyone around her, even if they weren't necessarily her friends or people she could trust. -x- Squall watched as the human girl stood up to the werewolf; She's brave he thought but still weak... They're all weak. He had been taught that all the other species were but slaves and toys; they were inferior to the Idou. He watched Aero turn and walk away, back into the forest. Then, the human girl looked up into the trees. By chance she caught the sight of Squall's white hair. He mentally kicked himself. Why didn't I change forms? You Fool! Now it was too late, and he would have to fight... He jumped down from the top point of the tree, landing gracefully, something that most could not do. For a moment, as the girl, Aero, stood facing him, and he felt sorry for her. For only a split second. Then he snapped out of it. The humans killed her he thought bitterly. This is a debt they will never be able to pay. They deserve to die, and feel loss as I did. Squall looked nervously at the group of creatures around. He was a strong Idou, or at least fairly strong, and he could take on a fair number of opponents and win with only a couple injuries. But... Looking at all these races *censored*embled here, he knew that if he fought now, it would be a hard battle. I'll have to find a way out of this. Squall scowled. He should have killed the human girl while he had the chance.
2:52pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 2:55pm Mar 4 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: So do you, mate. xD I think I have this writing obsession syndrome or something. But I'm a fast typer; I can take the time to write as much as I like, I suppose. Big writing leaves room for excersising the imagination. ^^ By the way, what's the time? Is it night or day? Slouching through the trees without the usual effort to hurry, Quentin was reminded of his hunger as his stomach gave an irritated grumble - a thick, watery sound. Those rabbits he'd caught weren't exactly a deadly choice of prey, but it was the chase that had been challenging. Hunched over, unable to reach his full size, he'd darted this way and that through the foliage, several times getting thorns and sharp branches prodding his furry body. He paused suddenly when he came to a sudden dive - or rather, tried to. At the unexpected dip, the werewolf lost his footing and stumbled forwards, saving himself an injury by instinctively placing out his very long forelegs to catch himself. He paused, and looked around himself, his stomach still unsettled and his blood excited. Quentin hadn't noticed how the turf had begun to slope downwards, and come to an abrupt stop as a path littered with leaves slugged its way through the natural earthy flesh of the forest. The path was separated from the familiar leafy carpet of the undergrowth by a small, but very abrupt, ledge. Peeking through his hood the best he could, the werewolf regaied his biped footing again, and removed his hood. The animal's head was entirely that of a real wolf, his rounded, ruffled face coloured silver and a pale beige, marked with black on the tips of his ears. Piercingly pale green eyes stared out of their black-lined sockets, and a few ancient scars that just looked like sunken lines cut through his face. He didn't look old or elderly, but he wasn't very youthful, either. He examined the fingers of the trees on both sides of the road - a chaffinch had spotted him, and was announcing his arrival with a piercing warning call. Fabulous - now everything and everyone would know of his presence. Still, it was his fault for being so clumsy. Yet again, after that frightful chase the previous night, involving a very angry monster of somekind - Makobo hadn't the bravery, or insanity, to stop and check who was chasing him - the werewolf was quite tired. His usual, predatory sharpness that had been so finely honed down was blunt and bleary today. However, amongst the greenery, and the brownness of the trunks, he spotted motion - a deer, flashing its white rump by the tail. Lost in the thrill of the hunt and the prospect of feeding again, he let out a frightening snarl, whipped off his cloak - he'd return and collect it later - and darted away through the trees. Makobo let loose a long, ragged howl as he pursued after his fleeing prey, his enormous paws thudding loudly on the ground, his heavily muscled body tearing through the young arms of saplings like they were glas-s. OOC: I hope the characters have good hearing... *pathetic hint* x3

9:44pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"..H..Hey, why not everyone calm down?" Shade sudgested, looking back at Alexis, who slunked back around the homonculi's feet. "Fighting isn't gonig to help, enough of us are getting killed as it is," He said, looking at Aero. "I say a little fightings good!" Siren said laughing. "Blood, fighting, sweat, c'mon, little kiddo, don't tell me the adrenalene rushign through your veins, the thrill of the chase, the killing doesn't interest you at least!" She said, emerald eyes tinging red. She was in love with the idea of killing as things panned out. "I...N-no, I don'ty! Fighting and killing is wrong, unless you absolutely have to!" Shade said to Siren, his voice soft, and efeminin, and locks of golden hair falling into his green eyes didn't help the problem of always getting mistaken for a girl "You must be human or something?" She laughed. "..N..No, I'm not human...I'm nothing you've ever seen before either....." He said, looking down. "Then, again...I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your hate..." He sighed. "See? Hate's a good thing!" Siren laughed, slinging an arm over his shoulder, but it was thrown off imediatly. "Get off me!" He said, taking several steps away from the girl. "Ohhhh! What's the matter, scared?"
Isn't this fun?
9:46am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 9:47am Mar 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
((I have a good long post day and then I’ll have a one line post day, it depends xDI think the sun is just starting to set. )) Aero turned to Siren, who obviously wanted a chance to fight and feel the power of being able to end a life… Aero knew that Siren was right in some sense; there were times when Aero herself had a rush of a kind of grotesque joy, feeling her dagger rip through skin, seeing the blood drip down, seeing the light fade from the opponent’s eyes… Some days she didn’t think much of this. Some days she felt like the guilt would swallow her whole. Aero turned a glance at the Idou; she couldn’t trust him. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him for a second. Next to her, the werewolf gave a low growl. “I- no don’t! Fighting and killing is wrong, unless you absolutely have to!” Aero whipped around to see a girl… Or was it a girl? It sure looked like one, with silky hair, a fairly pretty figure, beautiful eyes and a soft voice. All the same, Aero didn’t jump to conclusions just yet. She kept her eyes on Squall as Siren teased Shade. Aero thought of the broken mangled body of the child she had seen, and the way that the Idou had smiled at the scene of death all around him. She knew at once that she couldn’t let this chance of revenge go. Too long she had been running away from a certain fate; she knew it was most likely that everything would be taken over by this sick race. She might as well fight. She tensed herself, and laid her hand on her dagger. Squall noticed this motion, and scowled. She doesn’t stand a chance. Out of all of them, she will be the easiest to kill. And that girl, or boy. He didn’t know exactly who Shade was, but he looked weak to him. For a moment, the air crackled with tension. Then, a howl pierced the tension, as if cutting it through with a knife. Aero froze.
9:56am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"I just lost the Game!" XD Bio: Name: Kamaina Windwalker (Kai) Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter (European dragon)
Personality: She can be quiet and is really shy but when in battle, she really acts out. She won't let any one she loves die, even at the price of her own life. One of her issues is that she is so shy, half the time she can't even talk outloud. She usually tries to get someone else she knows to speak her message. Appearance: She has light red-brown hair that reaches her lower back. She typically wears it down or in a braid. If in a braid, she weaves in a spiked ribbon. She is around 5.8" tall and has olive skin, slightly tanned. She has gray-green eyes. She wears skinny jeans and a t-shirt or tank-top, depending on the weather. History: She was born in a small town which was pretty much located in the middle of nowhere. It was destroyed by the Idou and she was the only to escape. She has lived alone on the streets pretty much since.
Other: No one in her family knew she was a shapeshifter because they were human. She was actaully adopted by them.

9:57am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Wait," Shade said, doing somethign that you wouldn't expect from the lithe boy. He walked in front of Aero his hand on her blade, lookign her in the eyes. "C'mon, break the tenstion, huh? We don't need this. We don't have to be killign each other. A-and face it, if this guy really did want to kill us, he would have doen it already, right?" Shade said. He was a little a little sharter than Aero. Siren sighed. "Y'know kid, your a lost cause. When people want to fight, then just let them,: She cackled. "No, I won't!" Shade growled, looking at her. "Hey...You said you couldn't live without our hate....What the hell are you?" She asked, takinG a step closer to the boy. "...N..None of your buisnes! I'm here aren't I?" (I can make really long posts too, however this is more 'The book writter' than myself. XD If there is a super-duper long post, then unless I say so, it's her.)
Isn't this fun?
10:10am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,314
The werewolf had the doe in his sights. He flew through the trees and the undergrowth like a steam train of somesort, his pale, mad eyes fixed on the quadruped which fled from him. In other circumstances, the chase would have been considerably easier - and shorter. But the trees surrounding Makobo were quite close, so most of his maneuvers were to dodge and turn and spin out of the direction of some treetrunk, or leap over logs too large too swerve around. And not only that, but Makobo was a big monster. The lowest branches of the foliage brushed and tapped his head and back, as if trying to discourage him from the hunt. But after one attempt to step on and then lunge off one particularly mossy log, the slippery la yer of moist greenery betrayed the werewolf's grip, and he flew forwards in a clumsy stumble with a surprised yelp. The trees spun all around him, and then the muddy, leafy mess of the ground shot up to meet his face. He lay there for a few moments, his eyes closed, as the sleepy leaves disturbed of their original places drifted down in a lazy, flickering cloud, as if taunting the werewolf, We told you. Quentin finally opened his eyes, just to see the white flash of the deer's rump disappear forever in the murky earth tones of the forest up ahead. Furious with himself, he groggily stood up, and brushed the worst of the dirt from his muscled shoulders. But then, another colour attracted his eyesight. Turning, he saw a fiery light trickling through the overhanging branches of the trees. Specks of dust danced in the shafts of orange-gold sunlight, before Makobo finally realized the time. The fiery, warm tones of the light signified that the day was nearing his departure, and that night was imminent. Despite his fury and shame at losing his prey, he took a full two minuts to simply inspect the gorgeous scenery, before he let loose an annoyed, loud sniff, fell to all fours, and slowly began to turn away in the direction he'd come.
