Unwanted ~Wolf RP~

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6:27am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

Maerd: "Who are you?" I growl threateningly to this wolf. For all I know, she could be the enemy, and I have caught her hunting on our lands, if, that is, I still am in our lands. I bare my teeth and prepare to spring at this Fae.

((So short, but I'm low on muse and kind of confused. Is Ketu expecting Maerd to organize patrol and stuff? Becuase if I'd of known, I would of started out with him doing that... :T Just saying...))

((Also, I can't post with Gylz or Aleara until someone joins either of them. Please do as I don't want them to fall behind! Aleara is probably hunting somewhere near Maerd and Rivka, while Gylz is sorting his healing stuff in the Medical den.))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:50am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 7:27pm Jun 22 2011)

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Posts: 224

Name: Fireez
Gender: female
Age: young adult
Personality: outgoing, bold, sarcastic, loyal, follows her heart not her head, rarely thinks about what she's doing
History: she was raised in Moon pack but soon left for Star pack because she wanted to expirience life in a different, what she thought was stronger pack
Pack: Star Pack
Rank: warrior
Crush: Karthe

 turtle neck =P


10:01am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 87

Cerise padded back to Star Pack, her thoughts still on the strange wolf that had approached her. Probably just some ol' crazy wolf. She giggled and shook her head. As she entered the pack, she began to look around, hoping to find someone to talk to.


Tyrian thought about the wolf he had just met. Could it be...? he thought slowly, ...Cerise? The thought of possibly finding his long lost sister overwhelmed him. He had to see her again. He set his mind firm on the thought. He would do whatever it takes to see her again, even if it was breaking pack law, he had to confirm that she was the real Cerise.

He began to plan.  


10:10am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016

((Diamond, Your gonna need to make a male. If you read the rules, you would see that. Sui only has one because I allowed it, and someone else made an extra wolf.))

Rivka glared at the wolf, not saying a word. Then she realized that she was on Star pack territory. Her hackles were raised. "Oh... Sorry," She said, trotting up to the male. She stopped about a foot or two away from him. "I didn't mean to hunt on your territory." Suddenly, a spark of exitement went through her. She was talking to a Star Pack wolf!


Haji left toward the pack dens, to cool off. He crawled into one, panting.

((Sorry. That was kinda... short. Haji has nothig to do.))

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10:20am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

((It's fine, I can't even post with Aleara or Gylz because I have no one to RP with.))

Something was different about this wolf. Suddenely, I felt like she was the only thing in the universe. LIke she was the moon that I howled to so longingly. 'Is this...love?' I think, taking a step back. "No, no, it's fine, um." I say, unsure of myself. "What's your name?" I ask, feeling longing deep, somewhere inside me, somewhere.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

11:10am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016

Rivka smiled, happy this didnt turn out to be a fight. "I'm Rivka!" She yipped happily. "Whats your name?" She studied the wolf carefully, wondering why he seemed so... nervous? Something about the male made her very happy. Then she widened her eyes, knowing what it meant. Love? She thought to herself.

(( Haji needs something to do... ))

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11:28am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

(Which pack is Haji in? More importantly, which pack is Gylz in? I've forgotten xD)

Maerd: I feel all worked up. I'm trying to hard. Or, am I not trying at all? I'm so confused. 'Why is love, if this is indeed love, so darn complicated?' I think. "I-I'm Maerd. If you swap it around, it spells Dream." I say, trying to make myself sound interesting. 'Stupid! That was a stupid thing to say!' I think, angry at myself. "Everyone calls me Aer, though." I say, trying to cover up my foolish mistake. 'Man, this seems so smooth, so easy for her. How can that be?' I think. 

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

11:30am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496
(I just looked. Maybe Gylz and Haji could be friends? Haji could go and hang out in the Med. Den. It'll give us both something to do.)

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

11:53am Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016

((Sure, that'll be a good idea.))

Rivka giggled. "Thats cool," She says. "My name used to be Neveah, but I changed it. Thats Heaven backwards." She started playing with a pebble, tossing it around with her paws. Then she looked over to the elk carcass, then back at Maerd. "Want something to eat?" She asks, changing the subject.


Haji yawned, bored. He decided to visit his friend Gylz. He trotted over to the medicine den. He trotted in and said, "Gylz! Wazzup?" In front of him now.

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12:03pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

Maerd: My eyes widen. "Neveah is a very beautiful name." I say, then I stop myself (he theoretically slaps himself in the face). "Rivka is beautiful too!" I say, trying to cover myself up. Rivka changes the subject quickly. 'It was getting a little awkward, after all.'  I think. "Sure. Thanks!" I say, walking over to her kill.

Gylz: I'm just checking my Thyme and Rosemary Paste when my good friend Haji walks right in. I sigh, but try to seem just as excited as he alwasy seems to be. 'I really don't have time for this right now. I suppose I couls spare a few seconds.' I think. "Not much Haji, just checking my stores." I say. 'There. I'd like to see him get a conversation starter from that!' I think, almost evilly, but not quite.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

12:29pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016

Rivka starts walking to the kill, smiling at his compliment. She reaches the kill and starts gorging it down. Then a pain strikes at her stomach, and she yelps. "Ow?" She said questionably. Then she remembered that this female elk had kicked her in the stomach, and the pain just started now. She sat down, hoping that this pain isn't too serious.


Haji shrugged."Interesting, I guess." He looked around, then asked, "Isn't it boring? You know, being a med wolf and all?" Then he had an idea. "Hey, maybe we can ditch right now and go have a little fun! Maybe... we can travel all the way to Gravel Lake? Thats far away, and'll take us a few days to get to. But it'll be fun, right? C'mon!" He happily said.

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12:44pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

Maerd: I let her go first, and I move around to the deer's neck, and start to rip open the skin and meat, wolfing down great chunks (wolfing xD Lol). The Rivka announces her pain in the form of an "Ow". I become immeadiately worried. "What's wrong? Are you Ok?" I say, my voice going all high and squeeky.

Gylz: 'Da.mn, how'd he do that?' I think, amazed that Haji had found conversation. "I really can't. Plus it's so far, and someone in the pack may need me!" I protest. "And being a Medical Wolf is not boring. Not at all!" I say, slightly annoyed at what Haji truly felt.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

12:56pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016

(( Wolfing, lol. Wolf language! ))

Rivka looked up at Maerd. "Uh, yea, I'm fine... That elk, just kicked me in the stomach while I was hunting it." She said, frustrated. There was only a slight pain now. She smiled at Meard, happy that he would be worried about her. She really, really liked him! She lowered her head toward the elk, this time eating slower and more mannerly.


Haji's hopes went down, his tail drooping down too. "Alright..." He said mopingly. "Don't you want to do anything?" He asked, frustrated.

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1:08pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

Gylz: 'You're going to nag me about this, aren't you?' I think to my consciounce. 'Yep' a voice in my head says. "Ok, fine. But we're not going as far as Gravel Lake. Why not Alpine Stream instead?" I say, turning my attention back to Haji.

Maerd: Rivka returns to eating, but I don't I sit down patiently, watching her, while simultaneously trying to figure out my feelings toward her. 'Do I love her? Do I not? Why are there so many questions? Oh wait, that was a question...' I think. "Are you sure you're Ok? I can go and get my Medical Wolf if you're not!" I say, worried, and slightly anxious.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

1:24pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016

Rivka stopped eating and looked up at Maerd. "Well, If you want me to go to a med wolf, thats fine. Maybe he'll help." She said, stretching.


Haji shrugged, but said, "Fine. Good enough. Lets go! We're gonna have to cross the hunting grounds though, and who knows who's there right now..." He said. He trotted out of the den and gestured Gylz to come with a flick of his tail. He smiled, happy to get his friend out of this den for once.

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1:38pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

Maerd: I feel confused, like someone is trying to pull me to one side, yet another that I never knew to the other. I feel like I should report Rivka, like that was what I should of done all alone, yet something else tells me that this might indeed be love, and Rivka is my true Soul Mate. "Well, it's not that. It's just, I care for you, you know? I feel this deep connection, somewhere, deep inside me. Like I have to protect you at all costs." I say, feeling stupid and corny, but honest. This is the first time during the whole of our meeting that I've shown my true feelings.

Gylz: I laugh and follow after the friend that I call Haji. 'Who know's what trouble we're going to be in now.' I think, chuckling slightly as I follow after Haji. 

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

1:53pm Jun 22 2011

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Rivka tilted her head slightly and smiled. "Really? Dude, cause I feel the same way about you!" She said, looking into his eyes with her grassy green eyes. Suddenly all pain left from her stomach, and she felt so much happier, like she was in the perfect place called heaven.


Haji ran out of the territory, exited for this new adventure. As Gylz followed, he stopped when he reached the hunting grounds. He saw his friend Maerd with an unfamiliar female. "Meard?" He said, only loud enough for Gylz and himself to hear.

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1:59pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 496

Maerd: I fill with delight and joy, all the pent up hatred and anger kicked out of the door, and almost gone forever. "Really? You do?" I ask, my voice high, almost laugh like. The a great weight drops on me. Almost like a bombshell, my fantasies of ong walks throught the woods and pups together are gone. "But, our packs. They won't ever allow us to be together!" I say.

Gylz: I join up with Haji. "Hey, why did you stop?" I ask, confused and slightly annoyed. 'First he drags me out here, and now he stops with no warning at all! What is going through this wolf's head?' I think.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:27pm Jun 22 2011

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Posts: 1,016

(( Well, Suiyou just quit, so I have to take her off :( but oh well... :) ))

Rivka sighed, thinking of a way to be with Meard. "Well, we can keep it a secret for now. We can-" She looked over, hearing a voice. More Star Pack members... "Meard? Do you know them?" She asked sheepishly.

Haji looked over to his friend. "Is that Meard?" He asks, confused. "Is he supposed to be with that Moon Pack wolf?" He asked, slightly irritated at his packmate Maerd.

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6:32pm Jun 22 2011

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[[ I think I'll quit too, if this becomes just a 1x1 between you and Nom ^^' ]]

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