OOC: Question. Is Siren back with Zatara?
BiC: Squall stared at Shade and felt kind of awkward. He turned away so he couldn't see him crying. He doesn't know..?? It didn't make sense. Shade appeared to think that Carter was dead. Either that or he was lying. Squall highly doubted that possibility. The snake... What if it wasn't who he said he was? Or maybe he was Carter. But if he was, why was he not telling Shade, his lover, that he was alive?
Squall didn't tell Shade what he knew yet. If he told him now... No, he couldn't... He felt bad somehow. If there had been an attack on the village, it must have been Idou who had done it. Maybe it hadn't been, but that probably was the thing that had happened. If so, Squall felt apologetic.
Why do I feel regret now, after we've come so far? Squall thought. His feelings were mixed up, his thoughts as clear as mud. The sun was beginning to set. He might as well stay and sleep...