6:53pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 6:54pm Mar 5 2010)
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A homunculi… Squall pondered Shade’s story. So that’s why he looks like a girl. He didn’t ask who his friend was. The fact that he was dead, whoever he was, didn’t bother him a bit. Nor did he feel sorry for Shade. Something in the back of his mind pricked him. What am I doing here? Talking with these creatures? He asked himself. Getaway, fight your way out if need be. He remembered the oath he had made to Trevor on that snowy night. It was his job to make sure that races like these became slaves, and if he thought they looked to weak, he could kill them. His eyes changed from a sort of curious look to a steely, cold look. His gaze found the human girl. She looked innocent, and looked pretty. But he knew that all humans were evil and knew nothing but greed. This made him even angrier. He really should get out of here and report this. Creatures gathering together could lead to rebellions. Of course, it was nearly impossible that they would all get along. Aero noticed this. She tensed herself once again. Sudden change of mood… What would set him off like that? She felt his gaze burn. Me? Why? For an Idou, he had seemed fairly laid back. Or so she had thought. Squall suddenly flexed his right hand. His nails elongated into claws… It was his favourite move. He didn’t need to use much of his energy and change completely, but he could easily fight and control other aspects of his body, and could see the things around him more clearly. He had been taught this style of fighting long ago, and because of it had become a fairly powerful Idou. Before anyone could react he launched himself at Aero. She didn’t have time to react. He was so fast…He took one of his longest claws and used it as a dagger and pierced Aero somewhere near her chest… Scarlet drops of blood splattered everywhere. Aero stood for a moment in one spot. For a small moment, Aero’s eyes locked with Squall’s. Then she collapsed to the ground. Zatara growled at Squall, but he was already running faster than he could into the depths of the forest. He cursed. He looked down at Aero who was bleeding pretty badly. “She’s not dead,” he said. “And he missed her major intestines and arteries.” He looked around at everyone. “Even though she’s human… She’s been hurt by an Idou. Someone help me bandage her.” -x- Squall was leaning against a tree. For the first time in a long time he felt as though he had just witnessed Erin’s death again. The way he had seen Aero lock her eyes with his, the way she had fallen to the ground so silently without a chance to defend herself… Why? Why do I remember this now? He cursed under his breath. The humans. If they had never existed, that day wouldn’t haunt him. That girl wouldn’t be here. He hated her, he knew, more than any other human he had ever met, because she was so much like Erin. He could try to kill her, but something would always stop him.
7:13pm Mar 5 2010
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Siren rushed to her side, already takign a first aid kit out of a pounch on the side of her leg. "I'm fairly good iwth medical supplies," She smirked. _____ Shade gasped, standing there a momentm, then followed fairly fast. If there was one thignm he was good at, it was tracking. Even though he had lost tract of him once, Alexis had followed the Indou. The snake quickly took human form, and glared at Squall. "Why did you do that?" He asked, glarign at him. "We believed you weren't a typical monster, were we wrong?" He had blue eyes and short brown hair. He was a little taller than Squall.
Isn't this fun?
7:22pm Mar 5 2010
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Squall stared at the human. I thought he was a snake? he thought... So Alexis the snake was a shapeshifter. I should have noticed. The question also caught him off guard. Not the typical monster? "You've got it all wrong," Squall said angrily. "We're not the monsters here." The humans are. They looked innocent, but they were all evil. -x- Zatara was kneeling down by Aero's side along with Siren. The vampire looked normal, even though she was staring at and smelling human blood. "I thought by now you'd want her as a snack," he mused.
7:22pm Mar 5 2010
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((There goes my nice long posts xD ))
7:32pm Mar 5 2010
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She laughed. 'Nah. I believe I've already mentioned that my mother was a pure vampire, and dad was human," She sighed. _____ "Yeah. We're not monster's. We are creatures. But not all of us are bad. And your settign a bad example," Hr growled. "Look. I don't care what you do, or who you kill for the hell of it under some false impression we are all evil. But keep away from Shade. Or it will be a big mistake. He's strogner than you think, and I'm not just any body," He growled.
Isn't this fun?
7:40pm Mar 5 2010
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((Have to go for now D: Plus if we post too much more Wolfeh's going to have a heck of a time catching up :3)) Zatara felt like he'd accidentally treaded on a subject that Siren didn't enjoy or like to think about. "Sorry, sorry," he muttered. -x- Squall stared at Alexis. His eyes narrowed. "Shade... What do you-" he cut himself off. "Are you and him-? Never mind," he said hastilly. He didn't give any promises. He hadn't planned on doing anything to Shade, anyway...
7:48pm Mar 5 2010
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"Oh, it's okay, hun. I don't mind," She chuckled. After the bandages were securly on, she padded the area. "She's fine, and stable. Thanks for your help," She smiled brightly. ______ He smirked. "Yes. At one time we were lovers, but that was a long time ago. Now I am just his pet for the time being. I had to leave him before he considered me his new master..." He said looking down even a little regretfully. "Either way. I'll be in the shadow's a lot more. But I'll be there," He said turnign back into a snake and disapearing. "ALEXIS!" Called a voice. "C'mon, stop disappearing on me!" The femenine voice of Shade called, very worried.
Isn't this fun?
11:26am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 12:22pm Mar 6 2010)
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Squall didn’t know what to say to Alexis. He felt like he had tread of awkward territory, things he didn’t want to get involved in. But Alexis had just threatened him. By threatening him, he was threatening the whole race of the Idou. He’s sharp, Squall thought to himself, and he won’t be easy to kill by myself since he’s always near the homunculi. “ALEXIS!” Squall tensed himself. It was Shade’s voice. His gaze darted around. He sensed Shade approaching quickly. He didn't have enough time to hide. Ugh… I let my guard down. -x- Aero woke up after being bandaged. She felt dizzy from the loss of blood, but the Idou had missed the major intestines. She still felt the burn of his eyes on her. "Ugh," she muttered as she sat up. It was hard for her to sit up suddenly. I was too careless... I thought he wasn't going to attack. She looked at Siren and Zatara. She felt gratefull towards them; they didn't have to stay and help her. "Thanks," she said sincerely. She looked to Zatara. "Can you help me stand?" Zatara nodded and gently helped her to her feet. He hesitated before completely loosing his grasp on her arms. She swayed for a moment, then stood firmly. She could go on her way now. She could leave them and take care of herself, all of them could continue on their seperate ways... But for some reason, she felt strangely hesitant.
11:31am Mar 6 2010 (last edited on 12:30pm Mar 6 2010)
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Shade jumped, seeing Squall, just staring at him a minute. He didn't look scared, or like he was going to make a threat, and lacked any pompus look on his beautiful features. He looked away from him, not sure what to do. "...What you did back there...Surprised us...Does this mean your going to try and kill us? I'm not judging you," He said after lookign at him again. ________ Sirne placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you sure you'll be okay? I don't think you should be alone until your completely healed," She said, smiling. Normally she was a party-going psychopath, but even she knew when it was time to be serious.
Isn't this fun?
12:20pm Mar 6 2010
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((-edits post-))
12:30pm Mar 6 2010
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(I edited mine, too! ^_^)
Isn't this fun?
12:21am Mar 8 2010
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(You get one free bump. The next will cost you....)
Isn't this fun?
12:39pm Mar 8 2010
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((O.O Cost me.. What? -ish creeped out- Will post!))
12:44pm Mar 8 2010
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Shade's question kind of caught Squall by surprise, and sent shivers down his spine. He still couldn't get used to the fact that Shade was a guy not a girl. But whenever he looked at him.... He shook his head. "Yeah. Well," he said slowly, "she was a human. You guys and us Idou are better off without them." They should be thanking me he thought for not killing them... -x- Usually, Aero would protest. She'd get away from these creatures and travel on her own. That was what she'd learned over the years; travel on your own, and you're safe. Travel with others, and you get betrayed and you get spotted by the Idou. But... "I think... I'll stay, I guess." The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them.
3:46pm Mar 8 2010
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"But...She wasn't attacking us. No one was attacking anyone, I don't...Understand," He said, taking another step closer. He was still way away from the man, but Shade didn't feel in any danger. "May I ask you a question?" ______ (I keep picturign the wolf with a Russian accent for osme reason. o_o;;) "Well, now that that's settled, why not Wolfie and I go and hunt for osmething? I'm an exelent hunter, and a lovely cook, and I wouldn't want to go alone"
Isn't this fun?
6:51pm Mar 8 2010 (last edited on 6:51pm Mar 8 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
((lol, a russian accent? -falls off desk chair- Now that you mention it, I kind of am getting that from him now too... O.O)) Squall wished that Shade wouldn’t pry. The memories were painful and terrible; he didn’t want to think about them. It was an invisible wound that was far worse than the one he had given Aero, and when Shade mentioned these things, it was like re-opening the wound, making it worse. He felt it was an injury that would never heal. He wished he could simply go back in time, back to the time where she was alive. “You wouldn’t understand,” Squall said in a menacing voice. Of course Shade wouldn’t understand; he wasn’t like the Idou. Squall didn’t say anything about whether or not he would answer any questions. -x- Aero nearly laughed at the thought; a vampire getting along with a werewolf and the two hunting together to find food for a human? It was ridiculous, laughable… And yet, it was happening in real life. If only we could cooperate like this more often… Then… Then what? Zatara interrupted her thoughts.“ Whatever. Fine,” he said, accepting Siren’s offer.
7:15pm Mar 8 2010
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((lol... I think Unite or Die has become a 1x1 with just you and me... But I guess I kind of saw that beginning to happen when I re-created this thread anyways :3))
7:23pm Mar 8 2010
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(Then again, maybe it's because Russian and Australian is my favorate accent. XD) Shade looked down fopr a minute, digging around for a good reaction, then looked back at him and smiled. "Please forgive me, I won't bother you with anymore questions," He gave a slight bow. "I do, however, happen to be looking for Alexis...He's always disappearing. I'm sure he'll show up," He said, looking around from where he was as if to see his slithering friend. "I know you probably don't care, but if you have any questions for me, I'll answer them," He said, sitting down at a nearby tree, waitign for his snake to show up ___________ "Awsome!" She said giddily, jumping up and down slightly. "C'mon, c'mon, I knwo where soem deer are!" She said rather childishly, grabbign the other's arm and pulling him towards the area he was talking about.
Isn't this fun?
10:32am Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 73
((I just lost the game... I know it's late, can I join? >:3))
10:37am Mar 9 2010
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((-adds in Squall sob story- Yeah I really like Australian accents. They be cool ^^)) Squall was surprised at Shade's politness. And he felt different, too. He gave off a different feeling than the other species. Maybe he really was different. Squall gave in, sighed, and sat down. "I'm sorry," he said hesitantly. First time I've apologized to somebody not my own species... He felt strange talking to Shade for some reason... "I don't want to pry in your history," he continued. "The reason I'm mad is... Well... A long time ago, I met this girl named Erin. She was an Idou. We became friends almost instantly. This was before the Idou were known by all the races. Soon we became more than just friends... Then our 'leader' told us how everyone was inferior and beastlike. And for a while I wasn't sure. Erin didn't believe him at all. And then one day these humans found me and Erin together one day. Me and Erin acted nice towards them. In fact, she saved one of them from nearly falling off a cliff... But then all of a sudden they pulled out these weapons they had been hiding and they killed Erin...They left me alive. And ever since then I've hated the humans." He finished. Why was he telling this to someone who was a stranger? Another species? He did not say how exactely Erin died; that would be giving away too much. "And that human girl in that group," Squall finally concluded, his voice growing angry and soft, "looks exactely like Erin and sounds like her..." -x- Zatara's eyes widened with surprise when Siren grabbed his arm and started dragging him to some unknown place, leaving Aero behind. Aero was looking obviously amused and had a smile on her face. Dang she's strong! he thought as she pulled him to probably one of her favorite hunting grounds. "Okay, okay!" he yelled, hurrying to run along side her so that his arm wouldn't be ripped off.