9:02pm Jun 13 2011
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{{{I made an extra female for you Sui. ok?}}}
9:12pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 175
Natural Female Ivik
9:13pm Jun 13 2011
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{{{Your welcome. I like playing females more than males anyway.}}}
7:06am Jun 14 2011 (last edited on 8:10am Jun 15 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I didn't get much of a chance to look at the ranks, so please excuse me if I pick out anything that's already taken ono ' Turtleneck ' ]] Name: Ketu Age: Adult Gender: Male Rank: Alpha Male Pack: Star Appearance: Credits to SterlingRuinsFall337 @ Deviantart
Personality: Ketu is a loyal and trustworthy wolf, extremely noble and dedicated to his Pack. Perhaps too dedicated? Ketu has a snooty personality, and even though he adores his pack, he can't exactly show it well. He's confident and thinks whatever he does will better the pack, so he doesn't like it when a wolf objects. Ketu is stiff and somewhat cold, and sticks rigidly to the rules. He has little respect for other Packs, and will always work to prove that his is the best. Crush: None Other: Chain + Pendant not included HE WILL NOT HAVE A MATE. I DISLIKE INSTA-MATES --- Name: Ailyn [ae-lin] Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Hunter Appearance: Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart
Personality: Ailyn's kind of a lazy girl. She likes to laze around, and never likes to show wolves her 'smart side'. She can hardly be considered an adult, as she is one of the youngest adults so far. Ailyn does love to have her voice heard, however, and likes to talk from her favorite sunning spot. She's fascinated by nature and legends, and has quite the creative mind. Crush: None Other:None --- Name: Skoll
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male Rank: Beta (?) c: Pack: Moon Appearance: Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart
Personality: Skoll has always aspired to become the Alpha of the pack. He strives to prove his dominance, and is actually quite strong. He's deathly calm and always observes, being a rather level-headed and cool wolf. Skoll does get snappy on occassions, such as times where his importance isn't noticed, or he's just flat-out ignored. Skoll also cannot always maintain the same level of concentration often having moodswings and 'happy days'.
Crush: None
Other: ... --- Name: Leto
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Hunter Pack: Moon Appearance: Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart
Personality: Leto has a tongue as sharp as her claws. She's got a quick wit and somewhat of a quirky attitude, but she's always aiming to become the best. She's competitive and easily distracted, but is always true to her pack. Leto's also incredibly dense, and likes to follow her own version of justice. She's fiery and protective of her loved ones and own choices, and won't be afraid to snap at the Alpha if he made a decision she didn't like.
Crush: Haji, later :p -forbidden- Other: None

2:20pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 1,016
I'm assumin that Ailyn is in Star Pack, Tld? You didnt put that down for her XD But otherwise your accepted. Everybody is accepted. We just need a beta for Star Pack and we'll start.
2:42pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 496
((I'll do a Beta, but does that mean that I have to create another character for an even gender ratio?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:36pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 1,148
7:43pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Orite, yeah, she's in Star pack xD You know how I am with equality, Wolf o3o ]]
2:46pm Jun 15 2011
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9:34pm Jun 15 2011
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9:46pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Oh yus. Sorry peeples. I was swimming alot today. :D Well, Nom, I guess the gender ratio can be a little off. It dosnt matter what gender you do. Thanks! ))
4:06am Jun 16 2011
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Posts: 496
Name: Maerd
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years
Looks: Personality: Maerd is a cold hearrted wolf if the truth be told. He hates excitement, and seeks solitary existence in the Pack. It doesn't help the fact that he is also the Pack's Beta. Chosen, for who know's why, Maerd must follow his Alpha's rules. It's not that he hates the gig, it's just. He wishes he could be a loner more than a Pack Member. Maerd didn't exactly have a rough start to life, but he's always had some pent up anger inside of him, somewhere. When he was a pup, it was easy enough to keep the burning rage inside of him tucked away. Now, it has gotten harder. He finds his anger harder and harder to control. Sometimes he will just lash out and hurt someone that he didn't mean to. History: His life hasn't been a total sob story. His family was utterly normal. One father, one mother, and a couple of pups. It just so happens that Maerd is the only on of his litter to survive. Life was, as I said, utterly normal. This was something that Maerd always found boing, but he was never able to do much about it.
Pack: Star Pack
Rank: Beta
Crush: N/A
Other: N/A
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:16am Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Alright. Who wants to start?
9:47am Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 597
(( You do :D ))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
10:09am Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Oh. Man. XD I guess, but I'm not good at this. )) Rivka walked through her territory, humming sounds of nature. She heard birds, and she hummed that. Her tail was straight and she was as confident of her appearence as can be. Her grass green eyes looked straight toward the elk hunting grouund, then her tomach growled. She decided to go on a hunt, or maybe just scavange for a carca.ss. She leaped happily out of her territory toward the hunting grounds. ~ Haji sat in the shade. Summer was near, and he was already starting to get hot. Thankfully, there was a river that ran through the terriroties. He trotted through the territory and into the heart of Star Territory. He leaped into the river and grasped onto a stone so he didnt flow away. He rested his head on the stone, feeling relaxed.
10:47am Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 496
Maerd walked and sighed as he made his way through the Star Pack Territories. He was alone, the way he liked it. He sighed heavily though. Something didn't feel right, not quite. The cool breeze that rustled through the trees making a sound something like the crashing of the waves on the pebbly beach. Along with the noise and refreshing wind that cooled his fairly thick fur, he could smell a wolf. It was Haji, another Star Pack member, probably on his way for a refreshing drink. The day was awfully hot, and the sun beat down on Maerd and the rest of his Pack members, although he would not succumb to heat. He walked a few more steps and then lied down under the shade of a large tree. ~~~ Gylzshuffled slowly around his medical den, checking the plants and supplies. During the summer was when most of his store went bad due to heat and lack of water. He had to keep a constant tab on the condition of each treatment and salve before applying it. He hummed slowly as he shuffled awkwardly around the rather small used-to-be-birthing-den that his Alpha Ketu had given to him. ~~~ Aleara sniffed the ground tentatively. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, long and pink as she lifted her long neck up again. "No prey here." she scowled with distempt. The white-tailed deer and caribou ought to be moving through the Moon Pack's Territory by this time in the year, but they were awfully late. It made the whole pack even more angry and ill-tempered than usual, and Aleara was usually the one to pay the price. For weeks now she had been recieving complaints like; "Where are all the deer Aleara?" "Why haven't you caught anything today Aleara?" and even one that said, "Aleara, the worst hunter this pack has ever seen!". Aleara moved on, looking for morefruitful times.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:42pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Rivka reached the hunting grounds, smells of elk and deer filling her nose. Her stomach rubbed against the grass as she stalked around the hunting grounds. She raiseed her head to see a herd of elk grazing. Knowing she will not be able to get down a fully grown elk by herself, she went for a calf wadering from the herd. Easy. She thought. But then she forgot that she must share with the pack, and the elk calf wont fill up the stomachs of all the others. She looked up and saw an ill cow. She shrugged and stalked toward it. ~ Haji suddenly jumped up and looked around. Something bit him. He looked toward the water. Just a fish. He though, disappointed in himself. He stumbled out of the water and hook his pelt dry. He looked around and saw a fellow star pack member, Maerd. "Hello, Maerd. Whats up?" He yipped happily, trotting over to him.
6:44am Jun 18 2011
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Posts: 496
((I would post but I guess I'm waiting for everyone else. Come one uys! ;) )
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:43pm Jun 18 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Okays... New rule : If you are not active for more than 1 week, I will Rmail you, and if you do not reply within 3 days, your kicked out of de RP. ;D ))
3:15am Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 249
TURTLENECK!!!! Name: Murk Gender: female Age: young adult Looks: Sorry couldnt get a picture, She is a light grey and is white underneath Personality: She is quite and kind and gentle History: born in star pack but moved to moon pack because of Love <3 Pack: Moon pack Rank: normal member
Crush: Aero Other: TURTLENECK!