11:40am Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 3:50pm Jun 19 2011)
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Posts: 1,016
Okay. Since we had more males, I will let you have only one female to keep the gender ratio even. Accepted. You can start roleplaying now.
3:44pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 4:03pm Jun 19 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Can I join? :3 Turtleneck Name: Cerise Gender: Female Age: Adult Looks:  Personality: Cerise is a shy and quiet wolf, who likes to play by the rules and would never even think of doing anything she isn't supposed to. She's very gentle and sweet, and loves taking care of other's pups, though she'd never fathom of having her own. She can be funny, and she has a sweet, gentle, quiet voice. History: Nothing significant has ever happened in her past. Pack: Star Pack Rank: Member? Crush: None Other: Nada ... Name: Tyrian Gender: Male Age: Adult Looks:  Personality: Tyrian tends to keep to himself. He's snappy and disrespectful, though not to those who are higher than him. He's stubborn and strong willed, and dislikes being around too many wolves. Ever since the loss of his sister, he's slowly built up a wall around himself, not allowing anyone who could possibly make his heart ache like his sister did. History: When Tyrian was still little, his mother had a second litter. Since most of his siblings had died from a spreading disease at the time, his little sister had become his whole world. Many months later, when Tyrian had almost matured, his sister went missing and was never found. Tyrian has never been the same since. Pack: Moon pack Rank: Member Crush: None Other: Nope

3:53pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
Spice, You would need to have one more wolf, a male. I only let the other player have only a female as it is. But you would be accepted if you had a male... so please add one? Also, make the male in Moon pack, to keep the pack ratio even.
4:03pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Okay, sorry, I added him. ^^
4:07pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
Okay, thank you ^.^ You can see how we have been roleplaying. Not too much. But you can start to roleplay!
4:11pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((I've been waiting for some of the other members to post before I go ahead.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:14pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
(( Yesh, I know. I'm waiting, too, maybe for another member to post. ))
4:15pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 5:48pm Jun 19 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 87
{ Heh, me too. ^^' } {EDIT: Blehh, still no one's posting... I'll start, I guess...} Cerise woke to the sun shining heartily on her tender face. She peered at the cheerfully bright light beneath her eyelashes, then immediately turned away to bl ink away the tears that had formed in her hazel eyes because of the blinding light. She giggled at her own foolishness and sat up to look around curiously. Her red-brown fur shone with health and softness and the sunlight bounced off of it as she turned her head to and fro. She stood up, delicately stretching before she set off at a merry trot to get a drink of water. ... Tyrian grumbled pessimistically as the sunlight hit his face, putting him in a bad mood instantly. No one in the pack would have been very surprised-- his mood could easily plummet over the stupidest things. There was never a day that this guarded wolf was ever at ease. He stood up, glancing around him. It was completely quiet, of course -aside from the annoyingly perky birds and their constant chirps-, because he had chosen to sleep away from the rest of the pack -though still in pack boundaries, of course- in an attempt to actually sleep. He couldn't see how any of the others could stand the constant chattering, the pups' never ending whimpers, all of it. Though they were the ones who were always making such noises.... He sighed and shook his head, and stood up to join the rest of the pack.

3:31am Jun 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 249
Murk woke up to the light sound of water trickling onto the boiling hot rocks. She stared up at the pale blue sky, she noticed that there was no clouds just a plain blue. She had been told once or twice that her eyes were as blue as the skys but she found it hard to believe her eyes could be such a beutiful colour like the sky. She swallowed slowely, noticing that her mouth was dryer then normal so she headed away to get a drink.
2:13pm Jun 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 87
{ Is it okay if I make Cerise Tyrian's long lost sister? } Cerise lowered her head to the water and lapped it up gratefully, her sandpaper mouth immediately being replenished. A twig behind her snapped, and she perked her ears. Turning around, she saw Murk. "Hello," she greeted warmly, her honey-brown tail waving. ... Tyrian sighed and lied down, now inside pack boundaries. His thoughts wondered to his sister, and he sighed. He thought of her beautiful, soft brown fur, her friendly hazel eyes, her infectious laugh... As much as he didn't want to admit it, he really, really missed her. No! He growled in his mind, stop that! He shook his head, clearing his thoughts of his sister and building up his wall of emotion. And they wonder why he hates being social.
2:24pm Jun 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
Maerd flicked his ears back as he heard the paws that padded ever so lightly against the ground to warn him of a new commer. He turned back, forcing down a threatening snarl, looking to see who it is. "Ah, Haji, you startled me." he says, rising slowly into a more relaxed stance. "I'm fine." Maerd lied. Something was truly nagging him. It brought a slow knot into the pit of his stomach. It was Spring again, the time to pick mates. Not that Maerd was particularly interested in any Fae's, but, this time of year only brought trouble. ((I meant to wait, but it looks like the other people have gone on vacation or something. Aleara and Gylz will be posted later.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:25pm Jun 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
Maerd flicked his ears back as he heard the paws that padded ever so lightly against the ground to warn him of a new commer. He turned back, forcing down a threatening snarl, looking to see who it is. "Ah, Haji, you startled me." he says, rising slowly into a more relaxed stance. "I'm fine." Maerd lied. Something was truly nagging him. It brought a slow knot into the pit of his stomach. It was Spring again, the time to pick mates. Not that Maerd was particularly interested in any Fae's, but, this time of year only brought trouble. ((I meant to wait, but it looks like the other people have gone on vacation or something. Aleara and Gylz will be posted later.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:22pm Jun 20 2011 (last edited on 7:22pm Jun 20 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
(( Yus, its ok if they are siblings :3 )) Haji stumbled back when Maerd growled at him, but stalked toward him again. He knew that Maerd was not alright, for he can see it in his eyes. "Maerd... Somethings up. C'mon, whats wrong?" He said, trotting over to his side. Water still trickled off his whiskers, he twitched them and licked the water. ~ ((Also, since some people arn't active at the moment, I was wondering of instead Rivka and Maerd having a forbidden romance...? If yes, maybe they can meet in the hunting grounds after Maerd finishes talking to Haji.)) Rivka continued to stalk the elk, slowly and carefully. She pounced at its backside and gripped on tight, but it kicked her in the stomach. She fell off and panted heavily. Then she looked up at the ill female in shock, surprised at her strength. Then She pounced again, this time at the side. It bucked roughly in an attempt to get her off, but Rivka climbed onto the back and clamped her jaws onto the elk's throat. The elk fell down very slowly, and died while she still held on.

7:45pm Jun 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Tyrian gritted his teeth, angry at himself for thinking of his sister. He stood up and paced, trying to put the thought out of his mind. He shook his head, then quickly decided to go hunting instead, to get his mind off of it. He sets off at a brisk pace towards his forest, not really paying attention to his surroundings. Before long, he found himself in unknown territory. Way to go, Tyrian, he told himself angrily, you got yourself lost. He heard something in the distance... Voices? One in particular. Why did it sound so familiar? Curious, he cautiously walked forward. As the voices grew louder, the forest thinned and came out into a clearing, a river. Two wolves stood talking. One, in particular caught his eye... Why....? Then, he realized it. ... Cerise looked up as she heard another wolf approach. "Hello," she said sweetly. He just stood there, his eyes wide and his jaw slacked. She stepped towards him. "Is something wrong?" she asked. He seemed to snap out of it. "Uhm, hi," he managed to spit out. "Is something wrong?" she repeated, smiling at him in a friendly manner. "C-could you point me towards the Moon Pack?" he asked. "Sure, it's over there," she nodded in the general direction of the pack. "Are you sure...?" He scurried away swiftly, leaving Cerise's question hanging. "What a strange wolf," she giggled. What she didn't know, however, was that Tyrion had just ran into someone that he had thought he lost forever.

6:19am Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((Sure, would you be OK if maybe they even had pups?)) Maerd replied solemnly, "It's nothing Haji. I think, I just need some alone time. I'll just go hunting or something." He wandered away from Haji, and was eveloped by the Pine Tree forest. As soon as he was out of the watchful eye of his friend Haji, Maerd started to run, leaving everything, including his usual on high alert sense, behind. He felt his heart beat faster and faster, and he could feel his muscles working, pushing him forward. 'This is easy,' he thought. He burst into a clearing, scattering a herd of elk that were already running, unusally. Maerd laughed out load, enjoying himself way too much. The he stopped dead. He was not the only one enjoying himself in the Meadow.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:31am Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[ How should I post my intros ._. ]]
6:49am Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((You should just post them doing something that really describes them as a character, or you could be trapesing through the woods and happen upon the Pack or something like that. Just a suggestion... :T ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:15am Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
( Sure, Nom, That would be cool ^^" ) Rivka started eating quietly. Then she heard something. She twitched her ears and looked up, seeing a unfamiliar male wolf. She licked the blood and extra meat off her jaws and walked in front of her meal,eyeing the wolf. ~ Haji shrugged. He trotted back to the water and, again, gripped on the rock with his claws so he didnt flow away with the river. He rested his head on the rock and, suddenly, a rough wave pushed him off of the rock. He started to flow rapidly with the river, trying to grasp onto anything that he can. He went underwater, above water, and under again. Then he gripped on the land next to the river and held on. He climbed up to land, and then laughed at himself. How foolish of me. He said, smirking.
8:49pm Jun 21 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[ I already described their character in the bios... ._.'' -confused- ]] Ketu trotted out of his den, twitching his tail in frustration. It was obvoius that he had awoken late, as he could hear the Star Pack already bustling with life. Wolves surrounded him everywhere, and Ketu nodded to each wolf respectively. Hopefully Maerd had sorted out the patrols and such already, Ketu was in no mood to find out which wolf was to do what at the moment. --- Ailyn lazed on her favorite sunning rock, enjoying the sun on her back. Her pelt felt warm and comfortable, perfectly groomed. She didn't want to hunt, and was glad that Ketu had woken up late. A few passing wolves gave her disapproving looks, but Ailyn easily shrugged them off. --- Skoll stalked back into the camp, dragging a large hare by the foot. He tossed the limp animal into a den, hearing thankful little yaps. Skoll couldn't supress a smile. The pups needed food, and it was their first week of being weened off their mother's milk. He sauntered to the center of the camp, observing the life of Moon Pack. --- Leto had taken a stroll around the territory, enjoying the breeze on her back. Her tongue lolled out and her eyes were rather glazed. Leto was obviously off-guard, but she felt safe hidden inside the Moon Pack territory, not straying into the opposing end. [[ Derp. Sorry if this interferes with anyone's characters. I didn't read any of them o-o It would be appreciated if they were bothered? o3o ]]

12:54am Jun 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 249
Murk watched the big wolf walk away, she turned away and gleamed at Cerise. Murk had always secretly been jelouse of Cerise, she has always been the nicer, better-looking one and to Murk her fur looked like a stray dogs fur. It was always scruffled up. Murk sighed at the thought and then went over to the fresh trickling water beside Cerise, she started slurping at the water a little embarresed at the sound she made.