1:22pm Jul 2 2011
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Posts: 496
(This somewhat relates to this RP, but it's also a love song, so, I thought it'd be good. The video is stupid, but the song is amazing. Just watch, wait not, just listen. You'll understand. [link] )
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:39pm Jul 2 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(Mmm, it does go with the RP. I love this song, too :) And Nom, don't you think you should start RPing with us now?)
12:13pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 496
(Yes, except I'm grounded. No computer for who know's how long. I'll try to get on as often as possible, but the outlook isn't great. I'm not dropping out though. This RP is to good to do that.)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:12pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Okay. We won't go too far without you. :) ))
5:52pm Jul 5 2011 (last edited on 7:26pm Jul 5 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
(sorry I took so long, I was in the woods all weekend ._. so no internet connection XD) Keitha walked away from Meard and Rivka. Have they forgotten Kaos already? Dumb Rivka... She growled as she sighed and returned to Kaos. Bloody, motionless Kaos. It broke Keitha's heart that Rivka had basically murdered her best friend. I'll tell Kaos' sister. Ylera- alpha of the enemy pack. Surely...surely she will make sure something is done. Keitha cried and shook Kaos with her paw, but there was no response. But she was trying to deny the fact that he was gone, and kept shaking him and begging him to live. "Kaos!" She was crying, and tears were falling all over the black wolf. "Don't go! Why'd you leave me?!?!" Slowly, and weakly, Kaos' right eye flickered open and looked up at Keitha. He had been unconcious, but the shaking and tears falling on him had began to wake him, and when Keitha had screamed 'don't go' his eye had opened. He gave his friend a weak smile, simply happy to still be alive. "I never left."

8:35pm Jul 5 2011
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Posts: 1,148
{{{Sorry I have been gone. While we were away for the holiday weekend, little David thought it would be fun to pour his orange juice all over Mommy's laptop, so that she couldn't get online until she got home. Now I am home though.}}}
10:55am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( And sorry I was gone, too. Grounded. :( But I snuck on ;) I won't be here until Sunday, so wait for me? And please bump it too, okay? Thanks guys ;) So me and Nom are grounded... :'( )) (( And no more posts from Rivka unles Nom comes back or someone interacts with her. Or something. )) Haji's eyes shot open when he heard Koas's voice. How can it be? He asked himself. He wanted Rivka to know, but she was the one who practically murdered him. So let her cry. "Kaos? Your alright..." He mumbled. He walked un next to Keitha and whispered, "You should never, ever see that Rivka ever again. After what she has done to us." (( Oh yea, and I'm making a story based on this. I'm on chapter 2! Wouldn't it be awesome if it ever got published? XD ))
11:17am Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Kaos struggled to sit up for a few seconds, then finally managed to. "Well," He looked at the blood -his own blood- still dripping onto the ground. "I wouldn't say okay, but I think I'll live. And Don't worry about her, Haji, I'm going to avoid her the best I can.nobody tell her I've lived. It's best she thinks I'm gone forever. Maybe then she'll regret what she's done.And well...while I was...y'know, unconcious, I had a dream. All three of us were in it, but...if it were to be real, I'd ...have to ask both of you to do so much. A confused look came across Keitha's face as Kaos spoke. "Like what?" She shifted her paws and looked to Haji, wondering if he wondered what Kaos would say next. She Then looked back to Kaos. "Well...I don't think either one of you would be willing to do this, but I'll tell you anyway..." He paused and then continued. "In my dream, there were the three of us. But....but it wasn't Star pack, It was some other pack. WE were this pack. And a few other wolves, also, but I only recignized my sister, Ylera. And...nobody else. We were our own pack. I was the alpha, in the dream, and Haji," he nodded to Haji," You were the beta, I think." He looked at them both, waiting for both wolves to say 'no.' Keitha turned to Haji, and would refuse to go through with Kaos' plan unless Haji came with her, waiting to make her descision after Haji answered.

1:30pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( And I'll be sneaking on off and on ;) )) Haji thought for a moment, and thought that this would be a great oppertunity for him. To show that he was also important. "Hmm... Thats... A pretty good idea. Will we really go through ith it?" He answered. (( Fail. ))
2:04pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Yes." Kaos replied. "But we'll have to leave Star Pack." He thought for a moment. "Keitha, are you coming with me?" When the silver and white wolf nodded, Kaos smiled. Then he continued thinking of the new pack. "We'll need a name for the pack." Kaos thought for a while. Sun Pack. There was already a moon and star pack, and Kaos had wondered why there was no Sun Pack. "Sun Pack?" He suggested and looked at Haji and Keitha. Keitha smiled and nodded. Keitha looked at no one in particular, and spoke. "We'll need to leave, now. Otherwise they'll find out Kaos is alive and surely no good could come from that. Kaos, can you walk?" "Yeah. I think so."
2:18pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Haji nodded. "There is no need to tell anyone else. We'll have to leave, now."He was silent for a moment, and said, "Where are we gonna go?" There was the hunting grounds, but no. Definatley not. But they could go to a place past Moon Pack territory, where there was a forest fire years ago. It is still recovering, but they can go there. "How about the Ash woods?"
2:37pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Perfect." Kaos said. "That place is almost back to normal, isn't it? We'll just have to dig a few dens into the sides of some hills, or find an old abandoned den." He smiled. "Come on." He said, and stood up and began limping in the direction of the Ash woods. Keitha followed him and helped keep him from falling over as he slowly walked towards the place that would become their home.
6:28pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 3,371
11:30am Jul 7 2011
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12:05pm Jul 7 2011
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Haji nodded and followed. He wondered how he would be treated as Beta. The thought made him so exited. (( Should we wait for Nom now? Or go a little further? ))
12:16pm Jul 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Like one more post for each of us then we'll wait? Also, should we do a time-skip to when they get there?) It was hard for Kaos to walk, even with Keitha helping him. He was glad that he would finally be able to get away from star pack- away from Meard and Rivka. Finally, he'd be an alpha, and both his best friends were coming with him. As soon as he healed, they would be able to also maybe travel to Moon Pack and try and find more wolves to join them.
12:33pm Jul 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Yea, okay, we'll do a time skip, like they get there. )) Haji could see that Kaos was having trouble walking, so he trotted up to the other side of Kaos to help Keitha get him to walk easier.He looked up at the sky, and now it was dark, the dark-time. The moon was formed into a cresant. Very few stars shown in the sky. As Moon pack and Star Pack fade away, Sun Pack will rise.
12:34pm Jul 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Just remember to bump every once and a while if it this ever gets to the second page. ))
12:34pm Jul 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Demon we should make a 1x1 O.O)
12:36pm Jul 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Okay! :D So should it be on wolves? Or something differant? I'm better with animals than humans, just so ya know. Rmail me? ))