2:57pm Jun 25 2011
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(( Okay, Shade can be an Alpha, since Star pack really needs it. Accepted. ))
3:07pm Jun 25 2011
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Kaos froze and turned around, looking at the white wolf."You're from Moon Pack?" He guessed calmly. He was in a submissive stance now, to show he didn't mean any harm, even though he was a beta. Maybe if she seemed like a stupid wolf once he got to know her, he would be mean to her, but for now he was going to give her a chance. Keitha yelped as she walked through the woods and stepped on something sharp. She lifted the hurt paw off the ground and looked at it. Her right front paw was bleeding and there was a rock where her foot had been. She continued walking, but without letting her front right paw touch the ground. She could see Haji and Glyz, and paused, taking a few seconds to stare at Haji. Ylera woke up and stretched out, quickly realizing Rivka was not there. "Nykamar!" She barked. The white and black wolf's eyes shot open, and he stood up. "What?" "Where is Rivka?" She asked impatiently. "Hunting, I think," Nykamar answered. "Did anyone go with her?" "Not that I know of, alpha Ylera."

3:22pm Jun 25 2011
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Rivka Stood, staring at the newcomer. "Yes." She growled. She knew he meant no harm, but was still in a protective stance. She glared at the wolf, not taking any chances to trust anyone anymore. She frantically tried looking toward the trees here Meard and Haji left, wondering what was taking so long. Haji heard a yelp from behind him. He looked and saw Kietha, holding up her paw. "Wait a minute, Meard." He called to him as he ran to Kietha's side. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked his packmate loyally. He cared for his pack very much.
5:15pm Jun 25 2011
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( bump? )
10:39pm Jun 25 2011
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Posts: 6
(( turtleneck)) Name: Xanri Gender: Male Age: 2 Years Looks:
<a href="http://s1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/Zeusie2/?action=view&current=wolfbobbyololo-1.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/Zeusie2/wolfbobbyololo-1.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> Personality: agressive and protective of pack members. History: family caught in wildfire while Xanri hid deep inside a bear den while the bear was away. Pack: Star
Rank: member
Crush: Open - looking
Other: i'll finish my wolf tomorrow cause i have to get off. sorry
1:19pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"It's alright." Kaos explained, lowering himself to the ground, in a submissive stance, even though he was a beta. "I'm not going to hurt you." He paused. "Ylera is my sister." He mentioned. "I have promised her I will not hurt her pack." "I stepped on a sharp rock and cut my paw." Keitha said," It will heal. It's just a little sore." She wanted to smile as she looked at Haji, but didn't.
1:32am Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 3,371
7:03am Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
((Agh! Sorry it took so long for me to reply!)) Maerd: I stare intensly into Haji's eyes as he asks me the one question I pray he does not. I don't want to answer, but I feel like I'm compelled too. "Yes." One question equals one answer, why I chose one word to be that answer, well, that's just me. (Maerd is feeling angry, don't tempt him to much. Gylz is on temporary hold as I have no muse at all for him...... not a good excuse, I know, but it's true.)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:39am Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Sorry I took a bit also, :) )) Haji nods. "Okay. You might want to have Gylz take a look at it, though. Just in case, y'know?" He says. Then he trots back to Meard. "So... She is your mate?" He asks, but freezes in his tracks when he sees that Kaos has discovered Rivka. "Look, Kaos is here." He whines, feeling also a little protective of Rivka, since she might be his friend's mate. ~ Rivka still stared at the male, feeling awkward that someone would give her a submissive stance. Knowing he will not hurt her, her eyes got softer.
3:36pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
Maerd: "Kaos? That little kniving theif of a wolf. He's been out to get Rivka's heart, no doubt about it. Well he'll have to go through me first, and no, she is not my mate. Not yet." I say as I walk back beside Haji, who is my friend again. I leave Haji, and dash back to Rivka, who is looking at Kaos softly, almost as if they have feelings. It makes my blood boil, and I know that I must win Rivka's heart first before Kaos does. I turn, my glare evil and malicious as I look at Kaos. "What are you doing here?" I say threateningly, forcing a snarling growl back down my throat. (Waiting for Murk, and still no muse for Gylz)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:40pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 1,016
( Kay. ) Rivka's ears fold back as she trots closer to Meard's side. She sticks like glue, hoping nothing bad will happen. So if he goes, she goes. If he does not, She will not. "I don't know what to do. And please, dont get into a fight with him. Not another." She pleads to her soulmate. She has feelings for both the new wolf and Meard, but this is so complicated. Haji followed, standing next to Rivka while she stood next to Maerd.
8:03pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 778
Shade looked up from her fish dinner. She had more fish is any wanted. Shade held her head and howled. It was the call of Fish. She lay on her grey side, pawing at the dirt. She was a bit lonely at times. She needed friends. Shade howled again. It was like a sad sad song blowing through the wind.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
11:35pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 1,148
{{{okay guys. Alice is back. Sorry I was gone. My son was REALLY sick. anyone want to fill me in on what's going on?}}}
10:06am Jun 28 2011
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10:21am Jun 28 2011
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(( Rivka (my charrie) was hunting and Maerd (Nom's charrie) was talking to Haji (my charrie). Then Meard went to the hunting grounds and saw Rivka, and they fell in love. Then Gylz (Nom's charrie) and Haji find out that Maerd fell in love with a wolf from a differant pack. Then Haji and Maerd got into a little fight about it, and when they stopped, Haji realized that Nom was in love, so they went into the forest to clear things up. After that, Haji ran over to Keitha (Kupa's charrie) after she stepped on a sharp rock. He went to see if she was okay, and went back to Meard. Then Haji saw that Kaos (Kupa's charrie) was there. Kaos was talking to Rivka, and Meard ran up to them very defensivly, knoing that Kaos will try to steal Rivka from him. Rivka then thought to herself who he really had feelings for... Meard or Kaos. ))
11:30am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 1,148
{{{Alright. Thanks for the update. Now I just have to figure out where I can make my Charries fit in.}}}
1:29pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
Maerd: I look at Kaos, supressing a growl, when Rivka speaks. Completely caught out, I turn back to my future mate. "But!" I protest. I'm almost whinning to Rivka. She has complete control over me. Eve though she will probably follow my every move, she still has the dominant position in this, interesting relationship. Gylz: I follow Haji over to Keitha, but slowly, being more reclusive. After Haji leaves and returns back to Maerd, I approach, slowly. "Hello. My name is Gylz. May I see your paw? It may need medical treatment." ((I typed this up, got halfway through it, then left for an hour, and I'm posting it now. Sorrt if it conflicts with anything in the past, present or future.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:10pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Kaos might as well have died at the moment Rivka went to Maerd. he looked away from them, ears flat to his head. He opened his mouth as if he was going to speak, but stopped himself and said nothing. Then he heard something move behind him. Looking away from the other wolves and into the woods, he turned around. But he couldn't see anything. He wandered closer to where the sound had come from, then noticed the huge grizzly bear. He growled at it, but the bear stood up stood up on its hind legs and roared, then came back down angrily onto four paws. Kaos' eyes were wide and he was scared to death. He was backing away from the bear, which was obviously agressive. "Maerd!" He barked fearfully. "Protect Rivka! I-I'll lure it to me...and then you'll have a chance." He nodded to Haji, hoping the wolves understood his plan. He would lure it to him while Maerd kept Rivka out of the fight. When the bear attacked Kaos, Haji would have a chance to kill it.
3:23pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Bears are just a menace to everyone...)) Maerd: I watch Kaos, but he does not speak, although he looks angry. He stalks away, and I turn to Rivka for about three seconds, only to turn back and find that he has gotten a Bear mad at him, and now we have to fight it. 'How the hell did he do that?' I think angrily. But I follow his instructions, and block Rivka from the Bear. If need be, I'll lay down my life, just so Rivka has the chance to escape. She is the only wolf in the world that I would do this for. The only wolf in the world.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:46pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Kaos snarled at the bear. It swung a huge paw at his head, and he ducked. He bit the bear's front leg, and it knocked him to the ground. If he didn't move fast, he'd be killed. Kaos struggled to get up, but the bear knocked him onto his back. He started to get up, but the bear now had him pinned down. He panicked. He struggled, trying to get free, then realized it was hopeless. He couldn't help but look sadly back at Rivka. He turned back to his attacker and looked the bear in the eyes and snarled, just before its massive jaws closed around his skull.