10:14am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 10:14am Mar 5 2010)
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(Wolf: Your sig made me and my cousin laugh. XD)
Isn't this fun?
10:21am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 10:23am Mar 5 2010)
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((:3 You make great posts, Kia. Sometimes mine kind of drag... o.e And I'm always trying to think of little twists for the plot. But then again, you're really good at doing that so I won't worry about that too much for now lol xD Omigosh! Newcomer! And our army grows. Accepted, Detneth ^^ Just remember there's really no 'cities' anymore. It's a typical fantasy world. )) Aero faltered. She looked at Shade, and then looked back at Squall. And then at Siren. She suddenly wasn’t so sure. He- she- it’s smarter than they look to be, she thought to herself about Shade. Squall was having an internal battle too. Kill them. Kill the human. This was something he knew he must do, for her sake. But there was something that stopped him. What? Then why was he hesitating? Shade was right. He hadn’t killed them yet. He wasn’t going to kill them. He couldn’t, for now. He sighed, and relaxed himself. The howl of some oncoming creature had been close by, and now he could hear the sound of paw steps drawing closer to where they were. “Another creature’s coming soon,” he said reluctantly, and with a hint of bitterness. Aero finally relaxed her grip on her dagger, though her body was still tense. She stared at Shade. “Fine,” she said. “But I don’t trust him.” "Who in their right mind would trust an Idou?” the werewolf next to her said. She turned to look at him. He looked human enough, but she could tell that he definitely wasn’t a human. “What’s your name?” she asked. Once again her voice sounded soft, timid, and yet firm as it usually did. “Zatara.” “Sounds fierce,” Aero said, more to herself. Zatara laughed. “In Spanish it means ‘drift wood’,” he said, chuckling to himself. Squall turned his attention to Shade. “I only am not killing here because my hatred is only towards humans. Just get her,” he said angrily, “away from me.”
10:25am Mar 5 2010
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((I have to go you guys D: Don't know when I can get back on again. I have to do some school work.. Dx -flails- ))
10:27am Mar 5 2010
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(Aww, thank you! XD) "No problem, Doey!" Siren said with a laugh, grabbing Aero gently, and taking her a few steps back away from the other, and asked. "So, I guess your in the lead of this party?" Shade looked at the other uitterly confused. "..An..Idou? Wh....What's that?" He asked lookign him up and down. "You look like a a typical person to me....Uhm...Sorry," He said, looking down. Alexis had slithered back into the picture, arounf the young boy's feet, who quickly bent down and grabbed him. "Dang, Alexis, stop running off like that," He mubmled, shoving the reluctant snake back into the bag.
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10:28am Mar 5 2010
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(Night: Aww, I got friday off! DX *Huggles* Come back soon!)
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10:30am Mar 5 2010
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((I gotta get off now :( I will post intro as soon as possible))
10:32am Mar 5 2010
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(Bye, Deth! ^^)
Isn't this fun?
1:45pm Mar 5 2010
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((I'm back :D For now, at least. )) "So I guess you're the leader of this party?" Siren asked Aero. Aero blinked. What? "No. I never meant for this to happen." She gestured to Squall. "He's the one who did this to the village," she said bitterly. -x- Squall stared at Shade. Somebody who doesn't know what an Idou is? It sounded unbelievable. The Idou had pretty much taken 3/4 of the land over already... I'll have to report this... We need to find places where creatures are hiding. "You think I'm normal looking?" Squall said, nearly laughing. "Well, looks can be decieving." There was more behind that sentence than Shade knew at the moment. Zatara was standing nearby, leaning on a detatched wall. "The Idou are creatures that have been enslaving and killing all of the races. They think we're inferior," he said, glaring bitterly at Squall. Squall gave a faint smile. "That's what our race believes... All of you are weak. We are superior. You can't even fight back and defend yourselves properly," he retorted. Zatara was feeling particularly murderous towards the Idou who was standing on his last nerve. "The Idou," he said, seething, "can shift into anything they want. Vampires, werewolves... Which is why it makes them a pain to kill." It all depends on the individual Idou's power Squall was thinking to himself. There is so much they don't know about us yet. He sighed. He wasn't about to give anything away. "....And we can't find out what their weakness is. But we'll find out soon enough," Zatara finished. They'll never find out Squall thought to himself. He only knew of one group of people who had known about this weakness by mere luck. And he had killed them, of course...
1:46pm Mar 5 2010
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ooc; So where should I like poof in? o3o
1:48pm Mar 5 2010
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((Well, if you've read all of the posts -hint hint- Well, you only need to skim them at this point... All of the people are currently at the ruins of a village that had just been destroyed by Squall the Idou. ^^ Pop in wherever. ))
1:49pm Mar 5 2010
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OOC: Mighty pleased t'hear it, DAK. :D But the werewolf stopped in mid-pace, freezing suddenly. Without moving, except for his slightly rushed breathing rate, his right ear gave a curious twitch. Voices. Several of them, too. He looked behind himself once, then around him. Makobo turned and hurriedly, although not worriedly, paced towards a nearby treetrunk, sized it up, and made an enormous leap for the nearest branch. His powerful, long hindlegs straightened like a spring, and his humanoid forearms reached out and swiftly dragged himself upon the tough bark. The ends of the branch, however, wobbled softly with the soundless impact, although Makobo made no noise. He then spotted the next branch, prepared the next leap, and pounced into mid-air. For a moment, he expected himself to fall to the ground as he glanced downwards and saw an unnerving gap of free space, but found his back legs neatly tucking themselves beneath his black-and-silver body as he made a second smooth landing. Quentin glanced downwards, pleased by his progress. Then he aproached the main trunk of his tree, and slowly snaked his furry face around it. Ahead of him was a clearing, where the forest part-met an even greater stretch of space. In the distance, the blackened remains of what was undoubtedly a smouldering set of ruins glistening from the previous rainfall lay. Quentin wrinkled his nose in distaste - and a little sadness. He wasn't a soft-hearted animal, but he most certainly disliked seeing destruction. Most of the time, anyway. But what really grabbed his attention was the small band of humanoids gathered together - and one in particular. Although Quentin had tried his best to avoid the Idou, he'd seen their single, golden eyes before. The instinctive, immense grasp of fear and loathing grabbed a hold of his heart, but it was his sense that took control of his free will. He would not attack. The werewolf "school" he'd attended to had taught him to hate the Idou, and kill them whenever they had the chance. It was a fact as simple as survival that the Idou were symbols of destruction, hate, and greed, yet Quentin understood that such symbols were to be treated with reverence and care. Not the affectionate kind, but the more cautious version. If he came across an Idou, Quentin's beliefs told him to avoid it, and not proceed with trying to eliminate it. But he was immensely curious anyway. His life was controlled by a slightly repetitive flow of travelling and escaping; very rarely did he make contact with alien races. Well, except for one. His gryphon friend from the British Isles... He blinked. No point thinking about her right now. He'd be reunited with her soon. So he decided to hide and watch the commotion unfold, although he wasn't too keen on getting involved with their business, whatever it was. OOC: Eh, could I ask if Quennie could watch them for a bit, before being noticed? :3

1:50pm Mar 5 2010
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((Yeah, sure ^^))
1:50pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 1:52pm Mar 5 2010)
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ooc; >.< I could read the posts but I'm lazy. I'll just Poof :D Kai walked slowly to the ruins of the small village. "Just like my home." she whispered as she neared. She sniffed, using her Dragon senses to see if any Idou were around. She was half-hoping there were. So I can kill them. she thought bitterly. EDIT: Are there any Idou around? *looks at Wolf's post* I'm not sure but yes? >.<
1:58pm Mar 5 2010
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((I'll give you a little recap... If you don't want to read the posts, make sure you read everyone's bios, k'? What's happened so far is: Aero had a nasty encounter with the Idou Squall, who destroyed the village that she's currently in, or at least it's ruins. He disappeared, without killing her, for some strange reason... The burning village caught the attention of many people and creatures and they all gathered there. Then Aero spots Squall who was hiding in the trees the whole time and currently he's actually not killing/fighting them... But you still don't trust an Idou ^^ We have not seen/found Wolfeh's character yet. ))
2:02pm Mar 5 2010
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ooc; Ok, thanks ^.^ Kai looked towards the trees, the place where the scent was coming from. She hissed lightly at the sight of the Hated Idou. ooc; Where is Squall's BIO?
4:19pm Mar 5 2010
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((It's on page 1, right under Aero's bio in the same post. ^^))
5:17pm Mar 5 2010
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"Well, that's racist, thinking they'll kill us, just because of what they are," Shade looked at the werewolf. "Besides. No one can either turn into what I am. There's only one way to make my species," Shade explained, rather depressed. "And I'm not boasting, but no ones ever killed one before, which is a good thing there are so little," He said with a sigh. "If your so one-of-a-kind, how do we know your not a Indou yourself, girly?" Siren inquired. "Because...I know what I am. I was created. Not even a shapeshifter can turn into what I am. And trust me, ones tried," He said, then looekd at Siren. "And I'm not a 'girly," " She looked at him purely shocked. "Oh, dear god, are you a boy?!" She said, takign a step closer to the self-concious man. ".Yeah..And I'm two-hundred year old, as well....I" He explained. "Okay, so..Your not a vampire, though?" She said, circling him. "..No.." "Then what are you?" "A depressing freak." He replied bitterly.
Isn't this fun?
5:26pm Mar 5 2010
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What I'm about to show you guys/have you read IS NOT mine. This was written by a friend of mine, who is writting a book, and has a Homonculi as her main charecter. This is a little bio thing about Homonculi, and she gave me permission to post it. Kudo's to her. ^^' She trusts you guys not to do anything to it, and she's also been faithfully stalking this rp (Her username is Invalid by the way) and this is completely origional by her!) A homonculi is an artificial human that is made of and runs on pure hatred. They are depressed creatures, that have miserable lives -as close as they can get to it- and thrive on the suffering of other's, wether they want to or not. They have no free will of their own, they are slaves of the humans that created them, being forced to do whatever that person wants, as if in somesort of trance. If their master/creator die, they have free will. If they die before their master, then their creator dies within three days afterwards. Once free a homonculi will try and go one with a normal life. Something seemingly impossible. However, there is a backfire. Apperently, whoever a homoculi falls in love with, they act as if that person is their new master. As sweet as these acts of affection the creature holds, it drives the human it's with into spiraling depression, eventually the human will be made to commit suicide to deal with the problems. A homonculi is immortal. They can go month's without eating, they cannot feel pain, they can regenerate missing body parts, they can heal their wounds within' seconds, they can fall from great heights, and land face first, and stand right back up. However they, like anything else, have a weakness. There are two known ways to possibly kill a homonculi. The first being impossibe. They thrive on hatred. If there were no hatred in the world, there wouldn't be a homonculi. Simple and sweet. The other way of killing them is very difficult. Or it can be very easy. It depends on what your doing. You must get rid of the strong point in the homonculi's body. The strong point can be anything from a heart to their spleen. If this is removed from the homonculi's body, they will still be very much alive, but visibly weakened. They will reduced to a human that is very ill. They won't die and will function properly after the organ or bone is put back in it's rightfull place. The strong point is usually an organ, but but on occasion has been a bone, blood, muscle and even the eyes.
Isn't this fun?
5:38pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 5:41pm Mar 5 2010)
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Squall stared at Shade (the boy?!) with interest. He shook his head. He had only heard of a species that fit his odd deion from one person. And even then…He wasn’t so sure. “Just for your information,” Squall said, “I’m not a shapeshifter, though I’ve met plenty of them. And I’ve met plenty depressed freaks, though I don’t think you quite fit that deion.” Aero was listening to this whole conversation. He’s not an Idou? She thought to herself. We can’t be sure.
5:57pm Mar 5 2010
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"..Okay..My creator..Or..Master...Had a little girl. She was murdered by a robber, so he turned to Alchemy to try and bring her back. However, there was a snatch. You can't brign the dead back. So, he created an artificialy human. A Homonculis. We are depressed creatures, that thrive on hatred. " He expaliend, lookign at Siren, who couldn't beleive thsi person was a guy still. "Okay, but that doesn't explain you lookign like a girl," "I'm getting there. I was a boy, not the girl he wanted. However, he wanted a igrl so badly he made me wear dresses and thigns liek that. He made me his perfect little girl, in turn makign me wish I was never created even more. He was killed. I don't knwo what did it, but I was no longer his pet, so I had my free will," He finished. "...So, why do you still act so efeminine?" "..That's none of your damn buisnes," "Anyway. I can't be copied, and nothign would want to copy me either. I never *censored*uemd you were a shapshifter. I only said I knew of one. He was my.....He's dead now, so it doesn't matter." "Your?" Siren pressed. "Nothing. He's dead, so it doesn't matter!" He repeated annoyed.
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