Unwanted ~Wolf RP~

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4:28pm Jun 28 2011

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Posts: 496
Maerd: 'I may hate him, I may wish him well to be dead, I may do whatever I please. I may not watch him die.' I think, before springing myself away from Rivka, and onto the back of the bear. I bite the neck, although it's mostly made up of fur and fat. 'Man, this is one fat bear.' I think. Between clenched teeth, I shout, "Haji! Help!" or something like that.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:47pm Jun 28 2011

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Haji's ears perk and he springs into action. He grasps his jaws around the  bear's thick skull and clamps down, hard. He is snarling and strugling to get his teeth through the bear's fur and skin. He finally reached the hard skull, and he bit down harder, with his mouth filling up with blood.

Rivka's mouth was gaped open and her ears laid back as she saw Haji, Meard and Kaos go after this bear. She walked fastly and hecticlly, hoping to find something to use to somehow hurt the bear in anyway. She saw a elk skeleton, with old bones. She easily ripped a sharp rib off from its ribcage and ran to the bear. She stuck the rib into the bear's chest, and the rib easily slipped through the bears skin.

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1:57am Jun 29 2011

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Kaos looked at Rivka, concerned. He was somewhat angry that Maerd hadn't done what He had asked, These wolves were risking their lives for Kaos, which was exactly what Kaos had feared. He looked at the bear. Rivka must only be fighting because Maerd is. He sighed. What did Kaos have to live for? he looked at the wolves, then at the bear. If I'm lucky, he thought, it'll just kill me. His head was bleeding horribly, but the bear turned around and roared, which let Kaos go. He limped over to Rivka. "Get out of here." He whispered, too weak to speak in his normal voice. "I'll make sure Haji..." He paused." and Maerd get out of here safely. If it tries to hurt them...I suppose I can take the blow instead." He looked at the blood dripping on the ground, then back up at rivka. "Forgive me." He added, then limped back over toward the fight.


10:23am Jun 29 2011

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Rivka looked over to Kaos with pleading eyes. She didn't want anyone dieing. That's why this bear must die. She crawled under the bear and started scratching and biting it's weakest part : The stomach. Her outh filled up with blood, and she coughed and spit it up, but continued biting. That rib from the elk carcass should take effect soon, She thought.

Haji overheard Kaos speaking to Rivka, and was so surprised that Kaos would risk his life for this new wolf. Kaos wouldm't normally do something like this. He continued biting its skuul, and blood flowed into his mouth even faster. He didn't like the taste of it, but he wasn't about to let anyone here get killed by a bear.

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10:27am Jun 29 2011

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Jiavani walked briskly through the forest, her paws thudding lightly on the ground. She kept her nose to the wind, smelling for food. She turns her head every once in a while to be sure that Kieah is behind her. Jiavani keeps sniffing for any sign if elk, but gets nothing. Then, her ears pick up the sounds of an angry bear nearby. Jiavani looked at Kieah. "Stay low. I don't want you to get hurt." Jiavani crept close to the area where the sounds of the bear were coming from. She could now see it, and what she saw with the bear made her tense. Those were wolves from the pack. She turned to Kieah. "Stay here. Don't you dare move." Then, she darted into the fight and jumped at the bear's throat, biting down hard.

Kieah followed her mother, her steps light and soundless. She watched her mother with her nose to the air and mimmicked her. She smelt nothing but trees and her mom. She saw her mother's ears perk up for a second, so she perked hers. She heard it. There was a bear nearby, and it sounded angry. Her mom told her to stay low, so she did just that. She crept in quietly behind her mother. When she saw the fighting, her jaw dropped. Those were her packmates. Her mom told her not to move as she ran off into the fight. Kieah didn't want to stay. She was almost an adult. She wanted to fight. She ran in after her mom and clamped her teeth onto the bear's shoulder.


10:32am Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 496
Maerd: I let go of the bears neck, as that was having absolutely no affect at all on the gret brute. Kaos gives this big speech on how he would give up his life for Rivka. 'This little devil just doesn't stop trying, does he?' I think as I think about what I should do next. Haji is biting the skill of the brute, which is obviously aggravating it, but not as much as Rivka who has crawled under it's belly to do who knows what. 'Wait! Rivka!' I think. I jump off of the bears back, releasing the hold that I had with my claws and teeth, I land on the ground, and turn around to see Rivka scratching and biting the bears stomcah. Blood pours over her, but I ignore that. I leave her and dive for the neck again, except this time underneath. Pushing Kaos out from under the bear, I put myself in his position, and begin scratching and biting the bears neck just as Rivka is doing. The bear doesn't like this, and he must think that I'm still Kaos, because he tries to bite where Kaos had his head, but he misses. Then, annoyed, he claws my side. The pain is everlasting, but I'll survive. Anything to save Rivka.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

10:51am Jun 29 2011

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Rivka,s eyes turned to see Meard doing what she was, except biting and scratching under the neck. Pleased that her tactic was useful enough for someone else to use, she bit even harder and scratched even faster. Risht now, she was safe from the bear, since it could not reach her when she was under the belly. At least, thats what she thought. Then  the bear's back paw stepped on her stomach, right where the elk had kicked her a while ago. She let out a yelp but then started scratching and biting again. The pain was even more excrutiating than before, but she had to save these guys, even though they were from a differant pack.

Haji still had his jaws around the bear's skull, and could see that all of the wolves had the upper hand. He saw that Jiavani came to help, which was really a big help. He saw that Kieah had joined in to, and was worried for her safety. She wasn't full grown yet, but almost. He couldn't do anything about that now, And let her continue biting like he was.

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11:15am Jun 29 2011

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(( Oh my gawd, I'm rereading all this while I'm waiting for you guys while I'm listening to the song Everytime We Touch.... It's so sad and happy and awww :') Sorry I had to say that. ))

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11:22am Jun 29 2011

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Jiavani tore and tore at the neck. The bear's blood was streaming all over her face. She wouldn't stop though. This was her pack. She would defend it until she died. She growled as she kept ripping at the bear's throat. The bear then clawed her face. She let out a whimper, but wouldn't let go. A bit of her blood mixed with the bear's blood that was trickling off her face. She wouldn't let the injury stop her.

Keiah kept biting. She was determined to help. She wanted to show that she could do just as much as the adult wolves could. Sure that was the wrong reason to attack the bear. She should want to do it to protect the others, not prove herself. She did want to protect them, but more so, she wanted to prove that she was just as much a wolf as they were, not a pup. She bit hard and shook her head viciously, tearing at the flesh. Then, the bear kicked her hard, and she flew off the bear and hit the ground hard. 


11:28am Jun 29 2011

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Haji's eyes widened when he saw what the bear had done to Kieah. He didn't know what to do. If he let go, who knows what would happen? He leaped offe bear ran to Kieah's side. "G-Gylz!" He studdered, blood still dripping from his mouth. "Help!" He went back to the bear and bit exactly where he did before. His teeth sank in easily into the puncture wounds he left just a minute ago.

Rivka saw the young wolf fall to the ground, but was in too much pain to get up herself. All she could to was lay under the bear and tear at it's flesh...

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11:44am Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 11:45am Jun 29 2011)

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Jiavani's eyes widened as she saw her daughter get flung off the bear. She had told her to stay out of this. Why doesn't she ever listen, she thought to herself. She looked at her daughter through the corner of her eyes. She wanted to run to her, to help her, but she knew the bear needed to be taken down first. She kept an eye on her daughter though, hoping, willing her to just get up.

Keiah laid there. Her breathing was labored. She let out a soft whine with every breath. Her chest was in so much pain. She tried hard to just breathe slowly, find a way to not be in pain as she took in air. She thought about her mother. She was going to be so angry with her. Then, she thought about the bear. She needed to get up, to get back in the fight. She slowly lifted herself from the ground, graoning as she did from the pain. She then made her way to the bear and sunk her teeth back into the shoulder. She saw his foot come at her, trying to fling her off again, but this time, she moved out of the way. She wasn't going to let this bear keep pushing her around.


12:05pm Jun 29 2011

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Haji saw Kieah get back onto the bear. He growled at her, trying to get the message to her get off and run.

(( Flail, sorry. Not much to work with, right now. ))

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12:13pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 496

(How do you think I feel? Aleara and Gylz were both left hanging by Murk and Kietha. Maerd only got one second of attention from Rivka......)

Maerd: I tear deep into the throat of the bear, feeling the gush of warmth and redness overwhelm me. For a few terrifying moments, I'm blinded by the redness. Then, I begin to regain my vision. The truth of what I did comes into realization, and I gasp, letting the salty blood seep into my mouth. I spit out the awful tasting stuff, before flipping off my back, and rising to my feet. 'I've severed the main blood vessel.' I think. This bear will no longer be a threat.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

1:01pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 1,148

Jiavani saw that Maerd had severed the main blood vessel. She was relieved. Now the bear wasn't anything to worry about. Jiavani let go of the bear and watched the blood pour out of it's neck. She then turned to see Keiah attached to the bear's shoulder. "Keiah! Let go!" She was angry that her daughter had not listened to her, but she was more worried about her daughter than anything.

Keiah let go of the bear's shoulder and dropped to all fours on the ground. Her body was still in pain, but she was finding it a little easier to ignore now. She looked at her mother. She knew her mother was upset, but Keiah was still happy with herself. She was proud of herself for being able to help out her packmates. 


4:07pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 4:37pm Jun 29 2011)

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Kaos had been knocked over when Maerd pushed him. Was Maerd trying to kill me? Probably. He turned his head and saw that the bear was dead. He let out a sigh of releif, then became fully aware of the intense pain in his head. Before, he had been fighting hard enough that he didn't have time to focus on it, but it was now obvious that there was a huge risk of him bleeding to death. He laid his head back down and lay still, closing his eyes within seconds.


4:07pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 4:33pm Jun 29 2011)

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double post.)


4:17pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 496
((Um, did you read my post for Maerd at all? Because Maerd killed the bear by ripping its main blood vessel. So it's dead.))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

4:22pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(I didn't see it. I'll edit.)


4:38pm Jun 29 2011

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4:46pm Jun 29 2011

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Posts: 496

Maerd: I scooched up from under the bear, caked in the quickly drying blood of the late attacker. I push past Kaos as I walk by, my side truly beginning to pain. "Great plan Kaos. You could of gotten us all killed." I say. I walk over to Rivka, who is still under the great bear carcass. "You OK? I heard you yowl in pain." I ask her, worried that the bear might of hit her.

My side is ripped to shreads. Tiny, strips of meat and fur hang from it, and I feel like I've just been shoved through a cheese grater. I lick it tentatively, but it's no use. It will have to be wrapped up by a medical wolf, probably Gylz. 'That's going to be fun.' I think sarcastically.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
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