Unite.. Or die [fantasy rp]

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12:34pm Mar 11 2010

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Posts: 1,551
((You..... Do?))


5:34pm Mar 11 2010

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Posts: 3,557

Shade shook his head slightly.  He heard the snap, but ignored it.

"I'm Shade,"  He said, puttign out hsi hand politely to shake.  He wasn't smiling, but he didn't look hostile.  He usualy had that black ex
pression so no one could really tell what he was thinking. Not quite a poker face, though


It took Siren abotu six or so minutes to regenerate complately, and hod her neck, lookin gback up.  She saw the snake that was chewing on the metal.

"I'll give you an 'A' for effort, snakey, but you can't chew throguh that,"  Siren smirked, standing up.

"You okay, Z?"  She asked.

"Says you..."  Mumbled the snake, making Siren jump.  "You talked?!"  "Duh...."  The snake mumbled.  "I've chewed through things liek this before...This is a newer model.  Get him out of it,"  The snake said, trailing off so he wasn't tangled in the trap.  "Hurry up.  Hunter's caught you, you know,"  It said, red eyes, glancing at the male.

(I am so sorry, guys. ^^;)

Isn't this fun?

5:34pm Mar 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

Shade shook his head slightly.  He heard the snap, but ignored it.

"I'm Shade,"  He said, puttign out hsi hand politely to shake.  He wasn't smiling, but he didn't look hostile.  He usualy had that black ex
pression so no one could really tell what he was thinking. Not quite a poker face, though


It took Siren abotu six or so minutes to regenerate complately, and hod her neck, lookin gback up.  She saw the snake that was chewing on the metal.

"I'll give you an 'A' for effort, snakey, but you can't chew throguh that,"  Siren smirked, standing up.

"You okay, Z?"  She asked.

"Says you..."  Mumbled the snake, making Siren jump.  "You talked?!"  "Duh...."  The snake mumbled.  "I've chewed through things liek this before...This is a newer model.  Get him out of it,"  The snake said, trailing off so he wasn't tangled in the trap.  "Hurry up.  Hunter's caught you, you know,"  It said, red eyes, glancing at the male.

(I am so sorry, guys. ^^;)

Isn't this fun?

1:22pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 1:35pm Mar 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 73

((I'm gonna wait for Perfect to post before I post ^^))

woops... I signed in on Perfect's account :/ RAWR.

OCC- Why thank you Nightmare for that wonderful introduction. ^^

Kara stared into Shade's eyes. They were kind, but not all the way welcoming either. Behind those eyes, She thought, lies some deep past... More voices carried on behind them from the forest.

"I'm not one for introductions," Kara grumbled. "I'm Kara- a familiar." The words just seemed to slip out of her mouth. She knew deep down what she was- but for some reason the word "Familiar" was felt foreign as she said it. (OOC- no pun intended. XD) Insinctively she ran her fingers on her arm, touching the weird markings. A strange numbing feeling went throughout her spine. "And if you don't mind, I'm looking for someone, so let me go!" It probably wasn't the smartest thing to say- in fact, it would probably spawn new questions. But she was desperate. The feeling was growing. Whomever she was looking for was close by.

Despite the fact that she hated standing still, Kara tried to focus on that pull in her gut towards the person. Instead of feeling familiar toward the unknown person she knew was she was so near to, she felt like a stranger.


4:20pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 4:21pm Mar 12 2010)

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Posts: 3,557

He smiled at her, tilting his head, pulling some blonde hair behind his ear.

"I'm not keeping you," He said.

(Oh, now that's a waste of a good hotdog! >:U *Swat!)

Isn't this fun?

6:42pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Mar 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,551

Aero waited for the two to come back with food. It was taking unusually long. Well, they did get along really well… she thought, half amused. She was leaning against some rubble. It might’ve been a family’s home, with a mother and father and child… ((random filler post for Aero~))


“You okay, Z?” Zatara smiled despite the situation. Z?  He liked the sound of that, funnily enough. Siren kept talking to the snake, which made Zatara’s smile grow wider. It’s not going to answer.

And then the snake began talking leisurely, as if it did it all the time. Just your typical day of getting caught in a bear trap and your typical talking snake chewing you out of the mess.

“Yeah,” Zatara growled a bit. “I didn’t see it, is all…”


“I’m not keeping you,” Shade said, running fingers through his blonde hair. Squall felt shivers crawl down his spine again as Shade did so; what was wrong with him? The creature had said she was a Familiar. Ah… This race Squall had barely seen much of.

“Wait,” he said, stopping the “Familiar”. “Who are you looking for?”


6:48pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 6:55pm Mar 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 73

Kara thought for a moment at the question. "My master..." she started softly, her rough tone suddenly dropped. "I sense her- she must be where those voices have been coming from." Kara pointed through the leaves where she had heard the cracking sounds and voices. She whipped out of the the idou's grasp and brushed past the leaves. There was one person in the clearing. Kara turned back to the others, making sure they had followed. Solemnley, she pointed.

"That's my master." Kara said as pointed straight at Aero.

(OOC- DUNDUNDUNDUN! Thank you Kia for giving me the reason for this... and the possibility...it will all unravel...)


8:57pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 3,557

"Obviously,"  The snake said, then yawned.  Siren wlaked over to her trapped friend, and pulled it open rather easily.

"This, I get on my mtoher's side,"  She said with a laugh.  The snake got closet, and rested it's head on Siren shoulder, makign her squeak a little, obviously not used to the feel.

"Hey, arent' you the girl that was har*censored*ing Shade?"  He asked, lazily, liek he didn't care, and a boared tone,

"H-har*censored*ing is such a strogn word!"  Siren said.  "Then he's lcose.  Thank you,"  the snake said, takign it's head off her shoulder.


(Uhh, your relcome? xD)

Shade crossed his arms, lookign at the other.  "...Well...Maybe this should be checked out.  I doubt Squall should go..But the possibility of her being a rencarnation of that other girl is a possibility as well.  And as for a master.  Thsi is all so exiting.  Too bad my lover isn't here to see it,"  He said, dropping his arms, looking sad again.  It was soemthign a Homunculi could do.  Make things aroudn it depressed, but Shade didn't seem to be giving off that kind of feeling..Yet, anyway,

Isn't this fun?

8:05am Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 3:03pm Mar 13 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 73
(OOC- Nightmare I needeth you to post. *pokes*)


3:04pm Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 73

OOC- wow, it was on the second page. *BUMP*


4:12pm Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
((Sorry.. I'll post soon D:))


8:09pm Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
Well, get to it! >:U

Isn't this fun?

2:34am Mar 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557
(New day, and I'm in a good mood.  This bump is free.  The next will cost you... >3)

Isn't this fun?

7:32am Mar 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551

((I'm posting I'm posting!!! xD))

Squall stared in disbelief at Aero. "That's your master?" he said. And... If that human girl somehow is the reincarnation of- he shook his head. He musn't think that way. "I thought that humans couldn't have familiars," he murmured.

Aero was staring at the group in surprise. And she eyed the Idou with hatred... And fear. For some reason, she couldn't help shaking a little bit. The Idou'seyes now looked less hostile now. The other strange thing about Squall was the way somewhere inside she felt like she'd really known him before.... Wait, before? ((-puts in reincarnation-erin-thing-))

Then there was the strange new creature traveling with them. It looked vaguely familiar to Aero, though she couldn't say exactely why.  


Zatara nodded gratefully at the snake and Siren. His ankle was a bloody mess but it would regenerate soon. After the snake and Siren finally were silent after talking with each other, Zatara spoke up.

"Thanks," he said to both of them. He turned his gaze to Siren. "We should go. Aero's probably waiting... And we should get some food, too." His gaze shifted towards the snake and his eyes narrowed. "You're not an ordinary snake. I don't know what you're up to... But I don't think any of us were planning to go after Shade or anything, if that's what you're worried about."


9:25am Mar 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557

"Human's can have families just liek any other species,"  Shade said, then looked at Aero, and gave her a friendly wave.  He sure wasn't a hostile person at the moment...  As a matter of fact he had nothign to do with before..

"Hello,"  He called over friendly.


The snake smirked.

"I know.  I simply wanted to know if she was the one, so he can't be too far behind.  There's a waterign hole about twenty minutes south, with lot's of deer..."  His gaze shifted to Siren.  "Get your nose checked, dear,"  Siren jumped a litt,e placign her hand on his nose as the snake slithered off.

"Until I find Shade, I find Shade I won't be too far behind.  Now get out of here before hunter's find you,"  He warned.

"Gee, what a friendly snake...."

Isn't this fun?

9:54am Mar 15 2010

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Posts: 1,551

Zatara held in a laugh as Siren actually placed her hand on her nose. "Let's do as the snake says," he said, breaking off to laugh a bit in the middle because he failed at holding it in.

"Gee, what a friendly snake..."

It's probably not even a snake... Zatara thought to himself, pondering the possibilities.


"Familiar?" Aero echoed, hearing Shade's comment. She looked to Kara with a puzzled ex
pression on her face.


10:16am Mar 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."  Siren grumbled, sniffing around.

"I think my nose is stuffed....Or something,"  She said, then headed in the direction that Alexis pointed out.

"Hey, Z, do you think Shade used Alchemy on the snake to make it talk?  Or it's not really a snake or something,"  Siren thought to herself as the both of them were pickign up pace.  They needed to hurry there fast.  In the distance she noticed a dirt road.

Isn't this fun?

9:55am Mar 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
((Flaw needs to post x.x RAWR. ))


3:16pm Mar 16 2010

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Posts: 3,557
(Lol, first you, now her...I will be next! :D)

Isn't this fun?

5:40pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 5:41pm Mar 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 73

((Oh dread. I've been bad. Sorry peeps. ;-;))

Kara wasn't sure why her Master was confused. Old memories were coming back, long lost ones from when she had originally lost her Master. But she was also happy- the empty feeling was slowly trickling out and now she had found what she was looking for. Without further hesitation, she ran over to Aero and hugged her, tears coming down in sobs. Realizing what she had done, she backed up.

"S-S-sorry..." she tried to say through sobs. Unexpectedly, Kara began to feel dizzy. The whole ordeal was hard to manage. Her vision went funny, and then it went black.  


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