10:39am Mar 9 2010
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((FLAW! -glomps- You don't have to ask. Join. :3 You be bringing in your werewolf friends to keep Aero company? xD))
10:56am Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 11:19am Mar 9 2010)
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Posts: 73
Name: Kara Gender: Female Species: Familiar- [Edit] A Familiar is a creature that is created by someone who truly needs it- whether they are lonely, or need someone to help them fight. A familiar is tied to their owner with a very strong bond; they will carry out any orders without complaint. They bear markings on their arms and/or face and can have any animal characteristic. In Kara's case, she has wings. [/Edit] Personality: (optional) Kara is easily frustrated and angered, but is loyal and protective of her friends. Instead of solving things by talking, she tends to be a bit more on the violent side. She's fidgety and can't sit still for long periods of time. From time to time she can come up with good ideas... the only peace and quiet she enjoys is a walk in a forest when she's not missing any action. Appearance: Despite the fact that she's a familiar, she looks like a regular, short, ten year old girl- except for the wings on her back and strange markings that line her arms. She tends to always hold a scowl, even if she doesn't mean to. Kara tends to wear comfortable t-shirts that have red, grey, and white colors in them. ;) History: Before the idous came, Kara had a human master. Then the idous killed the human and Kara was left with no memories of the person, only faints traces of a memory and an empty feeling like she was forgetting something important. Ever since she's been searching for the thing to fill up that feeling. Unfortunately once a familiar has lost its master it has no purpose and cannot gain a new master. Her strong will and conviction to find this "something" that she's looking for has helped her carry on. Other: I might edit this post later when I think of something but for now I'll just post. ^^
11:00am Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 73
(OOC- Should I go ahead and start roleplaying or what?)
11:20am Mar 9 2010
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((Sure, go ahead, Flaw ^^))
11:33am Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 11:35am Mar 9 2010)
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Posts: 73
(OOC- oh no, I was typing and then I hit backspace and I lost everything. *sigh* I'll re-start) Kara walked on. That's all her life seemed like now, walking on. Walking toward the thing that would fill up the empty hole inside her. She didn't know why she felt it, or couldn't remember certain parts of her life. She just kept going. She did know she hated idous. They had done something terrible- unforgivable... the feeling struck her again. Why did she feel this way? How did she know that? As far as she could remember, she had only seen several idous from afar. Speaking of which, a flash of gold caught her eye. An idou! ...and something else. It was engaged in conversation. Silently she crept behind a bush and eavesdropped. "...me and Erin acted nice towards them. In fact, she saved one of them from nearly falling off a cliff...But then all of a sudden they pulled out these weapons they had been hiding and they killed Erin...They left me alive. And ever since then I've hated the humans." Kara attempted to learn closer in to hear the conversation. C'mon, she thought, A little closer... Suddenly, the predictable happened. She fell. A rush of terror seized her and she broke off in a run.
1:04pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 1:17pm Mar 9 2010)
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Shade looked at him, completely interested in the story. "..Like a horror story...Only it was true....I'm sorry. I lost someone too, but I can't say it was quite as tragic. Human's are complicated. And like any other species, they can turn on you. Everyone is diffirent, no matter what you are," He sighed, not sure wether or not he was being helpful. It was more stating fact. His creater didn't really teach him much. Shade read books from the library, he analyzed things, and pays attention. He always thoguth that 'normal' was a poor choice in words, because there was no such thign as 'normal,' or 'perfect,' we are all difirent, and he keep's an open mind. He just wished everyone did. He may be immortal, but he understands that not everyone else is, and life is way to shrot to just hate somone for their race, spiecies, color, orentation, or just because they perfer something someone else doesn't. It reminded him of a time when he was on a date with someone he had truly fallen in love with, but the two had kissed on the street, and the worng people saw, and when Shade had left to go back to his house he was surrounded by some people, and had beaten up. He could have fought back, but he didn't want to. After that he stopped trying to tear away from the girl look his creator imposed onto him, and tried to look as much liek a girl as possible so nothing would happen. Then his lover just.... "Maybe..If this girl looks like Erin, maybe...Is it at all possible she is a rencarnation?" He sudgested. -~-~-~ "Okay, this is probably one of my favorate huntign places," She explained once they were there. She had her orange/red hair in a ponytail, and smeleld the air. "A lot of deer were here a little less than an hour ago. My guess is theyre going in a pack! This is good, because we can hunt more than one, and I get to cook more!" She said excitedtly. "How about you, do you ever cook? Or just eat them raw? Because I usually drink their blood or else I get weak..Uh, hate the taste, thoguh, then I cook them....Uh..Sorry, noen of my buisiness," She chuckled, scratchign the back of her head. "I'm just excited, I'm always alone, and I never hunt with anyone I can turn my back on withuot thinking they're going to kill me, y'know?" She said, tryign not to sound gooshy. To be honest, she actually had no idea vampire's and werewolves were enemies. She got along great with Werewolves, and rerely was she attacked, and that was usually in either playing, or when a random fighter wanted to kill her. Or ocurse she's heard about the whole 'Wolves hate vampires,' but thought it was just a rumor.
Isn't this fun?
1:14pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 1:14pm Mar 9 2010)
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((Zomigosh Kia. You are a genius at plot twists, or simple little details like that. Did you know that? xD lol)) Shade’s words helped, a little, deep down. But Squall didn’t comment, until Shade brought up an interesting point. Was it possible that the girl Aero was a reincarnation of Erin? Impossible… Such things couldn’t be… “She can’t be reincarnated into a human,” Squall muttered. It can’t be… His thoughts were interrupted when a girl who looked to be about ten years of age with wings on her back trip, then get up and break into a sprint. Before she could run too far away, Squall grabbed at the girl’s arm.
1:22pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 1:23pm Mar 9 2010)
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Posts: 73
"Get off!" the Kara screamed, kicking and struggling to get out of the iron grip. His hand wouldn't budge. This was definately an idou... She turned her gaze deperately to the other person, locking eyes and trying to tell them she needed help. It was a feeble attempt. She batted her wings in the Idou's face, trying to block the creature's eyesight so he would loosen up. "Gerrof, getoff!"
1:28pm Mar 9 2010
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(I know. I'm gettign comliments liek that quite a bit when my brain works for me. XD) Shade stood up immediatly. He didn't think Squall would kill the girl, he didn't even seem alarmed when he grabbed her arm, but he knew excactly what he could do. And if he did just kill her upon seeign her, that would make him a cold-clooded murderer. No conflict in Shade's eyes, but if he tried to hurt her, he would not allow it. He wasn't sure if he coudl kill an Indou, hell he had only just heard of such a speicies not even two hours ago, and the tohught of killign him was far away from his midn as it was, because for some reason...Squall reminded him of his dead lover. But the aside, if he tried to hrut the girl for no reason he would retaliate. Then again, he had no idea if this girl was an enemy herself or not. He definatly had never seen one before. Nymph? Harpy? No, doubt it. That's only in Greek mythology. Then again, any religion is possible. I personaly don't believe in a god, because it doesn't make sence, but who am I to judge? Carter, himself beleived in greek.
Isn't this fun?
1:34pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 1:35pm Mar 9 2010)
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((You're really good at doing things like that. I wish my brain would work like that more often o.e)) Zatara chuckled at Siren’s enthusiasm. He hadn’t met a vampire like her before. For one thing, Siren was extremely, well, likable. “I generally just turn into a wolf, rip my prey to shreds, and then eat them,” he commented. “And I prefer meat over blood.” Then he quickly added, “…And… I’ve never actually cooked before.” He usually ate his food raw, in wolf form. -x- Squall grew irritated at the Familiar. She was being so annoying, trying to bat him in a vain attempt with her wings. “Stop it!” he yelled sharply, “you’re not going anywhere.”
1:48pm Mar 9 2010
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"Well, that's cool. I'll just make sure I cook yours raw. I've never exactly had meat raw. Doesn't taste right. Must get that from my father," She chuckled. It took longer than she expected to fidn anything. Their scent was all over the place, but anyhting other than a large pile of droppings was unnattanable, and Siren was loosing her enthusiasm. She wasn't in a bad mood, rerely did she show a mood where she had a bug up har arse, and liekd to joke, but she was gatting bored. "Damn...How is it we smell them, but we can't fidn them? The scent is startign to get faint!" She growled to herself, kicking a rock. She didn't take her anger out on other's, perfering other objects, but she can get sarcastic when in a bad mood. She was always sucessful when it came to hunting. But today, no luck. And it bothered her a lot. *Crack!* She turned around immdeiatly. She saw something crack but couldn't pin-point it. She took a step back ,then "WHOOOA!" She was flung up into the air upsidedown, seeing a large rope on her left foot. "G-Gah! V-vampire or n-n-not, I DON'T LIKe BEINg UPSIDE DOWN!" She called reachign up and trying to grab the rope, but failed. (Oh, spekaing of which, I just had an idea! Can Zatare get caught in a bare trap? I know how to bring in Carter X3) -~-~-~ "..Who are you?" Shade asked. (Phail XD I was os epic, then it died)
Isn't this fun?
2:22pm Mar 9 2010
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((Niiccee Kia xDD And sure ^^ )) Zatara was laughing his head off at the sight of Siren upside down, tyring in vain to grab the rope. "Hold on," he said, trying hard not to laugh but unfortunately not succeeding. He walked up to Siren to help her out when- SNAP. He tripped. Something was grabbing his ankle, and causing him excrutiating pain. He looked down. His ankle was caught in some sort of trap. Metal teeth were grasping his ankle, causing it to bleed. He tried to move and something in his ankle popped. His face contorted with pain.
2:31pm Mar 9 2010
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Siren jumped, making a short, quite "Eek!" When she heard the snap. She was high in the air, and Zatara looked smaller, believe it or not, and her ankle was actually startign to hurt. "Zatara, are you alright?!" She called down, lookign around for something that could be remoitely useful, then she actually did scream. It wasn't a low-budget-horror-film-*censored* scream, or even a very terrorfied scream, it was more of a surprised gasp with a little mroe sound. A large green anaconda appeared in front of Zatara. Siren then realized. "That's Shade's snake. I hope he had that thing nip-trained!" She called down, knowign hse was useless from where she was. The snake movied over to the rope that kept Siren suspended high in the air, and began knawign on the rope. "If I fall, I could break something..." She mubmeld, then was surprised. "Is that snake...Freeing us..?"
Isn't this fun?
2:39pm Mar 9 2010
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(Bare trap. XD Siren woudl like that.... I am so phail. >_>')
Isn't this fun?
5:15pm Mar 9 2010
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Zatara glanced nervously at the snake. "I... don't know," he said. ((PHAIL. Dx -shoots short post. I needs Flaw to post >:| ))
8:08am Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 73
(OOC- whoa sorry guys XD. I poofed. I'm sorry that this is a short post...DX ) Kara decided the idou was right... flapping her wings around was just proving useless. She calmed down, a pout pasted on her face and arms crossed angrily. "Thanks for the help," she muttered to the other person standing beside the idou. Despite the calm look on the person's face, he seemed puzzled too. Far away she heard a distant Crack! and the sounds of other people. What was going on?
9:01pm Mar 10 2010
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After the rope was chewed through Siren dropped hard and fast to the ground, landign on her head, breaking her neck, making a disgusting cracking noise, and her to choke a little, not moving. The snake then slithered over to the bear trap, slitherign around it, and just lookign at it.
Isn't this fun?
7:03am Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 73
(OOC- Kia! I need you to posteth. *pleading eyes* o.o)
7:15am Mar 11 2010
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Zatara stared as the snake gnaw the rope away, letting Siren fall to the ground... Only as soon as Siren hit the ground her neck twisted in an awkward angle. "Siren!" Zatara shouted. "Are you all right?" Then his gaze flicked towards the snake who was freeing them.... Or something. What is it doing? This isn't a normal snake... -x- Squall looked at the little creature in surprise. He was sure he had seen something like this somewhere... He couldn't necessarily remember all the creatures he had seen and fought with. He felt a bit surprised and angry as the creature scowled unpleasantly at him while she thanked Shade. Hah he thought she's not thanking me for not sparing her. Squall scowled back at the small creature.
8:50am Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 73
Kara turned toward the idou. "I know what you're thinking. I could thank you for 'saving' me, but technicaly you're the reason I'm stuck here." She turned her nose up and pouted some more. If she had that thing she was looking for, would everything be different? Probably. Morever, that feeling had been growing stronger ever since she entered this area- whoever, (or for that matter whatever) was closer. (OOC- MUAHAHAHA! I have an epic plot twist. Be prepared....)