5:51pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 5:51pm Mar 16 2010)
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Zatara paused for a second. “I don’t think Shade is the type to do that,” he said. “But…maybe.” Then he saw where Siren was looking. A dirt road. “Well… I wonder where that leads to?” he asked nobody in particular. It was odd to see roads of any type these days. -x- Squall couldn’t look Aero in the eye after what he’d done, although he still loathed her. It would take a lot to prove to him that she was the reincarnation of Erin. Aero at the moment was confused. She looked at Kara. Something about her seemed so… So familiar. Kind of like the feeling she got when near Squall. Like she’d met her before sometime… She also felt the answer was so close, and she would nearly remember, but then the memories would slip away. Just like waking up after a good dream, and then you can’t remember it she thought. Kara looked at Aero and smiled at her, a childlish, sweet smile. Then, to the shock of Aero, Kara ran up and hugged her. And she was sobbing. It was as if Kara knew Aero very well, like she was a long lost friend, or something. But… That’s not possible Aero thought. But she felt for Kara, though she was left completely in the dark. Kara then stepped back quickly and sniffled. “S-s-sorry,” she began to say. Aero noticed that Kara’s face changed a bit, and then her eyes closed and she collapsed. “Whoa!” Aero yelped as Kara fell on top of her. She looked to Shade and Squall. “What’s going on?” she demanded.
6:01pm Mar 16 2010
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"Doesn't matter. I sence deer!" She said giddily, seeign the stream in the distance and several deer. "A whole herd!" She whispered exitedly. _______ "What do we do, Squall?" Shade asked, crossing his arms, then realized how that sentance made no sence. "S...Sorry, I'm not even....It's stupid. I'm just waiting for my snake," He said, then turned to leave, feeling the odd desire to stay near Squall.
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6:07pm Mar 16 2010
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Zatara began to smell them too... A lot of deer. "Are you sure your nose is stuffed up?" Zatara muttered to Siren, keeping his hungry eyes on the deer ahead of him. He spotted one; a buck. It was huge, so it had a lot of meat. And Zatara knew he could take it down. He just had to be careful so as not to get stuck by its antlers. -x- "What do we do, Squall?" The question caught Squall completely off guard. He jumped. He jerked his head around to look at Shade. "S...Sorry, I'm not eve... It's stupid," Shade began to say. "I'm just waiting for my snake." Squall stared at Shade, feeling awkward...And... "W-well...Why ask me?" Squall stuttered. "Never mind," he added quickly. He looked at Kara. "She should come to soon anyway.... She's just undergone a lot," Squall said, answering Shade's odd question anyway, without even realizing it.
7:28pm Mar 16 2010
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"Actually, I broke my nose in a fight. It never regenerated in the right place, so it looks fine, but really I have to made my voice slightly deeper so it doesn't sound nasaly...Actually, I have a favor to ask you before we head back..." She said, keeping her eyes on them all, careful not to alert them. _______ "Uhmm..Oh..." He said, crossing his arms, feeling awkward. "..So, uh....Should we just keep ourselves at a safe distance, but just watch? I do not intent on going back. Once I find my snake, I getting out of here, but you, on the other hand, should do best not to alert that girl...I still have my suspisions that she is a reincarnation.." Shade said lookign down. For no reason it seemed suddenly sadness swept over him.
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7:28pm Mar 16 2010
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"Actually, I broke my nose in a fight. It never regenerated in the right place, so it looks fine, but really I have to made my voice slightly deeper so it doesn't sound nasaly...Actually, I have a favor to ask you before we head back..." She said, keeping her eyes on them all, careful not to alert them. _______ "Uhmm..Oh..." He said, crossing his arms, feeling awkward. "..So, uh....Should we just keep ourselves at a safe distance, but just watch? I do not intent on going back. Once I find my snake, I getting out of here, but you, on the other hand, should do best not to alert that girl...I still have my suspisions that she is a reincarnation.." Shade said lookign down. For no reason it seemed suddenly sadness swept over him.
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9:05am Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 73
Kara opened her eyes in a daze as she remembered what had happened. A sharp pain rang through her head and groggily she groaned at the fact that she had fallen back on a rock. "Owww.." Kara gently pulled herself up and looked at Aero. "Thanks for catching me there." She turned around to see the idou and Shade looking...akward? Blushing she turned around so she didn't look like she was staring or eavesdropping. The girl, her Master, still looked confused, but the ex pression had now turned to vague familiarity and remembrance.
10:57am Mar 17 2010 (last edited on 10:57am Mar 17 2010)
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Zatara looked surprised at Siren. Huh. Weird. “Well… What is it?” he asked, taking his eyes off the deer for a split second, curious now. -x- Squall, like Shade, also was feeling some regret leaving this group. Why? It was his job to enslave them… Was he actually beginning to join their side? No… He was here to watch them, and make sure that they were not going to become a group that would lead a rebellion… That’s all. He looked to Shade. “Don’t leave, yet. Your snake will come back if it thinks you’re a good master,” Shade said in a forceful voice. He didn’t want Shade to leave. Why? Because… he thought it would be good to get to know more about his race… Meanwhile, Kara woke up. “You’re welcome,” Aero muttered. Her question still hung in the air unanswered. “What’s your name?” she asked Kara. But for some strange reason, Aero felt like she already knew… It started with a K, she was sure. How she knew she had no clue. Klara? No… “It’s… Kara, right?” she muttered under her breath. Her thoughts were confusing her.
4:19pm Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 73
Kara brightened up as Aero "remembered" her name. "Yeah, it is," she concluded happily even though she still was wearing a scowl. "Doesn't your name start with an E? Is it Erin?" she continued. "I'm your familiar... I've been looking for you..."
9:19am Mar 18 2010
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"Can you smack me as hard as you can in the nose to fix it when we're done?" She asked as if she was asking him something she asked him anyday of the week. ______- Shade looked a little confused, but turned around. "....Okay..." He crossed his arms again and let otu a deep sigh. "So, while we're waiting...I guess we're back to...Do you have any questions...?"
Isn't this fun?
10:12am Mar 19 2010
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Isn't this fun?
11:09am Mar 19 2010
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((I'm posting! -hides behind Flaw- )) Squall was overloaded with confusion. He had seen Kara before... She had been Erin's familiar, hadn't she? And now Kara was thinking that Aero was her master. There's a mistake. Kara is just confused Squall decided. After everything that had happened to him, he simply wouldn't believe what was staring him in the face. He turned to face Shade. "Let's just wait for the others," he muttered. Right now, to him, the world was suddenly tipping. Aero was equally confused. "I don't have a familiar, I think. And my name's Aero," she said. -x- "Umm... Right. Okay," Zatara agreed. He had expected something really important. This was... Zatara shook his head and smiled. "I'm going for it," he whispered. His eyes locked with the buck. His eyes turned red and he morphed into an oversized wolf with a spectacular pelt; it was reddish, with white strands of fur in many places. The deer didn't know what hit him; it was dead almost instantly. Zatara felt quite pleased with his catch.
4:28pm Mar 19 2010
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Siren was there one minute, and as soon as the deer started to freak out that one had been killed by the wolf, in the bl ink of an eye another deer's head plopped to the ground, the body falling with it. The herd was going bfast, and she only had the time to repeat the process three more times, not knowing how many the other had been able to kill. In the distance she had heard a car without a muffler, making her want to investigate. She saw the dirt road within the lack of tree's, and on it was a large black truck with a giant wooden cage in it. Something was in it, but she couldn't tell what was squirming. "..Humans?...Hunters...?" Siren muttered to herself. __________ "..Okay..." Shade said, his mood turned either sad or depressed as he sat near another tree. "...He never leavs this long, it's so unlike him..."
Isn't this fun?
6:47am Mar 23 2010
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((Sorry... Will post ^^))
9:14am Mar 25 2010
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((I needs Perfect to post ,too. )) Zatara, still in wolf form, stared at the truck on the dirt road. "And what's it doing, I wonder?" he muttered. He looked to Siren. "Want to go after it?" He didn't mention anything about whapping her nose, yet... ((Urg short post. D;))
11:10am Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 73
"Your name's Aero? Ummm... ok-ay..." Kara finally decided not to carry on the conversation. But she knew that her a long time ago, the Master's name had been Erin. She didn't understand it, but she couldn't do anything either. Suddenly, her stomach made a low rumble. "I'm super hungry," she pointed out. "I'm just gonna go and see if there's anything out there to eat." Kara ran off in a random direction, hoping there was something she could roaster. ((hehe, like meh siggie? lol...))
4:00pm Mar 25 2010
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She didn't acknowlegde him, but was looking more and more intent on what was in the cage, then gasped.
"That snake!" She realised before the truck turned corner and disapeared from sight. "We have to go after him!"
Kinda stuck here....
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2:30pm Mar 28 2010
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OOC: sorry... I was restricted from the computer for a couple of days and only had little periods of time to sneak on x3 Zatara's eyes narrowed. "The snake? What do you-" He stopped mid sentence as he caught sight of the cage. Inside was definately the snake that had gotten them out of the traps. "Who are those guys, anyway?" he muttered under this breath. Humans? Idou? Zatara would definately go after the truck, but his thoughts strayed to Aero, who was left in the burned village. He guessed she would have to wait. "Let's go, then." He sprinted after the truck, waiting for Siren to follow. -x- At Kara's mentioning of food, Aero's stomach grumbled. "Zatara and Siren said they'd find us food," she remembered. All thoughts of any Kara-familiar-thing were completely gone. "I wonder if they're in trouble?" she murmured. She sighed. Why was she getting so worked up about two people whose races she generally didn't like? I'm getting too soft and too close... That'll get me killed... The thought floated across her brain. She shook it aside, but all the same decided to be cautioius. (spelling phail x3)Anyway.. She'd been hungrier than this before. She'd manage. -x- Squall was wondering what happened to Zatara and Siren too. He looked to Shade who was worrying about his snake. Or not the snake. What had he called himself? Some name that started with a C. "I wonder if that's where your snake went," Squall said to Shade after a few moments of thinking. It could be... The snake seemed to be hanging around the group and nobody else had seen the snake. Zatara and Siren were to only two who were away. Hmmm...
8:50pm Mar 30 2010
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OOC: Bump~
9:01pm Mar 30 2010
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"But we have to bring the deer back! Z, keep tabs on the snake, and I'll bring the food, I'll be right back, I won't leave you to twist in the wind!" She *censored*ured, grabbing four deer and hoisting them on her back. "An advantage to beign part Vampire..." She snickered. ________ Shade looked up. "I don't know...Sometimes he goes to Carter's gravesite, but he knows it's way to far..He's pretty smart for a snake," He said, then looked at Trwvor. "Something wrong...?"
Isn't this fun?
9:01pm Mar 30 2010
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"But we have to bring the deer back! Z, keep tabs on the snake, and I'll bring the food, I'll be right back, I won't leave you to twist in the wind!" She *censored*ured, grabbing four deer and hoisting them on her back. "An advantage to beign part Vampire..." She snickered. ________ Shade looked up. "I don't know...Sometimes he goes to Carter's gravesite, but he knows it's way to far..He's pretty smart for a snake," He said, then looked at Trwvor. "Something wrong...?"
Isn't this fun?